Did you vote?

Nope i”m not going to talk about the election… I think far too much has been said.

Hopefully whoever wins… it will be a clean win so we don’t have to listen to the wailing and gnashing of teeth during endless recounts. I’m not holding my breath though.


Not only did I vote, but I walked to the polling place…

Perhaps I was overly ambitious due to the fact that I’m still getting over a cold and I think I’ve developed a slight sinus infection.

However…  as  treat to myself I decided to have lunch at The Grizzly, so here I am.

Decided to sit outside on the patio, it’ s a pretty day

I got  to the poling place, and was sweating like  pig! Hopefully I was sweating this bug out of my system.

After all increased blood flow, should help flush all the nasties, and get some white cells to the infected areas… That’s the theory anyway…

On the other hand if this doesn’t get better in the next few days I’m going to put a call into the medical establishment, and get some drugs.

I’ve been tinkering with the idea to take a trip that I’d use to get my advanced open water diving certification. Then see family… of course if I’m sick, the diving thing is right out…

I’m home now… 

Looking on the map I was definitely a little ambitious!

It’s 2 miles down, and 2 miles back.

Going downhill was no problem. Coming back uphill was tough…

I used to walk this every day, then I got out of the habit.

My starting point is 6200 FT by the time you get to The Grizzly the altitude is about 5300FT.

You don’t really think about it until you have to walk back up, then that 1000 feet feels like it’s 10,000.


I can say from experience that if you walk that 4 mile loop every day you’ll very soon have great calves, tight legs, and a butt that is anything but flabby.

I’m going to have time on my hands… I should start walking it again every day. After all if I have to start selling my body for income… I should at least look decent! 

And in the last few days before the election…

I’m turning my radio & Television OFF!

The incessant vicious ads and mudslinging have reached a fever pitch and I can’t take it anymore.

I’m with Abigael Evans,  the 4 year old who got an apology from NPR.

I wholeheartedly agree that it’s just gotten to be way too much.

If I see another 10 minute string of proposition commercials punctuated by sniping senate & congressional hopefuls… I swear I’ll just not bother to vote at all.

Grow up people, present your case be civil to each other and hopefully we’ll make the best decision.

At the very least you’ll be examples of how differences should be resolved, instead of demonstrating to young people that name calling and bullying are the way to get what you want.

I’m almost to the place where I thinking we should just choose our politicians randomly from the population. At least then, the PACS and businesses wouldn’t know who to hand the money to.

It would be a damn sight easier to figure out WHO was taking what money from whom.

I think we ALL deserve an apology for the nastiness we’ve seen in this election season.

I broke the rules of Dinner parties


Over the weekend I spoke of… Horror of Horrors !


Thankfully it was at the end of the party not the beginning…


Several guests were talking about the food labeling proposition that’s been getting a lot of air play here in California.

The gist of the proposition is that genetically modified foods should be labeled. But then the proposition goes on to exclude some foods and require labeling on others even if there “might” be a component used in the food that was derived from a genetically modified source.

I’m against this proposition, and my reasoning is simple. Either you identify ALL genetically modified foods or don’t bother. No exceptions, no exclusions, mandate an all or nothing approach.

In my mind, It’s probably not a bad idea to give the consumer a choice to eat genetically modified foods or not, you can do that with labeling. 

Sacramento in my opinion, was going to use the proposition to create another new administrative nightmare that would have been a “California Only” thing.

In the process they’d create another revenue stream for the politicians to waste. Oh and of course… they’d have created the potential for food shortages similar to gas shortages and obscene pricing, because the food in the OTHER 48 states wouldn’t be compatible with the regulations imposed by California.

Then they asked about the presidential choices. In my head there were warning klaxons… Even a guest appearance by the Lost in Space robot, “Danger Will Robinson! Danger!”

I plowed ahead… 

At this late date I’m still unsure which way I’m going to vote on the presidency. 


I don’t think President Obama is the way… and at the same time I really don’t have great feelings for Governor Romney.

My reasoning is this, President Obama is today and honestly I believe has been a lame duck during his entire Presidency. With Congress refusing at every turn to work with him, he’s not been nearly as effective as he could have been. Even his good ideas for the country get no traction because no matter what, Congress is going to fight about it. 

The other liberal Democratic guests at the party swarmed me like sharks. I was amazed. They wouldn’t let me finish a sentence.

These otherwise intelligent people, were so incensed that not only did the conversation stop, it degenerated to a level just above name calling.


I thought the Republican Conservatives were the ones that frothed at the mouth and refused to hear dissenting opinions!

Obviously I’m living in the past. 

I thought that decorum and politeness dictated that you at least listened to someone else’s opinion and let them finish their statement. I try to do this and while I am passionate about some things I really try to hear the other side.

Apparently, that’s not the way Americans work today. 

If you disagree… You’re to shout the other party down! That way you don’t have to be confused by the logic of a well reasoned argument against your preconceived beliefs.

One of these same people (Again, intelligent, well educated, older people) said the following which still has me reeling.

I’d rather have another four years of a stalled economy with Obama, than a working economy under Romney.


