Oh goody! Tonight is the State of the Union Address.

Should I just kill myself now?

I know Joe Biden is going to paint me as a White Supremacist, MAGA Republican, Racist, Misogynistic, Bastard, who should just die.

Oh, he’s going to do all that based on two things. 1) I’m a White Male, and 2) I’m not a Democrat

So much for “Unity” or the great unifier.

Aside from what Biden has done to this country in 3 years, I really dislike him for continuing to divide the nation with truly hateful rhetoric at almost every speaking event. 

He’s stoking violence and lawlessness along the racial divide and then when a White person, ANY White Person takes action to defend their lives against a person of color, Joe is the first out the gate to scream racism and paint the person of color as somehow the victim instead of the White person laying in hospital wondering why the police weren’t there to protect them.

Joe wrongly accused border patrol of “Strapping” innocent Haitian immigrants. Never has Joe said, “Hey Guys I’m very sorry for jumping the gun there.”

But it’s worse, because right from the beginning in that incident, the person who took the photo, you know the actual witness, said that border patrol was not hitting the immigrants.

Doesn’t matter. Biden’s administration said no horses on the border. 

Joe Biden has been wrong every single time he’s made comment about a crime, or victim, or in fact anything happening in the country over the past 3 years.

He’s tried to violate our freedoms on bodily integrity, by forcing upon us all a horribly flawed vaccine. He’s created situations where people lost their jobs because they chose not to panic over a virus that was 98% survivable.

He demonized those people and publicly called for them to be treated like pariahs. He’s repeatedly tried to bypass Congress’s ability to make laws, such as when he made OSHA demand COVID vaccination as a workplace safety issue.

Then claims that he doesn’t have the power to stop the flood of immigrants. What does OSHA  and the CDC say about all the tropical diseases that these folks may be carrying into places where those diseases never existed?

He’s significantly eroded our military readiness and destroyed thousands of military careers with vaccine mandates, DEI, and Transgendered bullshit.

Oh, and let’s not forget that he’s made it clear that White people need not apply to the military because even if they’re accepted, they’ll never achieve rank.

In Joe Biden’s vision of America only people of color will succeed and then, only because they’re people of color not because their promotions were based in merit.

That devalues the achievements of every person of color who worked their asses off for their promotions and careers.

It also tells every single white person, “Don’t bother to try. We’ve rigged the system so heavily against you you’ll never succeed. If by some miracle you do succeed, we’ll file law suits and IRS liens, and accuse you of some crime and take your success. We’ll bleed you dry with legal fees and unrealistic judgements. But you can avoid all of this by sucking the Democrat Party dick.”

Joe Biden in every single speech has demonstrated contempt and hatred of average Americans like myself.

As a result, I feel the same about Biden, His administration, and the government in general. 

Nothing Biden could say in this State of the Union will redeem that feeling. Even if he were to resign tonight, the damage is done. I will never trust the government again.

I know now beyond a shadow of a doubt they have no concern for me except as a contributor to their coffers, facilitator for their wasteful spending, and financier for their graft and corruption.

Biden’s 87,000 ARMED, Jack Booted IRS THUGS are a testament to how little choice any of us have in paying taxes. If we refuse to give our taxes willingly they’ll happily rob us at the barrel of a gun.

I love my Country. I HATE with all the fury of HELL what our government has become. 

I can save all of us time tonight. Here’s a summary of Biden’s address.


Since we live in a time of “Feelings”. That’s how I feel, therefore it must be right.

I typed it in CAPS because we all know Biden is going to go from creepy whisper to yelling. 

I’ll probably tune into the speech. During which I’ll appropriately numb myself with bourbon. No, I’m not masochistic, I just would like to know how badly I’m going to get fucked during the next 10 months, and possibly maybe likely… God Help me the next four years.

I am almost sure that somehow, some way, no matter how unlikely, outlandish, or illogical it is. Biden will get another term in office. 

Yeah, that’s how corrupt I believe our government has become. That’s how stupid 50% of this country has become. That’s how sure I am that the Democrat party will find a way to cheat like a motherfucker in this next election.

