I have this theory…

It’s a theory based on experience and observation.

I’ve known a lot of men in my life. Most of them were average “normal” guys with families, jobs, the occasional night where they had a bit too much to drink, good neighbors, jokesters, and some athletic ability.

They were Police officers, Lawyers, Doctors, Heavy Equipment Operators, Landscapers, Advertising Execs, Coaches, Educators, Engineers, you get it, their professions ran the gamut.

Of all of these men, the only men I’ve known who were complete “poon hounds” were men that were troubled.

Most “normal” men appreciate beautiful women, but their appreciation usually is curtailed by the ring on their finger, or the picture of their kids on their phone or in their wallet.

Those men, have nothing to prove to themselves or anyone else. They think about the woman they’ve married, or their children and happily leave a bar to go home to them.

Newly divorced men, get a little “houndy” shortly after their divorce, then settle down again into some sort of regular relationship. I’ve always thought of it like a second adolescence/young adulthood, “Hey, I can do whatever I want… Whoo HOOO!

Then like the worker in a chocolate factory, reality sets in and they’re not trying every Bon Bon, they get more selective.

I’ve known women that do the exact same thing after their divorces. How many women started dating a biker after dumping their nice safe accountant?

It’s human nature.

The men that never seemed to get over the “poon hound” phase often had something else going on.

The guy who sleeps with any and every willing woman, or rents prostitutes every single night is trying to prove something. Either to himself or his buddies.

“Man, that Josh gets more ass than a toilet seat!”

“Yeah, but he drinks so much and snorts so much, he never remembers them.”

Eventuality the guys buddies aren’t impressed and the guy settles down, or he doesn’t.

The guys that don’t settle down, are the guys that often turn out to be gay.

See, they were trying to prove to themselves that they weren’t gay.

I’ve known Marines, Army, Navy, and Air Force guys that joined the military to prove they weren’t fagots. Only to discover three years in, that they were gay and then spent the rest of their hitch worried about being found out.

A man that’s engaging in risky sex with any woman that’s breathing is trying to fuck the pain away.

The pain of shame. Of disappointing their father, mother, pastor, or church. These guys, get into self destructive habits of whores, booze, drugs, and usually fuck themselves out of a career in the process.

I’m not a psychologist. I’m just relating what I’ve observed.

When this group of men finally look themselves in the mirror and acknowledge, “Yep… I want some dick…” Their lives often start to turn around.

No, I’m not saying everything immediately becomes rainbows and unicorns, but in being honest with themselves they begin walking the path toward accepting who they really are, instead of hiding it from the world and more importantly, from themselves.

In my experience, guys who are always badmouthing faggots either were abused, or they want dick and can’t reconcile it with themselves. They scream how much they hate faggots to demonstrate that they’re not one.

Think of it as “Methinks the maid doth protest too much.

Lots of the men I’ve known who were fighting what they really were also had serious porn addictions and often filmed their escapades so that they could have visual proof they weren’t gay.

“Yeah, I put my dick in her and she loved it!”

I guess it’s a kind of feedback loop. “I fuck, therefore I’m a man, not a faggot pussy!”

There are gay men who knowing they’re gay, still feel “Less Than” and they’re much more likely to have drinking problems or self medicate with God only knows what.

I once knew a guy who’d gotten a permanent case of “Cocaine Dick,” He’d get hard, he’d fuck like a maniac, but for all his effort couldn’t achieve climax. The poor man walked around all the time with a serious case of blue balls and couldn’t find relief.

His problem was that while he was okay being gay, he couldn’t admit it to anyone. He felt he was a disappointment to his parents, and felt terrible guilt over not giving them grand children. That led to cocaine abuse, ultimately leading to his problem. Miraculously, when his parents died, (and it sounds harsh,) he got a handle on the coke, and after a few years began to have mostly normal orgasms.

I’ve known men with meth addictions that had the same kinds of problem. In addition to their teeth rotting out of their heads.

For some reason, men like these tend to open up to me. I guess I have a trustworthy face.

All of this preamble brings me to the point I wanted to make.

I theorize that Hunter Biden is gay.

He exemplifies the most troubled men I’ve met in my life.

He’s begging for Daddies approval, and attention. Who screws his brother’s wife? What is that other than saying, “See, I measure up.”

Who admits snorting parmesan cheese out of a carpet except someone that is so troubled they have to be high to live their life?

Who knocks up a stripper, while fucking his brother’s wife, while settling a nasty divorce?

