I’m Tired…


So Tired… dammit I’m exhausted!

Yep, couldn’t help seeing Madeline Kahn as I thought about writing this.

I’m tired of many things. Politics, War, Afghanistan, President Obamas speachifying.

At the top of my list and also something I can control is the hate, vitriol, and drama that I let into my home.


I’ve been a Twitter user for a long while now. I’m beginning to thing that perhaps that is at an end.

Recently, there have been several particularly nasty incidents that I’ve decided I don’t have to put up with.

First let me say, I’m conservative. I’m not Limbaugh conservative, but I do have more conservative leaning views.

I don’t like big government, I don’t think the government owes me anything more than my due (Social Security) springs to mind, and I know damn well that I’ll be whistling for that.


That being said, I’m not automatically drinking the Republican, Democratic, Liberal, or Tea Party kool-aid.

Some of those people scare the hell out of me because they’re just as draconian in their beliefs as the Puritans. (They popped into my head because of Thanksgiving.)

I’m more of a libertarian, constitutionalist.

All I’ve ever wanted, is to be left the hell alone in my personal life and financial affairs.

For me personally the ACA is anathema to the way I’d prefer to live.

It’s representative of a government intrusion into my personal affairs that I’d prefer not to have.


I’ve begun over the past decade or so to believe that the government has become too large and unwieldy to provide the primary services it was designed to.

Our government on both a federal and state level has become so intrusive in our daily lives that I chafe because I fear the loss of freedom that comes with each new regulation, regardless of whether the regulation or rule actually makes sense.

I don’t believe you can regulate common sense any more than morality. From the beginning it was obvious, prohibition wasn’t ever going to work stopping folks from getting drunk. Or the drug war, or “Just say No.”

As an example of intrusiveness on the part of government run amok, it’s no longer permissible to smoke in your condo in a Northern California town.


Yes! this is a Condominium that you OWN, pay taxes on, and a homeowners association fee monthly.

It seems that smoking on your own property is now forbidden because some smoke may at some point waft through a wall (god I hope not) and potentially harm a neighbor.

Were I in that town, I’d lobby for a ban or curry foods, microwaving fish, and kimchi too.

I find all of these offensive. Am I not allowed to demand protection for my sinuses?

The question for me is; where reasonably do my rights begin and end?

When I see the government either federal, state, or local, feeling that they have the right to extend their power into my home I become very concerned.

To me, this represents a fundamental lost of my freedom as a human being. What happened to fundamental concepts like life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?


How about this? Schools fining parents because the lunch a parent sent to school for their child was’t “Nutritionally acceptable”. Then the child is given additional foodstuffs to make up the perceived lack of nutritional value.

Yes, this is happening now and I believe we’ve lost our damn minds!

Who at the school is to say that the food left out of a lunch wasn’t part of a medical issue? The school feeling that they have the right to fine a parent as punishment for not feeding their kid correctly is completely off the charts.

The other side of the coin is also happening. Parents are being punished, as are their children for having too much food. In our headlong charge to prevent childhood obesity, some schools have implemented rules about snacks.

What these rules overlook is sports.

I, as a teen couldn’t get enough food. I ran on the track team, and walked or rode a bike everywhere in the town of Lexington.

I walked in the snow, and rain or shine. I liked walking. I loved being on the track and cross country teams…

I was also always starving! Not because my parents weren’t feeding me, the food bill was astronomical.


I was hungry all the time because my body was growing, and at the same time I was burning a ton of calories each and every day.

The day I topped 120 pounds I was amazed, I was also a senior in High School.

It’s hard to be fat when your caloric burn rate is off the charts.

But if I were in some of the “calorie regulated” the schools of today, doing all that I was doing then, I’d be unhealthy. Thin, isn’t always a sign of health.

That unhealthiness would be a direct result of a school policy that sought to enforce a restriction on my nutritional intake.

As a kid, I’d not even have been able to recognize the danger until my body shut down in the middle of a meet. And what about the damage done by malnutrition as I trained to win?

What ever happened to teaching kids personal responsibility? Or, for that matter Phys Ed? All the so called affronts to our self esteem are in fact learning situations. Lots of those lessons are taught not in the classroom, but in the schoolyard.


You’re not always going to be the strongest, fastest, smartest, or the best.

That’s LIFE!

Knowing that simple truth provides a balance to me and my personal philosophies. This knowledge allows me to deal with most situations.

Mind you, I might not be happy about it, but I know how to deal.

Why do we insist on giving children completely unrealistic expectations? How about lessons on losing with grace and honor?


