Is this all there is?

I guess most people find themselves asking that question from time to time.

I’ve been asking it a lot lately. I suppose I’m luckier than some in that I’ve got a job and a home. But what I’m doing is so unfulfilling that perhaps I’m asking that question a little bit more than usual these days.

The unspoken part of the question is, “What would your prefer, if not what you have?”

(C) DKendal

That’s the really had part of the question.

What would I like to do in place of what I’m doing? The obvious answer, is being wealthy and not having to work.

Back here on Planet Earth…

We need to work, honestly we need something to keep us busy.

I get that, but shouldn’t something we spend so much time doing at least make us feel good about having done the job?

That’s the problem I’m having. The job I’m in is menial at best. There’s little thought that needs to go into it anymore. The issues can be categorized into really one of 6 or 7 common problems. Everyone describes their problem in the most obtuse manner and at first listen, it sounds very complicated. After you cut away all the bullshit the problems people contact us about always fall into the same 6 or 7 categories.

Hence the problem. Boredom

On a larger scale, beyond just the job I’m not doing a lot of the things that I used to do. Part of that is income related, part of it is friendship related, and part of it is simply that I’m tired.

I had expectations that at this point in my life I’d be winding down and charting my course for retirement.


Guess that plan is shot to hell.

I thought that even if I was heading to retirement I’d at least be doing something that I generally liked doing and if I put off the retirement date a couple of years I’d still be happy doing the job.

What I couldn’t see was the extended unemployment, and finally landing a job at a truly awful place that bores the crap out of me.

Try as I might, finding another job has gotten much harder. I’m wondering if it is due to my age, or if it’s just that California is played out.

Could be a bit of both… or Neither. I don’t have an endless network of friends to bounce those kinds of ideas off of.

What I do know is that it’s getting harder and harder for me to get up, get dressed, and come into this shitty place every morning.

Of course the fear is that “THIS” kind of mind numbing boredom is all there is. God, if that’s true… take me now.

So mandatory OT is on again!

Walked in to work after my 1 day weekend to an email that said mandatory overtime was actually in effect again. This is in direct conflict with what we were told in our Wednesday meeting.

Since there is no time to react and I really need a weekend in the mountains, I’m refusing. They can punish me and I kinda dare them to.

WTF? these morons can’t plan a couple weeks out? They just assume that all the employees have no life except to serve at the company’s whim?

They’re re-evaluating the OT on a week to week basis and giving folks less than a couple days notice. That is so wrong, cruel and thoughtless it’s unbelievable.

So in the famous words of the pirate Barbarosa, “I am disinclined to acquiesce to their request.

This is especially true since the hours that are open for OT would require that I work my normal 8, then clock out go hang out somewhere for an hour and 1/2 then clock back in for 3 to 4 hours.

Two Words…


Whew what a mess.

Schedule CalendarApparently I was prescient. Between the time I wrote my last journal entry and today, the “rocket scientists” in management at work decided that scheduling was the problem.

In truth scheduling is a problem, but it’s not the only problem.

The scheduling problem is that they don’t have enough people on the phones when they need to have people on the phones. But this is not the only problem, it’s one of the top 4 but not the single problem.

Management however thinks it is, and they’ve decided to reschedule folks. BUT they’ve decided that to be fair, they’re going to change everybody’s schedule, not just make adjustments in the areas that need to be adjusted.

The practical upshot of all this is everyone’s schedule is going to be totally randomized and while I haven’t been too thrilled with my schedule (5am to 1:30 Sat through Wed) it’s at least been workable.

Yeah I don’t have any time for social events, or friends, and I’m never off work when “Normal” people are likely to be so I’m never likely to be able to engage in activities that other people like me are engaging in. But I don’t have to deal with the absolutely horrible San Diego traffic and I have a couple of weekdays off so I can deal with things like Doctors, and car service.

In short, I’m not happy, but I’m made the best of it.

Ip 2393198NOW that’s all likely to change. For me, I can probably adapt if I want to. But for other people who have kids and familial obligations this process is creating a panic.

See, the geniuses are assigning everyone a random number and that number will determine your new schedule. You have no choice and no options.

I don’t believe for a second that it’s going to be random. I think that the Supervisors will gather in a conference room and they’ll pick folks for their “Teams” (I use that term loosely) they’ll put all the “Highest” performers on the really nice schedules and the “lowest performers” (In terms of how many phone calls the person can take in an hour) or the “Troublemakers” (In term of people who ask questions or are thinking or problem solvers) on the crappiest schedules. There will be nothing random about it.  

