One of those things that goes through my mind…

Saw an article on The Huffington Post the other day. It was a puff piece that was entertaining.

Then I noticed the masthead

Okay, I thought, then I wondered if there was a “HUFFPOST MEN”

Guess what? There isn’t!

WTF? That’s exclusionary of 50% of the population. It’s sexist! Where is the justice? Are we looking at another gamer gate situation? I cry FOUL! Men have issues and need places online where they feel safe and where issues of specific interest to men can be discussed.

Yeah, yeah, I know it sounds silly when I say it, but why isn’t it silly on it’s face?

Look at the selections offered under “Voices”. Notice anything?

Think about who’s missing?

Men, and Asians. It occurs to me that generally those two groups are not prone to bitching about much of anything. All the other groups pretty much bitch or scream about some perceived discrimination or slight at the drop of a hat.

To their credit, the “Religion” section does a pretty good job of representing everyone. I went there because another group missing from the “Voices” subheading is Muslims. They are represented under “Religion” with an interesting balance.

So Huffington Post, where are the Men and people from Asia? Why aren’t they receiving fair representation?

Yeah, I know I’m weird. I have this perverse sense that if you demand equality and claim to stand for equality then you should truly be, well…


Huffington Post editors and writers, If you don’t know what that word means, I have two comments for you. 1) You paid too much for your education. 2) You need to go buy a Webster’s Dictionary.

Things that make me go Huh?

Apparently, we now expect children to adhere to the same rules of sexual harassment conduct as we have in the workplace.

Clearly, another one of those WTF moments.

I was chatting with a friend whose child had been accused of sexual harassment for engaging in normal childhood play. The child is six! The school decided to take normal play that is not about sex but about annoying the girls, and sexualize it.

If you ask me, what the school did is WAY creepier than a little boy trying to gross a girl out.

“EWWWWW Teacher, he gave me cooties!”

Boys love to freak & gross out girls, That’s our only method of interacting before we’re remotely interested in any kind of Physical contact, much less kissing or sexual activity.

Boys love flipping boogers at the girls, we love hiding earthworms in cubbies. We thrill to the squealing EEEEEEEEWWWWWWWW!!!! of a good plastic spider in the prettiest girl in the class’s desk.

Boys are curious about the different thinking the girls exhibit. Boys are interested in girls noticing them. Girls are after all, typically ahead of boys scholastically, and socially.  In that advancement, for a time, girls are quite alien. So boys test them, annoy them, poke them and in elder times dipped their ponytails in the inkwell.

So why the hell are we treating little boys and little girls like criminals for normal, expected behavior a.k.a. being exactly what they are… Children!

I can’t even begin to imagine what reaction the old “Show me yours & I’ll show you mine” game would incite. Probably a full lock down of the school, letters to parents, and a hazmat crew!

In my childhood, I learned the physics of a catapult, and a lesson in duplicity from a girl named Patrice. She was bigger than I was and I’d been annoying her for many weeks. So one day, she invited me to the see/saw (teeter / totter) out on the playground. You know back int he day when children were allowed to go outside and PLAY.

Patrice started “bumping” the see / saw. She out weighed me by quite a bit, and with each successive “bump” It became harder to hold on to the see / saw handle. Eventually I was flying over her in a nice ballistic arc caused by her lack of braking, the flex of the wood, and the disparity between her weight and mine.

“Ohhh, that’s how a catapult works… and wow hitting the ground with my face kinda hurts.”

I distinctly recall Patrice and all her friends pointing and laughing. “How could he be soo stupid?” They were all asking each other.

Patrice hadn’t really wanted to see / saw with me at all, she was attempting to be mean. And due to my innocence she was successful.

I stopped annoying her, instead sticking close to my buddies as we continued attempting to figure out the mystery that were girls… from a safe distance.

I’d annoyed Patrice. She had enough of my annoyance and she fixed it. Her solution left my buddies and I huddled on the other side of the monkey bars like the primates we were. End of story and end of problem. I left Patrice alone and she left me alone, until Junior High School.

That’s when due to strange happenstance, she and I were paired up for square-dancing and we found that we enjoyed each other’s company. We started partnering up for chemistry, then archery, and we even went to our first school dance together.

I hope she remembers our interactions as fondly as I do.

It sounds like NONE of this kind of thing would be allowed to go on in a school today.

In fact, because of the way I annoyed Patrice I’d most likely have ended up suspended and my parents called into the principals office to discuss what an EVIL, VILE, PERVERT I was.

No doubt there’d have been bunch of questions regarding my home life and where on earth I was getting this horrific and inappropriate sexualized behavior. Perhaps my parents were abusing me or debasing me by forcing my innocent eyes to behold adults having sexual congress.

None of these rules or questions are appropriate for a child in Elementary School.

Children aren’t thinking sex, they’re blissfully ignorant, we should do our best to allow them to remain children, they’ll grow up in due time all on their own.

I don’t believe we’re making better people by isolating them from each other with rules and regulations and threats of suspension or zero tolerance policies. I think we’re creating people with no social skills.

Children explore & interact through experimentation. Sometimes they’re going to do the wrong thing and through the school of hard knocks learn how to avoid that mistake in the future.

I shudder to think what my life would have been like if all my failed experiments in socialization had been taken out of context, sexualized by the adults, or worse yet criminalized.

Oh, he was assaulted by someone who stabbed him with a pencil, so he acted out against a girl he perceived as weaker than him because of his inherent gender bias. He sexually harassed that girl because he was trying to regain some of his white male privilege and since he’s ‘Damaged Goods’ he should be sent to a school for troubled children. Or perhaps placed in remedial classes where he can be with other heavily medicated or violent ADHD children.”

What would I be like today?

This was published via Bing

All I can say is you have got to be fucking kidding me.

I worry about typos and poorly written sentences in this blog. It may not show, but I actually do worry about it.

I read and re-read what I’m writing in a genuine attempt to avoid assaulting you, the reader, with brain damaging prose.

Then I ran across this from a News aggregation site like Bing and thought “OK after this, I don’t need to be so worried about it any more.”

There was loads of speak about how Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL Pay has stumbled, if not utterly failed. Adoption rates are growing, still Pay has not quite ushered in the long run of physical wallets in that many thought it will. However let me make the case for a 2nd in that Apple Pay is not lifeless still, and even close, still slightly has just gotten an early begin to an extended mobile payments race in that is about to heat up. Check out the chart below, which shows the transaction value of proximity mobile payments over the subsequent few years of time of time. The Motley Fool Proximity mobile payments pertain to point-of-sale purchases where an individual makes use of their smartphone (or a pill, in the event in that they decide to rise above social norms) to buy an item. These differ from different mobile payments & mobile commerce where a user sits on the sofa & orders a Snuggie via smartphone or pill. The chart shows in that the proximity transactional value will double this yr, in comparison with last yr, after which triple in 2016. In accordance to eMarketer, the improve will come from a rise within the assortment of users tapping in to mobile payment systems and much more adoption from merchants. …
– via Las Vegas Nv Blog

For God’s sake!

This reads like something from an elementary school student. How the hell does something this badly written end up being nationally published?

Another question is how do I get paid to publish horrifically badly written articles?