This picture sums up the Rittenhouse Prosecution.

This is a prosecutor in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial.

Thomas Binger during closing arguments, pointed Rittenhouse’s AR-15 at the jury.

Thomas Binger did not check the weapon before pointing it.

Even though there is no magazine in the weapon, since he didn’t check to make sure there was no round in the chamber it could be argued he recklessly endangered the jury.

Note too, that he has his finger on the trigger. Couple this with his failure to check the chamber, had he pulled the trigger accidentally, he could have shot a jury member.

This right here is how accidents happen. (Looking at you Alec Baldwin.)

Yes, the weapon had been checked multiple times by police, by the court, and was in an evidence locker. But with any weapon, you never assume it is safe until you prove it is safe, even then you never point a weapon at anybody unless you’re looking to join Alec Baldwin in infamy.

This is why I’m in favor of every single politician, judge, and lawyer, having to attend gun training classes. It’s my opinion that most of the people who make our laws about guns, or gun ownership have no clue about guns. (I seriously doubt many of them could reliably point the business end of a gun in the right direction.) If that is true, how can they make reasoned decisions?

Remember this is the prosecution that was asking a witness about exploding bullets. I believe explosive rounds are in violation the Geneva Convention. Regardless of the legality of such rounds, you can’t go to your local Walmart and buy them.

This is the prosecution that attempted to delineate the relative harmfulness of rifle versus handgun rounds. (Hint, at close range the harm is the same. Both are pretty likely to kill.)

This is the prosecution that said Rittenhouse should have taken a beating from rioting animals. Say What??

That’s the single most offensive thing I’ve heard. When the next riots start, and they will… Maybe we should drop these prosecutors in the middle of it and loudly announce these are the guys who failed to get Rittenhouse convicted. They can take their beating like men. Right?

If these prosecutors had any knowledge of guns, or gun safety, they might have presented a stronger case. Instead of the ignorant shit show they presented.

I believe Rittenhouse is innocent of murder. He killed in self defense. That is only my opinion

That being said, were I one of the jurors… After the prosecution pointed a gun my way with his finger on the trigger. I’d vote for acquittal, even if up to that point I was leaning toward the prosecution’s case. Hell, in some parts of the country, someone pointing a gun at you loaded or not it’s acceptable to shoot first or punch their lights out. Had I been in the jury box I can tell you I’d have been pissed off enough to assault this dumbass in front of God and everybody.

At least Rittenhouse didn’t point a gun at someone who was not a threat for theatric value.

I hope the Jury returns a swift acquittal. I also realize that this will mean Kenosha and probably other cities will explode into riots. I can only hope that when the rioting begins police are there to put a stop to it.

If they’re not, my hope is that there are a bunch of folks with their hunting rifles ready to do what must be done to protect their community.

At this point, if the criminality of inciting riots comes from members of Congress, (Looking at you Cory Bush,) and the lawlessness of rioting (Arson, Burglary, Assault,) get a pass. Then leaving bodies in the streets in defense of the rights of the citizens should get a pass too.

After all, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander…

I’ve been fascinated by the Kyle Rittenhouse trial

Shortly after the shooting happened I questioned the validity of the media reports about it. That’s nothing new, unfortunately I’ve come to believe that former President Trump was 100% correct about the media.

I’d begun to have my suspicions about the media during the Obama-Biden administration. There was something about the way the media painted everything Obama did or said as, every phrase falling from his lips being a pearl from on high. When the media went into overdrive to prop up Hillary Clinton in the run-up to the 2016 election I thought that something was seriously off.

This of course was at a time when I still had cable and could watch any of the media outlets. I think what caught my attention back then was that every media report used the same choice of words almost verbatim. When I couldn’t tell the difference between media outlets based on reporting I felt like we were living in some kind of pseudo USSR with state controlled news outlets.

Reading about the Kenosha shootings I thought from the initial descriptions that Rittenhouse had probably believed his life was in danger. The question for me was how would his lawyers prove it.

