Wow! This FUCK really doesn’t give a shit…

JacksmithsilkenrobesofstateJack Smith, you know, the fuck who’s going so hard after Trump just completely lost me. The New York Post is carrying an article here

I was more or less willing to at least listen to his side of the case against Trump because that’s what a decent person does. I don’t know if Trump did bad shit, He’s been accused time and again of doing shit. But without proof I was curious about what exactly the prosecution had on Trump.

Now I don’t fucking care! Guilty or not, I feel that I’m faced once again with choosing the lesser of two evils. I’ll choose Trump in opposition to Biden and his corrupt government. I’ll do it with certain reservations but to be honest with the hope that Trump does become a dictator and cleans out the corruption in our government, Executive, Legislative, Judicial, and all the lifelong bureaucrats, With FIRING SQUADS!

I know that sounds excessive, harsh, and possibly illegal. But when the rot is as deep as it appears to be, it’s best to burn it out as quickly as possible. If there are harsh consequences and penalties for corruption, then maybe we’ve got a chance.

Jack Smith issued a search warrant to Twitter of which half is redacted, demanding Twitter disclose all Trump’s Twitter interactions. Smith didn’t limit his warrant/subpoena to only two way conversations between Trump & others. Smith wants it all.

This potentially exposes millions of people to the DOJ.

2021 message signals return trump 72916781 1 jpgTechnically, if you “Liked” or “Retweeted” a Trump Tweet you’re gonna be on the DOJs radar. 

I’ll grant you that nothing is private in a public forum like Twitter. However, This goes too damn far! What happens when… Yes, WHEN not IF, our corrupt DOJ or IRS, decides to punish everyone who interacted with a Trump Tweet?

We’ve already heard for the entire time Biden has been in the White House about the “Existential Threat” posed by the evil WHITE PEOPLE.

You know, the election questioners, the white supremacists, the Domestic Terrorists composed of parents with the temerity to ask questions of their representatives or school boards, the people who demand accountability from their representatives. Yeah those people. a.k.a. Half of the fucking country! 

We all know it’s coming. Our government his slipped it’s leash. It is no longer under our control and I doubt seriously that even Trump can put that genie back in the bottle. 

The folks controlling our government are probably not even our elected officials. There is someone, or a group of someones behind the curtain who are driving us all headlong into one of several possible dystopian nightmares. 

I think most Dystopian nightmares have been at least roughly sketched out by various fiction authors. All that remains is, which one the assholes behind the curtain, drive us toward.

I’m not going to be terribly surprised to find we’re all carrying little red books in 20 years. It’s possible we’ve already been sold to China and we’ll be used like the Uyghurs in slave labor camps. Why not? China will not be questioned by the UN. The UN won’t be around long after China “wins” anyway. 

Will China even need us as slave labor?  If China owns our asses anyway then who are they going to sell their shit to?

All I can say at this point is, we absolutely need a real son of a bitch with a set of big brass balls as president.

He can grab all the women he wants by their pussy, as long as he puts an end to the corruption in our government.

Hell, I’d be happy to be President…

I REALLY ENJOYED being the specter of death in some companies I’ve worked for. There were people that richly deserved the pink slips I handed out.

I’m sure walking through the halls of government issuing warrants for arrest wouldn’t be much different.

I wonder if “Take them away,” would have as much impact as, “Off with their heads!”

Dunno, but it might be interesting to find out.

I’m even more confused…

So today, the Capital is overrun with anti Israel protestors.

The Capital Police are calling this a First Amendment thing.

These protestors are obstructing the business of congress, and have apparently caused the suspension of some congressional activities.

Which leads to my confusion…

How is this any different from the events of Jan 6th? Is it only an insurrection when people are protesting about an election? I’m pretty rule based and if I don’t understand the rules I get mighty uncomfortable.

Some of this protest appears to have been incited by incorrect information about the hospital in Gaza that was damaged by a malfunctioning Hamas rocket that was aimed at Israel. As it turns out, the majority of the damage appears to have been in the parking lot of the hospital, not as many reports led us to believe that the missile had destroyed the hospital.

But there are tons of protests occurring all around the world too, again based in / or fueled by this false report.

I really do wonder if our country is already gone. Did the corrupt politicians manage to cut Americas throat while we were distracted by COVID? Just how much of our country have these fuckers sold or given away?

This hits home.

Not in a good way.

KTLA Los Angeles reported that a smash and grab robbery happened at the Topanga Mall Nordstrom.

