Just how much of Canada is burning?

The smoke is covering the East Coast as far south as Myrtle Beach. My goodness! Have Canadian Patriots lit the place on fire to cover a Coup? Under cover of smoke are patriots dragging Trudeau out of parliament?

One can only hope!

Will Canada pay reparations to the United States and / or carbon credits to the EU to offset this?

I know I shouldn’t be making fun of the situation but when you take the whole green thing to its insane conclusion then we have to ask these kinds of questions.

The smoke cover is also going to be reducing the efficiency of solar panels and causing more carbon to be produced because of unusual demands on the electrical grid.

OMG! Canada’s ESG Score is going to take a hit!

It is not my intention to be mean to Canada. The Canadian people suffer under Trudeau. They have my sympathy.

I use this event to highlight the absurdity of carbon taxation and ESG scoring. Because neither system can be enforced and neither system appears to account for those events we used to call “Act Of God”. Since God is dead in the minds of the WEF attendees there can be no “Acts Of God” and therefore someone is responsible.

It’s well known, it can’t possibly be the government, or the super wealthy, or the movers and shakers in the entertainment industry.

The only people left who can be punished, are the taxpayers.

I’ll bet 6 months from now there’s going to be some tax hike in Canada that will be called wildfire mitigation and the funds will go anywhere but into proper stewardship of the land.

I can make that bet because California has tried to implement exactly those kinds of taxes. They’ve failed but for a time it looked like California was going to tax people living in “higher risk” zones for additional fire fighting resources.

They almost got away with it, until someone pointed out studies that proved the worst wildfires originated in California State Controlled & “maintained” forests.

Yep, the wildfires were originating in areas owned by the State of California and in many cases the California Department of Forestry hadn’t been allowed to do the proper maintenance to remove dead trees or undergrowth because they didn’t have their full appropriation.

Logging and other forestry management, in some cases, was blocked by environmentalist groups doing impact studies, often for years. Until a fire swept through the area being studied and well, I guess there wasn’t a need to do an impact study anymore.

Uh like yeah Professor Moonshaft-Sunbeam-Jones, the forest burned really hot. Like all our equipment is toast. The entire colony of inverted 9 toe hermaphroditic spotted periwinkles flew off when the fire came toward them. Too bad about Alboneus & Groompa being burned up, I liked Zem both… They kept saying the fire wasn’t real while the rest of us like, uhh ran.

Perhaps I’m too mean toward the academics but over the years I’ve heard some truly astoundingly stupid things being said by supposedly educated people.

We know that dead trees in a forest are a fire hazard, we know that lots of brush is a fire hazard, we know that people wandering through the forests can become a fire hazard if they’re careless with camping or smoking or just suddenly fascinated that hitting two rocks together can cause a spark. (That last one I’ve actually seen an adult male doing.)

On the plus side, on that occasion I got a glimpse into what early hominids looked like discovering fire… That I was seeing this in 2022 was terrifying.

My point is that most countries and states within those countries have fire mitigation procedures. The question we should be asking is; why aren’t those procedures being followed?

In California it appears it’s about money not getting to the agencies who are tasked with the job. I’d suggest our Canadian brothers and sisters, ask their respective government agencies what’s going on.

Equally, I’d say for them not to take the government statements that the fires are being caused by climate change as gospel. Yes, climate change may be partially responsible. But if we’ve known climate change is happening, why haven’t more resources been allocated to forestry services to proactively mitigate the problem?

Could it be that government wants to use wildfires for their political and financial benefit?

Just a few questions that run through my mind.

This is either going to work really well or…

I’ve screwed myself!

The SPAM levels in my incoming email have gotten completely out of hand. I’m clocking sometimes as many as 35 items an hour.

This is insane and wasn’t a problem until the FTC gave PayPal my email address!

I got up this morning to 200 new junk emails sitting in my SPAM filters. I have a choice, I can ignore all the emails while they take up space and CPU cycles as each of them is checked for viruses, then put in the junk mail folder, OR I can tell my computer to delete anything that doesn’t look like real business!

