The weekly roundup…


No War! (Well, no additional war)

The Syrians claim a victory. The Russians show diplomacy, The Americans show??? What?

I’m still amazed that the possibility of us going to war, (regardless of what the White House says it would have been a declaration of war to bomb or fire missiles in to another country during their civil war) over what was clearly an internal conflict was ever a matter of discussion.

I’m glad that cooler heads prevailed. I’m somewhat stunned that the cooler head apparently belonged to Vladimir Putin. But I’m glad nonetheless.

Apple announced new iPhone

Wallstreet unimpressed. Microsoft takes advertising pot shot at Apple and demonstrates yet again that they are completely disconnected from the real world. As an ancillary point they demonstrated that their sense of humor is somewhat childish.


Windows Surface? How’re those sales guys? I saw Microsoft is offering a $200 trade-in for iPads if you purchase one of their tablets. Talk about not being able to give ’em away.

iPhone 5c phones have not sold out during pre-order. That’s a bit of a first for Apple. I find myself wondering if the smartphone market is saturated. None of the smartphone offerings from any manufacturer have been particularly dazzling.

I take that back, Samsung had a dazzlingly bad, perhaps embarrassing is a better term for it introduction of the galaxy s4.

But the smartphones in & of themselves have become somewhat homogenous.

Yes as I’ve mentioned, I’m probably going to go iPhone, but this time around it’s not because its an iPhone, but because I’m heavily invested in Apple tech and it’s just a lot easier to have a single environment to deal with.



Colorado in addition to the flooding also recalled two politicians from the state government over gun control.

Whats amazed the hell out of me in this is that Twitter came alive with Gun control discussions but very little was said on either side of that discussion about the flooding or loss of life.

This re-ignition of the gun control discussion is rather like an endless repetition of a bad Gilligans Island episode. The discussions have begun to bore the hell out of me because they’ve become formulaic.

Gun Control Advocate: Guns are bad, there are too many children dying, guns don’t make us safer, the 2nd amendment is dated and no longer relevant, we need more gun control, no-one needs an assault rifle that can spray bullets to kill people, Only the military needs guns… on and on they regurgitate the same tired and more often than not erroneous sound bites that the media and politicians have spun to reinforce their position on gun control.


Pro Gun person: Criminals are bad guns are not, yes there are too many children dying but it’s not because of responsible gun owners. Guns do make you safer if this were not so why then are “Gun Free” zones also places with the highest national crime rates? Existing Gun control laws would be sufficient IF the state & federal governments would enforce the laws already on the books. Define assault rifle. So called assault rifles do not “SPAY” bullets they are not machine guns, the fire one bullet with each pull of the trigger. The 2nd amendment is not outdated, The 2nd amendment was about providing the ability of the people to protect themselves from a tyrannical government. And on & on until the cows come home.

In point of fact gun related deaths are by the FBIs & CDCs reports overall down. The CDC report really disappointed the Obama administration because it took the legs out from beneath their arguments for stricter gun control.

But since the CDC report refuted the “Collective Wisdom”, very little media attention was given to the CDC conclusions. And the beat goes on…

There’s a saying… don’t confuse someone with the facts.

I’ve gotten bored with the whole gun debate because it’s not a debate. It’s one side misrepresenting one set of facts and the other side trying to refute specious arguments.

At this rate, the politicians will remove the 2nd amendment provisions while no one is looking and screw us all for a couple hundred votes.

Then they’ll wring their hands and rend their clothing when the whole country has a crime rate like Chicago’s and ask what went wrong. I’m sure at that point we’ll hear calls for stricter penalties, laws and god knows what else.

In other Gun News…

The idiots in the California legislature have sent a bill to the Governors desk that would ban kits designed to make rifles look like assault rifles.


Yep, you read that correctly. It will now be illegal in California to BOLT on plastic or metal bits designed only to make a legally owned rifle LOOK like an assault rifle.

They’d have done more of a public service making people with face lifts gone wrong illegal in public.

