You go Texas!

It is with a high degree of satisfaction that I’ve been watching the latest dust-up between the limp-dicked federal government and the state of Texas.

Sadly the Federal Government is limp-dicked in EVERY SINGLE aspect of their being except dealing with American Citizens.

American Citizens, our government rapes metaphorically, beats, incarcerates, drugs,  forces submission and obedience if a citizen questions anything, shits and pisses on our head and all the while tells us everything is just hunky dory.

Don’t you dare speak ill of the government! The FBI will kick your door in at 4am, shoot your dog who rightfully attempts to defend you and your family and haul you off to the nearest gulag where you’ll rot for the next indeterminant number of years. Speedy trial? Yeah, MY ASS!

It is because this is how I feel about the government that I’ve been laughing my ass off as Texas and the Feds square off.

You see, I think it’s pretty damn obvious that the Federal Government has failed in its constitutional duty to secure the nation. Texas on the other hand has had quite enough of the bullshit and has stepped up to secure its own border.

I’ll tell you what, if Texas stopped me as I was driving across country and passing through their territory to see my passport I’d be just fine with it. If Texas chooses to secure all its borders that’s gonna be just fine with me too, and I could see myself asking the great state of Texas if I could live there.

See, I want to live in a place with secure borders. I’d even be willing to help secure a border with a bunch of like minded volunteers.

Since the Federal Government has FAILED Texas, and Texans in managing the border, it’s completely rational to me that the State of Texas would take action to insure its own security and wellbeing.  The people of Texas have been very patient and kind for THREE YEARS!

Eventually anyone, no matter how big hearted, is going to run out of patience.

The question I have is what does the DHS think they’re going to do? Are they planning to roll tanks to Austin, or Eagle Pass, to enforce an illegal order from Washington D.C.?

What then? Do the MORONS in DHS and the White House really believe they’ll be able to set Texan against Texan to enforce the opening of this stretch of border again?

I think it’s more likely that Texas, and I mean the good people of Texas will say “FUCK THIS SHIT!” Then demand Texas secede from the Estados Unidos and revert back to being an independent republic. Oh and just so everyone is clear… They’re going to start drilling oil again too. So we’ll all be able to thank Texas for affordable fuel.

The latest report I saw said the DHS has given Texas until today for Texas National Guard to clear out and return control of the border to DHS and CBP.

In other words to just open the border and allow everyone and anyone to cross without vetting, inspection, or ID.

Hey, that means DHS is also perfectly happy being complicit in Sex and Drug trafficking. Is the big guy, (Biden) getting his 10% of that action too?

Will DHS be the relevant department for aggrieved citizens to sue when some Arab/ Iraq/ Iran/ Hamas/ Islamic/ whatever middle eastern fuck blows up a building full of women and children? Those are typical islamic targets if what we’ve seen in Israel is any indication.

That’s not being racist or Islamophobic. That’s a fucking statement of fact. So all you bleeding heart leftists… Shut the fuck up. It’s going to happen and we all know it’s going to happen. We just don’t know when.

Oh, I know you pearl clutching liberal dumbfcuks, “3 People drowned, because Texas took control…”

Uh NO. Yeah people drowned, but not as a direct result of Texas having control of the border. Here’s a couple of little facts. They’re harsh, and they’re going to trigger you.

Animals die during migrations. It’s a fact. Humans are animals, some animals die during migration, what’s happening at the border is migration, that’s why we call them migrants, ergo, humans are going to die. Deal with it!

I notice you’re not at all concerned about the homeless citizens already on the streets of cities all over America dropping dead from hunger, poor health care, exposure, or drugs. But somehow these poor migrants illegally crossing the border deserve heart wrenching sympathy?

Uhhh NOPE! They fucking chose to come here illegally. They fucking knew what they were doing was against the law. If they die in transit so the fuck what? I guarantee you that there are trails of bodies in the bushes all along the “Migration” paths. Nobody is shedding any tears for those folks who didn’t make it.

Here’s another thought. If you’re a migrant, (A.K.A. Illegal immigrant,) and you can’t swim…


What the fuck did you think was going to happen? Did you believe angels from El Norte were going to swoop in and pluck your dumb ass out of the water?

Thank god Darwinian rules are still in effect.

I’d say don’t bother to retrieve the bodies, let ‘em wash downstream and serve as an example. Same goes for those who die in the desert.

I know I sound brutal about it, but come on. At last count, the number of migrants has exceeded the actual populations of several states. Clearly this is fucking unsustainable.