I suppose that’s easy to say if you’re already retired.

But that’s a really bad idea if you’re one of the people who still needs to work.

That kind of thinking really disturbs me. 

 It’s also indicative of the partisan politics that has crippled Washington and our ability as a people to control our politicians.

The thing that people seem to have forgotten is that we and our politicians, need to think outside ourselves.

We should be thinking about what is best for our nation, not our party, not our ethnicity, not the GLBT people with one blue eye and one green eye.

We all need to step back and act in the best interests of all Americans. 

That may mean some of those Americans won’t have their special interests seen to immediately. And that’s the price you pay for the relative freedoms we have in this country.


Do you think the Tuskegee Airmen were thinking about how unequally they were being treated in the armed forces and the nation when they fought in World War II?

Sure they were, BUT They were Men enough and American enough to realize that sometimes the bigger picture really is more important!

At a time when Black people had to sit at the back of the bus, and there were White Only restrooms and water fountains. These MEN stepped up put those issues aside and fought to protect this country. I can only assume that THEY saw the potential in our nation.

I’m totally in favor of the repeal of DOMA, I’m also in favor of allowing same sex marriage. I don’t think that Same Sex marriage should be a new law, I think it should be a simple enforcement of the logic of equality and freedom that we’re already supposed to have.

I believe that Independent civilian investigations should happen in Washington to determine just how deep the corruption goes and to start proceedings to root out the influence corporate America has on national politics. 

Am I willing to STOP the country until these things happen?


Because that would lead to untold numbers of people being out of work, and with those people being out of work their children conceivably go hungry, they default on their homes and become a big drag on an economy that’s already stumbling. 

And in my opinion… taking any action that stops the economy, is unethical, and immoral. 

Of course the guests circling me like sharks weren’t at all interested in my reasoning.

Nor were they interested in this thought.

If Romney is elected and the economy improves, we have anecdotal proof that the country is in fact controlled by large corporations.

We also know which politicians are the puppets of those corporations because they would be the very same group that fought to make President Obamas policies fail.

Which gives We The People viable targets.

Over the next four years, We The People must vote those politicians out of office.

We The People must demand accountability and investigations into potential corruption within our government up to and including impeachment of any and all officials tainted by corporate special interest and control.

This will not be a simple process, nor will it be a quick one. But it is a necessary process if we want a government that is Of and For the people again.

Of course… the alternative is to do nothing.

Which means that thePresidential election has lost all meaning.

If the election process continues to be essentially a 50% / 50% split, that means that neither candidate or party is offering anything the people can rally behind. 

How long can any country survive with it’s political process in neutral?

Why excessive regulation is a bad thing.

We’ve all experienced them one way or another.

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You know those natty little issues that prevent you for pursuing happiness YOUR WAY.

Obviously, some regulations are good. I personally think it’s a great thing that in general folks aren’t allowed to store their excrement in a big pile in the back yard.

In this extreme example, it really is about public health and safety.

But what happens when the regulations become so all encompassing and pervasive that they retard innovation and growth?

Then you have California…

…where the light at the end of the tunnel is actually an oncoming train of smothering laws… all implemented “For the public good“.

Here are some short examples of regulation gone wild.

Gas Prices

California gas prices recently made national news because they were the highest in the nation. Heck they even beat Hawaii!

How is that possible? Hawaii is an island in the middle of the Pacific and has to import everything by ship. WTF?

Well the simplest answer is that California has regulations that make it different from all the other states in the country. California is not unique in this, there are a number of states that have “Boutique” gas blends they’re also in as risky a position as California.

California gas is “special” due to AQMD regulations, EPA, and no doubt tons of extraneous laws that help to drive the legal system. For the sake of  argument California Gas is refined only in California therefore making it sole sourced.

That’s the problem with insisting on being different and then tying your wagon to a single source of anything. I’d bet that since the auto industry has pretty much standardized on emission control devices… these “boutique blends” are relics of a time long past and no longer necessary.

VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds)

Have you tried to find a small mom & pop independent auto body shop lately? Guess what? There are a lot fewer of them in California than there once were. Why? because regulations came into effect that forced these folk to either work with paints that are a lot more delicate and far more difficult to apply or get out of the body shop business.

I wonder, how many small independent shops have closed since the VOC regulations took effect? How many people ended up unemployed? How many people took their businesses and tax revenue out of the state?

This affects everyone here in California, because excessive regulation has limited competition. A door scrape that used to cost $125 to fix, now costs $550. Why?

Because in addition to there being less competition you now have to sand and repaint the ENTIRE Door, not just the area surrounding the scrape.

It seems you can’t mix water based paints with oil based paints (No Shit Sherlock) and since many auto manufacturers are still using oil based paints to initially paint their vehicles YOU,  the consumer get stuck with higher repair bills. That translates to higher insurance costs too.

Independent Offset Printers, have exactly the same problem. There was an article in the Orange County register that discussed a business owner who moved to Nevada. He was able to assist his employees in the move, and was also able to provide them with fully paid healthcare due to savings he realized once he was out of California. By the way… The business owner was still able to make a profit because is was after all an evil capitalistic pig.