I thought, “WHAT???”

That was one of the first malls I was in when my family moved to California. Back then it was called Topanga Plaza.

It’s just shocking when you hear of someplace from your misspent youth being assaulted like that.

One of my first jobs was at a Toys R Us nearby. The friends I made working at Toy R Us and I spent time in all the local shopping centers. We were young, and we were Valley Boys!

Where were you likely to find Valley Girls???? Right! They were at the shopping centers too.

While I’ve been aware of the smash and grab phenomena, I really hadn’t thought about it as anything more than something weird that was going to pass. Now, perhaps because this feels like an assault on my cherished memories I wonder how we’ve come to this point.

To be sure there was shoplifting. There was an LP in my collection that had considerable guilt associated with it. The only thing I ever shoplifted, and I did it on a dare. I mean literally, the only thing I ever stole was that LP.

I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that my friends were similar. Maybe once, and then never again.

None of us would have considered being violent about it. Maceing people or smacking ‘em around? Oh Hell no! We wouldn’t have thought of doing something that could hurt somebody.

Which makes me ask again what the hell has happened that’s made so many people think it’s okay to wholesale ransack stores and hurt innocent bystanders?

Is it just that there isn’t much in the way of consequences?

I really enjoyed watching the viral video of the cigarette thief in Stockton, CA getting his ass kicked.

He deserved it! The thief was later arrested in association with a string of other robberies and at his court appearance told the judge he was asleep when asked if he understood his Miranda rights. This guy is out on probation, clearly he didn’t learn a damn thing in prison.

The startling thing about this story for me is the 7-Eleven clerks let him go after beating his ass.

They showed mercy and kindness, yet hours later, this guy is arrested at another convenience store. He had to still be hurting from the beating but he was doing the same thing a few hours later???

The general consensus about this guy getting beaten, is that he deserved it. For once, I’m not the outlier.

Here is a guy who had immediate consequences for his actions and learned nothing. He’s been in prison and learned nothing. So where does that leave us?

I am reminded of my childhood in the Deep South. There were Chain Gangs of prisoners dressed in stripes fixing roads, digging drainage ditches, putting in fences near highways, cleaning up trash, and whatever else the State decided needed doing.

My Father would point at the prisoners as we drove by and say that’s what happens to you if you break the law. You end up chained like an animal doing public work to pay your debt to society.

I asked my Father what a debt to society was.

He then explained that keeping someone in prison cost the state taxpayers money. Feeding them, clothing them, looking after their medical needs, hearing their bullshit in court, all cost the state money. That represents a debt the prisoner owes to society on top of whatever crime they committed and its only fair that they work to pay that back to the taxpayer via public work.

Then he said something I remember very clearly.

He said, “If I ever see you on one of these chain gangs, I’ll be very disappointed, I’ll probably have to pull off the road to cry, I’ll still love you son, but I’ll never be able to forgive you for throwing your life away.”

My Father admitting he’d cry, or even that he could cry?

Now you know why the one LP stolen on a dare had such profound guilt associated with it.

Thinking about it, those Chain Gangs had another purpose. They served as an example to young impressionable children like myself. Seeing these men chained struck fear of breaking the law, or even the rules at school, deep in our hearts. If big strong men could end up like this, we children had no chance. Best obey our parents, the rules, and the laws. They don’t have moonpies or RC in prison, or so my momma says.

The trouble now is that we’ve gone so far into the Wild West, that only gunslinging Marshalls who shoot first and ask questions later can rebalance the scales.

It’s very likely that the Marshalls weren’t nice guys. It’s more likely that they were personally worse than the gangs of criminals they were hunting down.

The famous Marshalls were apex predators taking out the competition. Had they not been paid well, and treated with respect, when they were done with the criminal gangs, they could easily have filled the void and become super criminals. You’ve got to wonder if they didn’t think about it.

Societies are never supposed to cede control to criminals. Which is what California has done, and other states are doing. The apex predators that rise to fight criminals can just as likely become apex criminals.

After all why not? My thinking as an apex predator would be, “Society’s usual checks and balances couldn’t deal with shitty little criminals. I had to take out the trash, I deserve everything the criminals owned, including their business and and income streams. I call it the spoils of war, and no-one can stand against me…”

Mayor Bass had better make being an LA Police Officer a really good deal damn quick. And she better be prepared to look the other way for a few years while officers are brutal in bringing down the criminal element. She also better have an exit plan for officers accused of excessive brutality that includes a nice quiet retirement, not trials or prison.