Exploding Pagers & Radios? Oh My!

Pager explosion 768x439.When I first saw some of the snippets of news talking about exploding pagers, I thought it was yet another hoax from Hezbollah or Hamas, or any of a number of the other savage organizations operating in the Middle East. I thought they were trying yet again to blame Israel for their own screw up.

You know, kind of like when the morons in Gaza blew up their own hospital with malfunctioning rockets aimed at Israel. 

When it was apparent that the story was real, I thought it was brilliant. If members of these terrorist organizations weren’t outright killed, at least they were too maimed to be interested in hurting other people. 

Then I thought, “Hmm, If their pagers were in their front pockets, even if they survived, they weren’t going to be able to reproduce or rape anyone anymore,” and I counted that as a definite win.

Whoever thought of this in the IDF deserves a freaking medal! When we had troops in Afghanistan, I was always a big believer that we should’ve randomly made every cellphone in the country ring just to blow up the IEDs. People always asked, “What about the collateral damage to innocents?” My answer was always how innocent is someone with IEDs being built in the basement?

I know I sound harsh. But these people have, after decades of bullshit, devalued themselves with me to the point of being nothing more than crudely drawn characters in a video game. I no longer see them as human. They’re liars, untrustworthy, despicable, things. They’re crash test dummies now. It’s not hate, it’s complete unconcern and distain. They’ve become the characters in the video game that you shoot in the head to see how many different patterns of blood spatter the game developers programmed into the game.

I hate that we’re still sending money to the Middle East. I’m for letting them wallow in the cesspool of their own making and think they should either prove to the rest of the world that they’re worth something or be allowed to devolve into nothing.

I do find it ironic that a people who want to drag the entire world back to the 5th century are being hurt by 20th and 21st century technology. Perhaps if they walked their own talk, Allah wouldn’t have allowed them to be punished with exploding technology. 

Maybe that’s the lesson we should be teaching them. Stone Age people have no business messing with Western magical juju.

They should stop using cars, planes, busses, phones, computers, electricity, medicine, & indoor plumbing. Perhaps they should return to their old ways as bands of tribesmen tending their flocks. We could facilitate that by making various modern devices explode randomly. Aversion therapy I think it’s called. Make it so they can’t trust any technology so they stay away from it altogether.

It would solve a bunch of problems for them, and the rest of the world.

To fight crime, I honestly wonder if building every single item with a bomb in it would be a great idea.

If the item is stolen, it detonates when it’s reported as stolen. That would shut down the crime in this county and it would only take a few years.

I think it was RoboCop that introduced the idea that car thieves got fried inside the car they were trying to steal. That’s always been an image I liked when it came to thieving of any kind.

If technology were to be expanded to include GPS Coordinates so that the devices themselves knew where they were and then exploded if they were delivered to specific areas of the world, I’ll bet you could eliminate rockets and mortars being stored in schools, hospitals, mosques, and UN facilities in Gaza or Lebanon. 

I’ll admit, low yield explosives blowing Hezbollah’s balls off just tickles the hell out of me.

Hmm. I’m not sure if this is a selling point for the Democrats or not.

Planned Parenthood Chicago 640x480.I saw an article this morning the made me laugh. 

Planned Parenthood is offering free neutering and abortions, although they might as well offer spaying services too, during the Democrat National Convention. When I read the headline All I could think of was free sterilization clinic for dogs and cat offered by the county.

Here’s the link…

Planned Parenthood to Offer Free Vasectomies, Abortions During DNC 

As a guy, I’m not sure that’s something I’d want to have done while I was attending a convention. I have it on good authority that getting snipped isn’t that big a deal however, I’ve also been told that for the first day or two after the procedure you just want to sit or lie comfortably with an ice pack, maybe a beer and some of your favorite junk food.

Not being a woman, I can’t speak to having an abortion. I do however wonder if after say, six abortions, perhaps as a benefit to society the woman in question should be spayed. Some people would call that harsh, I call it practical. It save the woman from having to go through the procedure again and again. In some cases it save the taxpayer money.

I suspect that some of the more gender confused Democrats might decide to “have” a procedure not intended for, or appropriate to their biological gender, so they can feel more included. That should be an interesting headline. “Biological Woman offended that doctors won’t perform vasectomy on her.” 

I really started laughing about it when I thought about the neutering/spaying a Democrat angle. That would probably be something that would boost Republican convention attendance. If you could bring someone and check them in for the procedure, while you attended the convention.

Bring your complaining, whiny ‘Karen’ Democrat neighbors to the RNC. Be a responsible neighbor and insure that Democrats don’t breed. Bonus! Act now & they’ never complain about your Trump sign, MAGA hat, You not wearing a mask, or NRA stickers again!

