OHHHH Hollywood’s in trouble now!

Al Sharpton

Al Sharpton is calling the Oscars on the red carpet for not falling all over themselves about Selma

Those racist bastards!

Surely the Oscar committee must have realized that a vote for films wouldn’t matter.

The ONLY correct answer these days is for black movies to sweep the Oscars.

I suppose Sharpton’s going to demand protests in the streets at his “emergency race meeting”.

Will Sharpton’s Oscar protestors be called #Hollywoodberacistnshit?


I find myself wondering when Sharpton is going to start talking about Jews in entertainment as the problem. Then which way will he go, McCarthy or Hitler?

Are you now, or have you ever identified as Jewish or white?” OR “Da fix be ta put whitey in camps n shit, where dey be outta our way.

Neither of which would be considered wrong because of a widely shared delusion that says people of color cannot be racist.

I have no doubt that Hollywood will twist themselves into Möbius strips trying to appease Sharpton and the other race baiters.

In an effort to help…

I recommend that we take all the Oscars from everyone for the past decade, then give them to ONLY black film-makers and actors. NO WHITES ALLOWED.<— Not racist because it’s only excluding white people.  If that doesn’t appease Sharpton, we can go back 50 years. It doesn’t matter, the awards are completely meaningless anyway.

The ultimate (dare I say, final) solution to Sharpton’s displeasure with Hollywood, is to have only black producers, actors, and movies. Perhaps President Obama can make that happen with an Executive Order. “It’s against the law for Whites to be in the entertainment industry,” or something similar? <— Not racist because again, it’s only excluding white people.

My snark is because I’m over the ginned up accusations of racism at every freaking turn. I’m sick of this delusion that ONLY black people can be victims. Its well past time for Sharpton to get out of the public eye, pay his taxes and SHUT UP!

I’d also be happy if we simply had no more idiotic award ceremonies… I’d probably dance a little jig.

The Michael Brown riots are the lynch pin for me.

Dr. King

After almost 50 years of indoctrination, after listening to / reading Dr. Martin Luther King’s awesome “I have a dream speech” in school dissecting it’s meanings and discussing how America could be better if we all believed in that dream and believing that education was the answer that would finally heal 150 year old wounds…

Today, I give up.

I still think Dr. King was right. His general premise that no one should live in fear because of the color of their skin, is correct. He envisioned a world where our differences were differences in character not color, like most dreams, his was a good and happy one.

Unfortunately, it was just a dream.


I proudly voted for Mr. Obama in 2008, not because of his color, but because I believed that he was the best candidate for the job. I wanted the Hope and Change he was describing. I thought it was time for our President to pay a bit more attention to matters at home. I hoped that candidate Obama would feed our homeless, improve our economy, and ultimately lead us forward capitalizing on our limitless potential.

As I have stated in this blog before, I did not vote for President Obama in the 2012 election cycle.

My Reason was simply that, in four short years I saw a country that was less united, and more racially charged than the 1960s. I indeed saw  change, I saw squabbling and infighting like children in our highest offices, and a President who spent more time obfuscating truth, covering up scandals, blaming others, and playing golf, than he did actually doing his job.

Ferguson Thugs

I don’t consider the Presidents job to be writing executive orders, I think his job is to mediate between the parties, so that the House and Senate get their jobs done.

The President demonstrated to me in those first four years that he was, as I feared, too young and inexperienced to bring opposing sides to the negotiation table. He was far too likely to choose sides when he should have been carefully neutral. That is why by 2012, I’d decided we needed someone with a bit more experience facilitating “spirited” discussions and negotiations.

President Obama as we know was re-elected.

During the subsequent two years issues of race have come to the forefront of our society. The lionization of St. Travon and subsequent media trial of George Zimmerman followed by selective reporting of the actual trial created a narrative that seems to say all white people in America are racist.

The media in the Travon Martin case went so far as to say that George Zimmerman was white regardless of the fact that he Identified as hispanic.


St. Travon was presented to us by a media, all too wiling to use him for ratings, as an innocent. The Angelic picture of St. Travon presented by the media, stands in stark contrast to the “selfies” St Travon posted of himself on social media.

The Rev Al Sharpton ginned up donations to his organization and causes by painting Zimmerman as a hateful racist who was hell bent on killing poor St. Travon. Donations, I might add, that he still hasn’t paid taxes on.

Even when the legal case fell apart, with the forensic evidence saying that Zimmerman was the victim and Dear St. Travon of the Hoodie was the aggressor; no one listened to the truth. It wasn’t the approved narrative, The media and black activists had given the people St. Travon of the Hoodie… Who was the jury, or the truth they saw, to take him away?