I’ve hesitated enabling draconian deletion protocols because there are some folks and / or emails that are useful even if they’re sending unsolicited emails.

However at this point it’s become a serious annoyance.

Today, I told the computer, if something looks like junk mail, just delete it. Don’t put it in the trash, don’t put it in the junk mail folder, just wipe it from the datastream completely.

I know that I’m going to be missing some emails that might be useful and it’s possible that someone will complain that I didn’t respond to their email but those are the breaks.

Of course, there is the possibility that I stop getting emails altogether. Hmmm, maybe that wouldn’t be so bad…

There’s so much that’s just nuts!

My god, the CNN town hall (which I didn’t care to watch,) appears to have had Donald Trump on. Then they CNN, and apparently the rest of the news media are losing their minds over Trump… BEING Trump.

What surprised them about him?

Then we have Anderson Cooper apologizing for having Trump on. And to some extent Anderson Cooper almost seemed to be saying that free speech should be denied Trump specifically.

Then we have MSNBC loading up Al Sharpton to lecture us on all things racist. In Sharpton’s world view, no matter what a white fucker is doing, even if it’s trying to help the black community, it’s always racist unless the white people be putting money in Sharpton’s hand. Trump, according to Sharpton is the Über racist of all racists, Trump is the combination of all the members of the KKK ever and all the members of the Nazi party. It’s easy to understand, Trump weakened Sharpton’s ability to convince Black people they are always oppressed. That’s how Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and BLM make their money.

Then we have the Biden’s growing scandal. Shell companies? Wasn’t that one of the things that the Trump Impeachment(s) and all the subsequent lawsuits have looked into regarding Trump?

How can President Biden expect to not be impeached?

For that matter when the DOJ/FBI is refusing to honor a congressional subpoena something is seriously wrong and we should bring everything to a screeching halt because if we can’t trust the DOJ and / or the executive branch of government then we need to bring our full attention to fixing that.

Then we have the young man in NY who stepped up to subdue someone who was clearly deranged and stated that he was going to kill someone. While terrifying the passengers in a subway car.

Sadly this young man is going to be tried for manslaughter.

The message is clear, if you’re out in public, do not interfere in any criminal behavior. Do not protect your fellow citizens. If there’s a rape happening, or a mugging, or whatever… don’t get involved. If you do, you’ll be charged with a crime. Your life will never be the same and this is doubly true if you happen to be white and the person engaging in criminal activity is black.

So much for progress in eliminating racism.

The young man had to cough up $100,000 in bail. But wait, isn’t New York a Bail Free state? Or does that only apply if you’re not white?

And finally… Title 42 has expired. Title 42 is being touted as one of the last items restraining the illegals trying to get into the country.

I’m not sure that Title 42 was having that function per se, since it was about COVID and diseases in general. I will admit seeing the large numbers of people camped and reading reports of other migrant caravans heading north is concerning. How many uneducated poor people can we absorb? Ellis Island in 62 years of operation processed only 12 million or so. It’s thought that we’ll exceed 12 million in one year.

So now we have… what? Do we have a border at all? Do we have a country? Do we have any privilege of citizenship? I suppose the privilege is to be paying for Illegals, paying for Ukraine, paying for a government that isn’t constrained in its spending at all?

If we don’t have a border, then that sort of says we don’t have a country. If we don’t actually have a country, then why pay federal taxes?

Perhaps we should be paying only state taxes and calling our Governors, Presidents. Perhaps each of the states should be looked at as an individual country. Maybe then we as citizens could force our leaders to listen. California could go full communist and Gavin Newsom could cream his jeans over suddenly being dictator for life.

Texas could secure their border and enforce that security with guns. Then again, if there’s no United States and therefore no money, resources, or free shit to be had, There’s no advantage for immigrants making the trip.

Well, that’s one way to stop illegal immigration.