Who gets, or stays, so fucked up that they leave a laptop full of self porn, with hookers, underage girls, and random women, at a shop and never goes back to claim it?

Someone in dire need of approval. Someone hoping Daddy sees the videos and says, “Good job son, that one was hot!”

Someone screaming for help. Someone so broken that they don’t know any better than to keep going back into the situation that broke them in the first place.

In short, a man whose inner turmoil is so profound that they only know one or two ways to feel good. Sex or drugs.

You can only fuck the pain away for so long. Eventually, no matter how many times you cum, no matter how many partners you have, you’re still empty inside and nothing can fill that painful void. So you can only live, drunk enough, or high enough to numb the agony.

Unless you’re really lucky.

Sometimes, you find yourself just drunk enough or just high enough, and you’re with a guy. Sometimes that guy is open to fucking around and you think, “What the fuck? I’ve done everything else. Let’s see what cock tastes like. I wonder if a guys ass feels the same as a woman’s.

Then you’re lying in the afterglow smoking a cigarette and realize, “I don’t hurt so much anymore. Something’s changed, I don’t feel so alone.”

You have an epiphany. You realize your life is yours. You understand what’s been missing.

For the first time in your life, someone… The right person, at the right time, touched your soul.

It wasn’t just about sex, it was seeing that there was another way. A way that didn’t force you back into pain. There was the potential for you to find someone that always touched your soul and it wasn’t just about your body. The physical pleasure was just the icing on the cake.

If you’re very lucky, it occurs to you that you don’t have to be one way or another. You can have it all, if you’re fearless enough and want what makes you happy. It’s the ability to start to seize your own life and make the best of it you can.

Yeah… Been there, done that.

That’s why I think Hunter Biden is gay.

I hope that he finds the right person, at the right time, and that someone can touch his soul.

Then I hope he’s fortunate enough to put the pieces together, bail on his dysfunctional family and seize control of his life.

I hate seeing someone in the kind of pain it looks like he’s feeling.

He’s still got time, unless he OD’s tomorrow.

Well, lost another friendly acquaintance today…

No they didn’t die.

We were riding in my car and happened to pass by a F*&K BIDEN sign.

My passenger muttered, “fucking Trumper.”

I chuckled then asked, “What makes you think that household is a Trump household?”

My Passenger replied, “That Fuck Biden sign.”

I pointed out that simply not liking Biden doesn’t mean someone is automatically pro-Trump. It could just as easily be a commentary on the job Biden has done in the past 18 months.

“Nah, Biden is so much better than Trump”, my passenger said.

I posited this, “If you remove emotion about Trump from the equation entirely and evaluate only Biden’s performance. Are you better off now, 18 months after Biden took office than you were prior to Biden taking office?”

That got my passenger thinking, but they didn’t reply.

I continued, “For example, The day Biden took office, one of my small 401Ks was worth 17K, almost double what the original investment was. Today that 401K is worth 12K. So in 18 months The Biden Administration policies have disrupted the economy sufficiently that I’ve lost almost all the gains. Even during COVID at the tail end of 2019 and through 2020 that 401K investment continued to gain in value.”

My passenger retorted, ” Well COVID hurt the entire country.”

I replied, “To be sure, COVID did have an effect. But why has that effect catalyzed in the first 18 months of The Biden Administration? Further why has the economy faltered so dramatically? Why are we looking at a recession? Why has the supply chain not recovered? Why have base fuel prices, not just gasoline, but diesel and other petroleum goods risen so dramatically? The previous Administration had one full year of COVID as has the Current Administration.”

My passenger said, “Well Trump made a mess of the government and Biden is fixing it. That is going to take time.”

I said, “Okay, then by your logic Trump somehow screwed up the government and the economy, effectively creating a house of cards waiting to fall, that Biden needed to fix?”

“Well yeah,” my passenger said.

I offered, “There are two ways to deal with a house of cards. One is to tear it down and start over, the other way is to leave it the hell alone.”

“So you’re a Trumper?” My passenger asked.

“Nope. I’m a fucking realist! If you don’t understand something, don’t fuck with it! That’s one of the more simple rules of life. If the Biden Administration didn’t understand whatever machinations Trump may or may not have put in the government, they shouldn’t have started hacking away at them. Beyond that, I’m very concerned that our country has gotten to the point that simply being critical of Biden elicits the assumption that whoever is speaking critically of The President, must automatically be a Trumper. That kind of polarized thinking is exactly the kind of thinking that leads to civil wars, or violence in the streets.”