Even if Trump were to win, another “God help us” situation, even though I tend to believe that Trump really does want to fix what’s wrong with the government. All we’ll have is four years of conflict and badmouthing but nothing will get done. 

This is what Hope dying looks & sounds like.

This is Biden’s legacy with me personally. I’m not sure how many other people feel the same way.

The Democrat Party wants their fucking plantations and slaves back. Guess what? 

That’s Us!

There are Plenty of windows.

Plenty of windows.By that I mean if the Democrat machine wants to jump, it can.

Of course it doesn’t matter really, The Democrat machine is not that different from the Republican machine. 

To support this theory, I present Nikki Haley.

Really can you point out much difference between her on the Republican Side and Biden on the Democrat side? I sure can’t.

I think the real difference is between progressive leftists versus conservative right wingers. It doesn’t matter what party they think they belong to.

I noted with some amusement, that San Francisco voted in a lot of local measures that basically spank the left wing progressives. That’s interesting because most of San Francisco is left wing and progressive. But, and this is something the right wing should take note of, the crime is driving out businesses, and inconveniencing the progressives.

Now the progressives in San Francisco have to order everything through Amazon. Then their packages are stolen as soon as they’re delivered.

The progressives decide to go to a store to buy what they need. To do that, they have to step over the homeless person sleeping in front of their doorway, go to locate their car hoping it still has windows and tires, then drive across the bay to a place where the damn CVS or Grocery store is open. Once they get there, they’re fighting the crowd of other progressives who’ve had to do the same thing. 

The lesson is, a progressive will be a progressive until they’re inconvenienced. Then “Magically” they’re less interested in being a liberal progressive and more interested in conservatism and law & order. 

I’m not sure, but I suspect that people are fed up with the insanity progressive liberals have wrought across the nation. The pendulum swing between liberal and conservative usually swings pretty slowly. In recent years the swing has accelerated and this election, I suspect the pendulum is swinging to the right with rocket assist.

The Democrats should be shitting themselves about now. Because I don’t think it’s just the election. I will not be surprised at all, if the American people demand of their representatives, trials of the leftists who’ve brought us to this point.

I know I’d like to see quite a few representatives, tried for corruption and possibly treason.

I don’t use the word treason lightly. If you get found guilty of that… You’re dead. Then again, I’m old school. I’ve heard a lot of progressive liberals in D.C. screaming from the top of their lungs conservatives have committed treason. Then when asked what the penalty for treason is, they’re at a loss. If told the penalty is death you can see them get all squeamish. 

When I say I want trials for treason. I mean it. At this point I’d be totally fine with a gallows between the Washington Monument and the Lincoln memorial. If that gallows is doing a swift business, so be it.

Looking at the primary yesterday, when Trump wins in Colorado, where just weeks ago he was banned from the ballot. Says something. It’s a message that all politicians regardless of stripe should heed. 

The American People are sick of their shit!

AOC being harassed by pro-Palestinian protesters at a theater, warmed my evil little heart. They wanted to FORCE her to say something she didn’t want to say. Were it not an election year she probably would have parroted whatever they wanted, but she has figured out that folks are fucking tired of the “protests de jour”. She’s also figured out that a lot of folks have zero patience for Palestine, Hamas, or in many cases the edicts of Islam. (Hey Islamic asshole, you want Sharia? Go the fuck to a muslim country!)

AOC may see the handwriting on the wall. She’s being heckled in her own district, she’s come down more often than not, seeming pretty anti American, and perhaps her district will find someone else to take her place. In the mean time, she’s holding on for dear life.

I can say that at this point protests have no meaning. They’re a constant fact of life, someone is always blocking streets, waving flags, screaming in bullhorns, and I think, most of us normal folks have mentally filtered whatever they’re protesting about, to “Oh, Another Protest… Whatever.

I wonder if the Poop Map application so popular in San Francisco, could be modified to show Protests. At this point they’re one and the same (shit). I’ll have to look on the App Store.

Son of a Gun! There are three applications in the App Store. Who Knew?