Ferguson Cop Line

In the intervening years, the word “Racist” has come to have the same impact as the word “N——-” used to have. When “Racist” is shouted at a White person it no longer describes a characteristic. The word is meant to be hurtful, and shut down any further discussion.

Calling a White person “Racist” calls into question that person’s worth to society, their upbringing, values, and discounts anything that person may have done in the past or currently to end racism. Essentially the person being called “Racist” is “unmade” and somehow considered “less than”.  They’re supposed to go to the back of the bus and shut the hell up.

No Whites Allowed

Does any of this sound familiar?

The further coloring of “Racist” with other descriptors “Hick, Redneck, Hillbilly,” serves to solidify “Racists” can only be white and are ignorant as well.

I’m not even going to talk about “White Privilege” I don’t think that term should be dignified with any discussion.

Now we’ve suffered through months of St. Michael Brown of the quickie mart. Two out of three autopsies don’t agree with witness accounts of what happened.

The grand jury came to the conclusion based on the forensic evidence, and eye witnesses recanting their testimony that officer Wilson acted well within the limits of his office, and decided not to indict.

This should have been the end of it…

But it wasn’t…

We have a more strident replay of St Travon. This time violence, and destruction has become the norm.

Al Sharpton

Al Sharpton recently made statements that frankly blew my mind. He said, and I’m paraphrasing here, That black men couldn’t be responsible if congress didn’t give MORE money to black causes. I shit you not, here’s a link to the article.

So what does this say?

To me, it says that as a white minority in California, I’m probably screwed. Why? That’s simple, people don’t view white people as a minority even when they are.

As such, white people will not have access to the same services that persons of color will have. You’re not going to see the National Association for the Advancement of White People coming into existence, much less getting government funding.

In fact I suspect if someone was to try to create a White organization like that they’d be branded as NeoNazis and tracked by the FBI & Southern Poverty law center.

Additionally, if White people were to start rioting nationwide over the number of people that had been hurt by things like the Knock out game, old men and women being beaten, or state fairs being closed by black gangs, it wouldn’t be looked at as a social movement it would be looked at as a freaking RIOT!

Oh and lets not forget about the White Kid that was shot by the black cop even though the kid was naked, stoned out of his mind and thought he was on fire. Yeah! White lives matter! Damn cops killing our white boys all the time for no reason.


It sounds stupid when you frame it that way, why does any of this take on any more weight just because a cop is white and the person resisting arrest happens to be black?

I’m a firm believer that racism and the harm it causes does in fact cut both ways.

If the media reports that the police are looking for a man in connection with a burglary where an old woman was beaten, that’s great. But have you noticed that the media will say “Police are looking for a” white man or a hispanic man. But they’ll never say a black man, or African American?  How the hell is the public supposed to help the police find the suspect without a description?

Again, It cuts both ways.

I’ve come to the point that I’m not listening anymore to the narrative about non-white people being treated differently. I’m over it and I honestly don’t give a shit anymore.


Call me whatever name you want, so the hell what?

The race card has melted and is smoldering in a little pile on the ground. The next Michael Brown or the next Eric Garner is, in my opinion irrelevant. Yet another failure of our educational system and a victim not of mean racist police but of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Lou Farrakhan President Obama and others like them.

That blood will be on their hands.

As for me, I’m not interested in the false narratives or white guilt. I’m done. I tried, and I’m tired now.

50 years later and nothing has changed, so you’ll pardon me if I want to try finding a place where there are faces just like mine.

The nationwide Ferguson riots, have taught me one thing, the racists were right, we can’t live with each other, so why keep trying?

The race baiters should be reconsidering the method they choose to convey their message.

Here we are again.

The blank page mocks me.

I had been working on a piece about the Ferguson riots. I’ve decided that all of it has been said, I have nothing new to offer.


I’ve been following the metamorphosis of the protests with interest. It’s been fascinating to see the “Call for Justice for Michael Brown” change into a generic indictment of racism in America, to specific finger pointing saying that White People are the problem with this country.

I’m amused that the protesters fail to see the irony in their calls for an end to racism while simultaneously screaming “Down with Whitey”

In the past six days I’ve seen some of the most racist comments I’ve ever seen. Oddly, those comments were leveled at white people typically by nonwhite people.

The exchange to the right is the most benign of the bunch. I had to point out that if Nicole He were a white man, She’d already have been fired from her job at Kickstarter.

