I keep waiting for her eyes to start glowing.

Greta Thunberg is apparently an “expert?

She appeared on CNN’s Townhall about coronavirus.

Really? I guess all it takes for you to become a celebrity these days is to speak to your elders harshly. Remember this is the little girl who chastised the United fucking Nations and predicted doom and gloom for the world.

All I can hear as she speaks is a ringtone from The Goths in SouthParkDeath and Despair… Death and Despair…

We have climate change scientists that can’t seem to get their modeling right. And I’m talking about real scientists who are doing real work.

What makes this little girl an appropriate spokesperson on anything, much less a chaotic system like climate?

But there she is on our televisions again.

What power does she have? 

Greta Thunberg 2 420x315I see her picture, hear her speak, and wonder what is going on?  Then I saw this picture on Breitbart this morning and it clicked.

I’ve seen that look before. It bugged the hell out of me and after a few minutes searching my memory, I remembered.

I saw that expression in Village of the Damned

VillageOfTheDamnedOMG! We’ve been invaded by Aliens!!!!

That would explain a lot of things.

Her meteoric rise from obscurity, her access to the halls of power, and the elite.

Her disdain for humanity and the feeling that when she’s talking she’s judging people as vermin.

(Full disclosure, I often feel that way too. So I’m possibly calling the kettle black in this instance.)

It makes perfect sense! She’s part of the advance guard. Her people are on their way and they’re concerned that the planetary ecology will be too screwed up for them to take over. The area of the planet that she comes from is a bit cooler, maybe her people can’t take the heat. That would make global warming a big problem.

I guess we need to start looking for others. Probably folks who come from Canada, the northern United States, Norway, Sweden, Greenland, Iceland, and Siberia. Lest we forget the Southern Hemisphere. New Zealand, parts of Australia, Argentina, The Falkland Islands, and The South Sandwich Islands.

Anderson CooperWho else from those areas might we be suspicious of? What positions of power might they have? How long have they been here?

Now wait just a damn minute!

Nooooo It can’t be true! Not Anderson!

Just a goof folks, Having a little bit of fun.

I honestly don’t think Greta should be in the public eye, I think she should be in school.

I’ve just had it with the constant doom, gloom, and the lockdown. So I thought I’d let my conspiracy theory horses out for a run.

I’d almost prefer an interstellar war. At least then I’d know why my life has been thrown into chaos, and why it may never return to normal.

Loki.jpgAfter hearing what some of our politicians have said and how they’ve behaved toward their citizens I was reminded of Loki in The Avengers.

Is not this simpler? Is this not your natural state? It’s the unspoken truth of humanity that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life’s joy in a mad scramble for power. For identity. You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel.” ― Loki of Asgard

Which is why I decided to take a break from the news, and quite possibly a break from technology for the weekend. 

I hope you have a great weekend. Turn off the news and take a deep breath.



So we all know we have to have insurance, be it auto, home, rental, or health.

The problem is, that insurance costs keep going up and the quality of their services keeps going down.

Case(s) in point. 

The miserly manner in which unemployment insurance, that we’re forced to pay for is administered. In California, they literally have a don’t call us… we’ll call you, policy. The only way to reach them is via their web page. Then they’ll call you if they feel like it, when they feel like it, and god help you if you’re unable to answer the call. You know it’s bad form to interrupt a job interview to answer a call from EDD. But you’re going to pay for your insolence… 

I recently got a quote from a healthcare provider for $795 per month. SAY WHAT?

That’s more per month than any single doctor’s visit including labs and prescriptions. A single month of insurance costs $100 more than my yearly prescription cost. I see a Doctor only once a year typically. My prescription cost has dropped since I am paying over the counter.

Yeah, figure that one out… the cost of my prescription over the counter is less than what I’d paid when I had insurance.

Doing the math, why in the living hell would I pay that kind of money?

Well here is a possible explanation.

It’s simply to make us, you know, we the people, totally dependent on some kind of government entity. Under Covered California I’d pay $77.00 per month for the same damn coverage.

The State picking up the remainder of the cost. If I go on Medi-cal then I have full coverage at no cost. Of course, the moment I get a job, or I make over a certain amount of money, Medi-cal disappears and I’m back to paying under Covered California.

This, during a time when My unemployment check isn’t covering anything more than the bare basics. Thank god I put some money away otherwise I’d already be homeless, jobless, carless, and living on the streets of San Diego, LA, or San Francisco.