Liberty and Freedom aren’t just abstract concepts to me. I want nothing more than to live and breath those concepts.

So long as I’m not harming anyone, It is up to me to decide how best to live my life.

By extension, were I a parent, it would be MY call on what was best for MY child.

I deeply resent anyone who seeks to impose their will or belief structures on me. Note, I said belief structures…

You see, that leads to religion.

An Atheist, Dowist, Catholic, Satanist, Jew, or any other religious practitioner is granted the right to pursue their beliefs by the constitution.

At the same time, these folks are not permitted to force me to accept and practice their beliefs.

Yet, all around us we have people imposing their will on others not out of fact, but out of dogmatic belief.


What is the difference between the belief of a religion… and the dogmatic adherence to unproven philosophies that are ostensibly to protect us all?

I could make the argument my decision to convert all nonbelievers to Christ for the betterment of their eternal souls. You know, for their own good… Is not only right… but necessary because I know best what they need to be happy!

That would be wrong, and it’s already been done. A little tea party called the Inquisition, which may have led to a certain explorer finding the North American continent… again.

Back to the Twitter incidents.

Increasingly, discussions about current events are interrupted by people who, uninvited, start ramming their dogmatic beliefs down everyone else’s throats.

This happens on almost every subject and typically ends, only when the original topic of conversation is abandoned.

So called “Liberals” are to my mind, the worst offenders.


Whether it be in defense of the ACA while people are commiserating about the loss of their insurance and inability to access exchanges or obtain subsidies.

On the more vicious, hateful, strident calls, for more gun control interjected in a conversation about steel versus lead ammunition.

The result is always the same.

The original conversant says “Uh, please leave, we’re not talking about that here.”
The intruder replies “Fuck you, you stupid tea party moron.”
Original conversant “ Look, I didn’t swear at you or call you names, I’m trying to tell my friend how to adapt to steel ammunition in hunting ducks.”
Intruder “Fucking animal! you should shoot yourself instead of the ducks.”
Original conversant “Ok, hey @myfriend, I’ll talk to you later, DM your email address.”
Intruder “Yeah you run you fucking tea party gun nut, I hope your kid shoots your dick off!”

And then the thread dies.


It’s sad because I and I’m sure others, would have enjoyed gaining the perspective of someone who had made the transition for lead shot to steel shot.

Several weeks ago I muted someone in Twitter. I’d, up to that point, never muted anyone.

I can’t help but feel that everyone is entitled to the same freedom of expression I am. That being said, I rarely jump into a conversation unless I know one or more of the parties involved.

The guy I muted is someone that I’ve spoken with and whose comments I usually enjoy.

However, he went so far over several lines of politeness and decorum that I felt I had no choice but to silence him before he said something that I would really find offensive.

Incidents have been occurring with increasing frequency and outright hatred, over the past month or so.

In each one, even if I’m not speaking I’ve found myself offended and with no desire to read any further comments from any of the parties.

I can say the “evil bastard conservatives” typically don’t resort to obscenities during a heated discussion.


The Liberals on the other hand should have their mouths washed out with soap.

Last night for example, I was repeatedly called a moron, idiot, and tea party asshole.

This verbal abuse came from a woman who would never have taken that kind of verbal abuse from me. She inserted herself in the conversation calling me an idiot in her very first tweet.

All I said was “We lose our health insurance so that we may become dependent on the government.” To a friend of mine who’d just gotten his insurance cancellation notice.

He thought it was funny, gallows humor but funny nonetheless.

I meant it somewhat tongue in cheek but with a sting. If in fact you require a subsidy to pay for your health insurance you are by default dependent on the government.


Apparently, at least according to this “Lady” (Grand inquisitor more like) that made me an idiot.

She repeatedly told us all that the government didn’t pay for insurance.

Really? If you get a 100% subsidy the government is picking up the tab aren’t they?

I tried to get her to explain her position. Thats when she called me a moron, and we went down hill from there.

Somewhere in the middle of her hate ridden tirade against everyone who even questioned the policies of St Barak Obama I realized that by accessing Twitter, I’d willingly let this bitch into my home.

Before you ask, No, at no time did I call her any names… I thought it. I thought it a lot, but I didn’t call her anything that sprang to mind.

With that knowledge came this, I could in fact, throw her out just as easily.

I closed Twitter and took a deep breath.

My first inclination was to kill the Twitter account too.


I slept on it.

I’ve decided that I’ll keep the account, instead of killing the account, I am going on hiatus for a few weeks.

You see, on the one hand, I feel like I’m inviting all the hate, and vitriol the liberals, and any other nutjob can spew into my home.