On the other hand now would be a really great time to establish a false ID. Go to Mexico, send your documents back home via a friend or Mail. Cross the border illegally, get apprehended, then give CBP a false name. Collect your free phone, your 5K and notice to appear in 2035. Go to MA collect your driver’s license, and green card, then return to your home with a nice neat legal government issued fake ID. Oh and lets not forget that FREE Healthcare you can get in California as an illegal.

I really think if Texas were to break free of the suffocating clutches of what our insane federal government has become, I’d honestly consider moving to Texas!

Like my ancestors before me, I will be free, I will not submit to the hideous perversion our politicians have made of The Founders dream of a Constitutional Republic.

I’d be willing to bet that at least some of our founders would be demanding duels at dawn with the jackasses in Washington D.C.

I have to correct Representative Nancy Mace

She said in a hearing to Hunter Biden, “You have no Balls”

Well Congressperson, I think the entire world knows Hunter Biden has balls. WE’VE ALL SEEN THEM ON VIDEO! Apparently they’re also functional since we know he’s got at least one bastard child and who knows how many others.

Even in the metaphorical sense he’s got big brass balls. To walk into a hearing garner a lot of attention, then leave in a huff when representatives debating holding him in contempt of Congress start asking questions.

Damn! Those are some brass balls!

Or as is more likely the case, Hunter was higher than shit, or as a friend of mine once said, (Giraffe Pussy) and feels, or knows, that Congress can’t or won’t touch him because of his Daddy.

Hunter’s not going to answer questions from Congress.

I also, and I really hope I’m wrong about this, wouldn’t put it past the “powers that be” to “Suicide” Hunter. Or have him tragically OD on something laced with Fentanyl. That would give Joe a reason to step out of the race due to family issues, and the Democrats a talking point wherein they can select a candidate who will take a “hard” stand against the drug trafficking to honor Hunter and the Biden’s tragic loss. There’s a large portion of America that would buy a democrat campaign promise to get rid of drugs after martyring Hunter, hook, line, and sinker. They’re the same people that wouldn’t ask for accountability later when nothing changed.

You know what is sickest about the scenario above? That I even thought about it. That I even considered with any seriousness that powers within our government would do such a thing. I believe that our government is that corrupt, and they’d stop at nothing. There is no law they wouldn’t break and no depravity too low for the current Washington Democratic Party to engage in.

The same is probably true of the Republican Party which is why in 2016 against all odds, Donald Trump was elected President. The People wanted the corruption to come to an end and Donald Trump promised he’d end it. He broke that promise.

The really sad thing is that Hunter has “The Look” when he’s all cleaned up and during his younger years, he could have been a “do nothing senator” like his father. Hell he could have been President. The Biden Dynasty could have been a thing. In some regards the fact that he veered off course so profoundly may have saved the tax payers a shit ton of money. 

Imagine what could have happened with multiple Biden’s in high public office for decades, each engaging in various degrees of corruption. WOW!!! I suppose we can thank providence that Joe was too greedy a parasite for that to happen.

Al Sharpton is still a thing?

I thought that crazy, racist, old, tax evader  had been roasting his nuts in Hell for a few years now.

Obviously I was mistaken since he was leading a protest against a rich guy supposedly to support Claudine Gay’s racism claims.

Old Al must be running out of money. I’m sure he’s already sent a “Deal” a.k.a. Blackmail demand to Bill Ackman.

It probably reads something like, “Give me a check for a 5 million dollars and then you say you’re sorry about being a racist on my TV show and this protest will go away. I’ll make sure the money gets into the right hands.”

Isn’t that the way black leaders do things?

The money is never used to do any good for the black community, it always ends up in the pockets of the black leaders.

BLM? Paging BLM? How many houses did the BLM leadership buy? Jesse Jackson? Paging Jesse Jackson? How much money in “Donations” have you accepted? How much has been invested in the black community? Louis Farrakhan? Paging Louis Farrakhan how much antisemitic, anti-white vitriol have you spewed over the years? How much money have you raised and invested in the black community? Raised? A Lot. Invested? Not so much.

And Finally Al Sharpton. The racist, hateful, track suit wearing, tax evading, spotlight stealing, Democrat dick sucking, ass licking, fomenter of conflict, example of Napoleon syndrome… 

(Can you tell I have a dim view of black leaders, especially Al Sharpton? Good, I knew you could.)

I’d love to speak directly to Al Sharpton and say;

Run Al, RUN! Satan is demanding his due. I generally pray that the Angel of Death is gentle and kind when he comes to collect. In your case I might make an exception.

