“All my Classmates are Criminals…”

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Not mine…

I once worked with a woman from Belarus. One day we were chatting about our respective educations and she dropped the bomb that all her classmates and friends were criminals.

I asked how that could be?

Her explanation rebooted my brain.

“The people in power, formerly Party Officials now part of the New Russian Mafia made laws that made everyone criminals”

She went on to explain that the laws making her friends criminals were enacted in response to her friends supporting the opposition party.

In other words if you ran against the old guard officials,  supported candidates that were against the old guard or the mafia you were automatically a criminal and imprisoned.


I asked, “Didn’t the people object?”

She puffed out a cloud of smoke from her Marlboro with a smile “Sure, and they went to jail too. If anyone in their family objected  their whole family went to jail. Their sisters and Mothers were raped and their Fathers & Brothers beaten and crippled.”

She said it so matter of fact it was so commonplace there wasn’t any emotional impact to her.

In my Amerocentric brain, I was trying to convince myself that this kind of thing could never happen here. Eventually I succeeded in convincing myself that all was well.

Our conversation was in 2000.  

This is the kind of thing that scares the hell out of people like me. Because stuff like this happens all the time in various countries all over the world.

We believed it could never happen here!

My how things changed…

A mere 13 years, a few terrorists attacks, and 2 wars later, and we’re faced with the possibility that in fact it could happen here. 


All it takes is fear.

All it takes is the belief that the ends justify the means.

All it takes is time. Time for the people to forget how things are supposed to be.

Our government tells us that they’re protecting us and to do that better they need to curtail just a few of our rights. We willingly give up those rights in the name of safety, even when the threats  are not being removed.

How many people who are here on expired student visas has our government not hunted down? How many enemies of our  country that we don’t know about are here?

How many more of our rights, how much more of the constitution will we allow to be thrown away?

California has recently taken steps toward exactly the situation in Belarus.

In past weeks California representatives have essentially tried to make people with a wide variety of firearms criminals. They’ve done this with the stroke of a pen.

Under The Patriot act and subsequent anti-terror acts, all it takes for you to be investigated, searched, wiretapped, detained, or  imprisoned is for you to fall under a guideline that someone in Washington has decided means you’re a terrorist. 

But as we move on we see that abuse of power is expanding.

From the Sargent in TX who was arrested because he was “Rudely” carrying a rifle in a rural area with his son. To the parents of a Maryland child whose home was searched after their child had spent 2 hours or more being interrogated in the principals office because the child had brought a cap-gun to school.

Sure, right now you say “well it’s about the guns.”

You’re thinking what about Sandy Hook?

We have to protect the children…


Remember this… There is no law in TX that says you can’t have your rifle slung over your shoulder. There is also no law against cap guns. The common thread is that in both cases the 2nd and 4th amendments were left trampled in the dirt. 

But wait, it gets better. 

There’s a guy on twitter who had his home searched because he’s a vocal critic of the Obama Administration. The Article is here

I want you to understand that I as a rule don’t like The Examiner.

In this case it was the only place I could find remnants of the original piece. I couldn’t locate Mr. Francois blog as of this writing. I was able to locate this article which quotes some of the blog piece I read a day or two ago.


Short version.

This guy is very critical of the Obama Administration.

He Tweets about it, blogs about it and generally gives his First Amendment right a workout. This led to his Fourth Amendment being stomped on.

He opens his door to people claiming to be the police but who were in fact the Secret Service. I suppose they are law enforcement, but I would have expected them to identify themselves properly in the first place.

They didn’t have a warrant, Mr. Francois granted them permission to “Have a look around” because he didn’t want his house trashed while they looked for something that wasn’t there. Besides they could have gotten a warrant with a phone call.  As he points out, then they’d have been pissed and that would have made things worse.

As they leave, one of the SS agents says, “better stay in line”

Then after the secret service was done at his house, they went to his daughters.

This all because someone in power figured that the Constitution doesn’t really matter.

The First, Second, and Fourth amendments have all been violated by the examples listed in this short bit of writing. 

Are we heading for a Police State?

