Oh why can’t my life just be simple?

This week started out pretty good.

The neighbor whose house and cat I’ve been looking after is apparently getting better and may be coming home. His Niece and her Husband came down to clean up his house and make it suitable for someone using a walker.

It meant for me that I didn’t have to look after the cat and for at least a few days had the opportunity to look after my own affairs. That was a relief and my mood was pretty good.

For my assistance, and their using my dump access card, they agreed to save some space in one of their dump runs for various yard trimmings that I’d piled up around the yard. They’d rented a large pickup truck and my yard stuff would fit nicely on top of the other stuff they were tossing from the house.

I was out in my yard bagging the stuff to make it easier to load.

It was a lovely spring day and I was in a good mood. The sun felt great and for the first time in months I was warm and cheerful. Progress, warmth, and getting things done always makes me a happy camper.

Apparently the crazy lady in the neighborhood was enjoying herself wandering up and down the main street that all the residential streets intersect with. Aside from her occasional outbursts I was in my own little serene world.

This all went to shit.

I was almost finished with my chore when the crazy lady starts screaming the name of a dead woman who lived across the street from me. While she’s screaming the dead woman’s name she’s walking toward the gate of the house.

The house in question has been sold, purchased, and renovated entirely by the new owner. Seeing crazy heading toward the house, knowing that the former occupant was dead, and that crazy had previously kicked the door in, terrorizing the former occupant I was left with a choice.

I could watch the fun as she pounded on the door, or kicked it in, setting off the alarm system and summoning the police… Or I could say something.

In future, I’ll keep my mouth shut and enjoy the live police show.

On this occasion I simply said loud enough that she could hear me, “She’s dead. She’s been dead for over a year.”

This simple statement of fact resulted in crazy targeting me. As I’ve mentioned occasionally elsewhere in this blog, Crazy has a mouth on her that could make the entirety of several military forces blush at once. The fury of her insanity spewed forth in a rabid staccato of nonsense and obscenities and she started walking back down the street toward me. She was practically frothing at the mouth.

This sort of thing has happened before and she usually sputtered out then wanders off.

Wednesday, she didn’t sputter out.

She demanded to know who I thought I was telling her that the neighbor was dead. She further said I was a liar because she’d just spoken to the neighbor.

I replied, “As you wish,” and went back to my work. This enraged her further, she picks up her pace assuming what I suspect she felt was an appropriately intimidating and aggressive walk. Were she a 4 year old and not spewing foul obscenities every step of the way, it would have been funny.

I still didn’t take her as a threat, in part due to her size and in part due to the comical walk. That being said, I was monitoring her approach. She demanded I produce ID as she stomped onto my property. I asked her what good that would so since our ID has our post office address, not our actual physical address printed on it. ID tells her nothing.

This seemed to cause a momentary pause in her diatribe. Perhaps some logic process attempted to engage, and was promptly choked to death by the crazy raging in her brain. She then told me that she owned my house and that I needed to get off her property.

This annoyed me a lot. Her rage and aggression directed at me in close quarters was starting to really piss me off. Not to mention her yappy ill behaved Chihuahua that has on more than one occasion tried to bite me while I was doing yard work, by sneaking up on me from behind.

One of these days that little piece of shit is going to tangle with my weed whacker!

I said, “If this is your goddamned house show me the cancelled checks!” I know this was the wrong thing to say, I knew it the minute it left my lips.

Some part of me recognized that I was being drawn into her crazy and that wasn’t the way to go. That part of my brain gave me a disdainful “Tut tut tut” and called me a dumbass.

This internal dialog stopped me from peppering Crazy with a bunch of followup questions like, “What’s the mortgage payment? Who holds the mortgage? What was the sale amount of the house? Is there a second?” I think in my growing anger I was still considering the possibility that I could somehow win.

When she said, “The checks aren’t canceled,” I realized that you can’t win with reason against this kind of crazy.

At around this point she punched me…

I registered impact and minor damage on my right upper chest. Now I was facing a crisis.

Let me explain, and please remember all of the following happens in two or three heartbeats.

When someone hits me, I tend to instantly lose control. The world narrows to the person who hit me and I’m looking for openings and weaknesses. I start looking for ways to break bones, dislocate joints, and I’m not thinking about things like fair fight or Queensberry rules. I’m thinking about how to efficiently terminate the threat while looking around for potential weapons at hand.