I’ve said before that I don’t want Trump again. It’s nothing personal, it’s just that the chaos Democrats will create around him will reduce his efficacy. We’ve already seen this show. What I do want is a conservative businessman as President. I’d also like for him to have a record that the liberal and conservative media can’t assail. 

I think it’s well past time for the President, The Vice President, Their Cabinet, and The Judiciary to take a long hard look at The House and Senate with an eye toward putting a stop to the corruption and wasteful spending. That is predicated on having a President that is honest and believes in putting the American People First. So I’m not going to be holding my breath.

I may be wrong, but I think we could put a stop to the bloodshed in Ukraine simply by telling Putin, Ukraine is not going to be a part of NATO. Then asking Putin to pull back, stand down, and let the healing begin. If Ukraine or a portion of it chooses to join Russia via fair elections then so be it.

As far as Hamas and Gaza. Well fuck ‘em. While our leadership is focused on Ukraine, and not looking. I’m for, “Whatever happens in Gaza stays in Gaza”. 

Generally speaking I think most everyone in my age group is sick to death of the constant bullshit from Islamic assholes. Israel can do whatever the fuck they want to do to protect themselves. Carpet bomb the fucking terrorist vermin, for all I care.

If that hypothetical Businessman for President were to cut off all foreign aid pending an accounting review I might even be good with that. I’ve never understood why the hell we feed and clothe people who hate us. It makes no damn sense to me, and never has. Feed our friends and allies, and the rest… whatever.

Funny as I typed that, I was thinking, “how progressive,” because feeding people, even our enemies is quintessentially a Christian Value. Me saying let our enemies starve isn’t very Christian. Progressives like to slam that our country was founded on Christian values, so obviously I’m espousing a progressive view. 

Except that I’m not. The progressives would have a shit fit if we stopped feeding our enemies. Then I wonder why?

Could it be that the progressives and the conservatives get something out of spending billions of tax dollars to feed people that would strap on a bomb and blow themselves up in a shopping mall? 

Might it be that there’s skimming and kickbacks somehow from those billions of tax dollars?

I’m sure the rest of this year is going to be a shitshow. Every election year is a shitshow but this one may be the shittiest on record. If the Democrats are backed into a corner, they, like any rabid animal will come out swinging. 

Expect more law fare, illegal arrests, unconstitutional rulings and edicts, and for conservative voices to get ground up in the gristmill of media and establishment lies.

If you’re interested in what that looks like a great object lesson is Bradon Straka and #Walkaway. I linked the 17 minute speech he did a CPAC because it’s really interesting. It also is pretty damming of the Republican Party and the Democrat party. 

It’s worth a listen.

It’s Primary Day

So Proposition 1 and a Senator.

Kinda doesn’t matter who you vote for as long as we FLUSH Adam Schiff!

He’s just gotta go.

That’s just my opinion, vote for who you want. Just take the 5 minutes to vote.

Hmm… Mitch McConnell is retiring. Good!

It’s about time.

I wrote a piece a while ago suggesting the he be put out to pasture.

Honestly, I’m always amazed that our politicians can be obviously having health issues, mental issues, and / or be obviously corrupt and still hold their seats in office.

McConnell literally froze up in public like a machine that had the power pulled. If one of our loved one’s were to freeze up like that and start talking gibberish we’d rush them to the hospital to be examined & treated for a stroke. Then we’d start looking at getting them into rehab while deciding about retirement and what the next steps were.

McConnell was back a few days later, and since that day in September has frozen up the same way several more times.

I can’t for the life of me, understand why he’s putting it off until November. Unless it’s that he doesn’t trust the people likely to take over his Senate Majority Leadership. They’re not my first choices either, but it’s unlikely they’re going to be booted out of office in the upcoming election. I haven’t checked to see if they’re even up for re-election.

We know Biden is suffering with something. I’m not a doctor but it sure looks like dementia. Although Karine Jean Pierre assures us the President takes a cognitive test every day in all the massive amount of work he does. 