Wikipedia defines Police State as;

police state is a state in which the government exercises rigid and repressive controls over the social, economic, and political life of the population. A police state typically exhibits elements of totalitarianism and social control, and there is usually little or no distinction between the law and the exercise of political power by the executive.

The inhabitants of a police state experience restrictions on their mobility, and on their freedom to express or communicate political or other views, which are subject to police monitoring or enforcement. Political control may be exerted by means of a secret police force which operates outside the boundaries normally imposed by a constitutional state.[2]

Is any of this ringing a bell, Sounding familiar, Grabbing your attention? I hope to god we’re waking up. This isn’t a bad dream, it’s a bad reality and one that we need to stop. 

We don’t want to see it, we don’t want to believe it. But it sure looks like our country is heading down a very dark road.

Our refusal to see it, is providing opportunity to those who have given us the recent spate of scandals all of which lead more or less right to capital hill.

Take this Saturday Morning to make your voice heard.

Please write your representatives. Let them know you’re not pleased with their performance, remind them that you can and will vote them out of office. (Perhaps we should vote them out of office anyway just for good measure) Put them in their place and remind these people 1) They work for us, 2) we’re watching them. and 3) we’re not going to take anymore.

Ahhh Bliss…


I turned off Twitter, the TV, and am not reading or looking at any “News” sources.

After watching President Obamas brief speech this morning I simply couldn’t take any more.

The silence has been very nice. The more I’ve heard over the past week the madder I’ve gotten. After a couple of hours of peace & quiet I’m feeling much better.

I have been thinking it’s funny that the tin foil hat wearing crowd may have been vindicated!


I’ve also been enjoying the thought that the most rabid of the Democrats must be twitching in apoplectic fits that their “Savior” seems to be at the center of a maelstrom of  scandals.

Somehow thinking of those Democrats (including one who told me I was a moron in my own home after accepting my hospitality) drinking themselves into a stupor over all of this, is somewhat satisfying.

Make no mistake. 


The last Republican administration wasn’t any better. 

But the haughty arrogance that so many of the Democratic representatives have exhibited and that their rabid constituents have leveled directly at people like me, is deserving of a humbling.

More often than not I happen to agree with the Republican stance on issues.

I don’t agree with the Republicans about DOMA, and didn’t agree with them about DADT. I have a serious problem with the ultra fundamentalists injecting God into the government and then being shown as hypocrites when they’re caught with their pants down porking or being porked by some sweet young congressional page. I’d love to tell the hypocritical Republicans that Defense of Marriage starts at home. If they can’t live up to their vows, then how can they possibly be defenders of the institution.


I most often don’t agree with the Democrats, about anything. I don’t think endless government agencies and intervention is the way. I don’t think that outrageous spending is going to help do much of anything except put our country further into debt.

But I work pretty hard to see both sides of an issue. 


I can honestly say I’ve never told someone I disagreed with on twitter “Fuck off”, “I hope you get cancer”, “I hope you get shot”, “I’m sure that the natural disaster that has leveled your town is karmic payback for your beliefs.”, “Gee you seem like you want to learn perhaps you should go to a real school and learn the right information.” 

All of these curses/comments have been leveled at me for no other reason than I didn’t agree with the Democratic perspective. Or I committed the horrific affront of asking for facts. Just because I don’t drink the Democratic Kool-Aid doesn’t mean I’ve been smoking the Republican bong.

Scandal logos

What I really want is that simplest most elusive of Human states. Freedom!

I want to be free from religion, interference, hatred, hostility, and rhetoric.

I want to marry who I want to, and be left the hell alone to live my life MY WAY without 10,000 busybodies telling me that I’m wrong or trying to control every moment of my existence.

What I want is to tell Washington, and Sacramento;

You’re not living my life, I am. You don’t have a fucking clue about what’s best for me so let me marry the consenting adult of my choice, get your hands out of my pocket, your regulations out of my face and keep your noses out of my business.

And one more thing Government… 

I look at our relationship as a contract. One that you’ve not delivered on… If I were to have broken a contract as thoroughly and intentionally as you have, I’d be in jail.

Time for you Government, to realize you’re not above the law, you’re as bound by it as I am. 

