Well that’s going to be inconvenient!

President Biden said on “The View” he delegated everything to Kamala Harris.

As Vice President, there wasn’t a single thing that I did that she couldn’t do and so I was able to delegate her responsibility on everything from foreign policy to domestic policy,” he said.

Holy Shit! So this opens a whole can of worms. How long has this been going on? Was Biden the President OR NOT?

My goodness!

Why the hell would I trust her? Why should I trust the Democrat party? Surely powerful Democrats in Congress and the Administration knew what was going on.

Did they lie to the American people about Biden’s capabilities? Did they lie to the American people about who was actually in charge?

What the actual fuck?

I thought we elected a President and a Vice President. Biden / Harris won in 2020 right? So what the hell has been going on in that administration and why do I feel like I’ve been gaslit (lied to) for the past 4 years?

Biden, just ran a spear through Kamala’s talking points. She’s been trying to distance herself from their policies and now Biden has tied her to those policies.

The Democrats can’t say Biden is senile to protect Harris. That would mean that he has to be removed via the 25th amendment, OR Harris has to own the policies. I’m sure there are a bunch of her campaign managers were drinking heavily after “The View ”aired.

I almost feel sorry for them.

Exploding Pagers & Radios? Oh My!

Pager explosion 768x439.When I first saw some of the snippets of news talking about exploding pagers, I thought it was yet another hoax from Hezbollah or Hamas, or any of a number of the other savage organizations operating in the Middle East. I thought they were trying yet again to blame Israel for their own screw up.

You know, kind of like when the morons in Gaza blew up their own hospital with malfunctioning rockets aimed at Israel. 

When it was apparent that the story was real, I thought it was brilliant. If members of these terrorist organizations weren’t outright killed, at least they were too maimed to be interested in hurting other people. 

Then I thought, “Hmm, If their pagers were in their front pockets, even if they survived, they weren’t going to be able to reproduce or rape anyone anymore,” and I counted that as a definite win.

Whoever thought of this in the IDF deserves a freaking medal! When we had troops in Afghanistan, I was always a big believer that we should’ve randomly made every cellphone in the country ring just to blow up the IEDs. People always asked, “What about the collateral damage to innocents?” My answer was always how innocent is someone with IEDs being built in the basement?

I know I sound harsh. But these people have, after decades of bullshit, devalued themselves with me to the point of being nothing more than crudely drawn characters in a video game. I no longer see them as human. They’re liars, untrustworthy, despicable, things. They’re crash test dummies now. It’s not hate, it’s complete unconcern and distain. They’ve become the characters in the video game that you shoot in the head to see how many different patterns of blood spatter the game developers programmed into the game.

I hate that we’re still sending money to the Middle East. I’m for letting them wallow in the cesspool of their own making and think they should either prove to the rest of the world that they’re worth something or be allowed to devolve into nothing.

I do find it ironic that a people who want to drag the entire world back to the 5th century are being hurt by 20th and 21st century technology. Perhaps if they walked their own talk, Allah wouldn’t have allowed them to be punished with exploding technology. 

Maybe that’s the lesson we should be teaching them. Stone Age people have no business messing with Western magical juju.

They should stop using cars, planes, busses, phones, computers, electricity, medicine, & indoor plumbing. Perhaps they should return to their old ways as bands of tribesmen tending their flocks. We could facilitate that by making various modern devices explode randomly. Aversion therapy I think it’s called. Make it so they can’t trust any technology so they stay away from it altogether.

It would solve a bunch of problems for them, and the rest of the world.

To fight crime, I honestly wonder if building every single item with a bomb in it would be a great idea.

If the item is stolen, it detonates when it’s reported as stolen. That would shut down the crime in this county and it would only take a few years.

I think it was RoboCop that introduced the idea that car thieves got fried inside the car they were trying to steal. That’s always been an image I liked when it came to thieving of any kind.

If technology were to be expanded to include GPS Coordinates so that the devices themselves knew where they were and then exploded if they were delivered to specific areas of the world, I’ll bet you could eliminate rockets and mortars being stored in schools, hospitals, mosques, and UN facilities in Gaza or Lebanon. 

I’ll admit, low yield explosives blowing Hezbollah’s balls off just tickles the hell out of me.

