What happened to “Herd Immunity”?

Caught this article.

This is one of the more disturbing things I’ve read. Yeah, today is my news day. There are times when I wonder why I even look. The dumpster fire that is my country today is revolting.PeteParada1 640x480

The short version of the article is that drummer Pete Parada for the band Offspring has been fired because he cannot take the vaccine. Really, he can’t, his doctor recommended against him taking it because he has Guillain-Barré syndrome.

This is an autoimmune disorder wherein the patient’s own immune response attacks their nerves.

Given that there have been cases of Bell’s Palsy associated with some of the vaccines it is completely logical that Parada’s doctor would recommend against the vaccine in his particular case. You know, under the rule “Do No Harm”, or how about “The benefit of taking the vaccine is outweighed by the risk”

But it gets even better. Parada has already had COVID. He had it last year and has been immune for longer than all these newbies with their vaccinations. Technically he has the GOLD standard of immunization.

Not that it matters to the people in power. Managers, Booking Agents, Hollywood, Politicians, or the Media.

This constant push on the part of the media and our government for everyone to take the vaccine is very strange. There was a time not too long ago where moms would arrange playdates for their children with another child who had measles or chickenpox.


By todays standards, that would have Child Protective Services right up your ass.

But there was method in this apparent madness. Moms could plan to have and care for a sick child. The child had superior immune responses and were extremely likely to get a little sick, get through it, and have lifelong immunity to chickenpox or measles. THE BENEFIT greatly outweighed the risk and inconvenience.

Before there was a vaccine for mumps, it was preferred that all children acquire the disease prior to entering puberty. This avoided much more serious complications of mumps, such as sterility.

As awful and potentially deadly as smallpox is (was) a large majority of people survived it. The vaccine simply was a scientific method of preventing someone catching the disease or being scarred by it. Not everyone in the world today has been vaccinated against smallpox, yet it’s generally accepted that smallpox is a disease of the past. That’s what they call herd immunity.

In the case of drummer Pete Parada if he’s the only person on stage who has not been “officially” vaccinated and all the other members of the band have, what the hell is the problem? He’s going to be at the back of the stage, away from their adoring fans, and  is unlikely to spread COVID.

When did we become a people driven by fear not logic? How is this in any way scientific (following the science) when we are disregarding over 100 years of established medical science. Further since the medical establishment (At least the vocal government sanctioned part of it) has started pushing vaccinations for even people who have already had COVID, how can anyone be surprised at vaccine hesitancy or conspiracy theories popping up?

Suddenly, in 2021 decades of medical information spoon fed to us by the medical establishment is being tossed aside and EVERYONE must take an experimental vaccine. Is it any wonder that Grandma and Grandpa out on the farm might be asking questions?

Then there’s this lovely item in The Atlantic

Juliette Kayyem 640x480Juliette Kayyem writes:

The White House has rejected a nationwide vaccine mandate—a sweeping suggestion that the Biden administration could not easily enact if it wanted to—but a no-fly list for unvaccinated adults is an obvious step that the federal government should take. It will help limit the risk of transmission at destinations where unvaccinated people travel—and, by setting norms that restrict certain privileges to vaccinated people, will also help raise the stagnant vaccination rates that are keeping both the economy and society from fully recovering.


This is from a former assistant secretary for Homeland Security under Obama.


Elsewhere in the piece she does make a point about limiting the spread of COVID via travel restrictions from other countries. I’m sure she called Trump racist and xenophobic when he stopped incoming flights from China.

Now though, she is suggesting a no fly list for the unvaccinated! This is anti-American and once again unscientific on its face.

If you’re vaccinated then you have taken appropriate steps to minimize the transmission of COVID either by you getting it again, (you shouldn’t since you’re vaccinated,) or spreading it because once again you’re vaccinated.

Therefore a no fly list for the unvaccinated is completely UNTHINKABLE, because it’s INSANE.


The vaccine isn’t working like other vaccines have in the past. But do we really know either way? On the one hand we have this oft repeated quote:

…remarkably safe, effective vaccines are widely available, at least to adults.

Yet we have increasing reports of “Breakthrough” COVID infections among the vaccinated. So which is it?

With every passing week, the government attempts to assure the public that vaccination is the ONLY way to go, but then spokespeople from that same government, or those held up by the press as, “People in the know” are undermining that message by their words and actions.

All the Texas Democrats that “fled” Texas to Washington DC were vaccinated. Yet after they met with Vice President Harris, 6 came down with COVID. Then VP Harris ran to Walter Reed for “A routine checkup”.

The VP is vaccinated right?