So Start acting like it!

Dang! This is amazing to me.

There’s a lot of people who are obviously upset about the scandals keeping the Obama staff up at night.

I stumbled across these pieces yesterday and I was honestly gobsmacked. (I love the British… some of their terms are so colorful.)

The first piece I found was this one from Representative Jim Bridenstine

The next piece was from Mike Kelly

The last piece is Paul Ryan rebutting comments made by McDermott that implied the victims of the IRS targeting were somehow deserving of IRS abuse.

Honestly, I haven’t seen a President disparaged on the house floor since Nixon. I don’t remember if Clinton ever had anything so directly said against him during his hearings.

As to the IRS Scandal I honestly can’t believe what I’m hearing.

This is not a partisan issue. That the IRS has been implicated in this kind of corruption is frightening to the American people.

It should have the members of both parties quaking in their boots. After all what happens when the Republicans are in control? Payback is a bitch and the Republican party has a lot of axes to grind with the Democrats.

Instead of sniping at each other, and instead of the Democrats apparently circling the wagons concerning themselves only with this Presidency they should be hopping mad at being forced into this awkward position in the first place.

Both parties should be demanding that heads roll from the top to the bottom of the IRS. They should be working together to ferret out the corruption no matter where it leads.

Oh I’m not deluding myself, they wouldn’t be extinguishing corruption for reasons of Country, Oaths of Office, or The People. No they would be hunting down the corruption for no purpose other than enlightened self interest.

Whoever started this mess was sloppy. That can’t be tolerated… It hurts the Members of Congress chances at re-election. Heads on platters from the White House Staff, on the other hand would play very nicely in the 2014 & 2016 election cycle.

Cynical? Hell Yes! Plausible? Pragmatic? Expedient? Yes, Yes, & Yes!

The saddest part is that the members of Congress are so short sighted that they can’t see it. Given that shortsightedness can we really rely upon them to run this country?

Sorry, but in my book the answer is Nope.

From the Believe none of what you see category…

BLXSpWxCUAEsEhA jpg large

This image was tweeted the other day.

I’m posting it full size so that you can see what I’m talking about..

At first glance you think Oh Hell NO!

Anyone would because it’s just so obviously wrong.

This is not what America is about. Most people would agree that America.. ie the American Tax payers don’t owe anybody anything. 

BLXSpWxCUAEsEhA jpg large3

Certainly not Houses and certainly not under threat of force.

I didn’t look at the image at full size and so didn’t notice the artifacts that indicate the picture has been altered.

It wasn’t until I was discussing the implications of the photo that I wondered if it was for real.

Well I thought… I’ve got that shiny new copy of PhotoShop let’s take a look.

I downloaded the image, then I started really looking at it.

BLXSpWxCUAEsEhA jpg large4

The artifacts were popping out all over the place. I zoomed in on the area in the red circle so I could show the evidence better.

See the smooth looking area? Thats where someone wiped out the rest of the text after House & Food

The grainy appearance around the letters is what should be there. It has to do with the jpg compression in the camera that took the original image.

The smoothing is evidence of an image editing tool like Photoshop being used.

Unfortunately without knowing where the image came from, there is no way to tell what the original sign said.

There’s another artifact visible in the image if you look at the lower sign. 

I’m really not sure what’s going on there. It looks like a bleed through of something else but i’m completely in the dark on that one.

The point is… 

Even though you see something, in the paper but especially images on the internet. Take them with a grain of salt. 

I reacted retweeting and commenting on this photo before I really thought about it.

It was so damn offensive I went off like a shot.

10 minutes later when I thought about it and realized I had the tools necessary to evaluate the image. After I really looked at it, I realized that I’d been fooled.

I reacted exactly as the creator of this image wanted me to… I got angry!

So the rule is “Take a deep breath, try to confirm what you’re seeing or reading, and then if you’ve come to believe the data is accurate take action.

I guess if all of us did that more often we might be communicating with each other better.

Have a great day and remember…

Believe none of what you hear, and only half of what you see.” – Benjamin Franklin

Is it Just ME????