In the past, this has resulted in epic rage and coming dangerously close to killing. In those instances it was only friends being present, dragging me bodily away that stopped me. Even so, whoever hit me from then on would literally crawl out a second floor bathroom window to avoid me.

That rage scares me more than anything else in my life. During the rage, I’m not there, when it’s over I have little to no memory of what I’ve done. At most, I’ll retain images or almost sexual gratification, but no clear timeline of events. It’s a monster that I keep chained in my head and never let out because I fear that the monster would overwhelm me then I’d lose myself in it.

This time I was completely alone, and that part of me that I fear most, was breaking free.

It also didn’t help that every bit of psychological, emotional, and most physical abuse perpetrated on me throughout my entire life has been inflicted by women.

Women who were bullies and knew they’d get away with it because when no one was looking they could. They knew they had the upper hand, if I responded, they’d immediately revert to the victim and poor defenseless girl roles.

Then as I was taking whatever punishment for raising my voice, or responding to their aggression they’d smile slyly through their fake tears, knowing that they’d won, because they’d baited me, or goaded me into exactly the situation they wanted. Far too often they’d do it just for fun, or a promotion, or just because they didn’t like that their obvious crocodile tears didn’t elicit sympathy from me.

Hey bitches, you say you’re equal. If a man cried you’d humiliate him about it, why should your tears get people falling all over themselves to make you stop? Fair is fair.

Here was yet another woman striking me, assuming that she’d get away with it.

Some of the chains holding the beast, snapped.

“After all it’s only the two of us standing in my driveway… Who would know?”

Crazy is a threat to my peace and quiet, a disturbance to the neighborhood, an ever present worry. She’s defective. A waste of DNA. She at one time may have been simply mentally ill but over the 20 years she’s lived in this neighborhood she’s gotten much worse and may now be using drugs other than those prescribed.

I do my level best to ignore her and shut her out of my consciousness. Going so far as to close my house up and run the A/C with the windows and doors locked even on beautiful breezy spring and summer days while she screams horrific obscenities at the top of her lungs .

Questions I rarely consider are, “Why are her rights more important that all the rest of the people in this neighborhood? Why does she have the ability to imprison us in our homes with her insanity?”

More of the Beasts chains snapped.

“Her neck is thin as a chicken’s… Who would know?”

My narrowing vision was increasingly tinted red. The Beast was awake, the rage was growing uncontrollable. Blood pumping warm adrenaline felt like life and youth returning to my old bones. Life around me slowed, I could see the fly hoping for a meal suspended in front of her face. Dust motes froze mid air reflecting the sunlight.

More chains snapped.

“That fly looks hungry, why not feed it and 1000 generations of it’s line… Free me, let me serve you, some of those branches would make excellent clubs… Who would know?”

The rational part of me had been busy processing that I’d just been hit with no provocation came back. That part of me just couldn’t understand why she’d hit me at all, it made no sense and was therefore an unresolvable question. The answer that came back was, “this bitch is crazy,” then the rational part screamed in my head, “you don’t have to be crazy too!”

The Beast snapped its jaws at the rational part of my brain but began retreating to sulk in his dark dungeon.

Tenuous control of my anger and rage began to reassert itself. Rationality rebooted fully.

If I responded to her attack she’d win. I’d go to jail, and she’d smile. I’d lose my freedom and complicate my life in endless ways. I live in California. Women always win here, they’re always right, even when they’re not. Women who commit brutal murders get much lighter sentences than men, those who commit assault are lightly punished if at all.

The police would have no choice but to take me away. At the time, I thought California had some stupid law in place that said I, the victim, had to retreat and let the criminal take whatever they wanted.

My internal dialog said, “Choose a better option.” The part of me that is the Beast, accepted this proposition but added if she hits me again all bets are off.

I looked Crazy in the eyes and quietly said, “I don’t want to do this today.”

I knew the rage still burned in my eyes. The very few people who’ve seen my like that, described it as seeing Death looking at them, out of my eyes.

By some miracle, Crazy decided to leave. Her expression was one of confusion. She walked away without looking back, swearing and calling me names. Two that stick out were “misogynistic bastard” and “fucking fag”.

It cracks me up that when a woman is jonesing for a fight with a man, if he refuses to fight her, the woman always calls him a fag. Jesus! The deck is stacked against men!

