But it’s only 1%

Waste of money.I keep seeing people talking about USAID being only 1% of the budget. As if somehow that justifies the waste.

Waste is waste. That 1% is still more money than I’ll ever see. It might be more money than most of the people in the United States will ever see.

That it’s only 1% isn’t the point. The point is what that 1% is being spent on. An alternate point is, “If we see this here, what will we find elsewhere in the miasma we call our government?”

The best thing we could have happening to our government right now, in my opinion, is to have successful businessmen looking at government, not as a black hole of poor investment, but instead looking at it like a failing business that they’re trying to save.

I say that as a preamble to the point I want to try to make.

I don’t understand the logic of trivializing money spent, or money earned.

Let me provide a couple of anecdotes from the opposite perspective. A perspective of companies trying to make a profit.

I once worked for a company that sold software. The software, drove process controls in devices and could easily be integrated into a company’s machines via a pretty clever API. 

The company’s software was in a ton of other manufactures machines. It saved the manufactures time having to write basic control software and allowed them to concentrate on feature differentiation.

The company I worked for sold licenses to use their software. Part of the licensing structure was for updates, modifications, and integration assistance.

One of my friends worked in the Sales department. One day he came to my cubicle really despondent.

He’d been working for weeks on several deals only to have those deals rejected by the ‘powers that be’ because they weren’t big enough. Meaning the individual deals weren’t in the millions of dollars range.

I can understand that philosophy if the smaller deals were going to require a lot of hand holding or customization. But that wasn’t the case. The other companies were looking for just the base software and they were going to handle the integration into their product on their own. They were looking for a jumpstart to get their products to market.

The powers that be, rejected 6, trouble free 1/2 million to 3/4 million dollar sales because they wanted nothing less than million dollar sales.

Neither of us understood the logic. Money is money.

The Company, like so many other I’ve worked for, no longer exists. 

Turns out bad management destroys even the best company. In this particular company’s case their refusal to do smaller contracts opened a door for their competitors to bring their products to market and capitalize on the perception that my company was “Too Elitist”. My colleague and I were long gone by the time everything imploded.

I’ve watched more than my fair share of companies and their dynamite products go down the tubes through bad management, arrogance, and greed.

I worked for another startup company whose CEO said in a meeting, “If smaller investors don’t understand our name change then we don’t need their money. Larger investors will understand and support us.” 

A couple of colleagues & I walked out of that meeting, looked at each other, chuckled, then polished up our resumes. The company was gone 8 months later.

The point of these anecdotes is:

When people trivialize even small amounts of money, (Or waste,) it seems to open the door to foolish decisions, or more waste.

In the case of companies, they lose access to operating capital and sometimes that’s enough to starve a company to death. With companies, they may get a reputation for being difficult to deal with, or slow, and that drives away potential future customers.

In the case of the government, trivializing amounts makes it more likely that smaller amounts of waste will be overlooked as “the cost of doing business”.

For example: If I’d known USAID was so wasteful, I’d have applied for an 80K grant renewing yearly to study frogs in drought affected areas of the mountains where I live. (There aren’t any frogs here.)

It’s a little bit of money, less than .000000000001% of the national budget. Regardless, it would still be a waste, and I’d be living pretty well on the government dime.

If NBC or CNN reported on me doing research on non-existent frogs swindling the government out of 80K a year, most people would be outraged.

Yet this is exactly what a lot of government apologists appear to want to sweep under the carpet and ignore. 1%, 5%, 10% of the national budget?

It’s just a little waste…

Sure, it was a PR stunt. But it was funny!

Okay, I admit it, I loved Trump working the fryer at McDonalds.

It also triggered a pseudo random train of thought, so buckle up buttercups! Y’all know I’m nuts.

So what if it was a PR stunt? It was nonetheless fun. If I lived in Philly I’d have gone to that drive thru and waited for however many hours it took, just to have the possibility of Trump handing me a Big Mac, Fries & a Coke.

Yes, RFK Jr. would no doubt have something to say about the health benefits of McDonalds food. Rightfully so, & I look forward to him cleaning up the chemical soup that our food has become. Nonetheless, he no doubt saw Trumps point over the weekend. Making America Healthy Again is something for after January 20th.

The pundits clutching their pearls about Trump working in McDonalds have all missed the point.

Trump was having fun, his supporters were having fun, and they were doing it at Kamala’s expense.

Wasn’t it Kamala who has invoked the image of the poor fry cook being harmed by Trumps economic policies? Wasn’t it she who said Trump had no idea what it was like to do menial work? Didn’t she herself say she’d worked at a McDonalds when she was younger? Although no evidence to support this claim has been uncovered as of yet.

