My take on the Biden Christmas uh, whatever it was.

The Biden White House Christmas … uh … thing… Whatever it was has been soundly thumped in the conservative news outlets.

The liberal news outlets seem to like it. That split is typical, so nothing new. Liberals hated Melania’s red trees. Conservatives tried to see the best.

After watching 2-3 years of various Biden holidays. I’ve come to the conclusion that the Biden’s are pretty classless.

In my family, they’d be the tacky distant relatives that you didn’t visit, or who might have been visited once in 20 years.

More money doesn’t make a classless person, classier, it just magnifies the classless behavior and poor taste.

This latest Christmas thing at the White House is tacky. I don’t care about the politics of the dance troupe or the individual dancers. I didn’t care for the costuming, or the actual dance, the entire production looked rushed and didn’t appear to fit the space. 

Some of the set pieces reminded me of Shopping Mall decorations from the 1980’s. You know, before Christmas decorations became offensive to small but vocal buzzkill groups.

It felt like Jill decided one morning, “I think I’ll have dancers” then called a dance troupe and said, “Be here at 3 this afternoon to perform.”

That’s the kind of thing a newly wealthy entitled woman would do. Especially if she had delusions of Queenhood. Thinking back on all of the Biden holiday events they’ve seemed poorly planed and executed.

They smack of poor folks from the holler getting an insurance payoff when uncle Cleatus got hit by a car. Suddenly they’ve got some money and they can make their dreams come true.

That’s when you see some of the tackiest shit you’d ever imagine. Neighbors will drive miles out of their way to see what new car or truck is up on blocks in the front yard next to the outhouse and shiny new 25 foot diameter satellite dish. There’d really be talk when uncle Cleatus’s family, had their new trailer repossessed after 6 months & had to move back into the old one. Parking would be easier with only one trailer on the lot.

It’s weird but I could easily see the Biden’s in a shabby trailer with a convertible in the yard on blocks. I could see Jill with her hair wrapped around beer cans, wearing $200 fake nails waiting on the welfare check. I could see Joe in a wife beater drooling on himself sleeping on the front porch, and Hunter passed out face down & naked in the drainage ditch.

None of it would strike me as odd or out of place.  That’s just the way they come across to me.

The sad thing is, the rest of the world may see the Biden’s in the same way. 

The other strange thing, (at least to me,) is that I’ve known very poor folks who lived in trailers. (Some were my family.) But they weren’t trashy like the Biden’s are. Sure they were poor, but their humble home was clean and well kept. 

Just because you’re poor doesn’t mean you’re trash, conversely, just because you’ve got money doesn’t mean you’re not trash.

My recommendation for Jill’s next Christmas in the White House, after the obligatory, “Bless your heart”…

Jill, hire some professionals to do the decorations. You’re maybe qualified to choose a theme, but after that leave it in the hands of people who know what they’re doing.

Go traditional. More Norman Rockwell. Less Las Vegas C-level off the strip showgirls.

On the plus side…

Screenshot 2023 11 13 at 8 05 22 AMIn Wauwatosa, WI there won’t be any Palestinian flags flying in city buildings.

This is true for at least the Christmas season. You see, a memo from a Wisconsin deputy city administrator discouraged employees from putting up “religious decorations” in “red and green colors” for the holidays in public buildings in order to be “inclusive.”

You have to love ill thought out edicts with unintended consequences!

Since Red and Green are used in Christmas Decorations. Or so the theory goes, Christmas is offensive to some people and can’t be celebrated. Red and Green are also used in the Palestinian Flag, Most African Flags, and of course the flag of Italy.

So tell me again, how this is inclusive???

What this deputy city administrator really wanted to say was, “Hey Christians Fuck you and your Christmas Trees, traditions, and decorations,”  She just didn’t have the guts to say it out loud or in print.

This was directed at employees decorating their cubicles. With “Open Office” floor plans it’s likely that the cubicles are visible from public areas and are therefore considered public areas.

The last place I worked, we could decorate the hell out of the place for Halloween. But we couldn’t do elaborate decorations for Christmas. It was the same thinking… We had Jews, Muslims, Atheists, and people from every religious persuasion in the building. Christmas decorations could offend those other people so they were muted.

The funniest thing was that the practitioners of Wicca were the happiest folks in the building because everyone went wild over Halloween. That being the only holiday that wasn’t frowned upon. Even the Fourth of July was frowned upon because there were workers from other countries in the building.