Her one last parting shot was this, “You’ve always looked down on me since I moved here.”

As I stood there feeling the sun on my skin. I though, “Yep, you’re right about that because you’re trash, and always have been.”

The rational part of my mind acknowledged the defusing of the situation without additional violence as a win.

But the masculine, male, proud part of me, and the Beast were both wounded. By not responding as she so richly deserved, the bitch still caused me injury. She emasculated me. Not in front of the neighborhood but in front of the one person that I can’t ignore.


It’s not about wounded pride, that heals.

This is about my fundamental right to defend myself. Am I now too old to fight? Am I weak and feeble? Am I not a man anymore? Have I caved into the bullshit and now too afraid of legal shit or consequences to even defend myself?

I was a proud apex predator, what am I now? Old? Used up? Useless? Should I just wander into the forest and die?

Will I forever hide behind the police and the law, will I forever be a victim?

The police were called. They dutifully took statements. They advised me that I could have her arrested for assault but that she’d be out in 8 hours or less. They suggested a better legal approach was to file a restraining order against her.

Either way, I know she’ll retaliate. She’s a vindictive bitch. I know of at least two other assaults she’s committed against neighbors which were unreported because the victims feared her retaliation.

I know that I must file a restraining order. Not just for me, but because it puts Crazy on the radar of the legal system. Long term, that benefits all the neighborhood. Unfortunately it also puts me on the same radar. Worse though, this feels like I’m hiding under my mother’s skirt.

The rational part of me is trying to convince the Beast that using the legal system against Crazy is satisfying because it’s using her own tools against her.

The Beast isn’t buying it. The legal system is long and drawn out and requires lots of energy to be expended. The Beast is about instant gratification and the almost erotic joy of vanquishing an enemy definitively in the moment.

The Beast is pissed off, that yet again a woman fucked him over with self inflicted wounds.

One good thing came out of my conversation with the police. They told me that I absolutely had the right to defend myself on my own property. They suggested that I get a security camera with recording ability so that in the future, once the restraining order is issued I’ll have a record of whatever transpires.

The Beast is happy about that. “If she comes at me again… Who cares who will know?”

Another bright spot is that the visitors cleaning up the neighbors house were video taping the exchange from his property.

That will make the legal process a bit easier. But it will still take time and effort and trips to the court house on my part. All of which costs me money while Crazy incurs no expense, no punishment, no inconvenience, basically… she gets to win again.

Time to take a deep breath – Did Biden say we’re putting troops in Ukraine?

In remarks to the 82nd Airborne Biden did his usual rambling type of speech. It’s Here if you’d like to read it for yourself. I personally find that reading his speeches, like listening to them, makes my dang head hurt.

You’ve been warned…

The part of the speech that made my blood run cold was this:

And — so, you know, with the Ukrainian people — Ukrainian people have a lot of backbone. They have a lot of guts. And I’m sure you’re observing it. And I don’t mean just their military, which is — we’ve been training since back when they — Russia moved into the — in the southeast — southeast Ukraine — but also the average citizen. Look at how they’re stepping up. Look at how they’re stepping up.

And you’re going to see when you’re there. And you — some — some of you have been there. You’re going to see — you’re going to see women, young people standing — standing the middle of — in front of a damn tank, just saying, “I’m not leaving. I’m holding my ground.” They’re incredible. But they take a lot of inspiration from us.

Remarks by President Biden During Visit with Service Members of the 82nd Airborne Division. March 25, 2022

Did President Biden just say to the world, including President Putin that the United States was going to deploy troops?

Wasn’t that one of the things that Putin said was going to trigger a vigorous, Possibly nuclear Russian response?

I’m used to idiotic saber rattling. But DAMN!

If you’ve poked the bear and managed to not get eaten, it’s probably not a good idea to poke the bear again.

Thus far the Russian / Ukraine war has been largely an affair between two affiliated countries. Ukraine was, after all part of the old USSR. The tipping point for Putin, (if there is a geopolitical one,) appears to have something to do with the possibility of Ukraine becoming a NATO nation.

I doubt seriously that NATO would accept Ukraine, but that’s a different issue. Putin on the other hand has reason to prevent Ukraine becoming part of NATO.