I ran across several articles recently talking about the DOJ telling us that saying bad things about muslims was a violation of civil rights.

Granted some of the first articles were from very conservative sources. I managed to track back to what appears to be the original source article.This piece is far less sensational.

This article was the first one I found, Then I ran across this one. Here’s another piece from Breitbart

The first two are designed to inflame passions and put their own spin on the material. The Breitbart piece is less spin and more Wait a minute, yep this is happening.

Even so the original piece is still worrisome.  


You can just imagine my confusion at seeing a story that an US Attorney from Eastern Tennessee is warning people that speaking ill of muslims could violate the Muslims civil rights.

I found my self asking, “What happened to the First Amendment?”

You know that little Amendment that guarantees all Americans the right to free speech?

Technically, I’m protected in what I say on this blog by that amendment right now.

I can put a crucifix in a bottle of urine and it’s protected under the 1st amendment.

I could call the Pope a pedophile and condemn all practitioners of Catholicism as pedophiles too. And that would be protected speech. (I actually like the current Pope and Don’t think he’s a pedophile. Apologies your Eminence but I’m making a point here, Please bear with me.)

I can say that all Baptists are snake handling Red State Morons and that’s protected under the First Amendment.

It’s perfectly OK for me to climb to the tallest building with a bullhorn and call the United States of America and evil imperialist regime headed by a group of lying corporate stooges, who are selling this country out from under us faster than Judas sold Christ out to the Romans. And that too is protected speech.


But along comes the US Attorney from Eastern Tennessee and suddenly Muslims a specially protected class of people!

What The Fuck

I know that most Muslims are decent hard working people. I would never in a million years seek to restrict their ability to build places of worship or prevent them from practicing their religion. In fact It’s far more likely that I’d be trying to quiet then disperse an angry mob outside a Mosque.

Gods, house no matter the name of the religion is Gods house.

One of the oldest rules among civilizations world wide is that All Houses of worship are sanctuaries.

In times of war, the young, the old, and the women could reasonably expect to be safe within the walls of their Church / Temple / Mosque… They were clearly non-combatants if they’re inside praying. Only absolute Barbarian Animals would violate the sanctity of a house of worship.

(I’ve always found it fascinating that Muslims will cry foul if American bullets strike the walls of a Mosque accidentally, but Sunni will blow up a Shiite Mosque and not say a damn word.)

You just don’t mess around with the spiritual center of a people.

Not only is it bad JuJu…

When you create martyrs you’ve given your enemies something to rally around. That often ends badly for the aggressor.

I’m a believer in the constitutional concept of freedom of religion so much so that I’ll protect a religion even if the religion isn’t something I agree with.

I’m also a believer in constitutionally protected freedom of speech.

Which leads me back to WTF?

If I choose to point out that Islam is responsible for the Cultural & Scientific retardation of what was a jewel of civilization, that’s in violation of Muslims civil rights?


I can equally and defensibly say that the Catholic Church was in part responsible for the destruction of cultures worldwide. Inca, Easter Island, Several Native American Tribes, and the remnants of the Aztecs just to name a few. Saying that isn’t a violation of Catholic civil rights?

We can arguably say that it’s far more likely for a follower of Islam to blow themselves up in a crowded marketplace, or to set off bombs at the end of Marathons, or to lob shoulder fired missiles or rocket propelled grenades randomly into Israeli neighborhoods.

This is not a violation of civil rights, this is not so called hate speech!

These are observations of fact. These events are irrefutable and we’ve got the video to prove at least one case of each. Yet the US Attorney from Eastern Tennessee is going to look at these statements as a civil rights violation?

Where the fuck are my civil rights?

I’m not calling for violence against Muslims.


However all it would take for Muslims to put a price on my head would be for me to insult Muhammed or draw an image, flattering or not of Muhammed.

The US Attorney from Eastern Tennessee better step the hell back, and carefully consider what he’s saying. My badmouthing Muslims, Catholics, Baptists, Buddhists, Wiccans, Agnostics, or Atheists had damn well be treated exactly the same.

Either we’re all free and equal or none of us is. 

You’d think that a US Attorney from any district in the country would know that.