This does nothing but demonstrate how almost incomprehensibly stupid the people running this state are. Or it demonstrates that these people do actually understand the difference between and “Assault Rifle” and a regular hunting rifle and have an agenda to remove both from the hands of the public.

NewImageThey’re also after removable magazines, I have no doubt that they will broaden their focus from rifles to pistols leaving the only legal option for Californians a revolver.

After all a revolver is “old timey looking” and therefore not nearly as dangerous.

They’ll be forced to legislate more when they realize that a .357 magnum is a revolver that contains 8 rounds. Or that a .44 magnum is a revolver too and it contains 6 rounds.

Harry Callahan: I know what you’re thinking, punk. You’re thinking “did he fire six shots or only five?” Now to tell you the truth I forgot myself in all this excitement. But being this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world and will blow you head clean off, you’ve gotta ask yourself a question: “Do I feel lucky?” Well, do ya, punk?

The point is, much like a Ferrari vs a Hundai, it’s not so much what the gun looks like… its how it performs.

Our legislators don’t understand this.

Condoms in Porn

These have been some back page articles.

Another porn actor has been diagnosed with HIV. And the CONDOM heads are all a dither pointing to this as reason that their NewImagecondom law in pornography should be extended from just LA to all of California.

What they didn’t point out is that the two porn performers recently diagnosed with HIV 1 man , 1 woman were romantically involved in their private lives. Also not mentioned is that the porn industry required medical screening turned up the HIV before these folks had a chance to spread the infection on set,  and that the screening is routine, broad spectrum (looking for HIV and other STDs)

LA County is noticing a drop in the number of permits for Porn film shoots as well.

While surrounding counties are noticing an increase in permits. Additionally more porn studios are filming completely outside California.

Miami, Phoenix, and Las vegas seem to be popular destinations.

Other studios are noticing that condom porn isn’t necessarily affecting their bottom line. However for aficionados of bareback it’s likely bareback production studios will be leaving LA if not California.

For that matter other studios may simply leave the state “preemptively” anticipating onerous laws and regulations. After all why NewImagespend money on permits, in California when you can go to Phoenix or Las Vegas and do your filming unimpeded.

Then there’s this, while you can force condoms to be used in a film… you’re not going to be able to force people to use them in their personal lives. So are these laws really doing all that much good? Or are these laws nothing more than a renewed puritanical movement?

The actors themselves are pretty free to choose how they engage in sex.  I know of several male actors that do solo shows only. The same is true of using condoms or not.

I find myself questioning again and again how many laws like the LA Condom law are about “public safety” and how many are simply about puritanical squeamishness.

So that’s it folks.

These are the odd bits of news that penetrated my thoughts this week. On the plus side I managed to miss all of President Obamas speeches. On the minus side… HEY! There is now down side to that!

I read the news today.. OH BOY!!!!

Looks like The prez is going to lead us into war in the Middle East and he’s going to do it by touting the Syria has WMDs.


We’ve heard this story before. Where was it? WMD’s allegations of a despot gassing his own people with Sarin… Oh yeah! That was how we got into Iraq.


Wait, wasn’t Candidate Obama in 2008 talking about the failings in the Bush administration one being a quagmire in Iraq over WMDs that didn’t exist?

Didn’t we know at that time that Syria was one of Iraqs allies?

Hadn’t we seen convoys moving materials from Iraq toward Syria? And what exactly do we classify as a WMD?

Obviously Nuclear Weapons, but I’ve always considered Sarin and other nerve agents WMDs in their own right. The only thing worse than a nuke I can think is a weaponized infectious agent.

Ebola crossed with say, a cold or flu. All the hemorrhagic thrills and the spreadability of someone sneezing and coughing. Wheeeee! Now that’s a WMD!


Now we have ANOTHER president going to congress asking to start another war!

What? Two fronts aren’t enough? 

Some folks are calling this the beginning of World War III. After checking my Nostradamus Quatrains I’m looking for someone in a blue turban…

As long as I don’t see one of those I’m pretty sure that this isn’t the start of World War III. 