On the other hand if I fold my tent and simply don’t participate, these spewing fountains of sewage will appear to represent the majority of America.

This is, I believe how the Republican party came to be regarded so poorly.

Twitter Hiatus

The moderates got tired of fighting the ultra right (or left)  nutjobs, and they simply stopped engaging.

After all, as a responsible person I know I can turn off the TV, the computer, or anything else that bugs me and my day will progress quite nicely.

Most moderates understand this and exercise the option often.

However by doing that, we the moderates, abdicate our control to the sewage spewing nuts on either side of the political divide.

That, my brothers and sisters is why we the moderates must fight on.

We must not be silenced, we must not allow ourselves to be lumped into a group.

We must speak, politely, firmly, and honestly.

If we don’t, we’ll all end up ordering tofu tacos from an approved government vendor and only be allowed to have 90 calories per meal.

And it will all be “For our own good”


Wow! This is a First


In my life I’ve heard rumblings, rumors, and outright calls for the impeachment of a President.

This is the first time in my life that there has ever been open talk of revolution.

In the past 3 weeks I’ve heard on the radio, (NO Not the Über conservative channels) where commentators were speaking clearly and openly about those calling for revolution. The surprising thing was that they weren’t mocking about it.

I clearly remember Richard Nixon’s last days in the White House. There were calls for his impeachment all over the place. I was a teen at the time and didn’t really pay much attention to the specifics. I remember that Nixon’s resignation caught my attention and somehow I knew that the country had fundamentally changed.

The calls for Bill Clintons impeachment were largely political theater and I ignored them.


I thought at the time, there were lots of other issues that we should be having a discussion about other than who was polishing the Presidents knob. I did like that Clinton kept Yasser Arafat waiting in the rose garden in a hot, humid, August while Clinton got a blow job.

That to me was classic. I didn’t care for Arafat and thought he had no business having any discussion with the President. He was a terrorist, a butcher, and a liar.

We’ve heard calls for President Obamas impeachment off & on for quite a while.

I’ve chalked it up to sour grapes and after the second election just general dis-satisfaction with President Obamas performance.

What I’m blownNewImage away by now, is the frequency and openness in discussing revolution.

This is something that used to be talked about drunk over a bottle of Whiskey.

It was mentioned in hushed tones by conspiracy theorists, and dismissed easily because… well… They’re crazy.

Revolution was a thought exercise in my history classes, mostly to illustrate that revolutions are in general really bad. Without careful thought you can easily replace one despot with another.

Never in my life has Revolution been a topic of general discussion and certainly never on the radio. That lately it’s a matter of common and non-derisive discussion has completely blown my mind.

I’d like to toss some thoughts out just because I think it needs to be said.

Revolution must be the absolute last course of action.

Our founding fathers gave us the rules about starting a revolution, and they gave us the potential to exercise a “Nuclear Option”. Their reasoning is as sound today as it was then. Those guys foresaw the possibility of their brand new republic becoming a tyrannical beast. Thats why our country is so unique. Our system of checks & balances has served and protected us for almost two & a half centuries. The system works.

Before pressing the big red button we should remember and consider our less radical options.


If we are displeased with our government, then we have a variety of methods to seek redress.

We must use those methods first.

ONLY when and if the government ignores We the Peoples grievances should we contemplate moving to the “Nuclear” option.

Civil war, Revolution, Coup, whatever you call taking up arms against the government, will inevitably result in bloodshed.

As happens with these things, much of the blood that will be shed will be innocent.

Having been raised in the South, and after doing a bit of genealogical research I’m aquatinted with the wounds that Civil war causes.

There are people in my family who still refer to the Civil war as “The war of Northern aggression“.

In my genealogical research I’ve found many relatives who fought on both sides of the conflict.

There is even a set of cousins who appear to have died in the same battle fighting on opposite sides. These were men who played together as children, then ended up dying together on the same blood soaked day. One tragic day among many as men died far from home and their families.

The wounds of the Civil war have been slow to heal. I shudder to think about inflicting new wounds in a revolution against our government.


The other point i’d like to make is that in the Civil war, and our war for independence against England, we as a people had very clear goals.

In the one case, Independence from England, in the other the dispute between the North and South. (notice I didn’t say jack shit about slavery. There are reasons and I’m not going into it right now.)

To all these people calling for a revolution against the government today. I’d say take a deep breath. Demand recall and impeachment hearings. Use the legal means provided first. 

If those methods fail, and the only recourse is revolution then have a plan!

