A fun Cartoon from 1948

A friend sent me this cartoon this morning.

It’s done in the classic animation style of the late 1940s. In all honesty it is a propaganda film that serves to do a little education about our system of government.

Propaganda has become a dirty word, but all propaganda isn’t necessarily by definition evil.

This cartoon reflects the sexism of the time (Sorry Ladies).  It also speaks of “Church” on Sunday, I’ve always though of “Church” as an inclusive term denoting worship of your particular deity, not just a Christian activity.

I mention this because some of the folks commenting on the youtube site took Church to mean just the Christian flavor. It’s strange  how very narrow and focused our perceptions are now days.

Here without further ado is a blast from the past.

Something to think about in this election year.

The SCAM of Gas Prices or HOW to SCREW the Economy

Gas pump

Oh goody!

Gas prices jumped a nickel over the weekend. This rise happened in spite of the fact that the price per barrel of oil dropped by $1.43.

Hey wait a minute, weren’t we told in the last month that gas prices were going up because of the instant linkage between the barrel price and refined price? Shouldn’t the gas prices FALL as quickly when the barrel price drops?

You’d think that… BUT you’d be wrong!

Now, the gas prices are continuing to rise in anticipation that there will be a supply glitch as the refineries switch from Winter to Summer grades. (WHAT???) I know that supposedly the formulation is different depending on season. I’m not sure that I believe it. I’m more convinced that this is another excuse for the oil industry to drive up prices and increase their profits.

Remember some of the other excuses we’ve heard recently?

Oil prices are going up because of tension with Iran, last year it was tensions with the Iraq, the year before that it was tensions because of Chinas sudden prosperity and their burgeoning oil demand, the year before that it was blah blah, before that blah blady blah.

There’s always some almost plausible reason, if you’re not looking too closely…


The point is, if you really look at it there is NO good reason, no quantitative, no REAL reason for the volatility in oil prices. Each year the prices go up due to some trumped up crisis NEVER returning to their (Pre-crisis) price. Yet somehow each year the oil companies post record profits.

You know that oil is shipped right? So that means orders have to placed at least a month if not two before it’s needed. What happens when oil is delivered to ports but the demand isn’t as high as anticipated? YOU STORE IT!

It makes no sense to turn the ships around or to offload only a portion of the shipment you’ve ordered unless you can sell that partial shipment somewhere else.

We’ve had a remarkably warm Winter in this country this year. That means that fuel use is down, certainly heating oil and probably electric usage.

Why then are fuel costs going up? Didn’t we stockpile the surplus oil?

This shouldn’t be read as me being anti profit. I’m a capitalist through and through, but there is such a thing as Usury rates and there are laws against that kind of exploitation. The oil companies are not a monopoly, but their prices are obviously fixed. It’s time to bring all the oil companies up on anti-trust charges and let THE PEOPLE not Congress sit in judgement. Maybe then we’d see justice done.

Has it occurred to you that $5 or $6 a gallon gasoline is actually good for the Republican party? So is high unemployment caused by high energy prices.

Why? Think about this… There is a long standing history of collusion between the Captains of industry and politicians.

Now think about high energy prices suppressing the economy making the people restless and how that effect could turn the Presidential race and any congressional seats up for grabs in favor of the Republican party.

Once a candidate preferred by industry is elected, the energy prices go down, employment goes up and it looks like the American people “Made the right choice for the country…” when in fact they made the right choice for industry.

Even if the Democratic party carries the day… Industry still profits, and can slowly lower the energy costs, stimulate the economy and wait another 4 years for a chance to put an “Industry Friendly” President in office.

As I’ve said before, I’m not… or rather I wasn’t a big conspiracy kind of guy.

0302 Newt Gingrich super tuesday gas pump vote full 600

Honestly, I think most politicians are too stupid to carry off a conspiracy and they sure as hell couldn’t keep their mouths shut about it. BUT I can’t help wondering if the politicians are puppets of industry.

I could see industry moving behind the scenes. I could see politicians being compartmentalized, each knowing only enough to carry out their assigned job.

I’ve begun to think this way in part because politics makes no sense.

The majority of Americans couldn’t care less about Gay rights, marriage, or what have you. The majority of Americans don’t care that a woman has access to abortion or to birth control. A large portion of America while being people of faith aren’t willing to shove their faith down the throats of others. Yet all these issues are talking points for politicians.


We have far more pressing issues that need to be addressed.

The only explanation I can think of for trotting out the same old tired issues again and again is that our government is trying to put on a Roman Circus.

In that context… all the sudden politics makes sense… It’s a “Reality” show!

This week on real politics, will Rick Santorum insult the transexuals in Ohio and be glitter-bombed? Find out TONITE at 7!

Makes a lot more sense that way doesn’t it?

When you think about it this way, you kinda have no choice but to get really cynical about the whole process.

For me, the icing on the cake is the volatility in oil pricing.

Which leads to only one conclusion… it doesn’t matter WHO is in office, they’re all the bitches of one industry or another.

I was going Write something about Super Tuesday earlier

Images 1


Romney wins 60% of the states in the Super Tuesday election. Is there any doubt that he’s going to be nominated?