What concerns the hell out of me is, The President, who is supposed to be someone well versed enough in Constitutional law that he taught it at The University of Chicago law school for 14 years, is attempting to declare war on a country who has done us no harm.

This is a civil war in Syria and is an internal matter between the Syrian people and their government. This is absolutely not something that our military (Note, Not Obamas MilitaryOURS, you know, We The People) should be involved in.

If the legal Syrian government chooses to use Sarin against it’s own people we can, (along with the rest of the world)

Condemn the Syrian government for it’s actions.

We can offer humanitarian aid in the form of medical supplies.

We can work with other countries to provide refugee evacuation.

We cannot arm either side in the conflict.

We should shut off all financial support immediately . As we should have done already in Egypt.

Humanitarian aid can be continued in the form of medical and food supplies, we could also offer negotiators to help settle the conflict.

Nothing else, no money, no weapons, no troops.

We must get out of the Middle East.

Am I becoming anti-technology or just paranoid?


There was a time when I didn’t mind playing with Windows, Mac, Linux, UNIX, Android, and IOS all at the same time.

I actually liked the challenge of cobbling together all the bits necessary to connect disparate machines & systems into a nicely unified whole.

This led to about 20 email addresses and nightmares in synchronizing various contacts lists.

Lately, I’ve been on a simplification kick. I’ve been deleting accounts of various types that no longer serve me. Now I’ve gotten to the point where I’m looking very hard at email addresses.

I have an Android phone, I have Mac computers and an iPad that I freaking love. 

By definition this means that I have to have at least one gmail account. It also means that I have to connect the Mac & iPad to that gmail account in order to keep the contact lists current between the devices. 

This is an uneasy connection / alliance at best. When it works it’s mostly ok when it breaks it’s a royal pain in the behind.

I’ve gotten tired of fighting to keep everything in sync. 

I’ve long believed that technology should be transparent to the user. With Macs in general that is true. But sometimes trying to work outside the Mac empire is… well opaque. 

I’ve finally gotten to the point that I just don’t want to have to fiddle.

With the recent revelations about the monitoring our own government is conducting, It’s time for me to consolidate and reduce my internet footprint to as minimal as possible. One easy way to do that is to standardize on Apple devices and services exclusively.

Obviously, that won’t stop the monitoring, but at least I’ll know where I’m bleeding information from.

A little Community Action…


The county plan was conceived with sensitivity to the environment.

The plan is to use concrete mixed with local rock to shore up the sides of the wash. This is expected to reduce or prevent the erosion that has been occurring. This shoring will still allow water to soak into the ground from the wash rather than funnel the water away.

In addition, there will be barriers designed to slow the water down. This will in theory reduce the amount of mud and rock being carried down the wash and ending up on the low bridges.

The county is going to remove trees from the area during the project. However, after the work is finished in the wash the county will replace the trees in a managed fashion. Currently the area is very overgrown and many of the trees are intertwined in such a way that the county has deemed the area a fire hazard.

Not sure if I agree completely with them about that. But they’re not going to be clear cutting.

Here is a PDF of an artists rendering of the completed project.

Sheep Creek Design

There is a meeting scheduled on July 18 from 5 PM to 7:30 PM at the Old Museum. This is an open meeting to all who have concerns or questions about the project. There is a full size poster of the project on display at the Community Center.

I don’t know how many folks from the area read this blog but I’m going to post this just in case.

Your County Tax Dollars at Work!

A 3.6 Million Dollar Atrocity


The WashThe County of San Bernardino is once again showing up with plans to do a bunch of “necessary” work. In keeping with their normal method of operation.

If completed, their plans will devalue our property and the natural beauty of  Wrightwood.

This time it’s the Eastern Sheep Creek wash.

For years San Bernardino County has spent a fortune each year to keep the low bridges on Lone Pine Canyon Road and Highway 2 from being washed out.