Trump just hit her head on. I’d bet every single person in that McDonalds is voting for him.

Trump at the drivethu.Trump can say now that he too worked in a McDonalds, and the world has the receipts to prove it. He supposedly said, “I’ve worked in a McDonalds 15 minutes longer than she has.” This may, or may not, prove to be true but for the moment it stands. 

“So, all you pearl clutchers, now that Trump has worked at McDonalds in Philly. What else have you got to attempt to degrade / defile / defame / demean him with?”

Are you demanding a redux of “Dirty Jobs” With Trump as the host. Mike Rowe might have something to say about that, or he might say “What the hell”, grab a shovel and work shoulder to shoulder with Trump.

We know from the tree planting memorial at the White House on Oct 10th, that Kamala Harris has never used a shovel in her life. Apparently neither has her husband. That whole event was seriously awkward, and underscored for me the very thing this election has come to be about.

Our government is full of elitists that haven’t done a days physical labor in their lives. Yet these people claim to know what’s best for the majority of the laborers in this country.

That’s the real divide. It’s not about race, gender, or education. It’s about work and workers. It’s about how they feed their families, get to work, heat their homes, and meet their life goals.

Trump Are these done.Surely the pundits don’t think Trump wasn’t having conversations with those workers asking them about their lives, their hopes, and aspirations.

That’s Trumps secret sauce.

He is able to engage with normal average people. He’s a direct, rough speaking New York businessman. I could see him in his younger years shoveling on a construction site as easily as sitting behind a desk. I identify with him as someone who knows about a hard days physical labor.

That ability is something the abstruse Kamala can’t touch. If she speaks plainly, it’s to wag her finger at us in faux moral & intellectual superiority, putting us morons in our place. When she’s not speaking plainly she’s difficult to understand and it feels like she’s not telling the whole truth.

Obama just tried finger wagging with Black men accusing them of misogyny. It didn’t go over well. Black men are as screwed by Kamala extending the Biden / Harris policies for another 4 to 8 years as any White men. The problem isn’t about her being a woman President. It’s about shitty public policy that has clearly hurt us all.

The way I see it. After 10 years of noise and far too many, mostly false, sprinkled with factual, accusations, I no longer believe anything the news media says about Trump. Every word out of these peoples mouths is by definition misinformation, negative spin, or a flat out lie.

Kamala dropping back to something Trump supposedly did, as an answer for the Biden / Harris Administration failings is being seen for what it is. A smoke screen for her inability to answer unscripted questions or think on her feet.

I and I suspect the rest of America wonder, why the media has unilaterally been saying what they’ve been saying, and why do they always use the same exact words? Do their writers rooms only have one thesaurus between them?

We still don’t know for sure, but It looks very much like the State of New York is going to overturn the 34 felony convictions. If / when that happens it will be very interesting to see if Trump sues them for damages. You know, little things like restraint of trade, slander, libel, loss of income, and the interest on about half a billion dollars. I hope he charges the Fed rate in effect when he turned the money over.

Fun fact, New York prosecutors said Mar a Largo was worth 18 million dollars, which was a flat out lie, the comps showed that. The 18 million dollar valuation was their basis for charging him with fraud.

Mar a Largo brings in 50 million dollars per year. Business properties are valued by the raw value of the property, structures, fixtures, improvements, and by their brand recognition and revenue stream. Mar a Largo is a functional membership based golf course. New York prosecution, in order to make their case devalued the property & improvements and completely excluded the value of recurring memberships to the golf course. So tell me again how fairly those idiot prosecutors calculate property value. Crow all you want about 34 convictions.

When those convictions are overturned, I’m betting there will be a lot of attorneys from the New York prosecutors offices looking for jobs at McDonalds and hoping Biden forgives their student loans because their law degrees will be useless. At least now they’ll know how to run a fryer and Trump will be in the training videos.

Even if those convictions aren’t overturned. The damage is done.

Americans all over are asking, “What the Fuck?” People don’t trust the media, they’re not trusting the government, they’re starting to see that something is very wrong and asking questions, for which there are no answers forthcoming from the government. The latest DHS debacle via FEMA has thrown gasoline on the already flaming dumpster of immigration policy. It’s fortunate too. Because more Americans are asking very basic questions.

Why hasn’t FEMA been moving heaven and earth to help those stricken in the storm zone? How dare any government official say that the people in the damage area should have planned for a Hurricane? What? 300 miles from any coastline? Are you kidding me with that shit? Why do illegal aliens get phones, debit cards, and free housing and American Citizens get bent over by FEMA and fucked? Why does Ukraine get billions and billions of taxpayer dollars while folks in NC, GA, & TN get denied a $750 government loan? 

