Apologies to those of you that legitimately comment on the blog


Due to some moronic people who think that somehow I’m going to repost their dumbass website links for free, I’ve turned on moderating and added an automatic filter.

The moderating means that you’ll not be able to have your comment posted instantly.

The filter means that if you try to embed a link to a website or other stuff that could be construed as advertising or malicious code, your link goes immediately in the shitter, possibly your post too.

I know it seems draconian. I honestly had no choice. The primary offenders appear to be China and several South American countries.

The best one was from some idiot in South America whose message, in addition to being loaded with bullshit links also told me to update my website more often.

Really? You think that’s going to not cause me to take a good hard look at who you are?

To the real people… please be patient if you comment and it takes me a while to approve it.

As always, thank you for taking time out of your day to read my blog.