Oh this is so out of control.

You’ve got to be kidding me!

This is nothing more or less than Piracy.

It harkens back to the Barbary Pirates of the 16th and 17th centuries. There were wars fought against these Pirates. Hey, guess what? They were Muslims too! Funny how that works.

These pirates are obviously well funded and you do have to wonder which country is providing the pilots, the weapons, and oh, the ships actual location or the manifest. This particular operation was supposed to be so the Houthis could seize an Israeli shipment.

I’d say we need to go back to the old mechanisms of deterring piracy. Shoot to kill. Dump the bodies overboard. I’m the kind of asshole that would allow them to land their pirates to determine that they are in fact pirates. Then start shooting the pirates on board, and make sure that a surface to air missile blows their transport right the fuck out of the sky.

I think that private mercenaries should be allowed to provide security for every single ship passing through the Gulf and the Red Sea.

BTW were those missile pods mounted on the helicopter? Really? isn’t that shit usually reserved for governments? I pray the armaments are not from Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan pull out.

Al Sharpton is still a thing?

I thought that crazy, racist, old, tax evader  had been roasting his nuts in Hell for a few years now.

Obviously I was mistaken since he was leading a protest against a rich guy supposedly to support Claudine Gay’s racism claims.

Old Al must be running out of money. I’m sure he’s already sent a “Deal” a.k.a. Blackmail demand to Bill Ackman.

It probably reads something like, “Give me a check for a 5 million dollars and then you say you’re sorry about being a racist on my TV show and this protest will go away. I’ll make sure the money gets into the right hands.”

Isn’t that the way black leaders do things?

The money is never used to do any good for the black community, it always ends up in the pockets of the black leaders.

BLM? Paging BLM? How many houses did the BLM leadership buy? Jesse Jackson? Paging Jesse Jackson? How much money in “Donations” have you accepted? How much has been invested in the black community? Louis Farrakhan? Paging Louis Farrakhan how much antisemitic, anti-white vitriol have you spewed over the years? How much money have you raised and invested in the black community? Raised? A Lot. Invested? Not so much.

And Finally Al Sharpton. The racist, hateful, track suit wearing, tax evading, spotlight stealing, Democrat dick sucking, ass licking, fomenter of conflict, example of Napoleon syndrome… 

(Can you tell I have a dim view of black leaders, especially Al Sharpton? Good, I knew you could.)

I’d love to speak directly to Al Sharpton and say;

Run Al, RUN! Satan is demanding his due. I generally pray that the Angel of Death is gentle and kind when he comes to collect. In your case I might make an exception.

Throughout my entire life, Al Sharpton has been at the center of every single race related conflict. This man has spewed more hatred and stirred up more violence and cruelty than almost anyone I can think of. 

He always says it’s about ending racism, but it’s always worked out to be the opposite. 

I simply can’t understand why this fucking piece of shit is still a thing. He’s supposed to be a “reverend”, why hasn’t he returned to the church and gotten himself right with God?

His message these days sure as hell isn’t the gospel. At minimum his message is Hatred of Trump. But his overarching message is one of hatred of all white people and making them pay again and again for shit that 99% of white people don’t and didn’t do.

Believe me… If white people were expending as much energy on racism as Sharpton et al claim. There wouldn’t be any black people in America because they’d have been hunted to extinction.

At one time the black community claimed that young black men turned to crime because they were treated like criminals all the time by society. I don’t know how true this is or if it was simply a way to excuse the out of control criminal activity in black communities and force changes in sentencing laws because the majority of prison populations were black men.

Nonetheless, I can’t help but wonder. If all white people are racists, if there is no redemption, if white people are being called white supremacists and racists all the time, doesn’t the same rule apply? If society is going to treat white people like racists, doesn’t it follow that with people will be racists?

See, I believe humans, all humans, react the same way to certain stimuli. If young black men were made to be criminals by the way they were treated, then logically Al Sharpton, and the other black leaders are creating racists and white supremacists with their rhetoric and painting all white people with the same brush. 