That’s really harsh. I think the concept of Planned Parenthood doing this at the DNC is pretty fucked up. It makes the Democrats seem somehow worse than they already do, but I’m not sure I can put a finger on why that is. 

It’s like with the Abortion thing they’re celebrating death. Then you add the vasectomy component and it’s like they’re saying, “Put an end to the species while you’re at it.” Add a few wars, people struggling to put food on the table, the gender madness, and it really seems like death and destruction is all they’re offering.

I see no “hope” there, I see no “forward” with Democrat policies except into the abyss.

Perhaps I’m being unfair. When I decided to leave the Republican Party years ago, I looked at the Democrat Party and found I was as revolted by their policies as I was by the Republican Party. They really were like two halves of the same coin, neither offered anything substantially beneficial except intrusive governance and ever expanding government.

The Democrats expand the government rapidly until the people say, “STOP” by voting them out. Then the Republicans come in and manage the newly expanded government BUT they never reduce the size to the previous level.

It really is a “Same Shit Different Day” situation.

Until recently, I thought of Democrats as normal folks who thought differently about certain things than I did. I disagreed fundamentally, but I still saw them as people like me. Average folks, just trying to get through their day, have a nice life, and some modicum of peace & quiet.

Now when you say “Democrat” to me, I picture someone, uninformed, fat, with blue hair, enough metal in their face to make clearing a riot possible with an electro magnet, screeching obscenities about nonsensical “wrongs” that haven’t been real problems for at least two decades, dumpster fires of people with no functional abilities, who scream louder when backed into a logical corner if asked to explain how they’re oppressed, carrying Palestinian flags with Queers for Palestine placards.

In other words I see howling lunatics. If they were dogs roving the streets frothing at the mouth as they do We’d be calling animal control to put them down as possibly rabid.

I can tell you this. As a man I wouldn’t go near a planned parenthood clinic for a vasectomy, even if it was free. Those people are out of their damn minds and I don’t want any of them near my dick with a sharp object. I’ll go to a recommended urologist!

Somehow I expect to hear in a comedy routine, 

“Wow I went to the DNC convention and all I got was this vasectomy.”

“I really miss my balls… What? They shouldn’t have cut my balls off? I was wondering how they were going to reverse it if I decided I wanted kids.”

“I guess I should’ve known something was wrong when they didn’t even give me a T-Shirt!”

“Huh that explains why there were only white guys in the recovery room I was in, and we all had the same procedure. I kept thinking the Black guys and Mexicans were tough bastards the way they were dancing out of their recovery room.”

Okay, So I have a guilty pleasure…

Alright… I have many guilty pleasures! Some of which will not be discussed at this moment.

The guilty pleasure I’m going to talk about is enjoying watching Ancient Aliens, Skinwalker Ranch, and lately, Beyond Skinwalker Ranch.

I’m not a believer per se. But I really enjoy the outlandish conclusions based on what could be nothing more than embellished legends or spurious electrical emissions. Oh and by the way… I want to believe, and if possible I want to ShipJack some poor alien tourists to get off this rock! 

Ancient Aliens I tend to tear apart pretty quickly. There are simply so many other possible explanations for what the “researchers” present as truth. The other half used to roll his eyes, smile, then ask me why I was watching if I didn’t believe their conclusions. He also used to point out that my watching the show and the advertising meant I was complicit in supporting absolute bullshit! 

Skinwalker Ranch, was a little more interesting and a little more difficult to rip apart. The other half just rolled his eyes and went back to his reading.

Now with Beyond Skinwalker Ranch, where two other “investigators” are wandering around with instrumentation and sampling the environment. It’s possible, that instead of proving anything about Skinwalker ranch, they’re simply proving that “odd” things are actually normal in a lot more places than we thought.

Skinwalker Ranch -.But one thing that makes me really start ignoring Beyond Skinwalker Ranch is the goofy ignoring of science. Well known science in fact.

One one episode they’re looking at odd electromagnetic readings and said those readings we disconnected from radio transmissions they were seeing.

Uhhh NOPE!

And at the time there was a guy who builds Tesla Coils standing there. Believe me, Tesla Coil guy knows all about radio interference. His neighbors must love him… On another episode there was a HAM operator who heard these guys say something similar. Neither of these guys corrected the “Hosts”. Both had the credentials to correct the bullshit. Neither of them should have let it go, They should have told the hosts “Nope, you’ve got that wrong, here’s why, and let me demonstrate the principal for you.”