If she was exposed to some kind of “Breakthrough” variant there’s not a lot that Walter Reed could do. If she was worried about it, she should have quarantined and not exposed everyone else to a potential variant to go to her “routine checkup”.

Isn’t that what the rest of America has been told to do? If you’ve been exposed, self quarantine. I seem to recall something like that over the past year and a half. Even my Doctor said if I’d been exposed to please reschedule my appointment and there’d be no penalty.

That’s my doctor! When have you known a doctor to waive charging you for a missed or late appointment?

Just sayin…

This kind of chaos is not helping to motivate those with vaccination hesitancy, nor is it doing anything to assuage the fear of COVID. All this is doing is deepening the divides between the American people.

We have quite enough division to work through, we don’t need Vaccination status to fracture us further.

Well, here we are in August

The Summer is coming to a close, the children are supposed to be going back to school. (That rite of passage may again be disrupted due to COVID.)

I’ve got a couple of projects to get done before the Winter, those projects are on hold because of the living room and flooring mess.

There’s no reason to paint the stairs if there’re going to be workmen dragging all manner of tools and things up the stairs.

I can lay in supplies for the projects in the mean time. So at least that will be, in some small way, productive.

The flooring is the last piece of the puzzle regarding the living room, then we’ll have to have the fire suppression system inspected and re-pressurized. The jury is still out on the question of the furniture being replaced. At this point it’s likely that the couch and chair will be, but the rest of the wood furniture may have survived.

As we head back into another heat wave, I’m glad that the ceiling is at least back so that the air conditioning won’t be running quite as hard. My “Martian” special worked but was inefficient as far as insulation went. We’re now fully two months into having this disruption in our lives. Although, there are others who’ve been waiting 4 to 6 months.

Between supply shortages and construction repair crews busy schedules there are a lot of people waiting in line for remodels and repairs.

At the moment, I have a pile of trashed building materials on my front lawn and can’t really even do much in the way of yard work. There’s supposed to be a crew member coming up to pick up the trash and the ladders, I expect he’ll be by when the work is complete. It makes more sense to make only one trip instead of several so I’m not really all that worried about it.

This Summer has been a season of things breaking. My faithful 12 year old monitor gave up the ghost a week ago. While I didn’t want to spend money I’m glad I bought a new monitor. Amazon on the other hand said this monitor had more ports than it actually does. Their description was mostly correct except for this one small detail. Nonetheless, the thunderbolt port was there as indicated, and provided me with a method to connect to the computer.

Amazon’s description said there was a Thunderbolt, DV, and HDMI, port. There was only Thunderbolt and HDMI. I think the copy writer on the Amazon site may have grabbed the wrong specifications. Frankly, it’s probably too much of a pain in the ass to return the monitor and call them on their mistake. Going to the Samsung site told me I had the correct model number and that this unit did not contain the DV port. So word to the wise, cross check Amazon’s description and specifications against the actual manufacturer’s before you click that convenient “BUY” button.

In this case it’s not a big deal, but If I’d specifically needed the DV port it would have been.

The panel itself is very nice and crisp. It’s even convenient to watch movies or TV on.

The new router is working like a champ although there have been some situations where firmware updates on it have caused glitches throughout the WiFi devices connected to it. Nothing particularly difficult to resolve, but as is always the case with computer equipment these glitches show up at the most inconvenient times. I’m enjoying the speeds the router provides. I don’t much notice the difference between WiFi and hardline connections. With the previous router, there was a noticeable difference and if I had to do anything intense, like downloading an OS or watching movies I always connected to the hardline. Now I’ve actually moved devices over to WiFi and been able to decommission some of the network switches.

When I reassemble the living room, I’ll be considering connecting everything WiFi and getting rid of cables that aren’t strictly necessary.

Lately, I’ve noticed that I’m not actually watching what little of the news I used to catch. I’ve even stopped reading the news online. It’s all gotten too crazy for me.

Masks, not masks. Vaccine, not vaccine. Mandated Vaccinations No Mandates. Members of Congress saying that they want to create a two class America over vaccination status.

It’s one thing if the media says stuff like that, you pretty much ignored it because they’re the media, BUT when members of Congress start saying stuff like this, it’s head snapping!

When our government starts asking for vaccination proof, we will be uncomfortably close to NAZI or Communist forms of government. Are we at the point that our Republic is already dead? Are we just scrabbling around in the carcass of what was once a great country? Where does that leave what used to be “Average Americans”?

It’s stuff like those questions that makes reading or watching the News an increasingly unpleasant experience. I’m down to looking at the insanity about once a week unless something really catches my attention. At least I’m not completely uninformed but I can’t be any more informed than once a week.

