
Lasttower 2011091122 years later.

That morning, I’d just gotten up, grabbed my computer and began the ritual of looking for a job over my morning coffee. I’d flipped on CNN, back when they were an actual source of information, instead of propaganda and sat in stunned disbelief watching the replay of the planes flying into the twin towers.

I’d missed the actual event due to the time change but witnessed the aftermath and knew that our country would never be the same.

I pounded my fists bloody on the floor in front of the television. Impotent rage at something that had already happened. I was young… just over 40. I was afraid for my brother who I knew was going to be in the thick of it.

I also decided at that moment to take the first opportunity to finally go work for the Military Industrial Complex. I was too old to join the military, but by God I could help to build shit to utterly destroy our enemies. Or, as it turned out, build shit designed to add to the safety of our troops.

On 9/11/2001 I’d have turned the entire Middle East to nuclear glass, and never thought about the millions sent to Allah. It was a safe bet 9/11 was some asshole from the Middle East, My thought was nuke ‘em all and then you don’t have to worry about ‘em ever again. This was especially true when I saw images of people in the Middle East celebrating. I’d have gladly made sure they were all well and truly fucked. I’d have smiled watching those fuckers die like cockroaches in a cheap apartment.

My other half came home from school early. The classes he’d been subbing for had been dismissed and the children sent home to be with their parents. He hugged me, calming my rage and hate. Then he cleaned and bandaged my bloody fists. He pointed out that my nuke ‘em all and let Allah sort ‘em out was pretty close to genocide and that wasn’t a good solution. I admitted he was right. We sat on the couch holding each other, watching the news coverage until it became obvious that the talking heads were repeating the same thing over and over again. We turned off the TV. When we went to bed that night we held each other tightly wondering if there would be more attacks while we slept.

As I said, I knew our country would be irrevocably changed. At the time I didn’t realize that the source of changes  would come from inside our borders, from our own people,  and indeed from within the halls of Congress. 

Later, I remember being uncomfortable with The Patriot Act. I went along with it because there wasn’t a choice (my voice mattered little,) but also on the assurances that The Patriot Act was a Temporary measure. That was back in the day when I has some measure of trust in our politicians and political process.

Well, The Patriot act has been temporary for 21 years and it isn’t going away any time soon.

I never thought that fear would end up being so potent a weapon that Americans, of all people would fall in line asking the Government to protect them, or that they’d be so willing to trade rights and freedoms for the illusion of government protection.

We should have been demanding answers of our Government. We should have demanded an explanation how they had so abjectly failed to protect our borders. You know, the primary thing the government is supposed to do… Not from a place of fear, but from a place of holding the politicians fully accountable for their failure.

Yes, there were hearings and investigations. There were a few “sacrificial lambs”.  “New” more powerful bureaucracies were born. But in the end, the people that were in power, and therefore responsible for this epic failure… Remained in power. Most of the policies that had allowed 9/11 to happen in the first place are still in force today. 

The only people who experienced limitations of their freedoms and rights post 9/11, were American Citizens. Illegal surveillance, censorship, “enacted for the public good,” any of this ringing a bell?

Our borders, which should have been closed on 9/11 at the ends of gun barrels, remained open and still remain open today.

The rationale was and is, “These poor migrants are looking for a better life.” That is a true statement. But the chaos of our border policies, and lax enforcement of expired visas and our not deporting people who have committed crimes (the first of which was entering the country illegally,) and all the rest of it has led to our not knowing who is within our borders.

These are exactly the same conditions the 9/11 hijackers exploited to launch their attack in 2001.

As we listen to Mayorkas in hearings, if you listen very closely, you’ll hear that our border is no longer being over-run by only people from Mexico or failed South American countries. You’ll hear that nationals from all over the world are being apprehended at the border and many more are “got aways”

In other words, another 9/11 is possible, and I’d say probable. If I were a son of a bitch like Osama bin Laden, I’d be planning some big assed 9/11 attack on the 25th anniversary. God knows, I’d have plenty of time to move assets in place. Even if 10% of my guys were stopped trying to cross the almost non existent border, I could still put enough bad guys in place with enough time and resources to make the 25th anniversary a real “blow out”.

Every time I hear Mayorkas telling us that the border is secure I ask myself, “Is he delusional, or is he an agent of a foreign power?”

It needn’t be a disgruntled islamic nation that sets up a 25th anniversary “party” for America. It could literally be any nation on Earth with an Ax to grind, or who seeks the overthrow and demise of our country. China, Russia, Iran, Ukraine (when we can’t afford to give them money and arms). Literally any nation on the planet that would love to see America go down could put their assets in place. 

But the greater threat is, what happens if several nations or theocracies combine forces?

9/11, as terrible as it was for us in 2001 apparently taught our leaders absolutely nothing. I am not saying for us to live in fear. We have the ability to fix the problem, what we appear to lack is the will. Perhaps more concisely we cannot force congress to execute our will. That is a serious problem because Congress doesn’t seem to remember they work for the American people. We should remind them!

Yes, today should be a day of remembrance for those victims of 9/11.

We should remember the valiant action taken by the passengers of Flight 93. We should bow our heads in prayer for all those first responders who died trying to save others, and those who died later of diseases caused by exposure to toxic materials. Many of those men and women rushed in, knowing the dust was likely dangerous, they heedlessly continued to search for, and help others, without any protection.