This is representative of the double standard. I wonder if we can start a meme called #minorityprivilege or would that be racist?

This page still mocks me…

Justice? Ferguson, I don’t that that word means what YOU think it means.

Ferguson Exm1

By now we’ve all heard that Ferguson is essentially in a panic, (or so the main stream media would have us believe) and that regardless of the Grand Jury’s decision there is going to be rioting, looting, demonstrations, and all sorts of mayhem. I strongly suspect that Wilson will be indicted, not because of the evidence but out of fear of the looters and damage that will be done to the community if the Grand Jury doesn’t indict him.

I feel sorry for officer Wilson, his life will never be the same, his life was forever altered the moment he encountered Michael Brown. When officer Wilson fired his weapon even, without the controversy Wilson himself was irrevocably changed. 

Ferguson Exm2

I’ve personally witnessed the grief, guilt, and depression that follows an officer involved shooting. What no-one sees is the officer’s torment and second guessing themselves. “Did I do the right thing? Was there an alternative? Why did I have to be on duty then?” If the suspect dies, there’s this; “My God, I just killed another human being.”

I’ve held a cop in my arms while he cried. I watched a kangaroo court of “Justice” destroy him and his wife.

Even after the inquest determined that the shooting was justified and in defense of he and his partner, his career was destroyed… sacrificed on the altar of Politically Correct bullshit, in the wake of the Rodney King riots.


My friend was never right again, his relationship with his wife was almost destroyed, certainly it was permanently altered. That’s what’s not covered by the media.

When he moved to a new city, he became a heavy equipment operator trying to pick up the pieces of his life I realized for the first time; Lady Justice is lying on the court house steps beaten, bloody, and raped

There is no law or justice, when the whims of public opinion rule the day. 

I may write more after we hear the decision.

I’m surprised that the Grand Jury didn’t indict officer Wilson


Old Stompy Foot is at it again


I don’t admire the President’s policies or politics.

I do admire his single-mindedness of agendas. He managed to ram Obamacare down our throats apparently by capitalizing on weaknesses of the American people as Identified by Jonathan Gruber. 

Now, Ol Stompy is at it again. 

This time he’s intending to bypass Congress with an Amnesty plan which just a year ago he said wasn’t amnesty. We all know what this is and it’s got nothing to do with more voters, or helping the “Poor” immigrants. This is 100% about vindictiveness.

Obama ESB

The Democrats lost the midterm and got spanked pretty soundly. Stompy, is pissed off and he’s going to do everything in his power to punish the evil bastard conservative, American voters. Isn’t that what his whole administration has been built on?

Just look at the scandals

NSA — Spying on Americans (I’ll grant you that started after 9/11 but it shouldn’t have been continued.)

Weaponized IRS — Yeah Nixon was the first one to try that… As I recall that was part of what cost him the Presidency.

Isolation of certain members of the press for asking the wrong questions… Then subsequent investigation of those poor dumbasses by both the IRS and NSA. 

Now he’s talking about a flood of immigrants. Sure he’s going to say it’s just the folks who are already here.

But we all know that the flood gates will open and everyone will scramble to cross the border.  There will no doubt be a period of 30 to 60 days before the executive order takes effect, which will result in 1000s more unskilled people crossing the border. I mean how many gardeners, waiters, or fast food workers do we actually need?

(As an aside, when I wrote the line above, I thought, “jeezus man that’s a racist thing to say.” But I suppose if The President can refer to latinos as maids and fruit pickers I guess I’m not as far off as I thought I was. The irony is that when I was very, very, young in the South, we had orange groves and pecan groves full of migrant workers who happened to be black.)  

Of course The Presidents comment underscores for me just how out of touch he is with the average American. Maid? Really? I and most of the middle class wouldn’t know what to do with a maid if our lives depended on it. Hell, I can see myself cleaning up the house before the maid came in just so I wouldn’t be completely mortified. 

Maid? Yeah, right! Even when I was employed I had other things to spend my hard earned money on. Most of the time I was spending money just to make ends meet. I do my own yard work, make my own bed, cook my own food, and clean my own damn house, Mr President. I don’t come from the elitist background you apparently do.

Further, as I’ve asked before, what about the American kids of all stripes looking for that first job? Oh yeah, they don’t matter.

This seems to be all about reducing America to it’s knees, or creating a huge permanent Democratic voting block, or creating such racial polarization that the country tears itself apart. 

Does nationwide martial law suspend presidential elections?

Maybe this is just another stepping stone in Obama’s path to become a de-facto king.

Just one of those dark thoughts that flits through my mind sometimes.