NATO troops sitting that close to Moscow would give Putin endless headaches and he would likely perceive it as an ongoing threat. It’s a little too close to home. I go so far as to say Putin is telling the world, “Not in MY backyard!”

The long history between Russia and Ukraine is too intricate and soaked with too much blood for me to begin to understand the underlying issues between them. That’s the job of political historians and I’m so not qualified.

I have begun to think that Zelenskyy and Putin may well be cut from the same cloth.

I don’t know if there can be a peaceful resolution to the conflict between the two countries. That’s for diplomats from Ukraine and Russia to work out, Send some decent and savvy ambassadors to assist in brokering a deal, but keep Biden himself 10,000 miles away.

Who knows? It might be something as simple as Ukraine saying they won’t join NATO.

I feel compassion for the Ukrainian people that have been conscripted, killed, displaced, and had their lives and homes destroyed.

I however, don’t think that it’s smart in any way for The President of the United States to add fuel to the fire.

I’m not ready for World War III. I haven’t finished building my hyperdrive!

Joking aside, we need a strong cogent statesman. We do not need a President that isn’t respected, (or perhaps feared,) by the leaders of the world.

There are reports that the Saudis aren’t taking calls from Biden, and other reports that suggest General Miley is not having his calls returned by his counterparts in Moscow.

It bodes ill that two former superpowers heavily armed with nuclear weapons aren’t talking with each other.

We can only hope at this point that Biden did not mean what he said in his remarks to the 82nd, and that the world leaders assume it was a doddering senile old fool speaking.

Who knows, it might be the one time when Biden’s apparent state of mind does some good.

DHS may Not be our Friend

A New York Post article dated Feb 9, 2022 and another article in Law Enforcement Today talk about a DHS Bulletin describing the current heightened state of alert regarding threats to the nation.

There was a similar article yesterday in Breitbart. I’m not linking to that one. Some of these articles engaged in hyperbole suggesting that the DHS said If you question the Government you might be a terrorist. At least one article referred to Secretary Mayorkas press conference where he may have misstated or overstated the DHS Bulletin.

Titles like:

We are all terror threats? DHS says “mistrust of US government” means you may be a terrorist

While not incorrect, may lead a casual reader to incorrect conclusions.

The DHS Bulletin is uh, concerning, in one regard. I think it is worthy of noting the line that seems to have generated the attention.

the proliferation of false or misleading narratives, which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions;”

To anyone raised in the 1960’s or 1970’s that line would raise eyebrows.

In those decades it was commonplace for the younger generation to apply the thinking, Question Everything, Don’t trust the MAN (meaning government), Trust no-one over 30.

These were turbulent decades. Mounting evidence that the American People had been lied to about many things peaked with the Watergate Scandal and President Nixon’s subsequent resignation.

For many, the revelations were heart breaking. Up to that time, it was sort of accepted as truth that our government was operating in the best interests of the people.

If someone in authority told a citizen to keep quiet about something in the interest of National Security, the citizen would do as asked. There was faith on the part of that citizen that they didn’t know all the facts, and that the Authorities knew the bigger picture and were in a position to invoke National Security interest. The citizen gladly did their patriotic duty.

After revelations about Agent Orange, Nixon’s resignation, revelations about DDT, scandals about vaccinations that went horribly wrong, government medical experimentation in Tuskegee, the unsafe effects of above and below ground nuclear weapons testing, and a long litany of scandals regarding Government Approved projects, our faith in government was, in my opinion broken.

As it turned out, those people asking questions, those who didn’t trust “The Man,” actually had a point.

These were the conspiracy “nut jobs” of the time. They had local meetings, and mimeographed, (if you don’t know that term, look it up. Acetone fumes in an enclosed space could get you high as a kite,) newsletters they passed out. The Information Age as we know it today didn’t exist. Agents from the FBI, CIA, NSA, or DIA were always infiltrating these conspiracy groups, just to keep an eye on them and learn what they knew.

You see us “Boomers” have heard statements like this before. What followed these statements often involved intimidation, threats, and arrests.

Senator Joe McCarthys famous line, “Are you now or have you ever been a member of the communist party,” still echoed from 1954. The Hollywood black lists were still in full force in the ’60s and ’70s.

Involvement with some groups could get you labeled a “possible subversive” and that label could impact your employment options for years. It didn’t have to be true, all you needed was the label in a file that would show up on a background check. The FBI had files on anyone remotely associated with so called subversive organizations.