Their efforts have consisted of digging the wash itself out. This has made the wash deeper and more narrow, increasing the speed and force of water flowing in the wash, during Spring melt and heavy rains.

Instead of raising the bridge, the county “engineers” keep trying to lower the river.

They’re apparently confused as to why their efforts have only made matters worse.

In years past, before the county’s modifications, the wash was more like a creek that rarely rushed fast enough to move Volkswagen sized boulders or substantial amounts of mud.

These days, after a rain the water is a rushing torrent which presents a danger to anyone who may be near the wash edge, causing considerable erosion as well.

The County’s Final Solution is to concrete the sides of the wash. To turn the scarred eyesore they created, into a monstrosity like the LA River.  Thereby completely destroying the natural beauty of the area.

Where will all the water go? Past Highway 2 and beyond, into homes North of Desert Front road. What had been a rarely flooded area will become another “project” for the San Bernardino Engineers.

It gets better! The county is also planning to remove a wide swath of trees on both sides of the wash. So instead of having a rather nice view down onto the desert… Our view will look more like the surface of the moon. No doubt the county will keep the area clear so that they can have access to maintain the concrete barriers.


This will affect every single homeowner on both sides of the wash. Not only in devaluing our property but also our enjoyment of our homes and the area.

We all moved here because we appreciate the beauty of our surroundings. We chose not to live in LA, OC, or San Bernardino. We chose earth beneath our feet and trees growing wild…  not a concrete jungle.

The county “Engineers” forget that we the residents and homeowners have the right to be informed and presented with their plans.

Lets remind them, help put a stop to this obscenity.

Unfortunately time is short.

This project will go before the Board of Supervisors on July 9th.

This is item 52 on the agenda for the meeting.

For those of you who can attend, the meeting begins at 10am in the San Bernardino Government Center.

Located at 385 N. Arrowhead Ave. San Bernardino, CA 92401

The irony is that LA has undertaken a project called the LA River remediation project. This is a project costing hundreds of millions of dollars to return the LA river to it’s natural state.

Yet the myopic San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors is willing to spend millions to create an eyesore like the LA river.

The solution is the same solution as back in the 1930s. Build bridges that clear the washes by a substantial margin. Not a bare 3 to 5 feet.

Had the county spent the same money they’ve spent in yearly bulldozing, clearing and “Flood Control” over the past 25 years, on simply building two proper bridges. By now we’d have shiny stainless steel suspension bridges plated in gold crossing sheep creek wash at Hwy 2 and Lone Pine Canyon road.

We’d also have well a well maintained Hwy 138, Hwy 2, and roads throughout Wrightwood.

Contact the Deputy Director of Flood Control Regarding Granite Sheepcreek Project.

Kevin Blakeslee (909) 387-7918

and his boss

Director Gerry Newcombe (909) -387-7906
Fax (909) 387-8130

Let them know what you think of the plan.

Yet more obscenity… (Sorry, not the “Good” Kind)

A reader of my blog directed me to this little jewel of insanity.

T shirtA 14 year old in West Virginia was wearing a t-shirt at school like the one at the right. (I pulled this image from the NRA website. The shirt is for sale there.)

Short version.

The young man apparently tried to exercise his FIRST Amendment right to freedom of expression and refused to change shirts. Then the school calls the cops, the young man is arrested for “Disrupting the education process” REALLY? What ever happened to calling your Mom or your Dad and having them pick you up from school and giving you a talking to you wouldn’t soon forget.

Why the fuck were the cops called at all?

At worst, the kid may have been in violation of some dumb assed dress code. Hell you see more controversial shirts at the mall.

So what’s the problem?

The problem is yet another over-reaction from people about guns. Honestly I’d never thought you’d see this kind of crap from West Virginia. After all that is one of the “Flyover” states isn’t it?

I haven’t been able to confirm it, but I wouldn’t be surprised if this was another example of stupid “Zero Tolerance Policies”

In expressing his support for the Second Amendment… This 8th grader had his First Amendment right trampled and left in the Mud.

