The FBI did something right for a change

FBI Forensics confirmed what most people already knew.

Alec Baldwin pulled the trigger.

ABC News reports the gun had no malfunction per the FBI Forensic report.

Alec is in big trouble. Though I doubt that he’s going to see the inside of a prison. He should, but we all know that if you have enough fame, fortune, and appear often enough denying that you did something wrong you’ll get away with it.

Halyna Hutchins’ family will perhaps finally see some justice.

Baldwin showed up on CNN still denying that he was negligent, careless, and stupid. He makes it sound like somehow Trump is involved, in that he feared for his life after Trump’s comments on the matter.

Baldwin seems to be counting on people who hate Trump to lose any objectivity at the mere mention of the name and therefore believe his lies.

He goes on to whine about losing jobs.

Big Deal Alec! At least you have the capacity to lose jobs over this, unlike Hutchins who is dead by your hand.

I’ve written about this before, here, and here.

I still haven’t changed my mind. Alec Baldwin was careless, probably didn’t follow the safety protocol for guns on set, and deserves to become persona non grata in Hollywood.

I hope that he’s tried somewhere where the jury pool has a working knowledge of guns, and that the judge in the case throws the book at him.

Poor little Alec may finally learn that guns don’t kill people. Ignorant people handling guns improperly without due respect, kill people.

I think that Alec should be left destitute, or forced to make appearances as the poster boy for gun safety training at the NRA.

Unfortunately, I suspect that his scum bag attorney will spin it so that the poor Armorer takes the rap. It’s likely that will be the direction this goes she doesn’t have the wealth to mount a really good defense and Alec desperately needs to blame someone else.

Even if he destroys that person in the process.

I can’t watch The Hunt for Red October, or Betelgeuse, anymore without focusing on Alec Baldwin. It’s drained the enjoyment out of these movies for me.

His whining about his victimhood hasn’t done anything to help his image either.

The Democrat Party has shit the bed!

After the Mar a Largo raid, (discounting all the Democrat mouthpieces,) it looks like even moderate Democrats are rethinking their party affiliation.

There have been articles scattered around the media talking about Democrats bailing to the Republican side of the party divide for months. On Tuesday, I read one from Philadelphia where a life long Democrat said she could no longer support the party.

Her comment was telling, “The Party left me…”

I felt the same way about the Republican Party several years ago. I truly understand what she’s feeling and how strangely disconnected she feels.

For me leaving the Republican Party, the party of my Father, was difficult. The Democrat Party was equally unappealing. They claimed to be two sides of the coin but as I read and observed their stated positions versus their behavior they weren’t at the time all that different from each other.

So I found a party that at least on the surface appeared to hold beliefs in common with my own. Registering with them ensured that I’d be voting in primaries.

For better or worse, I stand by that decision.

I mentioned to my brother the other day that for the first time in my life I really feared for our Republic…

Yes, boys and girls… We live in a Constitutional Republic.

In this age of almost total functional illiteracy the difference is almost always lost or obfuscated. When politicians are screaming about a threat to our Democracy, they’re talking through their hat. We don’t actually live in a Democracy so there’s nothing to fear losing.

Politicians saying that we have to protect our Democracy are either lying or incompetent. Either way they don’t deserve to be in office.

Ruled by a majority that enjoys unlimited power. Minority groups have no protection. Follows a written Constitution that protects the rights of the minority from being infringed upon by the majority.
Individuals can make their own decisions except in those situations that the majority has limited. Generally, individuals can make their own decisions, especially in situations where the Constitution protects their “unalienable rights.”
While all citizens supposedly have a say in government and are to be treated as equals, the majority often ends up tyrannically ruling the minority. Generally, all citizens are supposed to have an equal say and be treated equally, especially as protected under the Constitution.
The United States is commonly confused for a democracy. However, the will of the people should not, and does not, change the rules that limit the government’s power. Article 4, Section 4 defines the United States as a Republic.
Freedom of religion is permitted to the extent that the majority does not limit religious freedom for the minority. Generally, religious freedom is permitted, especially as protected under the Constitution
Private property is permitted, though the majority may place limits on the property rights of the minority. Generally, private property is permitted, especially as protected under the Constitution.
Great Thanks to

I’m an ignorant Redneck with a diploma from a fly-over state. But, I can read! I also know that any words I don’t understand are defined in a dictionary somewhere and how to look up those words.

…My Brother agreed. He’s more of the history buff in the family and is much better versed in law as a former LEO.

He was raised in a different household than I, and attended school in a completely different State. However, he wasn’t surprised that I knew the difference between a Constitutional Republic and a straight Democracy.

Reading in our family is very important.