As long as people remain angry and keep questioning these things I think the “Machine”, whether Democrat, Republican, or something larger and more corrupt, will be forced to back off.

The only people still believing the lies are the blue haired, higher than fuck morons that think the Harry Potter universe is somehow real. There’re more average Americans than them. 

The threat I’m concerned about is ANTIFA and BLM. They’re the foot soldiers whose one job is to destabilize major cities. Were they to start rioting mid November if it looked like Trump won, they could cause martial law to be declared which might stop the transition of power on Jan 20th.

Believe me I won’t be surprised. At this point breath taking corruption is on display each and every day. The Democrat party at this point will “save democracy” by destroying democracy to maintain power & control.

Let’s say that Trump wins this election clean. Meaning with such an overwhelming number of votes that no amount of cheating would install Kamala without triggering a civil war. Further, let’s say that the New York convictions stand and Trump is disqualified from holding office.

Does that mean that JD Vance is installed as The President in similar fashion to Kamala’s installation as The Democratic candidate?

That would solve concerns over Trumps age expressed by some people. It would also put an end to the renewed demands for cognitive tests of Trump.

(Funny how those demands were dismissed by the media when they were directed at Biden, (and turned out to be needed,) but suddenly are unquestionably relevant with Trump.)

Trump is not campaigning from his basement. He’s out and about, interacting with the public and press. Unlike Biden or Kamala. Heck she isn’t keeping up with Trump, so who needs cognitive and physical fitness testing? 

Vance’s advantage is that he is young & strong. Vance is smart and tactical and he seems to resonate with average working class folks. Vance as The President would be interesting because as a former military man he’d be real sensitive to military misdeeds & misbehavior.

If Vance was The President I bet General Milley would shit himself, right before being taken to his Courts Martial, tried for treason, and serving as an example to other corrupt individuals in the Pentagon.

I digress but think Vllad the impaler’s punishment is too gentle and kind for that treacherous, traitorous, bastard Milley. That’s just my opinion and I could be wrong. 

It’s possible the “Machine” that’s been driving all this insanity for the past couple of decades, has been painted into a corner. It’s also possible that we could have 12 years of JD Vance.

If he’s a good President, that would be just about the right amount of time to burn the rot out of our government, arrest the criminals inside and outside the government sphere, and avoid a messy uprising.

Sorry for “Attention Deficiting” it today. The wild horses in my thought processes were all competing with equal vigor. At least it’s all kind of related.

 Have a great one.

Exploding Pagers & Radios? Oh My!

Pager explosion 768x439.When I first saw some of the snippets of news talking about exploding pagers, I thought it was yet another hoax from Hezbollah or Hamas, or any of a number of the other savage organizations operating in the Middle East. I thought they were trying yet again to blame Israel for their own screw up.

You know, kind of like when the morons in Gaza blew up their own hospital with malfunctioning rockets aimed at Israel. 

When it was apparent that the story was real, I thought it was brilliant. If members of these terrorist organizations weren’t outright killed, at least they were too maimed to be interested in hurting other people. 

Then I thought, “Hmm, If their pagers were in their front pockets, even if they survived, they weren’t going to be able to reproduce or rape anyone anymore,” and I counted that as a definite win.

Whoever thought of this in the IDF deserves a freaking medal! When we had troops in Afghanistan, I was always a big believer that we should’ve randomly made every cellphone in the country ring just to blow up the IEDs. People always asked, “What about the collateral damage to innocents?” My answer was always how innocent is someone with IEDs being built in the basement?

I know I sound harsh. But these people have, after decades of bullshit, devalued themselves with me to the point of being nothing more than crudely drawn characters in a video game. I no longer see them as human. They’re liars, untrustworthy, despicable, things. They’re crash test dummies now. It’s not hate, it’s complete unconcern and distain. They’ve become the characters in the video game that you shoot in the head to see how many different patterns of blood spatter the game developers programmed into the game.

I hate that we’re still sending money to the Middle East. I’m for letting them wallow in the cesspool of their own making and think they should either prove to the rest of the world that they’re worth something or be allowed to devolve into nothing.

I do find it ironic that a people who want to drag the entire world back to the 5th century are being hurt by 20th and 21st century technology. Perhaps if they walked their own talk, Allah wouldn’t have allowed them to be punished with exploding technology. 

Maybe that’s the lesson we should be teaching them. Stone Age people have no business messing with Western magical juju.

