Wait What??? I’m so confused again!

Biden is building the border wall?


Didn’t he promise America there there’d not be one more foot of wall built after he took office?

Didn’t the Democratic Party tell us that “walls don’t work,” didn’t they call anyone supporting border walls racists and white supremacists?

So how is it that the Biden administration has reversed itself? 

Could it be that all of us who were supporting a border wall are not in fact racists or white supremacists but simply understood that we couldn’t support uncontrolled illegal immigration.

Could it be that Walls do actually work? Could it be that Biden lied in his campaign promises? 

Could all of these “Settled Facts” the Democrats have been preaching to us might actually be wrong?

Say it isn’t so!

Uh Huh…

We See you Democrats!… We see that your words are nothing more than pandering to get votes. We see your lies and deceptions.

Ayanna Pressley

I happened to catch an interview with Ayanna Pressley (who I think is an evil, evil, woman,) where she was trying to slime her way out of questions about The Biden Administration building a chunk of wall.

First she said is was some holdover from Trump Era budgeting. When she was asked why then, the construction had languished for 2 and a half years, and why it hadn’t fallen under the same cancellation order Biden signed on day one of his Presidency, Her story changed. 

The best part of the interview was that the reporter, (surprisingly from MSNBC, CNN, NBC, ABC, or CBS, I wasn’t paying attention,) asked Representative Pressley if walls work. This was after years of “The Squad” saying that they don’t.

Grudgingly Ayanna Pressley actually admitted that walls do work. But if she could have killed the reporter killed with a look, she would have.

Then we have Hillary saying out loud and on the record in a CNN interview that she believes the MAGA republicans should be “Deprogrammed”.

Hillary ClintonThat is another way of saying being “Reprogrammed”. As in those subjected to this procedure, will come out the other side thinking just the way someone wants them to.

The Chinese, North Vietnamese, Russians, and innumerable other dictators and despots can, and probably have written books about reprogramming human subjects.

Stalin and Mao, called it a re-education camp.

In China and Russia, “Reprogramming” or “Deprogramming” had a 100% success rate. Those that didn’t take to the new programming didn’t survive.

All I can say is we dodged a bullet when Hillary lost the 2016 election.

BTW it’s interesting to note that she still claims the election was stolen from her. Yet she’s not being dismissed as a lunatic, nor is she being chastised or denigrated for her assertion that she won the Presidential election.

Stacy Abrams also is an election denier. Yet she’s on the boob tube all the damn time spouting that she won both her failed gubernatorial election bids.

Emperor PalpatineHas anybody but me noticed how truly haggard Hillary Clinton looks these days? I guess fomenting all that hate, vitriol, and evil takes a toll on you.

If she’d ended up in the Oval Office, by now she’d look like Emperor Palpatine

This is why I don’t trust the government. It’s why I especially don’t trust the Democrats.

See I look at it like this, if my other half, a guy who was forgiving beyond belief. A guy who always saw the best in everyone, and who gave even the most evil people, the benefit of the doubt…

If a person like that found enough wrong with the Democrat Party that he left them after a lifetime of association, volunteering to raise campaign funds, and his whole family being Democrats, Then there has to be something seriously wrong.

Needless to say his departure from the Democrat party got my attention! In part, because he wasn’t all that political. For their shenanigans to have caught his attention, and offended him that much says a lot.

No, he didn’t go Republican he went independent. 

Finally, we lost McCarthy as Speaker of the house.

I’ve got very mixed feelings about it. On the one hand I applaud holding him to his promises and agreements. You know, those promises and agreements he made to get into the speakership in the first place.

Honestly I’d like to see every member of Congress and our entire government for that matter fitted with shock collars. If the collar determined the person was lying it would hit them with 50,000 volts.

Lie to the American people 25 times and the collar kills ya!

I bet that would put a stop to a lot of the Washington D.C. Bullshit!

I digress. 

On the other hand, I don’t think the timing was particularly good to have to cycle through however many votes it’s going to take to elect a new speaker.

But I did very much enjoy Nancy Pelosi being tossed out of the secondary office that she’d occupied as Speaker of the House. I’d have loved to be a fly on the wall when she heard about that. I’ll bet she swore like a drunken sailor. Yeah, I don’t like her. I admit it!