Then Candidate Biden described Rittenhouse as a white supremacist. The media picked up that clarion call, (or as they put it “Dog Whistle,) and started describing a 17 year old kid as some kind of wannabe Grand Dragon of the KKK.

A couple of things occurred to me at the time.

How will this kid ever get a fair trial?

Isn’t a statement like that from someone in Biden’s position, (a national figure at the time, but not The President, ) irresponsible, and does it open Biden to a potential. slander suit?

Look at what happened with Nick Sandman. CNN and other major media outlets paid a hefty price for their misreporting.

Now we’re well into Rittenhouse’s trial and thus far the prosecution has done more to prove the young man’s innocence than they’ve done to convict him. Many of their witnesses have testified that Rittenhouse was doing everything in his power to de-escalate the situation and also tried to run away before turning to shoot.

I do question Rittenhouse’s choice to be in the situation in the first place. But I too was idealistic and naive once, (Centuries ago.) So I can chalk it up to civic minded idealism. There are photos of Rittenhouse cleaning graffiti off walls earlier in the day. He was offering first aid for minor injuries to anyone that had been hurt.

Given the volatile situation in Kenosha at the time, I can even see carrying a weapon. That’s just prudent planning. But a better plan was to have bailed on the place at sunset.

The police in Kenosha had already demonstrated that they weren’t going to protect property so it’s likely that they weren’t going to do any other part of their duty, such as protecting the lives of people living in the community. It’s irrelevant that their local politicians may or may not, have given orders for the officers to keep their hands in their pockets. The fact is the police knew the difference between right and wrong and they chose to follow orders instead of doing their sworn duty.

Several media pundits have said that Rittenhouse shouldn’t have been there in the first place. These old eyes tend to agree. There’s a point when a situation, (be it a party, peaceful protest, or riot,) is so out of control that it’s time to leave.

That being said, knowing when to leave is something that is learned.

At 17 there were situations I found myself in where it was only obvious that I’d stayed too long, well after the fact. In my case it was usually with an ice pack on my face and various bandages scattered across my body.

I can say that I don’t react well to having weapons pulled on me.

Rittenhouse may be a better man than I was at that age. He shot 3 people and those that he shot were all threatening him. He shot the first person and apparently tried to turn himself into the police. But they didn’t take him in, they ignored him.

The first guy followed Rittenhouse into an area that was at least partially enclosed. Then he tried to take Rittenhouse’s gun. The completely obvious outcome of that action, was the first guy got shot.

The second guy went at Rittenhouse with a skateboard swinging it at Rittenhouse’s head like a club. He died too.

While Rittenhouse was laying on the ground after being knocked down. The third guy, pointed a loaded pistol at Rittenhouse, and told Rittenhouse, “I’m going to kill you.” He admitted that fact in court last week. He lost his biceps. This guy is lucky to be alive. A few inches more toward his body and he’d have died from a point blank chest wound.

Much has been made of Rittenhouse breaking down on the stand. It’s very unusual for a defendant in a murder trial to take the stand in the first place. Many pundits, sports stars, and Hollywood assholes have been harsh, saying that Rittenhouse was faking it.

I don’t think that.

I tend to believe that he was reliving the events in his minds eye and was re-experiencing all of it as he recounted the events. From his perspective, think what it would have been like to have gone to this familiar place and seen the destruction. To have gone there to do good, to clean up, to be with friends, to only want to do the right thing, and then to find yourself alone and people around you showing their most ugly horrific faces.

Imagine the confusion for an idealistic young man that putting out a fire in a dumpster would make people angry. But not only did it make these people angry, it made them violently angry at him.

That couldn’t have computed for him. The illogic, the irrationality in their behavior must have been very confusing. Then to look around and not be able to spot your friends, your support group, and realize that suddenly you were totally alone facing down a crazed violent mob.