Wow, that sounds like the first moves of every fascist regime on the planet. The only difference is, in a fascist regime the “Troublemakers” go to prison or re-education camps. At the company they’re sent to the gulag of shitty schedules. Then again, I guess I trust management about as much as I trust a fascist regime.

This is nothing more than cowardice on the part of management. They want to be able to hide what they’re doing behind a facade of “randomness”. They want to be able to say, “It’s the luck of the draw, even when luck has nothing to do with it. 

I can’t abide that kind of slimy, passive aggressive weakness. 

I work with a Single Father, and another Father whose wife also works. The one guy’s wife works 2 hours from where they need to pick up their kids from daycare after school. So like a responsible Dad, my coworker leaves at the end of his shift to pick up his kids, then he takes them home gets their homework and dinner started. When his wife comes home, they finish dinner together and have some family time.

The single Father is in a similar situation. He must pick up his child and there is simply no other option. 

For both Fathers, If the kids aren’t picked up on time, the daycare facility calls Child Protective Services and says the children have been abandoned.

Neither of these responsible men have family in the local area. But of course since they’re men no-one gives them the slightest consideration regarding child care.

When these men said, “Wait a minute, we have to see to the needs of our children. We’ve  selected and worked these schedules because of our familial obligations…”

The company’s response was;

We cannot make accommodation, you’ll have to make proper arrangements.


I just love how things are only sexist when women are involved. It’s just as sexist to assume that a man can make other arrangements.

The only “other” arrangement is for these guys to find employment elsewhere. Especially since the company is only giving us 2 weeks to adapt. These men are not newbies, they’ve been with the company for 2-3 years.

These men aren’t the only employees affected, there are a lot of single mothers in exactly the same boat.

W71eaSo tell me… How the FUCK is this going to help put more people on the phones? Given the choice between their children and their job… Parents will always put their children first. But losing your job places your kids at risk too. The deciding factor then becomes, “How has this company treated me?”

That answer is glaringly obvious.

The Company you work for couldn’t give half a shit about you as a person, your family, or anything else. Therefore it’s time to bail and fuck the company as hard as you can when you leave.

“Family oriented?”, “A great company to work for?”, “A place where you can thrive, and grow your career?”

Forgive me if I appear cynical, when I call BULLSHIT on that statement.

If management thinks hold times are long now… OH baby, just you wait.

This isn’t about making things better, this is about power. Management wants to remind and reinforce the message, “We control you. We own your ass. You have no choices, you have no future, and you exist to service our whims.”

It’s what I’ve said multiple times, every policy this company has, is punitive.

It’s not about cost effectiveness or efficiency, or even some high minded ideal of helping their customers manage an incurable disease. It is first and foremost about hurting the people who are supposed to be “Bright”, “Shiny”, “Happy”, “Helpful people”, that do the actual work.

Management is completely oblivious to the powder keg they’re sitting on, while they’re playing with matches. It’s a powder keg, of their own making. For me, the question is; “Do I want to be around when it blows?”

I think not.

In the past year;

We’ve been hobbled with shitty software that was supposed to replace more or less functional software we were using. It hasn’t!

Because of the shitty software, we now have a whole series of exceptions that we’re supposed to remember. If we encounter one of these exceptions. Then we have to document in the old software. If however, those exceptions are resolved, then we have to manually copy what was entered into the old software into the new software, noting that we did this and that the old record is superseded by the new record and also in the new record we have to document what the old record number was.

If document qa doesn’t like what we did or why, the’ll have us move all the information back to the original software, if someone else in document qa doesn’t like that, then we move everything back into the new software. This is a completely manual process and you can’t bring  a document back once it’s been deprecated.

The new software can present as many as 15 pages that we’re supposed to fill in, however I use the term “page” loosely.

Usually a “page” contains one or two checkboxes and a “Next Button”. Each press of the “Next Button” requires that you wait 20 to 30 seconds for the next “page”, also containing only 2 or 3 checkboxes to display.

God help you if you have to edit anything because the person on the phone changes their story, or if document qa comes back asking for clarification. There is no way to display the entirety of the record and edit one item, you have to click through the whole document again, with it’s attendant 20 to 30 second refresh per page even if nothing was changed.

Can you see part of the problem?

If we’re entering a large number of records to document each of the events described in a phone call we’re already at a disadvantage. It’s one document per event. 