Something that caught my attention was an anomaly on a bridge. The bridge crosses a river at 90° and is a pretty low, standard construction. Concrete, rebar, asphalt, Beyond skinwalker ranch.In the middle of the bridge their TriField meter spiked for no apparent reason. I admit that’s weird… That’s the kind of stuff that intrigues me. Something like that isn’t a cue for the spooky music. It’s an effect that says “Hey look at me, I’m interesting! Can you figure out why I’m doing this? When you do you’ll say that’s cool!”

They drove the bridge a couple times and verified their results. They probably should have switched to another meter. They could also have found another bridge, and just to be thorough measured dry riverbeds and bridges crossing water at different angles. If other bridges exhibited the same behavior and dry riverbeds were different than riverbeds with water flowing in them, then we all could have learned something.

Machinery moving through the ocean can become magnetized. I don’t know if submarines and ships become magnetized because of friction between the hull of the ship and water, or if it’s the flow of water itself that generates a magnetic field. I only know that the Navy regularly demagnetizes ships, to make it harder for potential enemies to identify various ships in a flotilla by their distinctive magnetic signature. 

I’m pretty sure that a Navy scientist could explain the interaction between a ship moving through the ocean and magnetism.

Water is a conductor, the earth has a lot of naturally occurring magnetism. I know that moving a conductor through magnetic fields generates electricity. Which also propagates magnetic fields.

I have no idea what a flowing fluid conductor like water, or mercury would do. Interesting question though. I wonder what happens if the flow is not smooth. Creeks and rivers often have turbulent flow or turbulent sections. How might that impact conductivity or magnetism? Cool question… Maybe one of those fancy drones with a magnetometer could quickly and easily answer it.

My point is that it’s possible the flow of water is interacting with the grounded rebar in a bridge that’s generating a magnetic anomaly. It doesn’t have to be some Spooky Music scenario.

Science! Physics! Both can be stone bitches. But they provide people like me a foundation. Well, maybe it’s more like a security blanket. 

Both Skinwalker Ranch and Beyond Skinwalker Ranch make a big deal about 1.6 Ghz transmissions or interference. As somehow special.

I can think of half a dozen machines including the computer that I’m typing on right now that could generate 1.6 GHz. I often see evenly spaced interference on my radio if I’m using my big computer monitor and laptop dock. The monitor and dock both have processors in them and I suspect the emissions are leaking from one or more of the cables connecting the devices. The interference is weak, but it’s there, with the frequency analyzer built into my radio I can detect it. The equipment I’m talking about is modern which means, it’s pretty low power and therefore low RF emission. 

This begs the question. What kind of emissions would you get from older or higher power equipment?

All of these shows, I think need someone that says, “Wait a damn minute… Before we freak each other out what does the actual known science tell us?”

Honestly, I think there might be a market for a Skeptics show. The reason I think there’s a market, is because if the skeptics can’t come up with an explanation then whatever is left, really is unexplained and mysterious. The fun could be, discovering if  the mystery simply the limits of our knowledge, our equipment, or really something to be spooked by. 

If we’re going to have scary camp fire stories… let’s make ‘em scary as hell.

02/26/2024 Update.

Sorry for the weird half sentences in the originally published piece. My favorite application for writing blog posts had an update. Everything on screen looked great, until the piece was published.

What you were seeing appears to have been a partial fusion of original text, autocorrected spelling, and various edits, all overlaid in a very strange way.

I may have to switch to the alternate application for a while.

OR… Cue the dramatic spooky music! There’s no way that the software could be affected that way… It must be Aliens!

Well There’s my problem!

I was reading… Scanning headlines as I often do and a headline caught my attention.

The Headline was something like Russia sanctions nuclear weapons in Belarus. I thought “Great!” A few less nuclear weapons in the world is probably a good thing.

Then I read the article a little further, and found that Russia was allowing weapons to be deployed in Belarus. 


But we impose sanctions on Iran to keep them from doing shit that nobody likes.

To the dictionary Boy Blunder!!!

Oh hell no!

This word has no fucking meaning at all does it?

As a Noun it could be a penalty or permission, as a verb it’s the same.

Why does this word even exist?

No wonder there are pallets of cash and uranium being moved around to our enemies. 

They wrote the agreements using a word that is as two faced as Janus. (Look it up…)

I don’t want to hear this word being bandied about by journalist, politicians, or anyone else ever again! I’m putting this word in my official “Weasel Word collection”. This collection is my personal list of words not to use, and words that when others use them are red flags that the person is lying to my face.

I was looking for references to Russia threatening to Nuke Berlin, DC, and a couple of other cities if the west really threw in to ensure Ukraine won the war.

This seemed to me to be something of interest. While I’d caught the headline, I didn’t have time or inclination to read something that would very probably depress me. 

