Blah Blah Blatty Blah, Blah Blah.


I couldn’t bring myself to watch the State of the Union address.

Honestly, I feel kinda bad about it. In a strange way I feel like I’ve somehow abdicated my responsibility to keep an eye on our government.

On the other hand, I was laying flat in my bed after having thrown my back out. (I’m completely unclear how I did it) I just couldn’t take the thought of getting spun up listening to Stompyfoot.

Even reading the after event articles from various news feeds this morning is to some extent disgusting. Split right down the middle, the left is praising The President, the right is essentially saying WTF?

I can’t watch an Obama speech without thinking of The Fifth Element and the character Ruby Rhod. Chris Tucker was fantastic at his parody of marginally talented performers and their entourage of sycophants.

No matter what Ruby said or did his entourage was always excited, in agreement, and willing to tell him whatever they thought he wanted to hear.

I can’t read or listen to the media about The President without seeing Ruby’s entourage in my mind’s eye. 

Some of the reports this morning suggest that The President turned on the media. Chris Matthews was apparently put off by the Presidents comments. I call it a classic case of a politician realizing that his old alliances are now meaningless, so why not start devouring them.

On the plus side we wont have to listen to many more of ‘ol Stompyfoot’s speeches.

I think the election cycle is fully underway and it’s going to be a seriously nasty one.

Nice day even with a heck of a drive

Had a dental appointment today. The last under my current insurance plan.

Thankfully I’ve got good teeth. Otherwise I’m sure that insurance would decline to cover me calling it a “pre-existing” condition.

My teeth, and gums are a bit sore. But I’m going to be fine even if I just want soft food tonight.

I barely missed all the excitement coming home, I passed a sign saying that “all the mountain roads were closed” it was a bit of a concern.

As it turns out CALTRANS was overstating the issue. The mountain roads into the Big Bear area were closed. Not all mountain roads.

The police say that they’ve cornered Christopher Dorner. Apparently, Mr Dorner has been killed in a fire in a cabin.

I’ll wait until the forensic report comes out.

I’m amazed that the Dorner issue has preempted the POTUS State of The Union Address on some of our local TV stations.

This is the first time I’ve created a blog post on an iPad. So if there are any really goofy typos… I’m blaming the iPad!

Signing off to watch the State of the Union.

Should be interesting.

Inauguration day


Couldn’t stomach it. I tuned in for a little while, a very little while. I saw the President trying to look interested. 

I know these public events must be trying for he and his family.

I actually feel sorry for him.  On the other hand he could have said screw it and not sought a second term. That would probably have underscored the futility and just how broken the government is to the American people. Perhaps that would have been a catalyst for real change.

But instead President Obama chose a second term in office. So there he sits with a mask of feigned interest on his face.

Where I in his position I’d probably be thinking of all the things requiring my attention stacking up in the oval office.

I’d be wondering just how far this pomp & circumstance was going to set me back and what time I’d be getting to bed.

The President looked really tired.

(Not to sound like Dr Who when he ended a Prime Ministers term with the words “Don’t you think she looks tired?”)

What is that old quote? “Heavy is the head that wears the crown.”

I hope this four years is better than the last.

I’m not overly optimistic.