Hmm. I’m not sure if this is a selling point for the Democrats or not.

Planned Parenthood Chicago 640x480.I saw an article this morning the made me laugh. 

Planned Parenthood is offering free neutering and abortions, although they might as well offer spaying services too, during the Democrat National Convention. When I read the headline All I could think of was free sterilization clinic for dogs and cat offered by the county.

Here’s the link…

Planned Parenthood to Offer Free Vasectomies, Abortions During DNC 

As a guy, I’m not sure that’s something I’d want to have done while I was attending a convention. I have it on good authority that getting snipped isn’t that big a deal however, I’ve also been told that for the first day or two after the procedure you just want to sit or lie comfortably with an ice pack, maybe a beer and some of your favorite junk food.

Not being a woman, I can’t speak to having an abortion. I do however wonder if after say, six abortions, perhaps as a benefit to society the woman in question should be spayed. Some people would call that harsh, I call it practical. It save the woman from having to go through the procedure again and again. In some cases it save the taxpayer money.

I suspect that some of the more gender confused Democrats might decide to “have” a procedure not intended for, or appropriate to their biological gender, so they can feel more included. That should be an interesting headline. “Biological Woman offended that doctors won’t perform vasectomy on her.” 

I really started laughing about it when I thought about the neutering/spaying a Democrat angle. That would probably be something that would boost Republican convention attendance. If you could bring someone and check them in for the procedure, while you attended the convention.

Bring your complaining, whiny ‘Karen’ Democrat neighbors to the RNC. Be a responsible neighbor and insure that Democrats don’t breed. Bonus! Act now & they’ never complain about your Trump sign, MAGA hat, You not wearing a mask, or NRA stickers again!

That’s really harsh. I think the concept of Planned Parenthood doing this at the DNC is pretty fucked up. It makes the Democrats seem somehow worse than they already do, but I’m not sure I can put a finger on why that is. 

It’s like with the Abortion thing they’re celebrating death. Then you add the vasectomy component and it’s like they’re saying, “Put an end to the species while you’re at it.” Add a few wars, people struggling to put food on the table, the gender madness, and it really seems like death and destruction is all they’re offering.

I see no “hope” there, I see no “forward” with Democrat policies except into the abyss.

Perhaps I’m being unfair. When I decided to leave the Republican Party years ago, I looked at the Democrat Party and found I was as revolted by their policies as I was by the Republican Party. They really were like two halves of the same coin, neither offered anything substantially beneficial except intrusive governance and ever expanding government.

The Democrats expand the government rapidly until the people say, “STOP” by voting them out. Then the Republicans come in and manage the newly expanded government BUT they never reduce the size to the previous level.

It really is a “Same Shit Different Day” situation.

Until recently, I thought of Democrats as normal folks who thought differently about certain things than I did. I disagreed fundamentally, but I still saw them as people like me. Average folks, just trying to get through their day, have a nice life, and some modicum of peace & quiet.

Now when you say “Democrat” to me, I picture someone, uninformed, fat, with blue hair, enough metal in their face to make clearing a riot possible with an electro magnet, screeching obscenities about nonsensical “wrongs” that haven’t been real problems for at least two decades, dumpster fires of people with no functional abilities, who scream louder when backed into a logical corner if asked to explain how they’re oppressed, carrying Palestinian flags with Queers for Palestine placards.

In other words I see howling lunatics. If they were dogs roving the streets frothing at the mouth as they do We’d be calling animal control to put them down as possibly rabid.

I can tell you this. As a man I wouldn’t go near a planned parenthood clinic for a vasectomy, even if it was free. Those people are out of their damn minds and I don’t want any of them near my dick with a sharp object. I’ll go to a recommended urologist!

Somehow I expect to hear in a comedy routine, 

“Wow I went to the DNC convention and all I got was this vasectomy.”

“I really miss my balls… What? They shouldn’t have cut my balls off? I was wondering how they were going to reverse it if I decided I wanted kids.”

“I guess I should’ve known something was wrong when they didn’t even give me a T-Shirt!”

“Huh that explains why there were only white guys in the recovery room I was in, and we all had the same procedure. I kept thinking the Black guys and Mexicans were tough bastards the way they were dancing out of their recovery room.”

That wasn’t on my Bingo card for 2024!

