Republican Nominees Am I missing it or are they pretty much all the same?

Alright, I admit it…

I actually sat through one of the New Hampshire debates. Well most of it anyway, before I had to go throw up.

Now that Ms. Bachmann has left the race I find that I’m paying more attention the the so-called “real” candidates. I just couldn’t help myself before. I kept focusing on ol’ crazy eyes and thinking to myself this woman is already a member of Congress representing Minnesota.

How the hell did that happen?

Now that she’s out of the race I was watching the posturing by the remaining candidates and discovered that if I closed my eyes i honestly couldn’t tell the candidates apart. There were two exceptions to this I could identify Gingrich and Romney.

Perry, Santorum, Huntsman and Paul pretty much sounded alike. I’m speaking here of their answers and their voices…

They all sounded like the background chatter at a really bad party. You know, the kind of party where everyone is just drunk enough to make complete asses of themselves but not quite drunk enough to leave.

I will say this, Romney “sounds” Presidential . He’s got a resonant quality to his voice that is compelling and commanding. By comparison Gingrich, sounds a little whiney.

Romney also has the classic “Presidential Look”. Gingrich by comparison looks a bit like the kind of guy who should be in the back room of a meat packing plant with a fat cigar making deals about who is going to have control of a trash delivery route.

I think it’s going to come down to a Romney nomination.
If we assume that President Obama is out, then I’m betting as people choose among evils I think they’ll choose Romney.

The thing to remember is that The President really has far less impact on policy than we give him credit for.

America is a very big ship, and like the Titanic it doesn’t turn on a dime. The presidential influence over a four year span is pretty minimal. If you consider that we ended up where we are after two terms of a fiercly conservative President and essentially 8 years of fighting wars on two fronts (Everyone knows that’s a bad idea…) then it’s completely unrealistic to expect a President to change the countrys direction in a single term.

Yet that is exactly what people expected of President Obama, and here we are poised to have the same unrealistic expectations of a New President.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a fan of President Obama. But the reasons aren’t because he “Failed” to bring about Change or increase Hope. I have always been concerned that President Obama was inexperienced and that he’s way too much of an apologist.

As to his ability to govern, well that is directly related to how co-operative the congress is. I think we ALL know how that’s working out.

It’s a given that the current crop of Republican candidates are going to be conservative. If anything the Republican party is attempting to present an almost polar opposite choice to President Obama. This is typical thinking of the current Republican party. Most of the moderates have decided to shut up and sit this one out.

The GOP is all about an almost binary logic (On/Off, Right/Wrong, Belief in God/Atheist). They’re sadly missing the point that a large majority of America is actually pretty moderate.

I’m increasingly having a hard time forcing myself to believe that our system is still working…

As we head into 2012…

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First there are the doomsday cults expecting the world to end 12/22/2012. If the Mayans got it right…

Personally I’m curious to see how these cults deal with the end… or the lack thereof.

I remember a young man, his wife, and their children who had quit work and spent their savings expecting the rapture some pastor had predicted. They had no fall back plan if in fact the pastor was wrong and I re-member wondering what on Earth they were going to do if they weren’t “Raptured”.

I guess we’ll find out what happens on 12/23/2012.

Then there is continuing unrest in the middle east. (Humm maybe the Mayans did get it right)

We’re coming up on a presidential election year. That means that we’re going to have to endure the mud slinging and stupidity of a bunch of politicians that really don’t deserve the nomination of their parties.

But again if the Mayans are right… well, whoever we elect wont take office because the world is going to end. Perhaps that’s a mercy.

As I’ve stated earlier, I’m not at all impressed with the Republican Candidates. I’m hoping that a decent shake-out will improve the pool but I’m not holding my breath. I’m confused as hell as to why these nut-jobs are campaigning so hard against gay anything.

Gay marriage is the least of their worries, if elected they’re going to inherit an almost completely dysfunctional government and as President, frankly they’ll have little they can do to fix it. The key isn’t so much the President… It’s the House and Senate, There’s where the real power lies.

A small lesson President Obama has learned the hard way, much to his dismay.

Forget about the President folks… Keep your eye on any senate or house elections that’s what will make or break us.

I had to laugh this morning at Newt Gingrich saying that as President he’d ignore Supreme Court decisions that he didn’t agree with. WTF???? That’s how you create a regime like Saddam Hussein’s.

Oh and Newt… FYI this uneducated backwoods HICK from one of those red states KNOWS that you can’t do what you’re suggesting without dismantling the constitution.

I suspect that the folks in this country would have a serious problem with a President that attacked constitutional protections or sought to simply toss the constitution out the window.

Of course my fellow citizens said nothing when the patriot act was passed and even less when President Obama extended it another four years. So I could be wrong… perhaps the American People are ready to be subjugated under the rule of a despot. Maybe Gingrich has a point.