Unless something really bad happens between now and the nomination, Romney is going to be running against President Obama in the 2012 election.

By really bad… I mean Romney gets caught doing something just awful. Like he’d have to be caught in the act having kinky sex with an underage dude while his wife is tied naked to a chair with a dildo glued to her forehead. With Romney yelling “Make me your bitch honey”.

Even then… there would have to be video!

Since that scene is about as unlikely to happen as Mr. Romney walking across Lake Michigan, the primaries are fait accomplis. So why the hell are Santorum and Gingrich continuing to fight on?

They’re each interchangeable anyway.

Fundamentalist —- CHECK!

No Clear Foreign Policy —- CHECK!

No Clear Economic Plan —- CHECK!

Seemingly anti choice —- CHECK!

Out of Touch with the American People —- CHECK!

Like Obama, they’ve never made a choice between filling their gas tank and eating lunch for a week —- CHECK!

Santorum and Gingrich should step aside, spare the American people the static of the primaries and let us focus with laser like precision on just HOW the Republican candidate differs from the Democratic candidate.

Will that happen? HELL NO!


Because the longer the static, noise, and churn continue the less likely the American people will start asking the important questions.

Holy Shit Batman… There’s a picture of a gun! Lets arrest everyone

Ok, this is sooooo over the top I can’t even wrap my head around it.

Aa Second Amendment montage good one

In general I like Canadians, I’ve even thought about living and working in the Great White North from time to time. Well after reading this article…

All I can say is NO FUCKING WAY!

My Brother is probably right… (As Usual about such things) Alaska might be a better choice of place to live, since he & I are both more about being left the hell alone to live our lives.

The article is from the thespec.com and details how a father was arrested, strip searched, his wife & 15 month old child detained and removed from their home, their other three children placed in protective custody by the Canadian child protective services all because his daughter Drew… YES you read that correctly DREW as in on paper with a crayon… a picture of a gun

Are you fucking kidding me?

As I read the article I couldn’t believe how crazy this whole thing was. I’ll tell you this If I was this guy… I’d have been way less that cooperative and After my release I wouldn’t be accepting an apology… I’d be seeking damages in a court of law.

Since when does ANY civilized country arrest someone without informing them of the charges?

In this case I had to keep reminding myself that we were talking about Canada, not some third world cesspool like Iraq or Iran where death squads do this kind of thing on a daily basis.

This behavior is exactly why the NRA screams every time some idiot mayor or city decides that the 2nd amendment doesn’t apply to them.

In fact reading stuff like this makes me want to join the NRA! Living as I do in the Peoples Republik of Kalifornia, I know it’s only a matter of time before some asshole in Sacramento will figure a way to suspend the 2nd amendment. Well they can try…

I’ve put snapshots of the article out here too so that if the Canadian government orders thespec.com to take the article down, out of embarrassment you’ll still be able to read it.

Frankly the Canadians should be embarrassed by their over-reaction.

TheSpec  Man arrested after daughter draws picture of gun Page 1

TheSpec  Man arrested after daughter draws picture of gun Page 2

TheSpec  Man arrested after daughter draws picture of gun Page 3

So what does this mean for our economic recovery?

Gas prices have moved into the stratosphere and now the airlines are raising their fares in response to higher energy costs.

Gas prices claim gi top

Aside from the chilling effect this is going to have on the vacation season what is this going to do to the overall economy?

The President says we can’t drill our way to lower gas prices… He’s wrong… in the long term, but probably correct in the near term.

President Obama is again demonstrating how disconnected he is from the average American.

With few exceptions, Americans do not have access to effective mass transit and are relegated to driving to work, school, grocery stores, etc.

When I rode busses in the Los Angeles area, I planned on 6 hours a day commuting because there were no express busses to specific transit hubs. Later when I used the light rail the commuting time only shortened by 2 hours. This is why most people in Southern California drive. In other places I’ve lived, city sprawl precludes biking, walking, or bus because the distance from cheap housing to places of work is too great.

President Obama needs to stop assuming his completely urban experiences are representative of average Americans. The Chicago Elevated Train is pretty dang efficient. I know, I’ve ridden it. But most of the “Flyover” states have no such systems. Heck, get out of Chicago and you must have a car.

So it’s time for the President to open the Reserve, make the oil companies open all their refineries, and remove impediments to any and all pipelines from what’s left of our functioning oil fields.


The President is right about one thing… We need to be independent of foreign oil. Obviously we don’t have alternative energy up & running yet, until we do lets not keep telling OPEC “Thank you for kicking us in the nuts… may we have another?

Use our own resources.

Or as I’ve suggested before… Sink our sippy straw into a middle eastern desert and suck it dry.

On the other hand… Men Our SPERM can command as much as $600 per 0.5 mL, this is dependent on motility and if you’re wiling to provide all the information about you, your family, etc.

Are we likely to see donation slots in fuel pumps in the near future?  Nahhh…. But gotta admit it would make paying at the pump a whole lot more fun!

Hummm…. I wonder if that would increase gas consumption? Or would you be more likely to help someone out that was uhhh… coming up a bit short???