I once lived with a roommate who’d been involved with some three letter organization. For two solid years all of my mail was delivered opened and hastily stuffed back into the envelope.

It wasn’t until much later in my life that I found out I’d been carefully watched during those years as a possible security threat. This information came to me as part of an in-depth security check I’d agreed to for a particular employment situation.

That was the day, I wondered if I’d finally “Sold Out”, and was becoming “The Man”.

At the time I was well over 30 so I figured it was high time. The Job was a good one, the money was great, and I wasn’t building weapons.

Over the last 5 to 10 years I’ve concluded that in an ironic way, I’ve been building weapons for most of my career. The exception was during the time I worked for an actual defense contractor. The irony of that is also not lost on me.

The weapons I built weren’t conceived as weapons. They were mechanisms that were built with the altruistic goal of freeing information. I thought if information flowed freely that it couldn’t be controlled. The despots, elitists, and powerful couldn’t hide their misdeeds from the public as they’d done in the past.

I never imagined the way that such information flow and devices could be weaponized. I never imagined that anyone would want to monitor the communications of an entire nation. Although there was the example of the old USSR doing it. That should have been a “Spoiler Alert”.

I was laboring under the illusion that the American Government would never do it. I wanted to trust in the government once more. Then came the allegation that the Obama Administration was in fact monitoring cellphone communications and archiving virtually all of them, with the help of the NSA.

Shortly after, we found that your cellphone even without GPS, was trackable and that our Government had built software that could locate your phone in a given area, building a record of your daily movements, then putting those movements on a map.

Did the government need to know where you stopped for coffee every morning on the way to work? This was ostensibly to assist in fighting terrorism and dated back to the Patriot Act, signed into law by Bush. The very people and entities I was hoping to stop, took our good intentions, innocence, and idealism, and fashioned horrible weapons. Weapons not to be used in time of war against a common enemy, but weapons to be used against their own citizens.

Oppenheimer was right. We should not question if we can do a thing, but rather should we do a thing.

It’s been said that a modern cellphone with GPS is the NSA, CIA, and FBI’s, wet dream. Everyone carrying around a tracking device that can be tuned into easily and efficiently with a few strokes on a keyboard providing an individual’s location within a few meters is the stuff of Orwellian nightmares on its own. Add to that corporations willingness to censor contrary points of view, backed by calls from government officials to sanction such censorship is terrifying.

One could read…

the proliferation of false or misleading narratives, which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions;”

… as a call for the Government to begin active censorship of all unapproved narrative. Coming as it does from the DHS, this chills me to the bone.

In that light, I ask when does the DHS rename itself “This Ministry of Truth”?

As a “Boomer,” admittedly I’m on the tail end of that designation, I’ve been astounded by the breathtaking compliance and lack of questioning on the part of the American People over the past two years.

If as the hyperbolic headlines suggest, those who question the government may be considered terrorists.

I ask, what the hell happened? How did the lessons of McCarthyism get forgotten? How did the lessons of the ’60s, ’70s, and even ’80s get memory holed? How is it possible, with information flowing freely and unrestricted, that we’re at this point?

Does this mean that now, in my 6th decade, I’m suddenly a seditionist, a terrorist, a criminal?

What would be my crimes?

Asking questions?
Thinking for myself?
Having a lifelong aversion to a government that I justifiably never fully trusted?
Speaking out against actions, I think unjust?
Calling out politicians or others that I think should answer the people, but who do not?

If these are crimes, then this blog site contains abundant evidence of my guilt. Should I put my affairs in order in anticipation of the knock on my door and eventual “Suicide” from a shot to the back of my head?

I doubt I’m worth a bullet to these people. After all I don’t have Joe Rogan’s following. No, they’ll break the door down at 4 am and seize all my electronics, they’ll try to silence me and others like me by denying us access to the information network.

The question is, would that silence us, or just radicalize us further?

I wonder how much an old manual typewriter and hand cranked mimeograph machine cost these days. Can you even buy Acetone anymore? I’d bet without checking, Acetone is on the list of controlled substances.

No matter, those of us of a certain age still remember our organic chemistry. Who knows? Maybe someone even remembers the recipe.