Ahem. If one of these days that woman is struck by lightening from on high, and a booming voice from the clouds saying, “Shut IT!” I won’t be in the least surprised. Don’t humans have a built in lie counter that causes them to spontaneously combust when they reach a certain limit?

Could it be they do, and the problems we’re seeing with Biden and McConnell are what happens when someone gets near the limit?

I wonder…

Too Conservative for California…

Adam Schiff continuing to hammer away on Steve Garvey with that tag line started me thinking.

In the latest ad, it looks like Schiff has updated the attack on Garvey to include the other two democrats running against Schiff.

I thought it was an odd tactic. Schiff is portraying a unified wall of Democrats against the lone conservative Republican. I wondered if this might not backfire in a couple of ways.

1) Americans in general love an underdog.  We also used to love baseball. Especially in Garvey’s time. 

2) Schiff’s ad with the tagline “Too Conservative for California” and Democrats lined up against Garvery making his choice to vote for Trump sound like a crime. Who cares if Garvey voted for Trump? What does that matter? That Schiff’s ad uses Garvey’s voting history as it does, embodies perfectly why I personally have felt like I need to get out of California for years.

I too am “Too Conservative for California” 

I’ve felt more and more unwelcome in California. A place I spent all of my adult life in. A place where I worked hard, and with my partner carved out a bit of the American dream. I naively believed that California would always feel welcoming and like a place of opportunity.

California has become very Judgmental, on a personal level. 

I remember when it was okay to discuss politics and not have the discussion devolve into an argument and hurt feelings. I remember a time when Democrat and Republican / Liberal and Conservative could actually have a discussion where both sides listened to the nuance of the points being discussed.

Now, expressing a non-sanctioned or unapproved opinion can get you thrown out of a bar or restaurant or worse. Walk into a public place and declare you’re Pro-Life and anti “transing” a child under 18. See what happens, you might want to make sure your health and life insurance are paid up…

Democrats agree.Seeing the image of Porter, Lee, and Schiff, with a tag line, something like Democrats Agree, Garvey is not right for California, really crystallized the issue.

California actively HATES anyone with a different opinion. California HATES the individual, the business person, the farmer, and even the entrepreneur. 

California demonstrates that hatred with the ubiquitous high taxation, fees, regulations, and business tax prepayment requirements. Then the State of California continues to demonstrate its contempt for its citizens with a deficit budget, lawlessness, and spending in ways that do not help the citizens of California or the United States, for that matter.

Adam Schiff, in producing this ad might have told the truth for the first time in his career, albeit inadvertently.

Adam Schiff and the Democrat party of California are inviting any and all  Conservatives to leave.

There’s no winning against these Democrats. I think all conservatives and Republicans should simply stop trying.

It’s time to let California go. 

Eventually even the farmers will be driven out. Rest assured, California will enact regulations that prevent ranching, and farming at scale. California will try to implement the “Green” policies that European Farmers have been protesting for at least the last year. 

The Central Valley Famers don’t have the numbers to stand up against the Dazzling Urbanites of the Coastal cities. The farmers can’t win a vote for better government in California. They don’t have the voting numbers to break away from the dank denizens of the Coastal homeless and open air sewage encampments.

California has also mastered the art and weaponization of regulation.

Regulations are not laws, they’re not subject to the same scrutiny as a law. Regulations, nonetheless can have the power of law. The issue is that regulations are concocted by unelected bureaucrats hidden in office warrens and cubicle farms. They have no accountability and never directly see or feel the effects of their regulation. These bureaucrats don’t ever concern themselves with the question of a regulation working as intended, so long as the fee from that regulation keeps being collected. 

As a result of regulation, I’ve allowed my yard to look like the surface of the moon. At one time, my yard was in bloom from spring through fall. I had all the colors of California. It was work that I enjoyed. Walking into the yard always made me smile. Jerry would keep an eye on me and call me in for a drink of water and rest about every hour or so, because I’d get lost in what I was doing and forget things like drinking or eating. My weekends were pleasurable and happy.