What does that do to a young person? Then add to it killing people because you thought they were going to kill you. Then you get past that only to be held in jail, looking at prison, and you have a year of your life consumed with hateful criticism or lies, all leading up to sitting in front of a Judge and Jury who will decide your fate. Imagine knowing that even if you are acquitted you’ll never have a normal life again. Imagine the burden of three shootings on a young person.

But it gets worse, one of the people you shot survived and has reason to want to hurt you. That person knows where you and your family live, and knows your face. That person is free, they’ve had no charges filed against them. Even though they are a felon with a history of violence and they pointed a gun at you threatening to kill you…

What do you take away from that? Justice is unfair? Will I always be looking over my shoulder? The police are useless? The laws I’ve been raised to obey are toothless?

Now think of all of that crushing down on you while you’re testifying at a trial that could mean life in prison?

Kyle Rittenhouse had every reason in the world to cry. If he’d not broken down, the people who have said such shitty things about him crying, would have been painting him as some kind of sociopath.

There’s a whole lot wrong with a society that demonizes a child without facts and simultaneously paints him into a no-win situation.

I personally think the young man acted in self defense. Sadly, he’ll never be free of this. He’ll never be the same idealistic innocent he was when he walked into Kenosha to do good.

I hope that once acquitted, he can find a quiet peaceful place where he can make a happy life.

But first, I hope he has the strength to sue the absolute shit out of the media, The View, and President Biden for slander and makes a shit ton of money from the deal.

Kyle, if you happen to read this… What you did was not heroic, it was not patriotic, it wasn’t awesome, or anything people might try to tell you.

What you did was necessary and right to protect your life. But sir, it will leave scars. Those scars you’ll live with the rest of your days. Don’t run from them, accept them as terrible lessons you learned far too early in life.

Apple, Just Stop!

There’s no shame in acquiescing to your customers.

You’re on a slippery slope with your CSAM scanning. Lots of folks are justifiably concerned that this particular system could be misused.

This concern could easily translate into losses for your stockholders. While I recognize that a substantial part of your revenue is dependent on China, creating a system that so obviously could scan a persons phone for an oppressive regime isn’t going to help.

Our own government is and has demonstrated that no government is above spying on its citizens. Please don’t make it any easier for them.

I personally have already pulled my personal photos off of iCloud.

I’d imagine that you’re seeing a lot of other people doing the same thing. Take a look at your network activity. How much network traffic is outbound? How many photos are marked for deletion?

The real tell for you will be how many people don’t update to your latest operating systems.

We won’t know that until you release the new offerings in September – October but I suspect that a lot of people have switched off automatic updates. I know I have,

The problem isn’t that you’re trying to prevent Child pornography. That’s a good thing, the problem is that you’re opening the door to scanning anything stored in what is supposed to be private storage.

If we’re paying for cloud services, I believe that you should be treating those cloud accounts like safety deposit boxes. What’s in them is none of your business. Unless you’re presented with a warrant, nobody, including the hosting entity should be looking at what is stored in them.

The problem Apple, is that you’ve gone further. By your own description you’re programming our phones to scan at least some of the data they contain. How long before you’re scanning all the data?

How long will it be before you’re looking for images of confederate flags, or a proud gun owner’s collection of guns, or “hate speech”, Anti-Vaccine comments, “Transphobic” remarks, any nude photos, or rude comments about The President or Vice President?

For the first time in more than 2 decades. I’m looking at Windows computers. I’m searching around for dumb cell phones, and considering things like not having an iPad or an Apple Watch. I’m considering eliminating Apple cloud services from my life entirely as well.

I can turn off iMessage. I could force all text communication to go over SMS only. I’ve not decided on that quite yet because so many of my text communications are innocuous and mundane.

It’s not even that I have anything to hide. It’s the principal that my communications could become subject to anyone’s approval.

What is next? Will Apple employ banks of people who censor conversations, becoming like FaceBook, Twitter, and Google?