But the point is this; What is the real fucking cost to insure me? You know damn well that California isn’t paying $718 a month. I’m not worth it to them. I’m the wrong fucking color and speak the wrong language.

But obviously the State is using this mechanism to create dependency on their supposed largess. I’m not generally a conspiracy theory kind of guy. There are things that make me wonder though.

In this case I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that the state is paying something. They’ll call it “Negotiated” but there is no negotiation involved. I think the more likely case is that there has been some back room bullshit where the State (meaning from a federal level all the way down to the State government has figured out that they can create and maintain a dedicated pool of voters for one party or the other.

If everyone is dependent on some kind of subsidy then voters will vote for whoever is going to give them the most. Or rather, whoever promises the most.

Medicare for example is totally protected by a rather substantial voter block and a pack of lobbyists. But it’s the tax payers that foot the bill.

I’m not suggesting that we flush Medicare, what I am saying is that it’s a sacred cow and any politician can swing that voting block their way by promising, not only to protect Medicare, but also to expand the coverage.

Consequently, medical costs go up, prescription costs go up, and the care remains the same or substandard. This creates yet another opportunity for the insurance companies to fleece the people with supplemental care policies. These policies tap into the retirement checks of our elder population and manage to literally screw retirees until they die.

The insurance companies get richer, and the average person gets poorer.

Auto insurance is starting to follow the same model. Increasing administrative costs, leading to increasing costs of repair. The cost of parts to repair your vehicle (the RAW cost) probably hasn’t increased by the same factor as the cost to insure our cars.

But the administrative costs, the repeated phone calls, the repeated appraisals on the damage, etc are driving up the cost to repair our cars. 

This has led to a philosophy on the part of the repair facilities of “Your Insurance will cover it” leading to jacked up costs and the Customer being caught in the middle.

The insurance company doesn’t want to pay, the repair facility want’s to clear your car off their lot and nobody can do anything until some appraiser gets their ass out to look at the damage. But even after the appraiser hauls their ass out tot he repair facility, they lowball the cost, and the customer ends up making multiple calls to bitch about the appraisal. 

Eventually, after enough phone calls,  the insurance company relents and approves the cost of the repairs. But meanwhile the car has been sitting on the repair lot for weeks, limiting the ability of the repair facility to turn over vehicles. This directly impacts the repair facilities bottom line.

Make no mistake, the repair facility is also paying for a variety of insurance and if they’re not making money, they can’t add employees which in turn add to the amount of insurance they can pay. 

This leads more and more people to just pay for the repairs on their own, and yet they’re still paying the insurance companies for coverage that they’re not using. 

And another branch of the insurance industry gets richer.

Like ticks on a dog, they get fatter and fatter and once the dog manages to scratch them off, then the insurance company poor mouths it, telling us all how the costs are are increasing and they need another rate increase.

What any insurance company is saying when they increase our rates is really, “We need to increase our profits.”

Like many parasites, the insurance companies are heading toward a level of un-sustainability, In living systems, this culminates in fatality for the host.

In America with insurance, we have government subsidies prior to the host death. Personally, I think we need to send a message to all of the insurance companies.

I think we all need to find a way to stop sending payments to organizations who have forgotten that they work for us and exist at our suffrage.

Dry up the insurance companies income for a couple of months and see if they don’t start singing a different tune.

How much is too much?


These days everything has passwords, sign-ins, PINS, & we all have multiple accounts, the invasion doubles when you try to keep your work and personal lives separated. 

Now there’s this weird trend, and it’s one I’m not sure I’m comfortable with.

After a long run of being able to view my YouTube subscriptions using Apple TV, they’ve recently changed things. My YouTube stuff has been reset with a recent release of the Apple TV firmware. Now when I ask to take a look at my subscriptions, My Apple TV tells me…

“Sign in, Get better video recommendations, watch your playlists and subscriptions, and find channels you love. On your phone, tablet, or computer, got to youtube.com/activate and enter: UISU-GWGB”


Problem is that I ALREADY had signed in the old way, perhaps a year ago. You know where I gave them my ID and password and everything was working great. Now not only do I have to sign in again, but this new sign-in method will probably add another data point to my overall profile at Google. 

This is one of those situations where someone, somewhere is trying to link the string of pearls of my life together via my devices.