That was all before the county decided to “protect” us with inspections backed up with fines that if left unpaid, would result in liens on our property and county contractors showing up to clear our property of offensive plants. These contractors have the ability to charge double or triple their normal rate, they bill the county who passes the charge along to the property owner with interest accruing monthly. 

I got tired of the county sending “Inspectors” who knew nothing about native plants indigenous to the area, coming up onto my property and fining me for planting and maintaining, flowering, drought resistant, landscaping.

Oh and these “Inspectors” were on par with every fucking ‘Karen’ I’ve ever encountered in an HOA! After a while, I simply got tired of fighting with them.

Each year, it was the same shit, I was sending photos and plant identification of the California Natives and writing dissertation after dissertation explaining that these plants were not fire hazards, they were in fact far enough away from the structure, they were drought resistant and therefore ecologically responsible.

But we all know how “Karens” are… They can never be wrong! Their opinions and beliefs are absolutely and always correct. I’d no sooner win one battle, then the Karen’s would change the rules to “prove” they were right and I was wrong.

There came a year when I looked at Jerry and asked if just let the yard die, would he be okay with it. He said, “Yep”. He was just as tired of the bullshit as I was.

I simply didn’t turn on the irrigation system that year. Any plant that dared to sprout, I cut down with the weed whacker. The Karens from the county fined us to clean up some pine needles that weren’t on our property.

My response was a letter back to them, stating that I’d already plowed under all the California natives on my property thereby devaluing the property tax assessment and informing them that if they chose to make me responsible for other properties, I would use my chainsaw to cut down every single tree on my property and surrounding properties to make them stop harassing us.

I don’t think my letter had nearly the impact of the letter one of Jerry’s attorney friends sent.

All we ever wanted was to live in a pretty place have a nice yard, small garden, look up at the stars at night, and be left the fuck alone. But regulation and regulators, needed to be made and employed didn’t they?

I chose to be 70 miles away from LA and Orange County to AVOID HOA fuckwads. I was successful with the damn HOAs but Jerry and I couldn’t avoid the damn California bureaucrats. Nor could we avoid fighting with the county for almost 20 years over their flood control people destroying the road in front of the house, and destroying the environment in and around the wash.

Now that I’m contemplating selling the place, I’ll buy some cheap plants that won’t survive the summer, pretty the place up, collect the proceeds from the sale and head for California’s border. I don’t think I’ll be looking back either.

California may well be the state closest to a full communism regime in the United States. The state is not quite there but if you ask yourself dangerous questions like;

“What do I really get for my investment of taxes, and fees?”

“Is my family any safer?”

“Are the roads better?”

“Can I walk or drive the streets of major cities in the state without fear of being victimized?”

“How long does it take for police to get to my home? “

“How long does it take for paramedics to get to my home? “

“How long does it take for me to see a doctor at an Urgent care or Emergency Room?”

“Why does it take the time it does? What state policies impact any of these issues?”

If you ask those questions and do not immediately leap to “The solution is more government” Then you’re probably not welcome in California.

Hate to tell you this, but you’ve been contaminated by conservative thoughts… It’s only a matter of time before you start asking other questions. 

“Do these elected officials represent me or my community’s best interests?”

“Why do I find my fellow Californians and / or Democrats so annoying lately?”

“Why don’t I like being at rallies for leftist causes anymore?”

Contrary to popular leftist / Democratic dogma. Asking these questions does not automatically mean you’ll be seeking to join the nearest Neo Nazi party. Trust me you’ll not be doing Nazi Salutes or be drinking the MAGA Koolaid from Trumps dick.

It means that you’re actually doing a cost / benefit analysis and realizing that it’s coming up short. The % of your income given to government does not equal the value returned by the government.  Oh you’ll realize it’s not just the state of California, it’s the federal government too. 

You’ll simply understand that by leaving California where conservatives are not wanted, you’ll be able to dial down the % of your income taken from you from which you derive no benefit. You’ll essentially be able to focus on fighting ONLY the taxation and wasteful spending of the Federal Government.

I suppose I should thank Googly eyes Schiff for clarifying the position of the DNC in California. 

They’re saying “GET OUT! We don’t want your kind here…” 

Message received!