I’m concerned that the Republicans will or already have screwed us all… again

I say that as someone how left the Republican Party for much the same reason as my other half left the Democrat Party. Shenanigans, and the fact that they no longer represented us or our interests and they weren’t, (in our opinions,) serving the people who had elected them.

This particular foolishness and divisiveness among the republicans may have made folks who were considering not voting Democrat this election cycle reconsider which party they’re voting for.

The Republicans have a very thin majority, they really should be using it wisely.

Dianne Feinstein is dead.

Condolences to her family.

Unlike the radical left, who dance on anyone’s grave that they disagree with,  I’m not going to jump for joy or say nasty things about her.

I didn’t agree with a lot of her policies. I really took offense when she was questioning a Marine a while ago and took him to task for politely using M’am instead of Senator. As in “Yes M’am” not “Yes Senator Feinstein”

I thought she was being overbearing and demonstrated how out of touch she was not only with Southerners (which the marine in question was,) but also with the Marine Corps itself who taught a level of decorum which included the use of the term “M’am”.

It was at that particular moment that I lost respect for Dianne Feinstein. At that moment she looked like she was more interested in badgering and bullying a young Marine than hearing his answer to her question. In that moment, I interpreted her entire career as about power not public service. 

I’ve thought for a long time that she should go. I thought she was losing touch with the realities of the world today and California in particular. She’d been in the Senate for far too long and had become isolated in the rarified air of Washington D.C.

It often seemed that she was more about the Washington Politics than about the people of California whom she was supposed to represent.

Over the past year or two it had become clear that Feinstein wasn’t doing all that well.

I thought it cruel that she was still being propped up and wheeled around while so obviously ill. The poor woman should have been home, enjoying her view.

Then again, having spent so much of her life in Washington D.C. it’s possible that she was more at home there, than in California.

For me Dianne Feinstein was a poster child for term limits. There have been many others, but she stuck out for me because she was one of my state senators.

Regardless of my personal opinions formed over the past decade or so… I’m sure that she did a lot of good in her idealistic youth and early years in Washington D.C. before politics consumed her. 

I sincerely hope she rests in peace.

Dianne Feinstein 1933-2023

Feinstein 1600

Well, Apparently that wasn’t well received….

I’m glad I didn’t watch it, but the 2nd Republican Debate last night didn’t go as well as planned.

Apparently a lot of people were not impressed that there was a lot of Spanish.

Some of the tweets are brutal, even those from native Spanish Speakers.

I was reminded of two colleagues. One was from Algeria the other from Vietnam. The Algerian could read / write / and speak French flawlessly. As could the Vietnamese Guy. The Algerian absolutely categorically refused to speak French. Because the French had raped his country.

The French, had laid pipelines to transport natural gas all across Algeria, but they refused to make that natural gas available at a price the Algerian people could afford. Apparently Algeria gets very cold at night in the Winter.

The Vietnamese colleague had grown up in Saigon before the fall of South Vietnam. His parents had worked for the South Vietnamese government and when the North Vietnamese took over, his parents were sent promptly to a re-education camp. His parents had the foresight to have sent him to his uncles place in a rural part of the county just before the fall. He spoke of being taught French and English, in school. After the fall he was taught Russian only.

To this day, he refuses to speak, read, or write Russian. The only reason I know he can speak Russian is that my colleagues and myself were at lunch one day and they started sharing stories about what it was like to have their respective cultures erased, and they both had a common denominator in the French.

Vietnam once had their own writing system, and a King. Their writing system looked more similar to Chinese, or Korean. I can’t remember which one he said was closer. Vietnamese as it’s written today uses a latin alphabet obviously imported, and few if any Vietnamese people can read anything in their original written language. The French did significant damage to his culture and then got involved in a skirmish or war that became the Vietnam war if I recall his description of events correctly.

The reason that these memories popped into my head reading about the 2nd RNC debate was that my colleague’s were so angry at the invaders to their countries that even though they could speak the languages of the invaders, they consciously chose not to.

At first glance that could be construed as racist or whatever nasty word you’d like to attach. But think beyond the easy labels, spend a tenth of a second more in processing it, and you’ll see it isn’t about racism it’s an act of protest.