His reply was people demanding “Democracy” wouldn’t be happy if they got it. The table above from provides insight into why that would be.

In fact the whole article linked above is a short but interesting read. I recommend it.

The behavior of the Current Administration and their minions in Congress have frankly scared the hell out of me. Apparently this is true of a lot of other Americans.

Now that moderate Democrats are also waking up to the threat, the question is what will be done about it.

We’ve seen multiple examples of Two Tiered Justice. Examples of actions that look a lot more like a police state than a country governed by laws equally applied to everyone. We’ve seen what ungoverned “Majority Rule” looks like when mobs of people don’t like something.

And all the while we’ve heard Politicians and Media making excuses about why this ungoverned majority should get a pass and the other ungoverned majority shouldn’t.

It’s possible large swaths of the American people are functionally illiterate and perhaps didn’t attend civics or government classes. That does not mean that they can’t see where unequal justice is leading.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist.

At the most absurd of extremities Democracy without constitutional limitations evolves into tyranny & tribalism. If the majority in one area chooses to ostracize minority members of that area. Then the minority members will leave the area in search of others where they will be a majority.

The likely outcome is city-states, potentially governed by tyrannical leaders.

What happens then, we can observe through the lens of historical fact. Or just through the lens of our Televisions because it’s happening today in various places around the world.

Divisions over race, religion and politics, leading to conflict and suffering. My description is simplistic and does not address all the nuance but Israel & Palestine? Russia & Ukraine? South Africa? Massacres of Christians in Muslim countries? Massacres of Muslims in Buddhist countries? No-Go Zones in Sweden or Paris?

Ringing any bells?

Absolutely no American should be willing to give up our Constitutional Republic in favor of simple Democracy.

Every American should be screaming at the top of their lungs at Congress to return to the fundamentals of our Constitution and the protection against tyranny it insures.

Simply put. If one group is treated differently, then no group is safe.

The first step is to dismiss from their post, anyone in Congress who refers to our Government as a Democracy. Those calling the United States a Democracy clearly don’t get it.

Or maybe they do get it, and hope you won’t.

Regardless, the Democratic Party has shit the bed.

They’ve made a lot more people ask WTF? That may lead to Democratic voters voting against their party candidates in November even if the voters don’t change Party.

Madness! Posting this can get you arrested in London.

I know England has different laws.

For a long time England has been more authoritarian than the United States. That was a given. Generally, though the English have been running parallel with the U.S. about most things.

Freedom of speech, freedom to assemble, and such. English Parliament versus The U.S. Congress is something I’ve never quite grasped.

Videos of Parliamentary hearings in England appear very chaotic to my admittedly Americentric eyes.

That being said, their way worked for them and it wasn’t my place to poke at or criticize something that I didn’t understand. Their way of governing has worked for a very long time.

An article out of London deserves some serious criticism. The article that got me thinking about this appeared on Breitbart London. Here is a follow-on article from The Daily Mail If you’re interested in how some people in England are standing up and fighting back here is a link to The Bad Law Project.

Apparently you can be arrested in England for posting an “Offensive” image.

I suppose the creators of this abomination of a pride flag don’t like having the unintended consequences of their horrific flag “Artistry” called out.

Especially when it’s called out with truth.

Let’s be honest. The LGBTQI Jabber Jabber whatever community has become something that is quite ugly. This latest iteration of the Pride Flag illustrates this fact in spades. There is no artistry in this flag. No grace or beauty.

In fact when I look at it, I see exactly what the Trans, Non-binary, xyzlmnop, crowd wanted to convey. “We will be greater than the old LGB crowd and we will dominate you.

It’s right there. The mathematical “>” greater than sign, moving left to right as if to eclipse the colors of what had been a joyous, creative, inclusive, crowd of people.

I’ve written before that my opinion of the LGBTQI Jabber Jabber whatever community, is no longer representative of the LGB community that I once knew and enjoyed.

Their claims of inclusion and diversity don’t actually stand up to scrutiny. Walk into a LGBTQI Jabber Jabber whatever community center, and express a different opinion and see where that takes you.

Walk into a similar bar or resort questioning any of the dogma the community clings to and be ready for a fight. Just asking the question seeking to understand why the community supports a particular position is perilous.

Question TransRights for example. Or state that you think the overturning of Roe was the right move because you think it should be legislated by the States not the federal government and WOW! Talk about a hornets nest!

Ask why they so universally hated Trump and they’ll look at you like you’ve got three heads. If they answer at all, it’s a strange melange of CNN talking points and feelings. Rather than cogent rational reasons.

Trump was a homophobe!!!! Really? Then why did he appoint openly Gay, Richard Grenell, to one of the more prestigious ambassadorships? Not really the act of a homophobe is it?