The problem is that I’m a human being, and that by most standards implies a certain amount of social interaction. Heck I might log into a device like an Apple TV to show a favorite video or selection of videos to friends at their house on their Apple TV, or Roku, or Chrome, or even their smart TV, instead of my own.


Pushing this method of registration limits that interaction, forcing instead that sharing be done via a device with a browser.

YouTube isn’t the only one using this method. Several of the TV networks, HBO, Showtime, Cinemax, History, and even PBS have been using this register/activate this device at our website model for a while. In those cases they wanted you to register at your Cable/Dish provider, or directly with their website. 

The problem is that the major TV networks and PBS, can be provided over the air without a Cable provider. So the whole registration model makes no sense for them unless they provide a way to register you’re on an antenna.

But DUDE we’re trying to make your user experience better, this way your devices will be forever linked and we’ll push you things our systems determine that you’re likely to be happiest with.

In my life, I want to see the stuff I select and I don’t want content filtered by a computer, no matter how sophisticated it’s algorithms.


I am becoming more uncomfortable with linkages of this type.

At the risk of sounding like I’ve got a tinfoil hat on. The whole register / activate model doesn’t seem all that insidious until you consider what information this registration can collect. Here’s a short list just off the top of my head.

Number of device(s) you own

location (via IP) 

Type of device & manufacturer (via that funny code), your name, your account information (via Cable Provider or in this case Google.)

Socio Economic status (number of devices + your cable bill and premium channels vs. over the air only.)
NewImageYou could make a case for ability to detect approximate educational level and even number of adults or if there are children in the house and possibly the political affiliation of the home just from viewing habits. Nielsen has been doing this kind of thing for years and I’ll bet their algorithms are damn efficient.

Speed of your internet connection, when cross referenced against number of providers in your area, this can provide another data point in your social economic status. Do you have basic DSL or are you in a top tier FiOs or Cable plan?

 NewImageI personally don’t like people having that much information about me. This is Big Brother territory because it’s not only what I own, but what I’m interested in and likely to own.
For example, because I went to a site about gun safety sponsored by the NRA I get ads in Brietbart about concealed carry and holsters. Because I checked out a new WiFi device that’s not even released to the public yet, I’m getting ads on all my search pages about the that device. Because I happen to like Andrew Klavens snark on YouTube, my YouTube suggestions are all conspiracy theory videos.
This is the problem, because I am curious about a wide variety of subjects I end up having ads shoved down my throat long after I’ve decided a subject or product is of no interest.


 I don’t like it and the only Way I can think of to opt out is to disconnect from the internet. For a wide variety of reasons that is no longer really a viable option in the country.
Maybe I should be wearing a tinfoil hat after all…

Forced into computer maint

Which is boring… ON the up side I can still use the system while it’s fixing one of the drives.

Which means that I can blog, and I can watch the crazy shit on YouTube.

Let me make a couple of things clear. 

I absolutely believe in the Drake Equation. More information about the Drake equation can be found here.

The short explanation is that a guy by the name of Frank Drake attempted to calculate the potential number of civilizations that might be in our galaxy.

The equation itself is 




N = the number of civilizations in our galaxy with which communication might be possible (i.e. which are on our current past light cone);


R* = the average rate of star formation per year in our galaxy
fp = the fraction of those stars that have planets
ne = the average number of planets that can potentially support life per star that has planets
f = the fraction of the above that actually go on to develop life at some point
fi = the fraction of the above that actually go on to develop intelligent life
fc = the fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence into space
L = the length of time for which such civilizations release detectable signals into space[5]

My belief in the math, doesn’t automatically mean that I think there are aliens around every corner. 

On the other hand I do think that certain anomalous structures on this planet and on our near neighbors deserve investigation.

I’m talking about real science. Not some preconceived beliefs where a scientist is trying to make the evidence fit what they want to believe. I’m talking about an objective dispassionate analysis of the quantifiable facts.

A couple of Earthbound examples would be the Sphinx and the pyramid complex at Giza.

No I’m not suggesting by default that these sites were built by Aliens. I’m suggesting that there is considerable evidence to suggest that the Sphinx is far older than the current accepted age. But that evidence and the theories surrounding it are being ignored or in some cases suppressed.

In the case of the pyramids I’ve just wondered why the Great pyramid is so light on the writing. I mean practically every monument from ancient Egypt is covered with drawings, art, and hieroglyphs why is the Great pyramid so … bare? Just one of those questions I’ve always been curious about.