An Algerian walking by French tourists lost and confused in South Central Los Angeles and not offering to help them is an act of protest and rage that comes from his very soul. (That actually happened. I understand just enough French that combined with their body language I figured out they were lost.) I glanced at my colleague with a questioning look. All he said was, “NO, I will not waste my lunch time helping them, nor should you.” So we walked on.

I was thinking about the French individuals who were very probably innocent, He was thinking about the thousands of Algerians the French abused, who were also innocent.

I pointed out that this kind of tit for tat is how wars get started. He replied, “You as an American don’t have the moral high ground.” He smiled at me as a friend does, then said, “As Americans go, you’re a decent one. You keep on reminding those of us from abused countries that there is a reason to, how do you say it? Listen to our better Angels. Even though most of your countrymen do not listen to their Angels.”

The point is, a lot of folks have felt that America was being invaded from the Southern border for a very long time. I know some folks who have been simmering for a long time about having to pick English in a phone tree when they call their utility company or other customer service number. There are some folks I know who get really pissed off if English is the number 2 option. (How can you not be pissed off about it? Someone decided to put English as the number 2 option. Straight alphabetical order “E” comes before “S” so someone was getting a dig in.)

Then they get more angry when after having chosen English, they get someone whose accent is so heavily Indian they can’t understand the “Service Rep” then hang up in frustration.

People who speak English only are not going to be appreciative of Spanish being spoken on their “Normal” TV channels.

In the context of a political debate, leading off with Spanish says to Ma & Pa Kettle that the “tin foil hat wearing ” conservatives have been absolutely right saying we’re “losing our country”.

“Well hell, Ma did I have a stroke? I can’t understand a damn thing that person is saying? Did you turn on the Spanish soundtrack on the TV again?”

Based on what I’ve seen working with folks from other countries. The imposition of a non-native language and culture leaves scars. I can muddle through with some Spanish. I used to use the Spanish I knew all the time.

But when hearing Spanish was more likely than English I stopped using Spanish altogether. Even in the grocery store I try not to buy dual labeled products. I’m not being racist, I’m trying to hold the line for my own culture.

I know there are folks who say that America doesn’t have a culture. They’re wrong! We do, and until recently it was a culture of optimism, hard work, and a healthy dose of “can do” attitude.

I’m not saying that other influences are solely responsible for the dumpster fire we’ve been seeing for the past years. I’m saying that for all its faults I liked our culture the way it was and I think it’s worth preserving and continuing to improve upon. I don’t think we need to burn it all down and start over. So if I buy only American products, or only American labeled products, that’s me saying, “Enough”!

Enough of the polyglot. Enough of shoving every other thing down our throats. How can we have a Black Pride Month, A Gay Pride Month, a Trans Awareness Month, a whatever the fuck month, and have only one day to celebrate the nations birth? Even that one day is fraught with some group or another bitching pissing and moaning about something!

Some of you may be reading this and saying, “Oh, he’s a racist.”

Okay, then my counter is this: Racists are made, not born!

You progressives keep pushing agendas on the rest of us that we don’t agree with, then chastise us for not agreeing with you. You denigrate our beliefs while holding someone else’s above those most of the country grew up with, and well Y’all are doing a damn fine job of building people who are “Racists” by whatever your current diluted definition is.

I choose not to speak or communicate in Spanish, Just like my Algerian friend chose not to communicate in French, or my Vietnamese friend chose not to communicate in Russian. I double dog dare you to call those guys racists!

Or at least let me get popcorn and beer ready to watch how that goes for ya.

Oh and by the way, If / when Spanish becomes the dominate language here in America, I’ll be somewhere else. Until then, if you insist on holding press conferences or debates in Spanish I’ll not be watching.

America is an English Speaking country.

Why does no-one ever call out the Spaniards for their cultural annihilation and subjugation of the South American Tribes? Why are there no calls for reparations from Spain? They enslaved members of every Native tribe they encountered. The Spanish were after pretty much one thing, riches, Gold & Silver, jewels, and all of it went back to Spain.

At least the American colonies revolted to start a nation. A nation that was something different than what had come before.