The funniest part of it was that his company had switched over to inks that were water based and he only very rarely used anything with any kind of VOC.

Like most of us would, when the quality of water based inks was equal to the older VOC based inks he switched.

It was better for him, his employees, his equipment, and made for a more pleasant working environment. 

However,  because he was an offset printer in California he still had to pay all the fees as if he was using the older inks.

Even if he never used anything containing a VOC again and turned away some jobs, His designation as an Offset Printer demanded that he paid for the privilege of running his business.

Essentially, this small business owner was regulated right out of the state.

Building Codes

I’ve touched on building codes several times in this blog. I agree fundamentally that a certain level of building regulation is a good thing. After all you do want your house falling apart in a few years?

OH Wait… My house IS falling apart after just a few years… and it passed all the inspections. 

Honestly, I’d have rather had the building code less concerned with how many damn lights were in the ceiling and MORE concerned with the materials in the house and the way those materials were being used. That’s another story entirely, so I’m not going into it here.

Just as an aside… If you’re looking at buying a house in California, buy something that’s older. The quality is going to be better and you’ll get to duck a lot of the stupid regulations unless of course you decide to remodel. Word to the wise… DON’T REMODEL.

My original house built in 1992 was far superior to my rebuilt house built in 2009. I’m reminded of that each and every Winter as I freeze my ass off.


This is one of those things that I simply can’t wrap my head around.

California has different regulations for cars. There are bolt on improvements today, that can make your car run more efficiently. I’m not talking about some lame ass “As seen on TV” hunk of junk. I’m talking about manufacturer approved modifications.

Take my car for example… I could change the air intakes, add a larger oil cooler, change the exhaust (Keeping the catalytic converter mind you) and increase my horsepower by 10HP. That translates to the engine running more efficiently and increases my MPG by a minimum of 2 MPG, estimates are it would be closer to 5MPG. That’s not even changing the computer programs that control the engine.

All of those modifications are illegal in California

Why? Because the California regulators haven’t been paid to test and approve these modifications and therefore these modifications are by definition bad.

I’d push my base EPA milage to 30MPG, Save money, the environment, and use less fuel. How the hell is that BAD?

I could go get these improvements in neighboring states. But then I’d risk the possibility that when I needed to get smog certificates and other California regulatory inspections I’d have to put everything back to “Factory” (read California inefficiency) specifications.

It’s probably easier to just move to a state that doesn’t have the same restrictive regulations.

Apparently the SmartCar gets something close to 100MPG in Europe.

Here in the United States, it gets a paltry 38MPG Why is that???

Regulations! In this case it’s probably something to do with protectionism of the American auto industry. But that kind of regulation flies directly in the face of good ‘ol capitalism.

Isn’t it supposed to be that the guy who builds a better mouse trap gets more business? And by building the better mouse trap, the guys competition begins to innovate and in their turn build an even better mousetrap?

In the age of over regulation that doesn’t happen. If your’e in a protectionist market why compete or innovate?

Then you have Proposition 39

The California legislature has realized that businesses are in fact leaving, and putting their manufacturing in other states. The California Lawmakers in a tacit acknowledgement of this fact have decided to add yet more regulation to the companies who have already moved the majority of their businesses out of the state.

I can’t seem to locate the actual text of proposition 39. Here is the closest link I could find.

This proposition is about imposing taxes on companies for the privilege of having any of their corporation based in California.


I can pretty much guarantee that companies affected by this proposition if it’s approved, will move the rest of their corporate holdings out of the state and with them go untold numbers of jobs.

This is how a regulatory mentality destroys an economy. The people making the regulations just don’t get cause and effect.

As I’ve watched California over the past 30 years, there has been a definite trend towards a more controlling state government.

I find now that I can’t really blame businesses for leaving places that are excessively regulated, highly taxed, and whose infrastructure is crumbling.

Proposition 39 is a prime example of what’s wrong with our state and what may be wrong on a broader national basis.

Instead of reviewing the underlying reasoning behind why corporations chose to shutter their operations here  and then addressing those factors. Our politicians are saying they’re going to “Close the tax loopholes” (Crapspeak) and impose taxes on corporations that still maintain a presence in California.

I think I see myself moving out of California in the very near future.

Hey, you have to go where the jobs are…

For the first time in many years I was proud of our political system…


I enjoyed the Vice Presidential debate very much.

A lot of people this morning are declaring “Winners and losers” I didn’t see it as that kind of a debate.

What I was was two men who are passionate in their beliefs about what is best for our nation and they were having a spirited discussion.

I think they both made good points and were defending their positions.

Look, it doesn’t matter if you think one was lying and the other was telling the truth. What matters is that they actually tried to make their point and the did it for the most part politely.

Yeah, they got a little snippy but haven’t you ever done that with a friend?

If our politicians in general could sit down and talk things out without reverting to stupidity we’d probably be a lot better off.

Wether you think one candidate won or lost, the Vice President and Paul Ryan were obviously both prepared.

Moreover, they were both very Human.

Their humanity is something we ALL should remember.