The people taking calls, are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Each call and any events described by the caller must be documented before moving on to the next call. So depending on the number of issues to be documented, it may be 10 to 20 minutes before you can answer the next call and it’s interesting that 10 to 20 minutes is almost the exact average hold time.

Coincidence? Probably not.

Management’s solution is not to admit that their home grown software solution is a colossal failure and 2 years of “programming” has produced nothing but a steaming pile of shit,

Their solution is to keep whipping the employees for not working fast enough, or hard enough, while at the same time whipping the employees for making mistakes.

Uh yeah, that’ll make things better.

Employees have responded, by calling out sick more frequently. This exacerbates the problem because the scheduling is not set up to accommodate the number of people calling out sick.

The scheduling disaster can be laid 100% at the feet of a single individual whose job is to run a single piece of software called Workforce Management. In the 2 years I’ve been at this company… This idiot has never gotten it right.

Instead of having shifts that overlap by 30 or 45 minutes, This idiot has one shift ending on the hour and the next shift starting on the same hour.

He’s looking at shifts as mechanistic, as if he’s turning off one machine and turning on another.

Unfortunately for him, that’s not the way people work. People get sick, their kids get sick, they have car accidents, get stuck in traffic, have family emergencies, and all the other stuff that happens in the real world. The company and employees do not operate in a vacuum. Regardless of the fact that his surname is French, this is not a plantation in The Caribbean, where he has slaves in the slave quarters ready to jump at his whim.

He is a singularly unattractive person, so I suppose he’s never had anything like spontaneous sex, or anything else that’s defining as human.

I can only imagine what it’s like for someone who might be interested in climbing in the sack with him. “Oh? Sorry we’re scheduled to have sex from 10:30:00 to 10:30:02, 2 weeks from now, on a Tuesday.”

Were he to overlap shifts by 30 minutes, he’d have access to people from the previous shift who might be willing to work a few hours of overtime to pick of the slack for folks that called out.


What completely astounds me is that the “Management”, all well educated; think that this is going to solve the problem. So much for that expensive education morons!

The beginning of the solution is simple:

Fix the shitty software, or go back to the software that works

Rework the schedule to add coverage in the time periods that you need it. That could easily be done by a simple shift of 30 minutes and most folks in their existing time slots would probably be able to move forward or back without much disruption.

Hire more people to backfill the deficiencies.

Do away with the stupid attendance rules that make it more advantageous for an employee to miss an entire day if they’re going to be 5 or 10 minutes late. It’s well known that the company has nightmare parking problems and the city as a whole has nightmare traffic. For god’s sake it can take you 15 to 20 minutes to find a parking spot. It’s like a mall on Black Friday there.

That’s just advice from a simple country bumpkin whose looked at, and lived with the mess.

Oh, and it’s high time to fire that Workforce Management analyst. His contribution is not helping – it’s hurting.

Honestly, I think there’s something else afoot.

I wouldn’t be surprised to find that the company is getting ready for a sale. The top execs are getting their “Golden Parachutes” packed and they’re going to leave a disaster in their wake. It wouldn’t be the first time I’d been at a company where thats happened.

Either I’ll have a job when the new schedules come out, or I’ll quit the day the new schedule goes into effect. When that day comes, I’ll identify for everyone, the company I work for and I fucking dare them to mess with my first amendment right to speak my mind.

Well, I’ve been looking for something new anyway…

You know it’s time to quit a job when…

I wasn’t going to publish this, but then I thought what the heck?

Before you get worried, yes I’m a bit depressed. No, I’m not suicidal the source of the angst is certainly not worth that. I wrote this one morning before I went to work, I was just letting my mind run and this just appeared on the page.

I took it as a major sign. Call it my subconscious firing a flare across my brain, think of it as a, “HEY DUMBASS! You really need to find the energy to do something different, because this isn’t cutting it!” 

Without further comment…

You know it’s time to quit a job when…

All the color drains from your world.

You’re not interested in anything except getting through the day to go home to bed.

Nothing is really funny, or happy, or sad because you’re numb.

A friend of your who happens to be a shrink hears about the environment tells you categorically it’s time to quit.

You wonder how long it’s going to be before one of your coworkers comes in and shoots the place up.

You no longer notice the wind in your face, the sun on your skin, or the rain misting your eyes due to your tears.

You start wondering who and how many of your coworkers will call in sick.

The platitudes of your bosses all sound like the adults in a Charlie Brown cartoon. “Blah blah, blah blah blah. Blah blah blah.”

You know to the second how long 30 minutes or 15 minutes is, without looking at your watch.