The CDC and Dr Fauci are just casting the bones at this point.

Yep, I’m conflating both of them to nothing more than witchdoctors and quack snake oil salesmen of old.

Masking, Social Distance, for God’s sake get the Vaccine! Oh, ummm. Okay everyone stay masked up.

300 years of scientific progress in medicine and this is the best they can come up with?

Don’t mention the battle over the last decade between the medical establishment and anti-vaxxers. This should give the anti-vaxx crowd years of ammunition.

The current CDC guidance is, in many people’s minds, admitting that vaccines don’t work. That would be funny, if it wasn’t so sad.

It’s also not going to minimize the vaccine hesitancy either, I mean what’s the point? COVID still gonna get ya, vaccinated or not.

The Medical establishment and “Science” are going to have to come up with a lot of cures and very successful treatments over the next few decades to earn any of their credibility back. Immortality might be a good start.

BTW, Those cures had better not come with 10K price tags either. A lot of people on various sites are commenting that they’ve lost all faith in the CDC, the government, their Doctors, and most especially Fauci.

I personally loath Fauci. So take what I say next with a grain of salt, or a salt lick if needed.

Fauci hasn’t changed his spots for 40 years. In the early days of AIDS he stood in the way of experimental and alternative treatments. He was banging the same drum about clinical trials and trusting the science and how more research was needed.

Just as he has recently about Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, and any treatments that other reputable studies outside the US have shown to be effective for the treatment of COVID-19, Ya know, the Wuhan disease… The China Virus…

As today, there were lots of reputable studies being done outside the US that showed promise in minimizing the effects of AIDS. Fauci would hear none of it. As a result, thousands died, horribly and oftentimes alone.

Sound familiar???

What is new in Fauci’s nasty bag of tricks is an experimental vaccine with emergency FDA authorization.

This time around Fauci was ready to cash in on the profits from his holdings in pharmaceutical companies. With AIDS he had to wait a while before approved treatments were developed where he could cash in.

It doesn’t matter to him how many people die as long as he gets his cut. Getting his cut means new drugs, that are patentable.

Old drugs that can be manufactured inexpensively and easily where the patents ran out, are of no interest to Saint Fauci of the mask, even if they’re effective.

Now we have the revelation that Fauci’s organization may have indirectly been funding “Gain of function” research in China. Unsurprisingly at a Wuhan lab which does a lot of research with bats, and by a strange coincidence is where the China Virus COVID-19 first appeared.

If you recall, Fauci said that COVID-19 originated in wet markets where people came into contact with the progenitor virus that became COVID-19. The media was lit up with reports of the virus having suddenly jumped from bat to human. Yet, no trace of that COVID-19 virus evolutionary path has been detected in the caves were the bats live, the wet market, or anywhere else.

Way back in the early days of the AIDS crisis there were reports that HIV had originated from SIV (Simian immunodeficiency virus). At the time there were wild rumors of people having sex with monkeys and that provided the pathway for SIV to mutate into HIV. More realistic reports suggested that the SIV-HIV mutation had been facilitated due to people eating infected monkeys.

Sound familiar?

It occurs to me that, people in both China & Africa have been eating bats and monkeys as part of their cultural delicacies for thousands of years, isn’t it odd that after thousands of years, within a span of 40 years TWO viral strains would suddenly make the jump to humans?

Back in the AIDS days, there were also rather persistent rumors that AIDS had been created in labs by scientists in the Jungles of Africa. These rumors often came from tribal peoples indigenous to the area and were largely discounted because they were “tribal people” it was assumed they didn’t know what they were looking at regarding modern scientific research. The tribal people insisted that they saw hundreds of burned monkey bodies in pits near the labs.

These accounts were universally ignored as pure fantasies of a frightened ignorant group of people.

Maybe they weren’t frightened or ignorant. Maybe they reported exactly what they saw, and they reported it because they perceived it as a terrible waste of meat. To a hunter society, burning hundreds of “meals” would have been offensive enough that they’d have spoken about it.

The slaughter of the buffalo for their skins was unpardonably wasteful to the Native American tribes who were dependent on the buffalo for sustenance. The slaughter proved to the Tribes of North America that the white people were completely insane.

I find myself asking, if there were labs, what were they doing? What were they researching? Why were they there? Were these actually hospitals or clinics that the tribal folks misidentified? Or were they really research labs engaging in bad juju as the tribal folks claimed?

Today, something like 46% of Simians in Africa, have Simian immunodeficiency virus. I wasn’t able to determine if that is a constant percentage, meaning that it has always been that way, or if this is a new phenomena.