There’s a report this morning that some countries are issuing travel warnings regarding Great Britain.

I admit I never saw that coming!

I suppose it makes sense if 1/2 of the reports of roving muslims “protecting” themselves from white people in the streets are true.

I’ve been undecided about the veracity of the size and extent of the dust ups. I completely discounted the Muslim assholes claiming there had been acid attacks on their innocent women & children.

Acid attacks are Muslims mens style, NOT Western Europeans.

I’ve read other disturbing reports out of England that suggest the Police are arresting pensioners for saying they don’t like the way things are going on FaceBook rather than putting an end to the unrest in the streets.

I’ve also read with come concern that police are standing with the Muslim invaders against the citizens of Britain who are justifiably angry about the stabbing deaths of 3 little girls at a dance recital and injury of other people also present.

The Brits call the perpetrator a person of Asian descent. (To the American mind that conjures up images of Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, or Japanese people.) No, those folks are East Asian. The Brits refer to the peoples of the sand as Asians too only Western Asian.

Uk riots 640x480.Honestly it would be easier if we all referred to these people with the same terms. Then Europe would have a better handle on the magnitude of the problem. SOMRD, Suckers of Muhammad’s Rancid Dick? Although referring to them as Peoples of the Sand might work too. “POS” Pieces of Shit, Peoples of the Sand. Eh, SAME DIFFERENCE!

That sounds racist, so fucking what? These folks have been poor mouthing it and claiming they’re refugees. Yeah? Why then are there so damn many males and damn few women & children?

It’s been said many times, you can’t take an Arab at his word. Guess what? It’s true, in the furtherance of Islam not just as a religion but as an infectious form of totalitarian government everything is forgiven. Lie, Steal, Rape, Murder, it’s all good because it’s about taking over.

This isn’t a revelation. Thomas Jefferson knew it. For some reason, people choose to ignore what is right in front of their faces. It should also be noted that German forces in WWII were allowed to operate freely across North Africa and indeed had allies among the tribes. The very people that have come into Europe and America are to some extent residue of the NAZI party. I have never figured out how Germany with their strong Anti-NAZI regulations had managed to ignore that the Islamic people hate Jews.

Out of compassion and kindness the EU and America have allowed them to infect our countries. These people have used and abused our kindness and compassion, with specific intent.

Like cancer that has metastasized, these animals believe with all their rapist, murderous little hearts that if they kill enough, and terrorize enough people will join their foul religion. A religion which is about anything but peace unless you count the peace of the grave.

What I believe is happening in Great Britain at the moment is these POS have reached critical mass. There are now enough of them they believe they’re in a position to force Great Britain to accede to their demands for Sharia law, and special rights that place them above the native British population.

They might be right. The English have become decidedly non-confrontational. The Welsh, Irish, and Scotts, I don’t know. It bears pointing out that the people of the British Isles at one time fought Rome, Vikings, and The Crusades. 

It might be that they’ve had enough of the Islamic shit and government censorship protecting Islam, and all the other subject which are taboo to speak of on FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, or whatever.

If that’s the case, the Police should rethink their loyalties and the Muslims should probably get their asses to France.

Does she hear herself?

Margaret Brennan of CBS was being unbelievably duplicitous on Face The Nation. On the one hand she says she deserves some leniency about her comments immediately after Trump was shot.

She said at the time Trump didn’t say anything to cool the temperature of Trumps supporters in the wake of them witnessing an assassination attempt.

Uh you clueless bitch! Trump was the one who was shot, That he was telling the crowd he was fine, with fist pumps and “Fight, Fight, Fight” was pretty damn impressive.

My point is that he was literally in the middle of a high stress situation and thought enough to signal to the crowd that he was alive and minimally hurt. (Which by the way, did a lot to calm the crowd.)

Apparently while she was making dumb comments, she expected Trump to pontificate on the relative merits of remaining calm and not seeking revenge in some master soliloquy that would pass her editorial requirements.

Hey Brennan, fuck you!

My god I have developed a new level of hatred for these talking heads.

It is beyond unbelievable to me that less than 24 hours after the assasination attempt the talking heads are trying to blame Republicans, Trump, and MAGA for this violence against Trump.

What the actual fuck?

These people disgust me!