You often wonder before you sleep, if it would be so bad not to wake up.

You don’t want to talk to the coworkers who may be at work on any given day because they’re pissed off and as, or more depressed than you are.

You fight with yourself every morning to go to work and hate yourself for “winning” the battle and showing up.

Comfort food is your only diet.

You smoke too much, drink too much, get high too much, and those are the only times you’re not in emotional agony. Instead those things just dull the pain to simply a less intolerable level.

You can’t imagine or see the end of the pain.

You start hating everyone and everything around you.

Nothing matters.

You’re no longer concerned with your home, bills, or eating.

The aches and pains in your body, (that you know are because you’re not getting the exercise you need) become normal and just a part of the daily agony of your soul.

You purposely isolate yourself from old friends because being around them, observing their apparent happiness accentuates your misery, because you ask, “Why not me?”.

You no longer look forward to days off. Because those are just days to tease you into believing that perhaps something will change before the torture starts again.

You don’t dream about anything nice, but have nightmares all the time. That’s if you sleep at all.

It’s not at all uncommon for you to have the shits.

You expect anyone you encounter to berate you, or take something from you, waste your time, or try to get one up on you. You trust no-one, even those closest to you.

Your hopes have died, as have you dreams for the future. You see nothing in your future, and your past is a pleasant dream, a fantasy you once had.

You realize re-reading something like this dark missive, that while you should probably share it with your employer, it would be pointless. Your employer isn’t interested in making things better. Making something like this public would simply get you in trouble.

You’re old, and no one gives a shit about your experience, knowledge, or anything else about you, other than you’re a monkey in a chair that middle & upper managers can beat.

You thought writing this, getting it out of your system would make you feel better, and have discovered it just made you feel worse.

And in the end, you return to your desk, knowing all you know, because you also know… You need to have the money and you’ve got no better options.

I’ve never handled no-win situations well

But I’m nonetheless sitting here feeling pretty proud of myself about the current no-win situation I find myself in.

I recently got reassigned to a new boss. I’d heard rumor and innuendo about him. But I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. I’m glad I did, but he proved himself to be exactly what the rumors said he was.

No real surprise there.

He doesn’t like me much, again no big deal. I can work for someone dutifully and still wish to see them disembowelled slowly with one of those inquisition torture thingys. I wouldn’t actively cause someone like that harm, unless they messed with me first. But as long as we managed to have mutual respect for each other things would be fine.

However, once that line is crossed… all bets are off.

Well, the new boss has been working very hard at crossing that line.

Thus far I’ve been pretty mellow.

The other day he hauled me into an office and told me that my work wasn’t up to par. I thought, “OK, perhaps that’s true,” I also thought “Of course, had you bothered to tell me what your expectations were then perhaps we’d be further along here.”

Anyway, he blathered on and on, I sort of tuned him out… Until he said something about a personal improvement plan.  In the corporate world such plans are shorthand for You’re SCREWED bucko.

Now, he had my complete attention.

What he was talking about is that I’ve been doing my job. But he’s of the philosophy that I should be answer only one question per phone call then moving on to the next phone call. I was of the impression that we were supposed to actually Help.

Apparently, I was incorrect.

As I listened to the remainder of his blathering, deep inside me there was a stirring. My rage monster shifted and started to wake up. “Uh Oh,” I thought. “Gotta stop that from happening.”  To maintain my calm I thought about the fact that less than 24 hours earlier I’d signed a lease on the apartment. 

That’s gonna cost a pretty penny to break,” I realized. I also thought about the fact that twenty four hours earlier, and I’d simply have stood up and said, “FUCK YOU With broken glass” then left the building. I’d have given notice at my apartment and allowed my rage to burn itself out loading a U-Haul and returned to the mountains and my home, calmed down and turned the job search into a full time job.

I found out today, that a similar event happened on Monday. Another person was in a similar situation, like me, he thought he was doing a good job, helping people. But the management was displeased that he wasn’t blowing our clients off and making them call back multiple times in a day for the same problem.

In his case, he told the management, ” This meeting is over.” 

He got up over their objections and threats, then gathered his stuff and walked out.

Oh if only I hadn’t signed that lease, it would have made one hell of a statement to have two people walk out at the same time for the same reasons. 

The impending Exodus might be amusing to watch while I’m waiting for my ship to come in.

I’m smart enough to play the game, I’m enough of a chameleon to pull it off, and I’m amoral enough to not feel guilty about being disingenuous. 

I can do this… For a while longer.