If it has always been that way, then you’d expect for the jump to humans to have occurred a long time ago, not “yesterday” in terms of human existence.

Is Fauci’s proximity to both occurrences coincidental? Does he just have bad luck like Hillary Clinton, with friends, associates, enemies, or employees, committing suicide?

Where was Fauci in the SARS epidemic? That too originated in Asia, might that have been a misfire?

Is Anthony Fauci the American version of Josef Mengele? This time though the monster has the whole world to experiment on?

Is there any correlation to AIDS and COVID-19 impact on rather specific populations? AIDS decimated the gay community in some cities. COVID-19 has, disproportionately affected Black, Brown, Yellow, and aged communities. That is what has been reported by various news outlets.

If I were a conspiracy theorist I’d be asking: Might this be by design? Kill off the old. (because they remember inconvenient truths.) Kill off or weaken the “undesirables” because of some grand eugenic design. Then your so called “Master Race”, or “Elite Overlords”, can implement whatever draconian idea of paradise might be. The Third Reich would be proud if they’d come up with a similar plan and the technology to implement it.

Just a further observation. The 1925 Geneva Protocol and its subsequent additions and ratifications prohibit the use of Chemical or Biological weapons.

This isn’t just altruism. It’s pragmatic. The release of Chemical weapons often affects both sides of a conflict. A change in the wind could see your own troops choking from mustard gas you fired at the enemy.

Biological weapons are worse because biology has a nasty habit of continuing to reproduce. The wind simply blowing after a biological weapon is released, could end all wars everywhere on the planet permanently.

It is for these reasons that wise politicians and thinkers have agreed not to use weapons like this.

If COVID-19 is a violation of these wise agreements. Then the perpetrators (creators) must be hunted down, and brought to justice in an international court of law.

Anthony Fauci may find himself in court at The Hague instead of arguing semantics in front of Congress.

That would be a good day, especially if he was brought to justice for all crimes he’s committed throughout the years.

Rest Easy my friends named on the quilt… Your day of justice may finally be at hand.

From the WTF file?

BLM has moved from being an organization that may have had legitimacy at one point, into the realm of jackass clowns looking for attention.

Perhaps it’s more about the Benjamins at this point, maybe it aways was. I’m not sure.

Who knows how much BLM donation money Patrisse Cullors actually funneled into her own pocket.

Now BLMLA has filed another lawsuit in California. This time, against Santa Monica. The first one was against the city of LA. Basically BLM contends that the police weren’t doing their job.


You’ve got to be kidding me!

This is the legal equivalent of beating someone to a pulp yanking their pants down and ass raping them, then kicking their unconscious body before you lift their wallet and run away.

In other words, normal behavior for BLM. (If you’re thinking, “He really doesn’t like BLM,” BINGO! You win the cupie doll!)

At this point I think all of BLM should be in a nasty prison, somewhere in the middle of the Sahara Desert. Their ANTIFA buddies should be staked out in the sun outside the prison.

The eternal whining of self hating lilly white BLM followers about climate change & the lack of air-conditioning in a Sahara prison would be an appropriate warm up to eternity in hell for the leaders of the organization including Patrisse Cullors.

When will people wake up to the fact that BLM has done no good for the people they claimed to be standing up for? Donations didn’t go into the community or to the families who lost loved ones. BLM didn’t even help with funeral expenses. But they sure did capitalize on dead people and their families. BLM was nothing but a SCAM. BLM didn’t start out as a SCAM, but it degenerated into one pretty damn fast.

I’d like to see a class action counter suit against BLM Inc, consisting of all the people who lost homes, businesses, neighborhoods, and peace of mind.

Because I like irony, perhaps BLM should pay reparations???

Whatever legitimacy BLM may have had in the beginning is long gone.

Now in a lot of folks minds, BLM has become conflated with ANTIFA, violence, murder, rioting, looting, defunding the police, and utter lawlessness. They’re responsible for more gun sales than any organization in history short of maybe World Wars, The RED scare, or the KKK.

I’ll remind you that the KKK did drive gun sales… Among African Americans!

African Americans knew the police or other authorities weren’t going to help them. It was incumbent upon them to protect themselves, their families, their homes, and communities.

This is where the antics of BLM and ANTIFA with their year-long rioting have led all Americans. They’ve destroyed police moral (if not entire police forces), the law, and severely damaged society. So all Americans are re-learning the same lesson African Americans learned long ago.

If you cannot depend on the laws of the land, you must depend on the oldest law on the planet.

The strongest survive. The weak, diseased, and parasites don’t.

