God Hates ME! Or Is holding his sides Laughing…

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I know there are people who would say that God isn’t so much into hate…

Ok, so maybe God doesn’t hate me… But God sure is having a great time laughing.

Here’s the situation…

In the past month I’ve had a firm invitation to go to Paris. This trip would have been almost 2 weeks long, and only cost airfare and food. The person that invited me has an apartment available. I had to turn it down

Within a day, I was notified of an opportunity to go on a dive trip to Utila on a live aboard. That’s a big assed boat where you get to dive, eat, drink, relax, and be pampered. I had to turn it down.

Two weeks later… There was another cancelation on the same boat… I had to turn it down.

Today… I got a notification about an opening with another group diving Utila. I have to turn it down.

Every Single one of these trips is scheduled right around the last week of March.


I haven’t been diving in two years! And I LOVE Caribbean waters.

So There have been 4 opportunities ALL for the same time period. If I were superstitious, I’d say someone is trying to get me out of California at the end of March…

OR God is laughing his ass off watching me lose my mind…

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As of this morning there is yet another slot open on one of the dive trips.

The reason that I’m turning these trips down is because I don’t feel that it would be an appropriate use of my cash right now.

Unemployment has a way of making you think about how you’re going to spend your cash.

There is a part of me that says “Screw it! Take a vacation, it’s cheap and you know damn well that when you go back to work you’re not going to see any vacation for at least a year.”

It’s the story of my life… When I have the time for a vacation.. I don’t have the money.

Who knows…

The irresponsible part of me my yet win this battle. My resolve to do the right thing is weakening by the moment.