Truth and Freedom ring like a bell. A truth, spoken or read, resonates in individuals that encounter it.

That resonance spreads and builds to questions. Those questions demand answers and cannot be denied forever.

This seems to be the one thing that totalitarian states always forget.

Truth sets the innocent free, and damns the guilty.

Let’s hope that the DHS bulletin simply contains a poorly worded statement.

In the event that our government is moving in a totalitarian direction, it’s time for us all to speak out, demanding that our concerns are heard and acted upon.

And Airbnb is officially deleted from my phone…

Wednesday, Michelle Malkin and her Husband were banned from using Airbnb over a speech she gave in November.

Michelle Malkin is a conservative author and journalist.

Malkin explains, “The speech delved into the K-20 metastasis of anti-white curriculum, the corporate media’s whitewashing of black-on-Asian attacks, and the long campaign to censor nationalist dissidents who put America first.”

Malkin tweeted out:

I’ve been #bannedbyairbnb (along with my husband!) as retaliation for my free speech and #AmericaFirst journalism. It’s insane & un-American – and I could use your help fighting back. Stay tuned. https://t.co/JjZvLzRzSl #michellefightsairbnb@Airbnb pic.twitter.com/Ko6DH7IIaL

— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) February 2, 2022

Airbnb explained,

“This is consistent with action we’ve taken to ban people associated with this conference in past years. Removal means that your account will no longer be accessible, and you won’t be able to create another one. As we can see that your Airbnb travels are typically reserved via your husband’s account, we will also proceed in removing his account.”

So I ask, “WHAT THE FUCK?”

Is this where we’re going?

In an attempt to silence anyone with dissenting opinions, daring to exercise their first amendment rights, corporate America will take it upon themselves to be the arbiter of The Constitution?

Airbnb is not alone. PayPal, GoFundme, and others in the financial sector have done similar.

GoFundMe as of Wednesday Feb 2, 2022 has reportedly frozen 10 million dollars donated to support the Canadian Trucker Convoy. I ask again WTF? Who is GoFundMe to tell donors that they cannot donate money to a cause they believe in? Ohhhh, right… You are only allowed to donate to approved causes. Got it!

Here’s a thought… Fuck off! GoFundMe.

I cancelled my PayPal account years ago because they started picking and choosing which businesses they would send MY Money to. Uh excuse me. It’s my fucking money! You PayPal need to be reminded that without me putting cash into an account, YOU don’t earn transaction fees or interest.

That’s a lesson that all banking institutions need to be reminded of.

Airbnb is no different. I’d bet that since many of the properties are still owned by individuals they’re not going to take kindly to Airbnb telling them to whom they can and cannot rent their properties.

I’ll personally find a KOA Campground and sleep in a tent before I put any money in Airbnb.

Airbnb is an availability and transaction processor. The odds of the property owners actually knowing how many missed rental opportunities for their properties is low.

They’ll never see that someone was interested, because Airbnb is by default censoring their view and limiting their income in doing so.

Ms. Malkin rightfully asks, “will Airbnb also delete the accounts of my children? How many other families had Airbnb done this to?”

The conference that Malkin spoke at is associated with a group the Southern Poverty Law Center, and The Anti Defamation League, has designated as a hate group.

That’s interesting since SPLC often designates hate groups as racists and Ms Malkin is clearly of Asian descent.

Why would a minority speaker be asked to give a talk at a racist hate groups conference?

This to my eye, is nothing less than a blatant attempt at corporate control aimed squarely at silencing conservative voices and it should not stand.

Unfortunately, the only way to register our displeasure is with American dollars. That means that Airbnb will continue this behavior until they see their application deleted from phones and their revenue fall.

I wonder if they could sustain the monetary losses that Facebook has seen over the past 24 hours?

232 Billion dollars, “poof!” Zuckerberg personally lost 30 Billion in personal worth.

I believe that Airbnb owes Ms Malkin a personal apology, and they owe the American people an apology for attempting to infringe upon the First Amendment in violation of Constitutional law.

Corporations, need to be thumped on their noses with a baseball bat, and told “NO! BAD DOG!”

They need to be reminded that the freedoms guaranteed by The Constitution of the United States apply equally to everyone regardless of the persons political beliefs.

Further, corporations need to be reminded that they exist to perform a service or manufacture goods, nothing more. They are paid based on their performance not their political leanings.