Throughout my entire life, Al Sharpton has been at the center of every single race related conflict. This man has spewed more hatred and stirred up more violence and cruelty than almost anyone I can think of. 

He always says it’s about ending racism, but it’s always worked out to be the opposite. 

I simply can’t understand why this fucking piece of shit is still a thing. He’s supposed to be a “reverend”, why hasn’t he returned to the church and gotten himself right with God?

His message these days sure as hell isn’t the gospel. At minimum his message is Hatred of Trump. But his overarching message is one of hatred of all white people and making them pay again and again for shit that 99% of white people don’t and didn’t do.

Believe me… If white people were expending as much energy on racism as Sharpton et al claim. There wouldn’t be any black people in America because they’d have been hunted to extinction.

At one time the black community claimed that young black men turned to crime because they were treated like criminals all the time by society. I don’t know how true this is or if it was simply a way to excuse the out of control criminal activity in black communities and force changes in sentencing laws because the majority of prison populations were black men.

Nonetheless, I can’t help but wonder. If all white people are racists, if there is no redemption, if white people are being called white supremacists and racists all the time, doesn’t the same rule apply? If society is going to treat white people like racists, doesn’t it follow that with people will be racists?

See, I believe humans, all humans, react the same way to certain stimuli. If young black men were made to be criminals by the way they were treated, then logically Al Sharpton, and the other black leaders are creating racists and white supremacists with their rhetoric and painting all white people with the same brush. 

For me… After a lifetime of getting up and saying, “I will not be an asshole today, I will not be a racist today,” now I get up and say, “I will not be an asshole today.” Whether I’m a racist by intention or accident, it doesn’t matter, with no redemption, and the assumption I’m a racist, why try? Black now has the same meaning in my head as the censored “N” word. Oddly, since I’m not worrying about being a racist anymore, I am happier.

Someone needs to tell Al, take your silly assed protest that is clearly based in the purest form of racism, and go home. Go back to spouting hate on MSNBC or from your pulpit or your basement or wherever, nobody cares. The damage you’ve done in your lifetime may well take a century to undo.

Al should also be told, Claudine Gay was forced to resign not because of her skin color, but because she broke the rules. Rules all academics are supposed to follow, and she did it willfully and in a racist way because she is black and a woman. She knew she was protected by Academia and society’s terror of being labeled a racist. She used her race and gender as a shield figuring no-one would ever call her out on it.

That is why anyone with a brain wants to see Claudine Gay dismissed not only as President of Harvard, but also from her tenured teaching position, and stripped of her Doctorate. It’s not about skin color, it’s about unfairness and taking advantage of the insidious and unjustified collective guilt, Al Sharpton, and his confederates have spent 50 years instilling in our culture.

Claudine Gay richly deserves cancellation. If the race grifters were smart they’d be leading the charge. Because Claudine Gay has exposed the race and educational system scams and how they work. How much money are indoctrination centers, (otherwise known as colleges,) hemorrhaging now?

It’s obvious that the fucking Reverend Sharpton is looking for a payday from a rich guy. Reverend Sharpton just wants him to purchase an indulgence from the Sharpton Church of Racism. In that “reverend” Sharpton, is not much different from Claudine Gay, they’re Con artists!

Do us all a favor Al…

Just Shut the fuck up!

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! Claudine Gay played the race card!

We all knew she would.

I’m surprised she didn’t start her editorial with “I was raised a poor black child…” From The Jerk – 1979 Steve Martin

No Claudine! You’ve missed the point and all the other so called journalists and pundits have missed the point too.

No one gives a rancid fuck about your race.

Folks are PISSED OFF that you got a free fucking ride, you stole other people’s material and ideas, oh, and you’re in violation of Harvards policies regarding plagiarism.

In other words dipshit, you’re incapable of being an example to the students of Harvard because you failed to live by the policies you’re enforcing. You know… like the rest of the elites that many Americans are coming to loathe.

So I’m going to borrow from Elon Musk, “GO FUCK YOURSELF!” Se how that works Claudine? That’s called attribution. In this case I didn’t really have to reference Elon Musk because he didn’t originate the saying, I chose to give him credit because he’s the most recent famous person to say it publicly and out loud.

By the way you piece of shit. You and people like you have totally fucked everyone else who worked hard for their degrees and Phd’s. You’ve made higher education practically worthless and I can’t wait to hear that you’ve been fired because the colleges you work at can’t afford to keep your sorry asses. Maybe then we’ll get back to actual education.