Wouldn’t it be amazing to discover that the grandeur of Egypt actually went back further than the accepted timeline? Imagine discovering that civilizations in what is now known as Egypt went back 10, 15, or 20 thousand years. Talk about rewriting world history… The Sphinx enclosure seems to point that direction. 

We as human beings deserve to know if our history is richer than previously thought. If our ancestors moved from a hunter gatherer existence to an agricultural civilization earlier than previously imagined then those chapters of our history need to be told and explored.

None of which implies that Aliens were here then or are here now.

Our species is amazingly clever and resourceful. It’s a pity that all too often we choose to use our cleverness to kill each other over some of the stupidest things.

It’s not any more outlandish to say some of our ancestors advanced 5000 years earlier than we thought they did than it is to say Aliens showed up 4000 years ago and taught us farming and building techniques.

All that being said, I’d love to actually meet a benign Alien. I specify because the thought of meeting an Alien that was anything but benign is terrifying. I’m not entirely sure that I’m ready to be someones dinner.

I’d really like to see serious investigation into some of the strange pictures the alien conspiracy people use as their proof of civilizations on Mars or the Moon.


I’m not talking about the guy who magnifies Nasa photos to the point that they begin to pixelate and then does a color shift to enhance & show “buildings”. Although his photo montages with the spooky music are good for a laugh.

Come on, I can take a picture of my dick, and magnify it to the point of pixelation, do a little color shifting and “prove” that aliens have a civilization on the head of my penis. Hummm probably not the best example…

That sounds more like a commercial for the latest product in body lice removal. (Note to the lice shampoo manufacturers, If you use this idea as a marketing campaign I’m going to want my cut.)

Don’t let invaders build a civilization in your nether regions. Get a bottle of alien kill and wash those itchy devils down the drain. Only 9.95 at your local drug store.

Caution: Alien kill may cause flushing, irritation, skin sloughing, uncontrollable erections, premature ejaculation, impotence, and tenderness in the breasts.”


There are interesting anomalies in some of the Nasa photos that sure as heck look like regular structures. They could just as easily be lava tubes but I’d like to know.

The bottom line is that I’d like to believe we’ve been visited, I’d like to know for sure one way or the other.

I’m not so gullible as to watch these YouTube videos with anything but the utmost skepticism. 


One video that really cracked me up today was where this guy is in all seriousness talking about a “UFO crash site” in Antarctica.

He sees four “Tanks” and a trench gouged in the snow by the “Crash”. 

I see four tents. 

He sees the gun barrels of the tanks.

I see the shadows cast by heater/stove vents sticking up through the top of the tents.

I see what looks like a camp.

This “proof” is from Google Earth for goodness sake.

Looking at the shadows, these are not four tanks, their shadows are different indicating to me that the structures casting those shadows have differing shapes which tanks don’t. It looks like the sun is kind of low on the horizon so the object at the top of the frame has something large and boxlike sticking up that’s casting a square shadow. 


Whatever these are, they’ve been there long enough to have created snow drifts from the wind blowing. I doubt seriously that a military recovery of a crashed UFO would have taken that long.

The gouge and the mysterious pile at the end of it, look like a trench dug with a bulldozer. I’m thinking the trench and tents are some kind of research. Maybe some scientists wanted to look at snow / ice deposition with a wider view than is possible with Ice cores. Maybe they’re trying to get an idea of how fast meteor crater impacts would be covered over in Antarctica. It could be a poop trench for all we know.

But unlike the spooky music folks, I see nothing conspiratorial in this photo. 

I really have to ask this… Since Google is an American company. Don’t you think that the NSA, CIA, and FBI would have the ability to censor images?

If indeed there is a conspiracy do you think these organizations would leave a UFO crash available to be seen by the general public?

I kind of doubt it. 

The thing our government is good at, is cover-ups.

There are a couple of things that these YouTube UFO conspiracy videos prove. 

Humans are immensely imaginative. We see exactly what we want, need, or expect to see. Often what we see is in direct contradiction with reality.

When early man looked up into the void is it any wonder they saw powerful beings in the patterns of the sky and stars? Their brains were wired to see familiar patterns.

For all our sophistication and technology it’s amusing for me to discover that we’re not much different from our early superstitious ancestors.