It’s not enough to say, “I don’t like the government, they didn’t listen to me lets revolt!”

What is your end game?


Assuming that you succeed with your revolution what then?

Are you going to shoot people you don’t like on the capital steps, without the benefit of a trial? God I hope not! That’s not who we are as a people.

Will you return to the basic Bill of Rights and the Constitution?

What then? How would you go about implementing laws from the existing body of law that are acceptable and not burdensome?

Would you simply toss all the laws out and start with basics from the Ten Commandments?

Will you reboot the government?

Will you flush all the leaders in Washington and have immediate elections?

How will you do this? A revolution will most probably have disrupted significant portions of the infrastructure. Whats the plan to get the word out?


These are just the first things that pop into my head about revolution.

I’m not a scholar, I’m an average hayseed redneck.

I do know however that without a plan in place, a revolution would likely destroy the very thing the revolution was fought to restore.

We’ve seen elsewhere in the world time and again one group of corrupt leaders replaced with another group of corrupt leaders. Would you wish that on our home?

I wouldn’t. 

Don’t get me wrong. I think the government is too big, it’s not attuned to the needs of the general populace, and in fact may be hostile to the people.

I’m very disappointed in The President, The Congress, Democrats and Republicans. I fear that our country has lost it’s way and that The Constitution has become more a set of guidelines. (A situation that I vehemently disagree with)

I simply hope that revolution isn’t the only way to bring about the changes in government that we so desperately need.

I really hope that all this revolution talk is just talk.

It would break my heart to see us go down that dark and bloody path.

Ahhh Bliss…


I turned off Twitter, the TV, and am not reading or looking at any “News” sources.

After watching President Obamas brief speech this morning I simply couldn’t take any more.

The silence has been very nice. The more I’ve heard over the past week the madder I’ve gotten. After a couple of hours of peace & quiet I’m feeling much better.

I have been thinking it’s funny that the tin foil hat wearing crowd may have been vindicated!


I’ve also been enjoying the thought that the most rabid of the Democrats must be twitching in apoplectic fits that their “Savior” seems to be at the center of a maelstrom of  scandals.

Somehow thinking of those Democrats (including one who told me I was a moron in my own home after accepting my hospitality) drinking themselves into a stupor over all of this, is somewhat satisfying.

Make no mistake. 


The last Republican administration wasn’t any better. 

But the haughty arrogance that so many of the Democratic representatives have exhibited and that their rabid constituents have leveled directly at people like me, is deserving of a humbling.

More often than not I happen to agree with the Republican stance on issues.

I don’t agree with the Republicans about DOMA, and didn’t agree with them about DADT. I have a serious problem with the ultra fundamentalists injecting God into the government and then being shown as hypocrites when they’re caught with their pants down porking or being porked by some sweet young congressional page. I’d love to tell the hypocritical Republicans that Defense of Marriage starts at home. If they can’t live up to their vows, then how can they possibly be defenders of the institution.


I most often don’t agree with the Democrats, about anything. I don’t think endless government agencies and intervention is the way. I don’t think that outrageous spending is going to help do much of anything except put our country further into debt.

But I work pretty hard to see both sides of an issue. 


I can honestly say I’ve never told someone I disagreed with on twitter “Fuck off”, “I hope you get cancer”, “I hope you get shot”, “I’m sure that the natural disaster that has leveled your town is karmic payback for your beliefs.”, “Gee you seem like you want to learn perhaps you should go to a real school and learn the right information.” 

All of these curses/comments have been leveled at me for no other reason than I didn’t agree with the Democratic perspective. Or I committed the horrific affront of asking for facts. Just because I don’t drink the Democratic Kool-Aid doesn’t mean I’ve been smoking the Republican bong.

Scandal logos

What I really want is that simplest most elusive of Human states. Freedom!

I want to be free from religion, interference, hatred, hostility, and rhetoric.

I want to marry who I want to, and be left the hell alone to live my life MY WAY without 10,000 busybodies telling me that I’m wrong or trying to control every moment of my existence.

What I want is to tell Washington, and Sacramento;

You’re not living my life, I am. You don’t have a fucking clue about what’s best for me so let me marry the consenting adult of my choice, get your hands out of my pocket, your regulations out of my face and keep your noses out of my business.

And one more thing Government… 

I look at our relationship as a contract. One that you’ve not delivered on… If I were to have broken a contract as thoroughly and intentionally as you have, I’d be in jail.

Time for you Government, to realize you’re not above the law, you’re as bound by it as I am. 

So Start acting like it!

Dang! This is amazing to me.