They should stop using cars, planes, busses, phones, computers, electricity, medicine, & indoor plumbing. Perhaps they should return to their old ways as bands of tribesmen tending their flocks. We could facilitate that by making various modern devices explode randomly. Aversion therapy I think it’s called. Make it so they can’t trust any technology so they stay away from it altogether.

It would solve a bunch of problems for them, and the rest of the world.

To fight crime, I honestly wonder if building every single item with a bomb in it would be a great idea.

If the item is stolen, it detonates when it’s reported as stolen. That would shut down the crime in this county and it would only take a few years.

I think it was RoboCop that introduced the idea that car thieves got fried inside the car they were trying to steal. That’s always been an image I liked when it came to thieving of any kind.

If technology were to be expanded to include GPS Coordinates so that the devices themselves knew where they were and then exploded if they were delivered to specific areas of the world, I’ll bet you could eliminate rockets and mortars being stored in schools, hospitals, mosques, and UN facilities in Gaza or Lebanon. 

I’ll admit, low yield explosives blowing Hezbollah’s balls off just tickles the hell out of me.

A couple of days ago Governor Newsom signed some free speech bills

These two bills are not the end of the First Amendment. But if they’re allowed to stand, they could begin the erosion of the First Amendment.

I believe these two bills will have a chilling effect on political memes within California and I’m not sure how these will play out in situations where the host servers are not located in California.

The problem I see is that if California is allowed to prosecute memes regardless of where the creator lives, then defacto censorship is likely to extend across the entire nation. I honestly wonder about the longevity of this blog.

I’ve expressed some pretty strong opinions about our political candidates and even created one or two memes that are very unflattering to several presidents, vice presidents, and governors.

Will I be arrested? Will I have my First Amendment rights stripped from me? I’m a little guy, I can’t afford to mount a legal defense against the deep pockets of the State of California.

So until I understand the ramifications of the new laws, I think I’ll not be posting anything of a political nature.

Let’s think about this for a moment.

Due to uncertainty, and fear of unfair prosecution, I’m self censoring. This is exactly what these laws seek to do.

I’ll be reading these laws very carefully and looking at the details of what precisely they’ll prohibit. After I understand the law I’ll return to making political comments. I’m willing to bet there will be other people that just stop talking.

I happen to believe that if people aren’t allowed to speak… okay, bitch, and complain. Then like the boiler with a broken pressure relief valve, the pressure will just build until until what would have been unflattering speech will become something far worse.

The first read of these bills looks like they’re targeting memes, and videos that appear to have the subject political figure saying something they didn’t say. A.K.A. disinformation.

The “Very Fine People Hoax” for example is the one that pops to mind instantly. Biden and Harris have both kept that hoax alive even though it’s been throughly debunked, and disproven. The news media cut the video of Trump in such a way that it appears he said Nazis were very fine people. He didn’t. A shit ton of people still believe he said it.

Mark Twain said, “No amount of evidence will ever convince an Idiot.”

Turns out if the TV says it, It’s gotta be true.

Under these new laws, would California seek to prosecute Joe Biden or Kamala Harris?

Who decides what is dis-information anyway? The Nazi Party had quite a division to make this determination and sent authorities to arrest those believed guilty of creating or spreading dis-information.

Is this the America we want to live in? Do we want to have a Nazi-esq group of jack booted enforcers kicking down doors because some of us forwarded a picture of a dog looking up at the camera with a concerned face., and a caption, “I know we’re visiting family in Springfield, don’t let me out of your sight,” because it was funny.

It doesn’t matter if Haitians are literally eating cats & dogs or if it’s meant as a slur. The humor is visual, and conveyed by the dog’s expression. We as a people, used to be able to see humor without being so sensitive that it traumatized us.

I loved the Washington Post fact check on Trump when he said, “we had hamburgers piled a mile high.” They said, “at 2 inches high, 700 hamburgers wouldn’t be a mile high”

Duh! Really? You don’t say. It was an exaggeration. A figure of speech, no-one in their right mind actually thought Trump had stacked hamburgers 1 mile high.

We used to not have a problem with these sorts of exaggerations either. We as a people used to recognize that our leaders were human. We used to give them a pass on some silliness. We became concerned if the leader repeated the error. Then we’d ask, “Excuse me? What did you say, and what did you actually mean by what you said?” When we asked that question, we expected an answer, plain & simple. We didn’t want or expect a bunch of BS language that said nothing and never provided an answer.

This was back in the day when Americans had a sense of humor.

When was the last time you saw a good comedy routine?

I loved Netflix for their standup comedy. When there were fewer and fewer actually funny programs, I stopped watching Netflix, then I cancelled the subscription.