So thanks BLM… I’m really looking forward to living in “Mad Max” world.

Now, I’m off to weld spikes & add nitrous to the BMW. Later I’m planning to take a fuel truck from hijackers who’ve got it now!

Good Job!

I saw this and my Brain “BlueScreened”

The article located here, and elsewhere on the net, is astounding. I’m not going to bother linking the other articles because they’re all pretty much the same except for their biases. (Some media outlets are implying that it’s okay, others are calling it what it is.)

Image from OutSpoken (www.getoutspoken.com) Thank you OutSpoken.

The short version is this;

The Seattle pride festival has now been split into “Pride” where everyone can attend and “Pride for people of color” where white people and their accomplices must pay $10 – $50 to attend. Essentially the POC folks are charging a “Poll Tax” to white folks. How much you pay is apparently some arbitrary bullshit sliding scale that is undefined. Meaning that even mixed couples, if they want to attend together will be charged.

So while LGBTQ Inc. says, “We’re fighting for inclusion,” they’re actually fighting for segregation.

They’re fighting racism… With Racism!

This was the first time this morning my brain “Blue Screened” and rebooted.

Picture this; A mixed couple is on a budget. They get into a fight about the cost (which they can’t plan for because it’s actually unknown.) The non-white member of the couple feels like their white significant other doesn’t value them. The white member of the couple feels like they’ll always be making up for a crime they didn’t commit.

Unless there’s a lot of love and understanding they break up, now you have two people who will think twice about ever dating or loving someone who doesn’t look just like them.

This folks, is how racism is born. It’s not always about hatred.

Sometimes racism is just about coming to the conclusion that it’s easier and more comfortable to not try to bridge the cultural gap. The wider the gap, the less likely someone is to spend the energy, much less weather the vitriol.

Straight relationships are hard to begin with. Mixed straight relationships are harder. Gay relationships are harder still and mixed gay relationships are even harder.

(Note: I use the term “Gay” in its antiquated all inclusive term meaning all homosexuals. I don’t have the time or inclination to create a truth table delineating all the permutations and combinations possible. If you’re offended… Well, Kiss my ass!)

What made this article bubble to the top of my awareness was this line.

“White allies and accomplices are welcome to attend but will be charged a $10 to $50 reparations fee that will be used to keep this event free of cost for BLACK AND BROWN Trans and Queer COMMUNITY,”

Accomplices? The reparations thing is complete and utter parasitic bullshit. I discarded it from my processing. Accomplices though caught my attention. Accomplices in what exactly? That word is commonly used in the description of criminal behavior. To what crime exactly are these jackasses referring?

I sure as hell don’t know. Especially since the gay community that I remember fondly was welcoming of everyone.

At the time, the gay movement couldn’t afford to be divisive or exclusionary because there were so few places where gay folks could be gay with other gay people, without repercussions.

Fire Island, Palm Springs, San Francisco, Laguna Beach, Atlanta, Key West. Those were pretty much it. To be sure there were bars in almost every city, sometimes only one, but if you wanted to be completely and unabashedly gay 24/7 these were the options.

Back then gay wasn’t cool. It was a fact, and it came with risk.

Now with general acceptance, has come a lot more gay-ish people. I’ve always thought sexuality was more of a continuum rather than binary. That theory appears to be mostly true.

Back in the day, a gay guy offering a “Straight” guy a blowjob had odds better than 50/50 of getting to suck dick. That was always true. These days, with greater acceptance the odds are probably better, though I haven’t tested the theory.

Apparently, since more people are embracing being gay-ish they’re bringing with them all the other divisive political baggage, which is simultaneously fracturing… No, destroying, what was once a fun, safe, coherent, vibrant, community.

Ironically, in my opinion, while celebrating “Pride” LGBTQxyz Inc. has trashed the pride the community once had in itself.

This Seattle event just underscores how low things have gone.

Blatant racism being allowed in the gay community? Who could ever have seen that coming?

Second time this morning my brain “Blue Screened” and rebooted.

“Pride” month has become more an embarrassment, or humiliation, than the celebration of freedom and joy that it once was.

People are fickle, at some point when the community is in complete disarray, unable to fend for itself, bias and prejudice will return.

I’d point you to Berlin pre-Hitler.

Berlin had vibrant Gay presence. Art, Entertainment, Fashion, you name it. Even members of the early Nazi party, and Hitler’s inner circle, were Gay.

That all changed… Suddenly and without warning.

Believe me, it can happen again just as quickly.

Gay folks, better clean the closets. Cause I suspect even the Gay-ish are going to be heading back in, real soon.