Where is the Apple that just a few years ago told the FBI, “No we will not unlock a terrorists phone?” Remember that Apple? The Apple that I was proud of, the Apple that would not yield to government pressure?

Just Stop, before it’s too late. You still have time, no-op the code.

There’s a quote some thing like; Scientists contemplate can we do a thing? Scientists often fail to ask themselves SHOULD we do a thing.

Apple, it’s time that you ask, “Should we do a thing?”

From the WTF file?

BLM has moved from being an organization that may have had legitimacy at one point, into the realm of jackass clowns looking for attention.

Perhaps it’s more about the Benjamins at this point, maybe it aways was. I’m not sure.

Who knows how much BLM donation money Patrisse Cullors actually funneled into her own pocket.

Now BLMLA has filed another lawsuit in California. This time, against Santa Monica. The first one was against the city of LA. Basically BLM contends that the police weren’t doing their job.


You’ve got to be kidding me!

This is the legal equivalent of beating someone to a pulp yanking their pants down and ass raping them, then kicking their unconscious body before you lift their wallet and run away.

In other words, normal behavior for BLM. (If you’re thinking, “He really doesn’t like BLM,” BINGO! You win the cupie doll!)

At this point I think all of BLM should be in a nasty prison, somewhere in the middle of the Sahara Desert. Their ANTIFA buddies should be staked out in the sun outside the prison.

The eternal whining of self hating lilly white BLM followers about climate change & the lack of air-conditioning in a Sahara prison would be an appropriate warm up to eternity in hell for the leaders of the organization including Patrisse Cullors.

When will people wake up to the fact that BLM has done no good for the people they claimed to be standing up for? Donations didn’t go into the community or to the families who lost loved ones. BLM didn’t even help with funeral expenses. But they sure did capitalize on dead people and their families. BLM was nothing but a SCAM. BLM didn’t start out as a SCAM, but it degenerated into one pretty damn fast.

I’d like to see a class action counter suit against BLM Inc, consisting of all the people who lost homes, businesses, neighborhoods, and peace of mind.

Because I like irony, perhaps BLM should pay reparations???

Whatever legitimacy BLM may have had in the beginning is long gone.

Now in a lot of folks minds, BLM has become conflated with ANTIFA, violence, murder, rioting, looting, defunding the police, and utter lawlessness. They’re responsible for more gun sales than any organization in history short of maybe World Wars, The RED scare, or the KKK.

I’ll remind you that the KKK did drive gun sales… Among African Americans!

African Americans knew the police or other authorities weren’t going to help them. It was incumbent upon them to protect themselves, their families, their homes, and communities.

This is where the antics of BLM and ANTIFA with their year-long rioting have led all Americans. They’ve destroyed police moral (if not entire police forces), the law, and severely damaged society. So all Americans are re-learning the same lesson African Americans learned long ago.

If you cannot depend on the laws of the land, you must depend on the oldest law on the planet.

The strongest survive. The weak, diseased, and parasites don’t.

So thanks BLM… I’m really looking forward to living in “Mad Max” world.

Now, I’m off to weld spikes & add nitrous to the BMW. Later I’m planning to take a fuel truck from hijackers who’ve got it now!

Good Job!

Ugh! The News and politics is already back to the Obama era.

I was reminded this morning why I’d lost interest in politics and the news during Obama. It wasn’t that I was actually disinterested, it was that no matter what, there was almost zero serious discussion about anything Obama or his minions did. Anything and everything was amazing and just wonderful. That makes me suspicious. No president, administration, politician, or government is wonderful and amazing all the time.

Just as it is untrue that anything and everything Trump did for the past four years according to the media, was; wrong, evil, bad, racist, or whatever negative descriptive you can think of.

Then I remembered the movie Protocol with Goldie Hawn. I’ll be digging it out of the library later today.

Just thinking about it made me smile, and I could use a laugh or two.