Americans will pay for goods and services that offer value and those that do not, will end up in the burning dumpsters of history.

Airbnb, GoFundMe, and Facebook may well be the first services that should end up in that flaming dumpster.

Ms Malkins’ story isn’t being picked up by the main stream media. That’s unfortunate, because it should be. It would be, if Don Lemon had been treated in similar fashion.

Take a look at your phone, if you’ve got Airbnb loaded, delete it. Most of the time, someone with a rental in an area you want to visit, has the rental information on a local community web site as well.

Contact them directly and perhaps you’ll save a few bucks because if the owner of the property doesn’t have to pay the Airbnb transaction fee they may be willing to pass some savings on to you.

Stop using GoFundMe! This isn’t the first time they’ve failed to perform their function. They’re not providing the service they claim to provide. Cash out and leave them with no new revenue.

While Ms Malkin is a conservative, her political affiliation doesn’t matter. You may not agree with the Canadian Truckers and that’s okay just remember; Eventually, corporate entities will increase their control on everyone unless we as a people thump them on the nose.

Huh! Life imitating conspiracy websites now?

Several month ago I was reading an outlandish theory on one of the “Conspiracy” websites.

You know, those sites that are identified as places where Qanon, or Proud Boys, or white supremacy nuts, or COVID conspiracy nuts, hang out and post all sorts of mis-information.

You know, one of those sites that big tech like Google, Facebook, Twitter, and all the rest bans, blocks, or outright censors.

I forget what led me to the site, or even what the site was. I think it was some report on a “True Approved and Certified” news feed talking about the outlandish misinformation being published. I recall that the site was full of a lot of crazy shit. I read a few articles and dismissed the site from my memory. It wasn’t worth my time.

Anyway, on that site was a really weird article discussing how Hillary Clinton could end up as President. From what I recall, the article presented the theory that Biden would probably not be able to finish his term due to declining mental abilities. The article went on to say that America would never accept Kamala Harris as president.

(Photo by William Thomas Cain/Getty Images)

The author of the piece said this wasn’t about her gender or color, it was about her complete and utter unlikability and how poorly she’d performed as VP and prior to that, as a presidential candidate.

The author suggested that this left the Democratic Party in a real bind because they’d have to retire Joe, then deal with Kamala, and perhaps impeach her. The author suggested that she’d not go quietly, and that the Democratic Party wouldn’t have control over her vice presidential pick.

The author said this left a bad option that would require impeachment of both Kamala and Biden which the republicans wouldn’t support because removal of both would put Nancy Pelosi in the office of The President. Americans would really cry foul and definitely cripple her presidency with a Republican majority in the House and Senate.


The author suggested that the only path would be to get Kamala out of the way with a juicy Supreme Court position. The author wrote something like Kamala’s ego wouldn’t be able to resist the allure of being the first “black” woman on the Supreme Court. Kamala would also choose security of a lifetime appointment over obscurity at the end of her VP stint.

The person writing the article posited that it would go something like this;

An older liberal justice is cajoled into retirement. Kamala is nominated to fill the slot and is a shoe in as a liberal replacement for a liberal retiring justice. The Republicans wouldn’t be able to block the appointment and Kamala takes the slot.

Biden, then of his own volition or through manipulation, nominates or chooses Hillary Clinton as his new VP.

Once Hillary is sworn in and has some time to marshal her forces, Biden then is removed via the 25th Amendment or impeachment.

And the Democrats get what they’ve been after since 2016.

Hillary Clinton becomes the rightful “Queen” as she was supposed to in 2016. Righting the egregious wrong of Donald Trump’s election by the ignorant, uninformed, unwashed, deplorable, masses.

The author said that all of these machinations had to happen in 2021 prior to the midterms or the Democrats would lose their opportunity to establish the dynasty they wanted.

I saw yesterday that Pelosi announced she’d be seeking re-election. She knows there’s likely to be a red wave in Congress and that she’s unlikely to retain her speakers role if that happens. Why would she after months of rumors of her retiring suddenly make that reversal?

At the time reading the article I thought, “What a load of horse shit!” No one in the Democratic Party would or could be that Machiavellian.

But today?

I wish I could find that article…

It makes me wonder if sometimes something that is called an insane conspiracy theory is actually truth written anonymously by someone with a guilty conscience?