There’s a lot of people who are obviously upset about the scandals keeping the Obama staff up at night.

I stumbled across these pieces yesterday and I was honestly gobsmacked. (I love the British… some of their terms are so colorful.)

The first piece I found was this one from Representative Jim Bridenstine

The next piece was from Mike Kelly

The last piece is Paul Ryan rebutting comments made by McDermott that implied the victims of the IRS targeting were somehow deserving of IRS abuse.

Honestly, I haven’t seen a President disparaged on the house floor since Nixon. I don’t remember if Clinton ever had anything so directly said against him during his hearings.

As to the IRS Scandal I honestly can’t believe what I’m hearing.

This is not a partisan issue. That the IRS has been implicated in this kind of corruption is frightening to the American people.

It should have the members of both parties quaking in their boots. After all what happens when the Republicans are in control? Payback is a bitch and the Republican party has a lot of axes to grind with the Democrats.

Instead of sniping at each other, and instead of the Democrats apparently circling the wagons concerning themselves only with this Presidency they should be hopping mad at being forced into this awkward position in the first place.

Both parties should be demanding that heads roll from the top to the bottom of the IRS. They should be working together to ferret out the corruption no matter where it leads.

Oh I’m not deluding myself, they wouldn’t be extinguishing corruption for reasons of Country, Oaths of Office, or The People. No they would be hunting down the corruption for no purpose other than enlightened self interest.

Whoever started this mess was sloppy. That can’t be tolerated… It hurts the Members of Congress chances at re-election. Heads on platters from the White House Staff, on the other hand would play very nicely in the 2014 & 2016 election cycle.

Cynical? Hell Yes! Plausible? Pragmatic? Expedient? Yes, Yes, & Yes!

The saddest part is that the members of Congress are so short sighted that they can’t see it. Given that shortsightedness can we really rely upon them to run this country?

Sorry, but in my book the answer is Nope.

Stop bringing NAMBLA into the discussion!

Is it just me?


Or has Mention of NAMBLA come up way too often in conversation about Same Sex Marriage?

In the linked article above there is a big difference between what the Justice Sotomayor said and what Dr Carson said. 

I’ll grant you they were both discussing the slippery slope issue, essentially asking; “where do you stop?” But Dr Carson chose a particularly inflammatory and to my mind distasteful comparison.

His intent was to limit disagreement by painting anyone who disagreed with him as someone who by extension supported child molestation.

Anyone reading the quote “be they gays, be they NAMBLA [North American Man/Boy Love Association]” could not help but make the comparison and incorrect hopefully temporary association that all main stream GLBT persons are pedophiles.

That was Dr Carsons intent. He chose to support his assertion in defense traditional marriage by shock and fear creating a horrific image in his readers / listeners minds.

The reason that Justice Sotomayor wasn’t ripped up for her question is that she framed it without the rhetoric. As questions and answers in matters of law should be framed. 

Dr Carsons intent was to inflame passions and he was chewed up and spat out over it. If you can’t handle the heat… Needless to say I have little pity for Dr Carson getting beat up but he is entitled to his opinion and his say.  The left, should have simply called him on the NAMBLA part of his statement and explained why it was offensive.

Aside from NAMBLA not representing main stream GLBT people, I find that NAMBLA being invoked by the Ultra Right, religious conservatives to be strange and offensive.

I never think of NAMBLA, I find it odd that so many in the religious right apparently do

Invoking NAMBLA in any way as a reason that Same Sex Marriage shouldn’t be allowed is in my mind akin to saying;

The South shouldn’t have voting rights because the KKK exists there.

Or that Idaho should have its federal funding cut because of the White Supremacist movement

Or African Americans are all terrorists because of the Black Panthers.

Or that independent breakaway religious denominations should be banned because of Jonestown or Branch Davidians.

We all have relatives that we’d rather not parade around.


Most of the time, in the interest of good taste we don’t mention fringe elements much less attempt to present them as the “Norm” and why people should fear a particular group.

In the interest of civility can we all agree that NAMBLA is a minuscule minority element of the much larger GLBT community?

Proponents of Same Sex Marriage aren’t seeking to undermine Marriage. They’re seeking to be included equally in the institution of Marriage.

The laws concerning adulthood and age of consent will apply equally to NAMBLA as they would to all citizens of the country regardless of Same Sex Marriage.

So please lets pull NAMBLA off the table as a talking point… 


I’m going to regret having included NAMBLA in this blog. Now I’ll know how often that acronym is searched for, Thanks a lot conservative religious right. There are some things I’m really better off not knowing…