I sincerely hope that Claudine Gay has her Phd REVOKED. It should be. Her Doctorate was issued on false pretenses. In fact, the other Phd’s who supposedly reviewed her doctoral thesis should perhaps have to defend their Doctorates as well. Clearly they failed in due diligence which calls into question their qualifications.

Let me make this perfectly clear. Claudine Gay was not forced to resign her position as Harvard President over the color of her skin, she was forced to resign due to the content of her character.

Yeah, I paraphrased Dr. Martin Luther King. I hope I did that right, after all I’m just an uneducated redneck from a flyover state.

If I can grasp the concept, even if I don’t attribute exactly correctly, then surely someone who went to college on scholarships for years can be expected to get it right.

Otherwise, her spending all that time “a schoolin” was a waste of money.

I hope you’re paying attention…

Since the Colorado Court decision there’ve been some interesting comments and analysis from people much smarter than me.

Most of these folks, Democrat and Republican are speaking out against the Colorado decision because on it’s face it violates due process (Trump hasn’t been charged with insurrection in any court, so how can the Colorado supreme court essentially say he’s guilty of something for which he’s not been charged or tried?) 

I’m pleased to see many of our politicians, from both sides of the aisle and presidential candidates taking issue with the Colorado decision. These people at least have the sense to understand how dangerous to our Republic this decision is, if allowed to stand.

Thus far no-one appears to be calling for the Colorado Supreme Court to resign and be replaced with justices who at least follow the law. I don’t know what’s involved in replacing a state Supreme Court, but that process should be initiated immediately. I know at this point I wouldn’t want to get a parking ticket in Colorado because I very much question if the law is obeyed in the state. Would I be sentenced to death when I signed the ticket? 

Our current President demonstrated the level of his incompetence by saying publicly yesterday that Trump was guilty of insurrection when he said;

“It’s self-evident. You saw it all. Now whether the 14th Amendment applies, I’ll let the court make that decision,” the president said during a trip to Wisconsin. “But he (Trump) certainly supported an insurrection. No question about it. None. Zero.”

In my mind this underscores that Biden is unfit for the Presidency and always has been. He may well have been unfit for the whole time he was in congress if this statement is indicative of his legal scholarship. There’s also a certain level of irony in his statement because currently, He and his son are enjoying the protections of due process.

I rather suspect that if it were put to a vote today. The American people would vote that He, Hunter, and to some extent the rest of his family are guilty of graft and corruption. Were it not for the protections of due process, he and his family might all be in prison already. 

The Colorado decision does provide one ray of light in an otherwise dark situation.

It allows the American people to see exactly which members of The House and Senate need to be kicked to the curb. 

Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) could be forgiven for defending the Colorado ruling since he’s Biden’s Campaign Co-Chair.

Since he’s also a sitting US Senator. I think he needs to be replaced in the Senate. Perhaps he’d be better just running campaigns.

He’s not the only Congressperson who has failed to see the problem. The usual list of authoritarians, gleeful at Trump being “Silenced” in Colorado completely fail to see that their names can as easily be removed from ballots using the same amendment and subsection, without due process. 

One could argue that AOC provided aid and comfort to BLM during the summer of “Love”.  Was BLM engaged in an insurrection against the legitimate government(s) of various states? Does AOC bailing people out of jail meet the test of aid and comfort?

Ilhan Omar has been accused of 2 counts? Of immigration fraud? She also has been accused of financial abuses and at the same time provided financial support to CAIR who has been connected to terrorist organizations throughout the Middle East. She’s done all this during the 20 years we spent in Afghanistan fighting terrorist organizations. Does this meet the standard for aid and comfort, or acting against the interests of the United States? 

Rashida Tlaib vociferously supports Hamas. A U.S. designated terrorist group currently in conflict with one of our closest allies, does this meet the standard?  She has supported this terrorist organization for years and most recently used her position in congress to endorse Pro-Palestinian, Pro-Hamas protests ultimately leading to the occupation of the U.S. Capital and interference in congressional business.

The Colorado ruling with its  leap to essentially a guilty verdict for Donald Trump on charges of insurrection which have never been filed in any jurisdiction in the country, would seem to allow similar presumptions of guilt and demands for removal from office of members of “The Squad” for their seditious activities. 

I submit that any House Representative, or Senate Member that applauds and approves of the Colorado ruling is not fit for office and should be voted out by their constituents.

Or… We can simply presume they’re guilty of something and remove them from the ballots of their states and perhaps even their congressional posts. We could imprison them all right next to the Jan 6th insurrectionists still awaiting trial after almost 3 years.

Now there’s a happy thought!