I honestly don’t give a runny crap about who is in power. But I absolutely care about fair play, and politicians that actually work for the people.

I don’t believe that we have either now and doubt seriously that we’re getting fair and accurate news reporting about the goings on in Washington DC.

It’s the imbalance in reporting that makes me question. Now that we don’t have a President that the media can target, the Media and many of the politicians have switched to targeting anyone who disagrees with the prevailing narrative, or who supported the former President.

This is not a hallmark of a democratic republic. It’s a hallmark of a totalitarian state.

I’d stopped watching the goings on in Washington during the last four years of Obama. Every time I sat down to watch the Obama press conferences or state of the union I found myself having far more questions than were answered. I found that I fundamentally disagreed with the direction then President Obama was taking the country.

Apparently so did many in congress which led to nothing but wasted time and money because nothing was getting done. I was very displeased with Obama’s use of executive orders because it felt very much like he was a King, not an American President.

To be fair Trump also used executive orders, but not the the extent that Obama and now Biden have.

I think we’re in for yet another four years of congressional deadlock and infighting rather than congress doing the job they exist to do. How long can a country survive doing nothing for the people? 12 years? 16 Years? 20 years?

About 1/2 this country no longer believes in voting. Not because Biden won, but because no-one in the courts would even hear the voices of the people upraised in protest.

Last week there was an article in Time magazine that essentially says there was something going on designed to make sure Biden won. Whether this collusion behind the scenes is illegal or not we will probably never know, because the courts will refuse to hear any cases about it.

The article is here. The article could be read to imply that votes don’t actually matter in this country anymore. But that politicians and corporate oligarchs are deciding our fate.

I’ll grant you that American politics is, and always has been a dirty business. That doesn’t mitigate the fact that a very large number of people were demanding answers as is their right and were dismissed like spoiled children from the dinner table.

That was insult enough. But those in power are compounding the insult with what appear to be blatant misuses of their power by continuing to silence all opposition, engaging in what looks a lot like settling vendettas against their enemies.

It hasn’t gone un-noticed that the nation is suddenly calmer, that protests and riots are no longer front page news. Many predicted this would be the case. It’s also worthy to note the SPLC has designated, (and the party in power agrees,) quite a few right leaning groups (note I said leaning, not right wing) as terrorist organizations, but that the groups responsible for billions of dollars in damage in cities nationwide have not earned a similar designation.

It is also interesting that states which had been locked down for COVID are opening up. One could say that is a result of the vaccine, but the timing is somewhat coincidental especially in light of the limited availability of the vaccine itself. Many also predicted this would happen.

I find myself once again wanting to turn a blind eye. But I’ve tried that, hoping that the problem would go away.

It didn’t work

I hoped that the politicians would correct the problem because it’s their job.

They didn’t.

I hoped that my vote still counted.

It didn’t.

I believed that the rule of law still held sway in my country.

It doesn’t

I thought that justice was blind.

It isn’t.

I’m a relatively moderate conservative leaning person. If I’m thinking things like this, I have to wonder what other more disenfranchised people are thinking. I wonder if Germans in pre-Hitler Germany were asking the same questions.

If they were, then along comes Hitler who promises them their place in the world. He promises to restore their national pride, and tells them he will make it happen, and has a plan…

We all know, or should know how that turned out.

Logically I have to ask, “What happens if a gifted orator comes along and manages to speak to the masses of disenfranchised Americans who are asking these same questions?”

Despite what the media pundits said about Trump being Hitler. We can all agree he wasn’t a gifted orator. Neither is Biden or Harris…

But what happens when a really gifted orator comes along?

Somehow I can’t get past the feeling that we’re all sitting on a powder keg and someone is playing with matches.

I can have that opinion, it’s been demonstrated time and again over the past four years that what we feel is true… Actual Facts be damned!

So I’m going to watch Protocol, and perhaps The American President both are sweet comedies and make me smile.