There’s been a ton of stuff said about the Refugees and their plight…
In my opinion, a large percentage of it is complete and utter bullshit.
Ever heard the saying “Man the lifeboats! Women and children first!”
Ever thought about what that actually says?
IF you think about it, that simple phrase is saying; “We value our future, we’re protecting it by making sure the women (who may be pregnant), and our sons and daughters (who are our future), and our culture, will survive.”
That’s historically been the stance of Men in shipwrecks, times of war, and disasters.
It does not mean the men thought their women inferior, it says; we recognize that while we may be bigger and stronger, you can do something we can’t, give birth.
It says; women are strong enough to raise a new generation of our people and that our culture and people will survive if they do.
It says; that right now it’s our job to protect you from whatever disaster is befalling us so that you have better odds of surviving to raise our children.
So without hesitation, I’d accept refugees from war torn places who were in fact women and children.
That’s what you’re supposed to do, in fact it’s the exact opposite of racism, because instead of fostering genocide, accepting women and children refugees insures that a group of people who may be completely different from you will survive and presumably return to their homelands when whatever disaster they escaped is over.
The above is the Old School view, at least as I was taught by my father and grandfathers.
So within that framework, looking at a majority of male, young, able-bodied, men calling themselves refugees, simply doesn’t track.
I can’ see them as refugees, I can only see them as cowards, or worse.
They’ve left their wives, children, mothers, and sisters in countries devastated by war, and famine, to fend for themselves. These cowards have boarded boats to foreign countries to live in relative opulence where they often don’t work, have a stipend, food, and time to complain about housing, and internet access.
What the bloody hell?
These men are exactly the men who should have been waving to their wives and children from the shore.
After the boats carrying their future were safe, these men, (if they were men) should have grimly turned to meet their enemy, fueled by rage and sadness that they may never see their wives & children in this life again.
This is the philosophy I was raised with.
I was raised to be suspicious of large numbers of able bodied young men going anywhere. Typically, large groups of young men were an army.
I find myself wondering what the hell is going on and how we’ve come to this place where we don’t or can’t question the nature of refugees.
More concerning to these old eyes is that it’s apparently verboten to even ask questions about refugees, and their intentions.
When you look at Europe, who has accepted thousands of refugees and see the unrest, it becomes pretty obvious that something is wildly amiss. The violence in Paris & throughout Germany should at least give you momentary pause.
It’s not hatred to point out a problem. Understanding the problem is the first step to correcting it. Superficially, one could say the problem is these refugees are coming from war torn countries.
Ok I’ll buy that. But where are the women and children in all this? When refugee centers are overwhelmingly young and male doesn’t that speak to another issue?
Add to that the basic culture clash about women’s rights, what is considered appropriate attire, and behavior. Then throw in the more relaxed religious beliefs of the west, boredom, a healthy dose of alienation due to language difficulties, or misunderstanding of how to live in a free society where everyone is supposed to be equal, and you’ve got a powder keg waiting for a spark.
Isn’t that what we’ve been seeing? It doesn’t take a rocket scientist or Phd in Sociology to see what happens next. Any idiot should be able to predict the outcome.
It’s never rainbows and unicorns.
With that in mind, I’m all for vetting all refugees carefully. To do that, we have to have a plan and procedures that will ensure those claiming refugee status are in fact refugees.
We’ve done it in the past and there is nothing wrong with having a standard today.