My passenger said, “There can’t be a civil war here.”

“Oh? Why not?” I asked making a right turn.

“The military is controlled by The President. He wouldn’t allow a civil war to happen,” came my passenger’s reply.

I replied, “That, by definition, would be a civil war. Just FYI… The US military, and I don’t have exact numbers, is probably outnumbered 30 to 1, or more by able bodied, and armed, people of the United States. Some units may stand down in the face of an illegal order to fire on the very people they exist to protect. The Biden Administration giving such an order would likely cause chaos in the ranks, resulting in more units standing down as they questioned whether they were serving The Constitution, and The Republic, or a dictatorship. The practical upshot would be that their effectiveness would be further reduced. Also consider our military is very effective in a wide variety of engagements. But our military and in fact, most militaries fall short in urban / guerrilla warfare. Vietnam and Afghanistan underscore that point nicely. Generally speaking, the people of the United States would have the home turf advantage, since it is unlikely US Military units would be locals to the areas they’d be called in to quell.”

“They’d have to follow orders,” my passenger said.

“Or what? They’d be shot by their own comrades? Imprisoned? Either way their effectiveness would be reduced, and the rage of cold, hungry, broke, homeless citizens would be further inflamed at the atrocity being committed in their name. It’s a no win scenario for The Biden Administration to call out the military.”

We passed another 4 F*&K BIDEN signs in people’s yards.

“Why are there so many Trumpers in this town,” My passenger asked again.

“Because they’re not Trumpers. They’re exercising their First Amendment Right to express themselves. There are more of those signs everyday because more people disagree with the policies of President Biden. Two of the last four signs weren’t there last Thursday.”

“They should be taken down by the police. They’re disrespectful!” My passenger asserted.

“So you’re a communist?” I asked.

“NO! How could you say that?” My passenger demanded.

“Well, you just said criticisms of The Leader were disrespectful and should be confiscated. Isn’t that one of the hallmarks of Communism or Dictatorships?” I asked.

Continuing, I said, “I’ve been thinking, I may have to get one of those signs. I’m extremely displeased with President Biden’s performance too.”

We rode on in silence.

My passenger did have the courtesy to thank me for the ride as they disembarked. I don’t think they’ll be riding with me, or speaking to me, in the future. Of course, since I’m a decent human being, if they were to ask and offered to pay for gas, I’d get them where they wanted to go.

Possibly with a F*&K Biden bumper sticker affixed to my car…

Hard Choices

I remind you, that it is not immoral to secure your oxygen mask, before helping others with theirs.

In a disaster or industrial accident, It is not immoral to save those who have a good chance of survival by providing medical resources to them, while providing pain killers, but not wasting medical resources, to those who are suffering but who will not survive.

These are admittedly stark choices. Yet we’re all familiar with them. During the COVID pandemic doctors and nurses essentially made these decisions in hospitals nationwide.

We accepted this without question.

The talking heads on our screens went so far as to say, those who did not comply with masking, vaccines, and isolation… Should be left to die.

That these “Journalists” weren’t called out on such statements and their disappointment that millions of (R) voters didn’t die is a sign of how far “Journalism” has fallen in this country.

Why, given these harsh but acceptable realities do we refuse to accept that we cannot help every single less fortunate country?

Our farming community is warning that there will likely be more food shortages in the coming months.

Yet we continue to send grain to other countries. We continue to allow people to swarm the southern border, are we condemning these poor souls to starvation?

Inflation and high fuel prices are predicted to be with us until at least 2023. It will cost more to heat our homes in the winter. It will cost more for electricity and water, year round.

Getting to, and from work, will cost more. Bus fares, taxis, or train fares, will all go up regardless of how they’re powered.

As we’ve seen, gasoline for automobiles has skyrocketed, making commuting to work more expensive, and working from home more desirable.

Median housing prices have topped $400,000 according to Consumer Affairs. This will drag rental prices up, further pricing low middle, and low income people out of decent housing.

These folks will not be able to buy a home, and as their rent increases they’ll be pushed further under water, making it hard for them to simply hold on to what they have.

Can you really work from home if you’re sharing a one bedroom apartment with 5 other people? How’s that important teleconference going to work with people coming and going in the background?

Adding millions of immigrants with varying skills, literacy, and language abilities, to the population will only increase strain on state and federal resources. Additionally, doesn’t this fuel rental scarcity and rent increases?

Would a landlord prefer to evict people already in apartments who may occasionally have trouble paying their rent on time, for a guaranteed income paid for by Government aid to house immigrants?

