Gay People Are Not…

…Looking to convert anybody

Why on earth would you seek to convert someone’s sexuality? Especially if you knew that you were condemning the person or persons successfully converted to a life where hatred, ridicule, violence (in word and deed), and where federally mandated loss of constitutional rights was all they had to look forward to. No one is that cruel. Especially not Gay people.

…Child Molesters

In the main, gay people do not molest children. Straight People do!! After all Jerry Sandusky isn’t gay is he? Nor is Bernie Fine. In fact, I defy you to find a significant number of gay people within the larger group of identified child molesters. Contrary to what the Christian Right would have you believe, once someone comes to grips with their gayness they tend to get over the guilt and put together a life that is positive instead of one where they simmer in self loathing. Fundamentalist Christianity has done more to harm in this area than help. Shame and Guilt are not useful controls of human behavior they only serve to create a dark shadow world fueled by self hatred.

…Always Effeminate, Hairdressers, Interior Designers, or Fashionistas.

Gay people are in every walk of life. They are scientists, doctors, lawyers, house painters, machinists, magicians, singers, dancers, truckers, pilots, steel workers, boat captains, and auto mechanics. Pick ANY profession and you’ll find a gay person there. What the media often portrays as representative GAY people is the equivalent of the wonderful “Crazy Eyes” photos of Michelle Bachmann. (except SHE IS Crazy)


Perhaps the most important thing to understand is that Gay people are not weak.

Many Gay people are, or were soldiers. Just because the Government and Christian Fundamentalists like Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, Mit Romney, Michelle Bachmann, Tony Perkins, and Fred Phelps convinced themselves that dishonorable discharges were the only fit punishment for Gay soldiers…
It in no way means that the training those soldiers received was erased when their military careers were.

Those men and women are a resource and they’ll train the rest of the gay community if necessary to defend themselves.

In the main, gay people are pretty peaceful and liberal. A segment of the gay population is downright anti-gun, anti-war, & anti-volience, at any price. BUT… and this is important… Gay people come from all walks of life, and every single state and community within this country.

So all you Christian Fundamentalists out there, Picture your redneck cousins from Arkansas in your uncles truck with rifles. Toss in a couple of Desert Storm, Desert Shield, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans. Sounds like a great time hunting Elk doesn’t it?

Now imagine them as ALL GAY. Scary?

If the fundamentalist, bible thumping, child molesting, sons of bitches, ever try to take basic rights away from Gay people or try something even more stupid like imprisoning people because they’re Gay…

Be assured that scary image is what they’ll be looking at. Think long and hard about it.

Oh, the Gays will be stylish, and will do you the courtesy of shooting your bigoted asses with the finest ammo money can buy.

But the bottom line is….


I can assure you that this is not 1939 Germany.

Demonizing a segment of the population for political gain won’t work with our political system.

We are not a theocracy. We separate church and state precisely to prevent the kind of religious purges we SAY we’re trying to prevent in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere in the world.

So Please! Will all the presidential candidates stop pandering to the Fundamentalist Christian Fringe and start addressing the real problems of the Country?

Who would want to work in America?

This video is very very disturbing.

This young lady is espousing an attitude that I’ve seen quite a bit over the past few years. Her last statement is the most chilling.

I mean who would want to work in America? This is what the taxpayers are paying for.

She’s talking about manipulating a system of welfare such that instead of the system being a safety net, it’s a livelihood.

She rattles off how much money she can wrangle from the welfare state and how “others” increase their profits by playing games with the definition of child care.

While stuff like this really pisses me off, I have to acknowledge that folks who “work” the system like this are pretty damn clever.

Hell, I had a tough time getting fucking unemployment because the system was convoluted and strange. Folks like this lady navigate that kind of weirdness with ease.

I couldn’t help but wonder, If people like her put as much effort into actually working would we need a welfare state anymore?

The thing that always amazes me, is that the “Entitled” class is so short sighted that they fail to realize at some point the taxpayers won’t be able to bear the burden of the “entitled” class.

When that happens it’s going to be pretty damn ugly. I picture something like Somalia. Hell we might even get some cool pirates!

How can folks like this claim victimhood? Not that this lady is claiming she’s a victim but there are others that would step right in front of any microphone and claim that they were oppressed.