I’d like to think that my fellow citizens would be marching in the streets if a President tried to disband the constitution. Hopefully I’ll be able to keep that fantasy in the upcoming election year.

I’ve been working on my New Years Resolutions.

Get Stronger

Get Healthier

Become a little more social

Have a LOT MORE SEX! (I can make this doomsday stuff work for me… “Hey Baby, the worlds gonna end soon so lets just fuck.“)

Oh and Get a JOB! Then use the money from the job to build a survival strategy and lay in supplies… Hey nothing wrong with a little planning πŸ˜‰

Stay tuned, I may be adding to this list.

A wonderful day for the GOP

Amy Koch and Greg Davis…. She was having an affair with a staffer, He was buying stuff at a gay sex store with tax payers money!

Both sure weren’t practicing what they preach.

Both had whipped up panic about how marriage would be destroyed by allowing same sex marriages and yet…

So gentle reader, what lessons are we learning?

How about the simple lesson that everyone deserves to share equally in the American Dream including marriage to the person of their choice regardless of gender…

Because we are all just as likely to fuck up our lives.

Moronic Occupy Long Beach


I wish the cops would back off and let the Long Shoremen handle the Occupy folks “OLD SCHOOL”

These occupy people are fucking up a lot of the “Workers” they claim to represent.

The Longshoremen that can’t get to work

The office workers

The Truck Drivers

and everyone else in the local area, including minimum wage workers that can’t get to their jobs on time BECAUSE of these idiots.

One of the Occupy spokesholes said it was worth it in support of The Movement. WHAT MOVEMENT?

Who the fuck is HE to decide that all the people who can’t get to their jobs;

A) HAVE TO DONATE THEIR SALARY (In lost wages) To a movement that they may not agree with?


These Occupy people are fucking assholes!

I”m over them, I was over them 2 weeks after their disorganized bullshit began. I’m REALLY over it now.

Hey Police…. haul out the teargas, bean bags, and water canons. Clean up the trash!

When did America Head down the road to being a Fascist police state?

Apparently another memo I missed.

This first bit is so unbelievable that I at first thought it was a joke. Sadly, it’s no joke.

A man in Illinois is facing up to 75 years in prison because he recorded his conversations with Illinois police. (As an aside, remember that Chicago is the capital of some of  the most draconian gun laws in the country and oddly enough one of the most crime ridden cities in America.)

The bottom line is that Michael Allison recorded his encounters with the police. And the police apparently didn’t like it.

A follow-on piece reports that a judge has ruled the case against this man is unconstitutional

And predictably the state of Illinois has filed an Appeal

In the last piece they briefly put up a map showing the states that have anti-recording laws of law enforcement. Surprisingly, California has laws of this type in place.

When did our Law Enforcement get so terrified of the public? Most of the time they’re doing what they’re supposed to do and we, the public agree. Having the public watching your fellow officers means that any “Bad” officers get removed from duty before they give all law enforcement a bad name.

The concept that Law Enforcement is above the law… is what gets everyone in trouble. Unless of course your end goal is to create a Jack-Booted cadre of thugs that do the politicians bidding and not the peoples.

Of even further concern is this little piece from Jon Stewart.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Arrested Development
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The rest is here I think, sorry for the commercials but this is important to our future.

These kinds of amendments being added to necessary “MUST-Pass” legislation are without question one of the most damaging things happening to our country.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Arrested Development – One-Way Train to Gitmo
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog The Daily Show on Facebook

The accumulation of these abridgments to our personal freedoms will eventually subvert the Constitution. Listen carefully to the description of “Potential Terrorists”!

These two pieces are long, and yes they’re done with Stewart poking fun at the situation but the legislation has passed and it is now heading to the Presidents desk.

We need to pay a lot closer attention to our politicians. If this insanity is passed…

Under the description of potential terrorists, Virtually all Mormons could be construed as terrorists. They could be arrested without access to due process and detained indeffinately.

Why? The tenants of their faith call for preparedness. Food should be stored, supplies, yes, even hunting rifles with ammunition.

By definition ammunition that is kept properly is in weatherproof containers. That’s two out of three terrorist criteria.

Does that mean if a Fundamentalist Southern Baptist Christian president is elected that he or she will be able to imprison Salt Lake City? Yep… And there’s not a damn thing anyone could do about it.

Interested in politics yet?

You really should be,.. 

Remember the Poem; (Thanks to Wikipedia)

First they came for the communists,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a Jew.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.

First they came…” is a famous statement attributed to pastor Martin NiemΓΆller (1892–1984) about the inactivity of German intellectuals following the Nazi rise to power and the purging of their chosen targets, group after group. The text of the quotation is usually presented roughly as above.

Folks, this cautionary tale is relevant TODAY, right NOW.

It’s not some dusty old tome from history talking about things that only happened long ago, far away, in another country.

This poem / commentary is just one slippery slope from happening in our country.

Time to wake up America…