We should also see to it that nothing like 9/11 happens again. We should see to it our government is brought to heel, with the American people once agin holding the leash. That’s how I believe we should honor the fallen, not with grandiose speeches, empty promises, and outright lies. 

We should honor them by returning to the safety, freedom, and security, our country enjoyed pre 9/11. 

Probably the shape of things to come…

Congressional redistricting what fun!!!!

My guy used to be Olbernolte. He lives in Big Bear and knows the mountain communities well. He’s a businessman, a Pilot, and technology guy. But… It looks like he’s not my guy anymore, thanks to redistricting.

Now it’s some woman named Judy Chu out of Monterey Park. I guarantee that she couldn’t find my town with GPS. Nor would she give a damn. She’s a dazzling urbanite whose only concerns will be for the other dazzling urbanites living in the wealthy parts of Pasadena, Altadena, La Canada / Flintridge, La Crescenta – Montrose, and Sierra Madre.

No one of any value lives outside those areas. Right?

In other words, we will not exist so there will be no advocating for disaster assistance coming from Chu in the event of another winter storm like we had last year. But Chu happily votes to spend Trillions of dollars we don’t have in foreign countries because she’s an obedient puppet.

Here’s another proof of just how we’re going to be ignored.


Just to be clear, I tried all five of the variations of my address created by the masters of technology that have given us all such wonderfully fucked up maps in rural areas. Helpful hint… your mapping efforts should start with the original county maps. It’s so much fun that my address can appear in one of three different towns depending on whose map you’re using.

Chu was also targeted by Fang Fang the Chinese Spy, shortly before Eric Swallow-well started dipping his wick in Fang Fang.

Fang Fang worked for Judy Chu for a time.

Ahhh, it’s going to be grand having zero representation!

Perhaps another clue that it’s time to get the hell out of California… Or learn Mandarin.

I caught a snippet of a report about NY demanding money to deal with illegal immigrants.

I gather Kathy Hochul wants several billion dollars to house, feed, and provide healthcare for people who broke our laws getting here, then ended up being sent to sanctuary NY.

Okay, I get it. These people are here now and they’re sucking up tons of resources.

My opinion is, they should have been turned around at the border. At the end of a gun barrel if necessary.

As I was shaking my head thinking about the hypocrisy of NYs Hochul and that winner of a Mayor in NYC. I found myself wondering if ANY of these politicians actually hear themselves?

It wasn’t too long ago that they were criticizing actual border states for requesting federal funds to deal with the border crises.

These politicians called Governors, Mayors, and even ranchers, in Arizona and Texas racists because they were pointing out that their resources were stretched too thin and they couldn’t accommodate or ensure the safety of the flood of people. When Arizona and Texas asked for funds they were insulted and essentially told to, “suck it up” or called fascists for trying to add additional law enforcement to the border.

Now that the shoe is on the other foot, suddenly these declared sanctuary cities and states are begging for money and even criticizing the Biden Administration.

Uhhh, hypocrite much?

A lot of the small towns on the border have been bled completely dry trying to keep up with the onslaught of needy people. The quality of life for Americans citizens in those small towns has been sent straight to the shitter. And no-one gave a fuck until NYC had 10 or 15 thousand illegals.

We’ve seen illegals crammed into airport terminals and police stations in Chicago. The illegals are sleeping on the floors and arguably preventing the “Normal” business of airports and police stations from progressing smoothly. Chicago and NYC are big places. Meanwhile, the small town of 800 is effectively wiped off the map when 5000 illegals show up demanding to be fed, housed, clothed, and in need of medical attention.

There should be a lot of outrage at the irrevocable damage done to our border towns. There isn’t! On a national front, but I’m sure that the folks who call these small towns home are hopping mad. The dazzling urbanites never give it a thought because while they’re inconvenienced, their cities are relatively unchanged.

Then you have ranchers trying to keep their herds fed that can’t actually use big chunks of their land to turn the herds into. Why? Because Biden’s Administration keeps cutting their fences so the illegals can more easily enter our country.

Fences often are necessary to keep things in, Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Emus… The last thing a rancher needs is half the herd wandering off through a fence the damnable government cut.

If you think about it, in addition to the small towns and ranchers paying regular taxes that are sucked up into servicing the illegals, the rancher gets to pay again and again for every head of cattle lost or injured because the jackasses in Washington DC have no clue what it takes to put meat on their tables.

You’d think that morons like Hochul and Adams and that idiot mayor of Chicago would wake up and realize this immigration mess is not sustainable.

We all know Alejandro Mayorkas will not do a damn thing to stop the invasion. Mayorkas is an absolute moron who would keep piling people into a lifeboat until it sank, then say it wasn’t his fault.

Our “Border czar” Vice President Cacklema Harris is completely useless on all fronts. Hmmm Come to think of it she’s even more useless than Biden was as Vice President during the Obama Administration. That’s saying something!

I know I’ve been “Political” for a while. I’ve been trying to pull back but I caught this snippet while I was tuning around on the HAM radio this morning.

Uh Yeah, Sometimes I’ll listen to a distant country station on the HAM rig. Hey… It’s got a decent antenna and the radio itself has really good ears. That’s the “up” side, the down side is that radio stations sometimes do news segments in the morning.

That’s how I got onto this whole immigration disaster. I was able to tune out of the political crap quickly because I was heading for a morning “Net” where a bunch of local HAM operators check in with each other.

The morning “Net” is a lot more rewarding than listening to the news…

Hope you all have a great day.