Why did Trump have Grenell serving as Acting Director of National Intelligence?

Why did Trump later summon Grenell to finish the Abrams Accords in an effort to settle some of the strife in the Middle East.

Hardly the acts of a Homophobe.

The irony of Grenell being accepted as a broker of peace and treaties in the Middle East, (known for their hatred of Gay people,) is completely missed.

The funny thing is that most of the LGBTQI whatever community don’t seem to know who Richard Grenell is. Fewer still know he’s Gay and that he and his Husband were together in Germany during his Ambassadorship.

Most of the LGBTQI point to Pete Buttigieg as the first high ranking Gay appointee in our government.

The difference is that Grenell just lived his life. He did his job, and was no different than any other ambassador or Director of National Security.

He saw no need to pound his chest about being Gay. He wasn’t in the closet, he just didn’t have his whole world revolving around his sexuality. I believe Grenell worked continuously during his treatment for cancer (I could be wrong about that). We didn’t hear much about it, but he was strong, steadfast, and honorable.

Can you say the same about Pete Buttigieg?

Yes, having children is a big deal. However when the supply chain is clearly broken and in chaos, perhaps Pete Buttigieg could have taken time out from his paternity leave and busy diaper changing schedule to actually do his job.

Why? Because the needs of the nation should outweigh personal needs. If he couldn’t do the job due to family obligations… Then, like any man he should have stepped down from the position, and stepped up to the responsibilities of Fatherhood.

Pete Buttigieg had his husband, it wasn’t like his children had no-one to take care of them. Partners of high ranking government officials and soldiers have always carried the load when their spouse needed to attend to the needs of the country. Ask any military wife about that.

How many military wives have given birth to their children without their husbands? How many soldiers have come home after a year to meet their child for the first time?

The LGBTQI Jabber Jabber whatever community, even when confronted with these opinions and facts still cling to their dogma. Sometimes angrily or violently so.

I suspect that’s why the LGBTQI Jabber Jabber whatever community of England is so enraged when they see this.

Because it’s kinda true they’ve become the same kind of unthinking lockstep mob that once threatened to take over the world.

Notice any similarity???

Lest we forget, that same authoritarian dictatorship gassed gay men right along with the Jews, Gypsies, and anyone else they considered undesirable. There is even some evidence to suggest that the oh so stylish SS uniforms were designed by a Gay man. So hypocrisy isn’t new.

It’s not just the LGBTQI Jabber Jabber whatever community, in England. The same crowd and same dogma exists here in the U.S.

The same technological terrors of Twitter and FaceBook that caused this arrest in England are right here in the U.S. and they’re busily censoring free expression of opinion here, just as they do in England.

The difference is that our laws haven’t become quite as Gestapo-like as those in England. But the LGBTQI Jabber Jabber whatever community, here in the U.S. appears to be pushing for them to be.

Hate speech is an ill defined and bullshit term. Without clear definition anything can be construed as Hate Speech.

Memes, or images that you personally don’t like are not Hateful by nature. Although I could probably think up some that would be.

Even an image of bloody ANTIFA morons, or looters roped across the hood of a BMW like deer with a guy smiling holding an AR-15, captioned with, “Season is open, no bag limit!”

Is not hateful. It’s in extremely poor taste. It also sums up the mood of many Americans during the Summer of “Mostly Peaceful Protests

Such an image would be censored instantly by the technological terror known as the internet.

It’s well past time for the perpetually aggrieved to grow a thicker skin. To Grow up and accept that the world and all the people in it do not exist to coddle their fragile feelings.

Maybe if they’d been called names in school, if they hadn’t been given safe spaces to cry, if they’ been graded on their achievements instead of given a pass just to move them to the next grade, they’d be functional people instead of crybabies in gender confused oversexed adult bodies.

Maybe if they’d heard, “Walk it off, go rub some dirt on it.” These crybabies would be better prepared to deal with a world that doesn’t and never will bow to their whims.

I personally think that weaponizing law enforcement and using them like Mommies and Daddies to settle hurt feelings is an obscenity. It’s a waste of time, money, and limited resources.

It appears, I’m not alone. As The Daily Mail article points out the police force’s own Crime Commissioner was displeased with the arrest of the 51 year old man for malicious communications.

Perhaps there is hope that the real adults will win the day.

I’m not holding my breath. I’m also not patronizing anything the LGBTQI Jabber Jabber whatever community has to offer.

I’ve wondered about opening a bar for normal LGB and Straight people. You know, a place that actually protects and allows free speech.

I don’t know what the name would be, but the tagline under the name would say something like, “Not a safe space… but a comfortable space to say what you think”

Nah… Probably go broke in the first month.