The only thing that has changed is how we’re getting the patterns to look at.

Be cynical, question the “truth” of what you see and hear. It’s the only way to be sure you really know what you think you know.

I’m going back to the Nasa is lying to us thread on YouTube.

This shit cracks me up!

Was it all a tempest in a teakettle?


I have no idea what’s going on.


This morning I’ve run across several articles in the Register saying that new data analysis of global warming data may suggest that all the hubbub was in fact static.

One article in The Register suggests that global warming has been stalled since 1998.. New looks at the data, suggest that since 1950 the overall global temp has risen by only 1/2 a degree. 

Like all news media, I’m not sure that I trust The Registers reporting or their ability to even understand what they’re reporting well enough to be accurate.

However It’s intriguing to me that after all the wringing of hands and wailing… Things may not be as bad as we’ve been led to believe.

Normally I’d call this a “one off” but then the same publication reports has two other articles where they quote other sources suggesting a direct conflict with “accepted climate change facts”.

This article says that there’ve been no increases in droughts since 1950. But the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in a 2007 assessment says “More intense and longer droughts have been observed over wider areas since the 1970s.”

The article says that as our data modeling gets more refined the statistics regarding global drought were over estimated.


The IPCC 2007 report has pretty much been debunked as over blown and being wildly alarmist. However this new information will likely put a wooden stake in the IPCC report once and for all.

Another article suggests that yes the Greenland ice sheets are in fact melting. At the current rate of melt they’ll be gone in about 13,000 years. The actual effect on sea levels from the Greenland ice melt will be about a 5 cm increase in ocean levels by 2130. This is far less of a “lets scream and run around in little circles.” than has been reported in the media.

Yet Another article details the investigation into why Antarctic ice sheets are growing… This growth is limiting confidence in climate predictions. Scientists from NASA and the British Antarctic Survey have teamed up to see if they can unravel the reason for the ice growth.

None of this information is reason to go burn down a forest, or open a strip mining operation in Alaska. 

The publication of theses articles and the new data shouldn’t  be cause for us to stop being responsible inhabitants of the planet. We should continue to reduce our toxic emissions. We should search for energy sources that don’t damage the environment. That’s just being smart and responsible.


The common thread in each of the articles is that the data used to support the Global Warming arguments, AKA “Climate Change”  is plagued with signal noise.

Think of it like when the radios in our cars were AM only.

The further you’d get away from a town the more static you’d hear until finally you were only able to catch a word or two every few seconds.

The temperature and climate data is like that. You could perhaps make a sentence out of the one or two words you heard every couple of seconds. The accuracy of that sentence would be highly suspect.

Climate scientists are re-evaluating their data and applying better software techniques to filter out the “noise”. 

Couple these techniques with more sophisticated satellites and monitoring equipment and you get much higher accuracy. Then if you take the data feeds from the Mars satellites and instruments you’ve got the ability to make comparisons and refine our data about Earth.

This is part of normal scientific process.

Another part of this process is that you need to have scientists who are free to ask questions and express their opinions.


Consider for a moment how the press, governments, other scientists, and people in general treated scientists who questioned the claims that run away global warming was upon us and that the entire planet was going to burn… Next year!

Many of those scientists had their lives and careers destroyed. Simply because they chose to look at the data objectively and critically, which by the way they were trained to do. 

None of those scientists said it wasn’t a problem, they said the data was inconclusive. And they were right

Something to think about before you shout down someone with a different opinion than your own.

Just Saying…


Since I saw the articles mentioned above yesterday, there have been several new articles that say OH NO… the Ice is really melting.

The most recent one is Here

Which of course kind of proves the point. The data is full of noise. 

Given that there is so much conflicting data, obviously further study is needed to understand what exactly is happening.

Again I re-iterate Just because the data is inconclusive and changing doesn’t mean that we have any right to be irresponsible in our utilization of the planetary resources.

We must change, we must learn to use less, recycle more, and in general be more efficient in our energy use. 

I’ve long advocated that in a computer age, with our communication technologies we shouldn’t all be driving to our places of business. If your business is digital in nature you don’t have to be in a cubicle in the heart of an office block 40 miles from your home. You can do your job from your computer in your home office just as easily.

That alone would reduce the amount of auto exhaust daily. But thinking more “outside the box” could take us so much further. We need to change our way of thinking about work, management, and efficiency.