For me… After a lifetime of getting up and saying, “I will not be an asshole today, I will not be a racist today,” now I get up and say, “I will not be an asshole today.” Whether I’m a racist by intention or accident, it doesn’t matter, with no redemption, and the assumption I’m a racist, why try? Black now has the same meaning in my head as the censored “N” word. Oddly, since I’m not worrying about being a racist anymore, I am happier.

Someone needs to tell Al, take your silly assed protest that is clearly based in the purest form of racism, and go home. Go back to spouting hate on MSNBC or from your pulpit or your basement or wherever, nobody cares. The damage you’ve done in your lifetime may well take a century to undo.

Al should also be told, Claudine Gay was forced to resign not because of her skin color, but because she broke the rules. Rules all academics are supposed to follow, and she did it willfully and in a racist way because she is black and a woman. She knew she was protected by Academia and society’s terror of being labeled a racist. She used her race and gender as a shield figuring no-one would ever call her out on it.

That is why anyone with a brain wants to see Claudine Gay dismissed not only as President of Harvard, but also from her tenured teaching position, and stripped of her Doctorate. It’s not about skin color, it’s about unfairness and taking advantage of the insidious and unjustified collective guilt, Al Sharpton, and his confederates have spent 50 years instilling in our culture.

Claudine Gay richly deserves cancellation. If the race grifters were smart they’d be leading the charge. Because Claudine Gay has exposed the race and educational system scams and how they work. How much money are indoctrination centers, (otherwise known as colleges,) hemorrhaging now?

It’s obvious that the fucking Reverend Sharpton is looking for a payday from a rich guy. Reverend Sharpton just wants him to purchase an indulgence from the Sharpton Church of Racism. In that “reverend” Sharpton, is not much different from Claudine Gay, they’re Con artists!

Do us all a favor Al…

Just Shut the fuck up!

My pronoun is Dr. I also identify as Black.

After the stellar example set by Claudine Gay, and Harvard, I’ve realized I was going about this education thing all wrong. I actually thought I had to go to class and do the work!

Silly me!

All you have to do is get a scholarship then plagiarize the hell out of people who actually did the work! Oh, I suppose you need to spout some Marxist Crap and whine about how oppressed you are as a member of a “Minority” and play the victim really well.

Who knew you only had to write ten academic papers for publication in your entire career? Oh that those ten papers can have at least 50 examples of plagiarism.

I’ve decided that I’m not going to bother with paying an obscene amount of money to listen to Socialist/Marxist/Victim/Racists, indoctrinate me.

I’m just going to claim I went to Harvard and completed my Phd in Physics. I’m fairly sure the level of education I’ve obtained reading actual books and watching YouTube conspiracy videos is sufficient to meet Harvard’s requirements.

Hell, I’ll submit this Blog as evidence that I’ve written and published material.

But my Crowning achievement is my New Book. A Brief History of Time, The book is actually written by Stephen Hawking, but by Harvard and Claudine Gay’s rules… WHO CARES!

After years and years of dedicated fucking around… I’m a Physicist!!!

No, you can’t accuse me of stealing anything, I identify as a Black woman. No, you can’t ask questions!

Now, who do I see about collecting my 800 thousand dollar per year paycheck???

For Fucks Sake! 

How did academia come to this low point? 

Plato, Socrates, Newton, Archimedes, Hawking, Darwin, and all the rest of the great thinkers from our history are either weeping for the future, or have decided to just go get drunk off their asses and watch humanity devolve into what?

Gender confused sheep who can’t command fire? Well at least at that point we can look forward to humanity’s relatively swift extinction and some other sentient species evolving.

Many Years from Now, in an Afterlife Nightclub™.

“Hey guys, can I join you at the bar? Oh, Sorry Stephen… err Doctor Hawking, I was making a point, not trying to claim your work as my own. Given that you had a sense of humor I figured I could get away with it. Can I buy you a beer? Is anyone taking bets on how long Humanity lasts?”