There is a growing scarcity of medical professionals. More skilled doctors are retiring all the time. Some cite burnout from COVID, others cite stresses imposed on them by insurance bureaucracies and lack of qualified staff.

Will newcomers to this country soon be adding to the hoards of people already waiting for care in emergency rooms? What effect does that have on already stressed medical professionals? If the burnout among medical professionals increases won’t the quality of healthcare be diminished as a result?

Will hospitals and Emergency Rooms have to add full time translators to their staff just to communicate? What will these realities, and those I can’t imagine, do to cost of medical care?

Our government’s solution to the problem is to keep taking people in, and spread them around the country. That works in the short term. But longer term, unless the inflow is stopped, all the current solution does is create desperation, ghettos, and hopelessness.

The tragedy is that many of these people have traveled thousands of miles at great personal risk, some of them taking on incredible debt to criminal organizations, only to be put right back in conditions similar to those they left.

How disheartening must it be to go through all that hardship and suffering only to end up in a place that looks exactly like where they left, their job prospects are the same or worse, everything is more expensive, and they don’t understand the culture or the language to boot.

This is why, until recently, most first world nations had very strict immigration quotas and enforced them. It wasn’t about cruelty or malice. It was the practical realization that groups of immigrants (illegal or otherwise) need time to assimilate into a new culture. Time to find productive employment, and time to move out of assisted housing to stand on their own.

That these same first world nations so vehemently criticized our nation’s attempts at curbing illegal immigration is another matter.

Now that they are being overrun themselves it would be easy to smile and tell them, “See, we told you so…” That would be counterproductive, fair, but counterproductive.

It will be interesting to see what these countries say to our nation when they start their deportation flights. At least one, maybe two EU countries are doing exactly that. They’ve seen they can’t help, and are trying to send people back to their points of origin.

A better solution would be for the United States, and these EU nations to make it known;

“DON’T COME! Your situation will be no better here. Don’t risk your lives or the lives of your family. You’ll only be deported, and what money you spent will be wasted.”

For the US, we need to complete the border wall. There are those who’ll say people find their way around and over the wall. Yep, they do. But not hundreds or thousands in a month.

The wall won’t stop the flow entirely, but it may reduce it to a manageable level. A level that allows proper hearings, proper evaluation of asylum requests, and a way for the system to work as it’s intended. This would allow those who legitimately request asylum to be housed, fed, integrated into communities, and welcomed.

The time is coming when we’ll have to accept it’s time to put our own oxygen masks on, and leave the fate of others… In their own hands.

It’s not fair.

The antelope on the African savanna doesn’t think it’s fair the lion is eating him. That doesn’t stop the lion. The lion doesn’t think it’s fair that he’s been hungry for 5 days either.

Life rarely deals out equitable outcomes. The sooner we accept that, the sooner we’ll be able to make changes that will allow us to help those we can help.

This is why I’m in favor of immigration control. I think it’s cruel to allow people to believe in a dream of The United States, strive to get here and then destroy them with the reality that they’re no better off.

Afghanistan had a major earthquake. Sorry!

The Taliban…

The Fucking Taliban! Is asking for aid, a.k.a. CASH to help with their recovery efforts.

I wish I was in a position to tell them two words via diplomatic channels.


Clean up your own mess. That’s what a functioning government does. If you can’t take care of an earthquake, you don’t deserve to be in power.

For me, it’s that cut & dried. I’m sorry a thousand innocent people lost their lives, that’s where my largess ends.

We fought you terrorist assholes for 20 years. Biden left you 80 Billion in arms and equipment, (which is now showing up in black markets around the globe).

You assholes have more than enough assets to clean up the mess. That is, if you can take 10 minutes to write a check, or a month of black market profit and put it into your country, instead of your pockets.

Why should America or any other civilized nation prop up your failed government? It’s far simpler and cheaper to allow your people to see what kind of failures, and how corrupt you are.

Maybe someone will loan your people a bulldozer to shove all your body parts into a mass grave full of pig offal. Because when they figure out you’re stealing bread from their tables, they’re gonna rip you apart with their bare hands.

We have problems of our own. Our politicians, who may not be much better than the Taliban when it comes to corruption, will be looking to cover their own asses if shortages continue, or increase in the civilized world.

Tell you what Taliban… Call Venezuela see what they can do for you.

Until then, you Taliban jackasses better sleep alone. It will probably be the women you take to rape, that slit your throats.