She’s not dressed in rags, She’s obviously spent some time at a nail salon, she looks like she’s sitting in a fairly middle class home.

She’s not stupid either. Why work, why bother? The state will take care of her and her kids from now until the day they die.

All she has to do to make more money is fuck, (which like all of us, she’d do anyway) and make more mouths to feed and care for.

If this what welfare and being oppressed looks like, I’m doing something seriously wrong…
Better yet, I’ll take one order of oppression to go! Can I get that at Subway?
Why should I keep paying my taxes, or bills, or anything for that matter? 
Let me get my lilly white ass on the welfare gravy train!

Occupy LA ENDS! About time…

Occupy LA was brought to an end.

Under the unblinking eye of the media 1400 Officers moved in, arresting 200 people.

Who paid for the extra Police?

Who paid for the EMS personnel on site?

Who was paying for the porta – potties?

Who is going to pay for the Parks & Recreation time to

  1. Clean up the squalid mess (Tree Houses? you have to be kidding me!)
  2. Destroyed Landscaping
  3. Graffiti on public buildings

Oh yeah… US the Taxpayers!

Again, a protest against injustice, wrongdoing, and corruption isn’t a bad thing.

A protest that goes on and on and on and on. (60 days?) Without a simple easy to follow set of talking points is doomed and pointless.

Occupy wasn’t a bad idea, It Became a bad idea because of all the dissimilar agendas and finally because  people being interviewed as representatives of the movement NEVER agreed on what they were trying to accomplish.

Occupy LA ended pretty well, leaving only the squalid non-biodegradable remnants of a group of idealistic children. The place looks like a land fill. There’s some irony in the non-biodegradable nature of the stuff left behind.

It remains to be seen what will happen with the other cities as they begin removing their own infestations of Occupy. I’d imagine that the police of those cities will be trying very had to make sure they don’t have violent ends after all, the last thing we need is to make martyrs.

Occupy “feels” a lot like a petulant child holding it’s breath and kicking it’s feet. I’m sure that like the childs temper tantrum, this largely ineffective protest will be forgotten in a week or two.

OWS will probably be replaced in the public consciousness by something the Kardashians do.

Oh Joy!

Occupy (Whatever)… It’s time for you to go.

I don’t have a problem with protests.

I don’t have a problem with freedom of speech, I exercise that right, in this space pretty regularly.

Hell, I’m unemployed and part of the reason I’m unemployed is that my industry was linked to the government. As the markets became uncertain, so did congress. One of the first things congress did was  to stop making decisions about funding.

As the time for decisions passed, contracts in my industry starved. This caused a slow painful death of the project I was working on and many others. The deaths of those projects meant thousands of people being laid off.

If anyone would have a reason to be encamped with an Occupy (whatever) protest it would be me!

I am, however tired of the Occupy Wall street movement. I’m  tired of their directionless unfocused protests.

I’m pretty sure that there are a lot more people like me at this point than there are of the protesters.

Whatever point these people were trying to make they’ve made. It’s now time for them to exit the stage and stop being PAINS in the ASSES!

These Occupy people are costing all the tax payers money. This at a time when most cities are having a hard time meeting  budget in the first place. It’s not just about the special police protection… It’s about clean up, and disruptions in traffic.

In LA anything that disrupts traffic (Including Presidential visits!) costs everyone time and money in the form of work and gas.

The LA Occupy Wall Street group is sucking up even more tax payer money by asking a Federal Judge to stop their eviction. This is plan wrong on it’s face.

It’s interesting to note… while these people are against capitalism, they are selling buttons to fund their cause. If that’s not capitalism in it’s purest sense I don’t know what is.

LAPD as said that they’re going to evict these people. They made a big deal about setting a deadline. The deadline came and went they’ve still done nothing.

LAPDs inaction and failure to execute their plan makes them look weak and impotent. Exposing to anyone else in LA that the rule of law and authority need not be followed.

The Occupy crowd needs to move on and change the world by finding the architects of the banking collapse and exposing them. Bring the people who caused and fed the criminal banking excesses to account.

Then Occupy will have done something useful.

Anything less than that and it’s pretty obvious that Occupy really was nothing more than a bunch of overeducated, unemployed, whiny never do wells,