I digress, well, maybe not. As cancel culture became prevalent, comedians began self censoring. That might have been why the stand-up routines seemed so flat, or stale. If you can’t say what you want without someone being offended and harming your career then you start censoring yourself too.

I’m not sure I like this dark road we’re apparently on.

I don’t appreciate political parties supporting censorship because I look to the history of not only the Nazi party, but other dictators, kings, and potentates.

This is something I believe should concern us all.

Hmm. I’m not sure if this is a selling point for the Democrats or not.

Planned Parenthood Chicago 640x480.I saw an article this morning the made me laugh. 

Planned Parenthood is offering free neutering and abortions, although they might as well offer spaying services too, during the Democrat National Convention. When I read the headline All I could think of was free sterilization clinic for dogs and cat offered by the county.

Here’s the link…

Planned Parenthood to Offer Free Vasectomies, Abortions During DNC 

As a guy, I’m not sure that’s something I’d want to have done while I was attending a convention. I have it on good authority that getting snipped isn’t that big a deal however, I’ve also been told that for the first day or two after the procedure you just want to sit or lie comfortably with an ice pack, maybe a beer and some of your favorite junk food.

Not being a woman, I can’t speak to having an abortion. I do however wonder if after say, six abortions, perhaps as a benefit to society the woman in question should be spayed. Some people would call that harsh, I call it practical. It save the woman from having to go through the procedure again and again. In some cases it save the taxpayer money.

I suspect that some of the more gender confused Democrats might decide to “have” a procedure not intended for, or appropriate to their biological gender, so they can feel more included. That should be an interesting headline. “Biological Woman offended that doctors won’t perform vasectomy on her.” 

I really started laughing about it when I thought about the neutering/spaying a Democrat angle. That would probably be something that would boost Republican convention attendance. If you could bring someone and check them in for the procedure, while you attended the convention.

Bring your complaining, whiny ‘Karen’ Democrat neighbors to the RNC. Be a responsible neighbor and insure that Democrats don’t breed. Bonus! Act now & they’ never complain about your Trump sign, MAGA hat, You not wearing a mask, or NRA stickers again!

That’s really harsh. I think the concept of Planned Parenthood doing this at the DNC is pretty fucked up. It makes the Democrats seem somehow worse than they already do, but I’m not sure I can put a finger on why that is. 

It’s like with the Abortion thing they’re celebrating death. Then you add the vasectomy component and it’s like they’re saying, “Put an end to the species while you’re at it.” Add a few wars, people struggling to put food on the table, the gender madness, and it really seems like death and destruction is all they’re offering.

I see no “hope” there, I see no “forward” with Democrat policies except into the abyss.

Perhaps I’m being unfair. When I decided to leave the Republican Party years ago, I looked at the Democrat Party and found I was as revolted by their policies as I was by the Republican Party. They really were like two halves of the same coin, neither offered anything substantially beneficial except intrusive governance and ever expanding government.

The Democrats expand the government rapidly until the people say, “STOP” by voting them out. Then the Republicans come in and manage the newly expanded government BUT they never reduce the size to the previous level.

It really is a “Same Shit Different Day” situation.

Until recently, I thought of Democrats as normal folks who thought differently about certain things than I did. I disagreed fundamentally, but I still saw them as people like me. Average folks, just trying to get through their day, have a nice life, and some modicum of peace & quiet.

Now when you say “Democrat” to me, I picture someone, uninformed, fat, with blue hair, enough metal in their face to make clearing a riot possible with an electro magnet, screeching obscenities about nonsensical “wrongs” that haven’t been real problems for at least two decades, dumpster fires of people with no functional abilities, who scream louder when backed into a logical corner if asked to explain how they’re oppressed, carrying Palestinian flags with Queers for Palestine placards.

In other words I see howling lunatics. If they were dogs roving the streets frothing at the mouth as they do We’d be calling animal control to put them down as possibly rabid.

I can tell you this. As a man I wouldn’t go near a planned parenthood clinic for a vasectomy, even if it was free. Those people are out of their damn minds and I don’t want any of them near my dick with a sharp object. I’ll go to a recommended urologist!

Somehow I expect to hear in a comedy routine, 

“Wow I went to the DNC convention and all I got was this vasectomy.”

“I really miss my balls… What? They shouldn’t have cut my balls off? I was wondering how they were going to reverse it if I decided I wanted kids.”

“I guess I should’ve known something was wrong when they didn’t even give me a T-Shirt!”

“Huh that explains why there were only white guys in the recovery room I was in, and we all had the same procedure. I kept thinking the Black guys and Mexicans were tough bastards the way they were dancing out of their recovery room.”