I’ll grant you, this is a small thing. But it’s another annoyance, and I think an attempt to wipe Christianity and possibly American values, from America. 

I really miss the elaborate decorations in malls at Christmas. When I was a child shopping with my parents, the decorations made the time of year magical. As an adult myself, shopping for family and friends, the decorations made me smile and actually enjoy being trampled, in over crowded Southern California malls.

Over time, those beautiful elaborate decorations became muted, and watered down, the last time I was in a favored mall the decorations seemed “phoned in”. There was no joy in them, and many were obviously shop worn, not having been replaced for many years.

I think this trend is not inclusive at all.

Inclusion would be, “Hi, come on in, join us in our fun and revelry. Let’s brighten up this dark time of year. You don’t have to believe in my religion to participate, you’re welcome all the same. Where are you from? How can I make you feel welcome?”

This “inclusivity” is actually exclusion. It eliminates a situation where respectful questions get asked, and people smile at each other more. A time when people share favorite foods, family recipes, and sweets, enjoying it all together and putting aside differences.

This inverted “Inclusion” spawns nothing but low level resentment and demonstrates that some are apparently MORE included than others. Some are more important because they can’t have any possibility of their feelings being hurt.

Honestly, that’s the birth of resenting “Snowflakes”. If you’re so weak in your beliefs, culture, sexuality, or whatever, that you have to be protected at the expense of everyone else’s method of going about their lives…

You’re going to be disliked. Not because of your beliefs, but because you disrupt and prevent others from pursuing happiness in their way.

It begs the question, why is group X,Y, or Z more important than all the rest of us? How do they rate and why?

I wonder if some people seeking answers to those kind of questions find themselves harboring resentment that blossoms into hatred. In their search for inclusion do these folks join hate groups that they would never have considered had they not been excluded by “Inclusion”.

It’s just a theory. I honestly hope I’m wrong. I do wonder though, if we stripped away all the sophistry and spoke what we really felt and thought without fear, would a majority of us admit we felt excluded from society by the never ending inclusivity movement? It’s just a thought.

Merry Christmas to Wauwatosa, WI.

To anyone working for the city of Wauwatosa, WI who might be proud of their African, Italian, or Palestinian heritage… Y’all will need to put the flags in your cubicles away until after Jan 1st!

Obviously MEN are better at everything!

Men are better at Sports. We’re better at women’s and men’s sports hands down.

Men are winning Women of the year awards and all we have to do is what we already do best. Dress like a woman and apply makeup better than women do. I’ll admit the tuck and duct tape might be a bit uncomfortable but hey we’re better at dealing with pain too.

Men are stronger, better cooks, painters, drivers, clothing designers, and shoes designers too, (Think Jimmy Cho)!

Men are better at war, science, healing, diplomacy, computer science, and really anything you can name. Obviously, men should be paid more than women!

Most of us can write our initials (some of us our whole names,) in piss, on walls and in sand or snow. How many women can do that? Women don’t think that’s cool, but lots of proud CIS men think it’s cool.

Once artificial wombs are working we’ll be better at reproduction too. Why? Because we have X and Y chromosomes. In the event that women ever become necessary again we have the ability to make them.

Why bother? Women are bad at everything.

Remember that God originally built only Adam. Adam was lonely so God built Eve from Adams rib. If God had built Steve instead of Eve, then perhaps the whole mess with the tree of knowledge and the serpent could have been avoided.


This is the kind of stupid crap that we were supposed to have eradicated 30 years ago. Yet here we are again. What’s next? Will we force women back into the kitchen to be barefoot and pregnant?

Come on! Stop acting like men dressing like women and taking awards away from Ladies who worked their asses off for them is okay.

This shit isn’t right and we all know it. Stop being afraid to call it out.

If something isn’t right and it’s obviously hurting a select group, aren’t we supposed to speak up and fix the problem? The problem here is asshole men who want 5 minutes in the spotlight because they couldn’t rank against other men, so they beat the shit out of Women in sports and other awards.

Oh, Ladies, the men who stand up against this dumb assed shit, will really need your help and guidance… You know sometimes we’re like bulls in china shops. We need a soft hand on the shoulder with a soft kind voice, letting us know when it’s time to stop.