The police know they’re wrong in this. The District Attorney knows this trifling thing should have been nothing more than the school, the police (since they were called), the young man, and his father sitting down and having a discussion about why this shirt shouldn’t have been worn and as was already done, a day of suspension for the young man. Ideally it should have been the Principal, the young man and his dad.

That’s where it should have ended.

The people of Logan West Virginia should be outraged that their tax dollars are being wasted this way. They should be asking serious questions about the schools administration too.

As I’ve written before, what kind of lesson are we teaching? “Don’t handle your own problems foist it off on someone else? Make sure that you complicate things so much that only a jury can sort it out?” Come on!

This is not how civilized people in a polite society deal with simple problems.

There was a time in this country when we didn’t need Lawyers, Judges, and Police to be involved in every single aspect of our lives.

We shouldn’t need to take anything to court except in cases of the most serious breaches of law or in simply unresolvable cases.

Worse is that this young man is going to have a juvenile record for doing absolutely nothing wrong.

Why do we repeatedly teach our young people about their Rights, about doing the Right Thing and then turn around and punish them for exercising their rights or doing the right thing?

I’ve written about this before,

The young man who disarmed a gun wielding moron on a bus in Florida because the person with the gun was holding it to the head of another student and threatening to pull the trigger.

The young life guard who saved someone life, but that “save” was outside the area he was paid to patrol and so as a result of doing the right thing, he was fired.

Then there’s the young man in Oregon who saved someone else from drowning and because of procedure his family was hit with a bill for an ambulance ride and examination in the local emergency room.

The Elementary school child who was suspended for chewing his poptart into the shape of a gun.

The child who took his cap gun to school and ended up being grilled for hours and his family’s home being searched for weapons.

The adult Army Sargent in TX who was arrested, had his guns confiscated, lost out on a Career promotion, and had his Son terrorized by a police officer because The Sargent was “rudely” displaying a rifle… By the way it’s  legal to carry rifles openly in TX.

There are so many more of these cases it’s unreal.

Folks, this kind of stuff goes on all the time, each day there’s another incident added to the list.

For every incident that makes the national news, how many are being swept under the carpet?

I’ve been told I’m wrong. I’ve been told that the government isn’t coming to take guns out of the hands of the people. I can only say OH, Really???

If that’s true, then why are police so quick to search homes, specifically looking for weapons? How do we justify the repeated violations of the First and Fourth amendments nationwide? How do we justify the denial of the Second amendment when legally owned guns are confiscated during searches conducted in violation of the Fourth amendment?


If you entertain for one moment that the Constitution of the United States of America isn’t under siege you really need to think again.

To my conservative and liberal readers. Regardless of your stance on guns… (put that aside for just a moment). We need to reach out to each other to protect all of our constitutional rights.

The loss of the First amendment will affect all of us.

Do you want to live in a nation where you can’t speak your mind? How about a nation where you fear having your home searched randomly for contraband, not because you were accused but just because someone felt like it? This is perhaps not fiction anymore.

We already have seen the erosion of privacy that is tantamount to an illegal search by the NSA.

It will take a united America to protect The Constitution. There are no party lines in this, no color, no religion, no conservatives, no liberals, only Americans who believe in Freedom.

I’m no longer a member of the NRA, but I’ve got the hat… I think I’m going to be wearing it a lot more. A) to let folks know I’m pro 2nd amendment, and B) because I’m sure that I’ll be able to find liberals to have discussions with.

I was thinking we should have a “Jared day” where everyone wears the same t-shirt he was wearing when he got into all this trouble. I hope that the NRA is watching and provides funding for Jareds defense, I’m betting he’s going to need it.

If any part of this has struck a chord – stand up, take action.

Write your Congressman & Representatives. Their addresses are easy to find on various Government websites. Please take a second and look ’em up.

Try to wake up your family, friends, and neighbors. You do that not by browbeating them, but by presenting them with your concerns and facts.

Freedom is hard work. We’re up to it, but we all have to be engaged and pulling together.