Then happily, I remembered that I am a child of the 1960’s. I grew up living under the imminent threat of nuclear annihilation during the Cold War. 

Nukes! Smooks! Bring it on bitches!!!! I remember how to duck and cover!

Although I must admit I might be inclined to send Putin a box of chocolates if he nuked DC.

That would solve a number of problems at once. Crime… Homelessness… Shitty Government…

Ahh there’s the piece…

Russia Will Drop ‘Entire Arsenal’ on London, Washington if it Doesn’t Win Ukraine War

It’s a Breitbart piece. It looks like Medvedev was saber rattling for the folks at home. I wondered why none of the talking heads were breathlessly telling us this was a result of Tucker Carlson interviewing Putin. 

Apparently they didn’t believe the threat was credible. 

The media and others say Tucker Carlson is now a traitor… Yawn. He’s the puppet of Putin… Sigh. He’s a useful idiot to Putin… Whatever.

There was a time when a real journalist would interview Jesus and then Satan just to present both sides of the story. Carlson in my opinion did what any decent journalist would have done. He seized an opportunity to go directly to the source.

We’ve heard all kinds of stuff from Zelensky, personally I wanted to hear from Putin in his own words.

Putin may possibly be a bit crazy, but he’s not senile and infirm like our president. 

The Russian guards in dress uniforms looked a bit odd. It was like they didn’t want to risk eye contact with Putin but still needed to watch over him. They looked uncomfortable performing their task. I wonder if that’s a traditional holdover from the days of the Tsar. There’s something in my memory about not meeting the eye of the emperor or king because mere commoners weren’t equal to the emperor.

I’ll have to look it up, refresh my memory.

Anyway that’s enough randomness for this morning. Time to get breakfast, then walk the K9. Spring is around the corner and Im planning on talking to the realtor mid March.

Things that hit me

So I was pouring myself some coffee this morning and decided that I wanted to dress my coffee up a touch with a little cream.

No big deal.

Except I noticed the 2X More notice on the neck of the bottle. I wondered, “2X more what?”

Oh, 2X More Creamer… Then I read the fine print. Look close. 

“Than 32 OZ”

Then I looked at the bottle total fluid OZ and saw that it was 64OZ.

So let me get this right…

It’s a selling point that I get mathematically and logically double the amount of creamer when I purchase the 64OZ size?

DUH! That’s why I purchased the 64OZ Size!

Am I the one missing something here?

I was shopping and wanted a bag of tortilla chips. I’ve been partial to the Santitas brand but if I can’t find those, I’ll go for the Mission brand. I picked up a bag of Mission. As I was putting the bag in the cart it felt light. The bag was the same, the price was the same, and there weren’t any other sizes, so I thought it was just me.

I get home and while putting groceries away I pulled out the almost empty bag of Mission tortilla chips, to put the brand new bag in the pantry. Then I noticed it. The old bag was 18 OZ, the new bag was 11 OZ. For the same price. Hmmm. So 11 OZ is the break even point between the customer not really noticing and increasing profitability? 

That’s interesting.

Then there was this one…

Every single package had Imitation Krab written on it. Even packages that were just supposed to be Crab were spelled with the “K” instead of the “C”.

But I thought Krab meant that it was imitation in the first place. So now we’re being sold imitation, imitation Crab?

Or is this simply another failure of the American education system on display.

I haven’t up to recently thought about how shitty our food is. I’ve noticed that if I get really good meat that’s protein dense I don’t eat as much. 

Elk, Deer, Buffalo are some examples. But even grass-fed Beef makes a big difference. 

If I get something really protein dense, I’m also not hungry the next day. Usually a bit of fruit, bread, or cereal will hold me comfortably until the following day. 

What this means is that I can “Fast” without thinking about it.

It makes me wonder if this is our natural state. We eat good meat when the hunt was favorable, and we eat fruits, grains, and vegetables when the hunt wasn’t so good.

I also wonder how much filler and crap is in our diets and what effect that is having on our overall health. 

I know that I feel great the day, and several days, after I’ve had something a bit wilder like Buffalo. I don’t think it’s a psychosomatic effect. Sometimes I haven’t known what I ate for days if I was at a friends home. I just know I felt great and sometimes I’d ask what the meat was and been told it was something wild, or grass fed.

I’ve never really thought about it much because being a child of the 60s I believed that the FDA was always there protecting our food supply and that the FDA would never allow something to be given to the American People that wasn’t safe or healthy.

Now… Well, I wonder.

If a single meal of real meat, and garden vegetables can make me feel like a million bucks, it makes me wonder;

What exactly have I been eating?

Is it possible that we’re being moved toward eating stuff that could effectively allow us to starve with full bellies?

One hell of a method to control the population.