It’s a clean new morning!

A certain someone woke me as soon as he figured out the rain had stopped.

I have to admire the way the dog resets every day. He makes me smile more than most other things, so I’ll keep him around for now.

For those of you still below the grey cloud cover, here’s a sample of what you have to look forward to, later today.

The morning smells clean and fresh. The dog is beside himself exploring the yard. He’s already pushing for a walk, which he’ll get after I’ve had at least one cup of coffee…

I’m not sure if the trash folks are coming up today or not. I don’t know how crazy things are beyond what I can see.

I never lost power, or was inconvenienced in the least by the storm. I got to stay inside most of the day enjoying a movie or two, the dog cuddled up beside me with the sound of rain on the roof and the wash behind the house roaring away.

It looks like there’s some kind of inspection crew down at the bridge, I can see the lights but not what they’re doing. I guess I need a decent pair of binoculars at the very least.

I’ve been waiting for a pair that were all “techie” range finder, night vision, predator weapon interface. You know, loaded with SciFi shit like you see in the movies. You’d think by now someone would have put something like that together! 😁

I wanted to see if the smiley face would work. Don’t expect me to start communicating in modern hieroglyphics but I wanted to test it as an option.

It doesn’t look like there’s a lot to clean up immediately around the house. I’ll wander out in a bit to do an inspection just to make sure. I don’t believe there’s any damage either so I don’t have to deal with insurance claims or FEMA.

As you may have noticed I’ve posted some video in the past day or two. Yesterday it was because I was bored, and a video shot on my phone was not to my liking. I set about cleaning it up and learned more about editing video. I’ll never be a pro at it but it’s interesting to dabble with.

The reason I shot the video in the first place was to send to my neighbor who is helping out a sick loved one in Palm Springs and was curious about his house and the neighborhood. I suspect that he’s dealing with a number of messes out there which are more severe than what happened here.

Once I’d exhausted my patience with video stuff, I spent the rest of the day answering inquiries from family on the East Coast who had watched too much CNN. From the way they were talking I imagined CNN was saying that the end of days was here and it was starting in California?

Anyway after quieting their concerns and reminding them all that an 8000 Ft mountain stood between me and the storm, they lapsed back to normal anxiety levels. I’m so confident about my mountain I dare a CAT 5 hurricane to hit it directly!

Bring it! Mother Nature.

Seriously, most storms that come in from the South are gutted on the peaks of the mountains. I live in their shadow, the upside is those storms I don’t usually worry about too much, the down side is that in winter it’s dark at my house by 3pm.

The only storms I really worry about are those swirling storms that come in from the North. Those are usually bitterly cold and batter the town for days on end.

Those of you who were impacted by the storm, I hope you fared at least as well as I did. Remember things are still gooey in some places. So pay attention and don’t take any chances with mud or innocent puddles across the roads.

Have a good day

I just found out that part of my little town is cut off due to some roads and bridges being washed out. This doesn’t affect me per se because I don’t need to go anywhere today or probably tomorrow. When I secured the place due to the unknowns of the storm, I secured to stay in place for days… Even a week or two if necessary.

I find that having laid in supplies, having a plan, and not having to go anywhere tends to make me a whole lot calmer about this sort of thing.

Plans Change…

The plan was for me to get up, have a cup of coffee, get a shower, and go grocery shopping. The plan was to head to Ralphs, and Costco to do a little comparison shopping. Both are double the distance from home than the Stater Bros.

Recently, I’ve become very dissatisfied with the local Stater Bros. Both in selection / availability of products and the fact that lately touching the Coolers or Freezers anywhere in the store I get shocked. Yeah Electrical shock. It tends to make the shopping experience not so nice. I’m also tired of the crowd at that store.

I discovered that the Ralphs and the Costco are on the same street down the hill, and may even be at opposite ends of a long shopping plaza. That could be super convenient as long as the prices are comparable or better than the local market.

There is a possibility of rain late in the afternoon so the plan was a good one since the pup was going to be outside and I didn’t want him to be out in the rain.

My plans began to change when I came out of the shower and the pup was sound asleep in front of the fireplace instead of his usual spot out on the deck. He also was disinterested in my bagel. He didn’t want his usual cookie, or to play with the ball. He did take his greenie out to the deck then ate it in a very leisurely way.

As I type this, he’s ignored a bunch of barking outside preferring instead to be “husky curled” in the chair.

I’m glad I didn’t go. I was feeling punky yesterday I think today is the pups day.

I’ve got food here in the house, this was just a routine replenishment. Mostly it was an exploratory trip.

If the pup isn’t feeling well, I worry. He may not be my actual ‘child’ but I feel very paternal towards him.

Why the company of a Dog is better than that of a person.

Your dog doesn’t care if you wander around the house naked. The dog doesn’t judge you if your fat ass shatters mirrors in every room.

Your dog doesn’t care if you say climate change is normal and the end of the world in 10 years is BullShit. Your dog looks at you as if to say who cares? I’m going to be dead and you’re old enough that you’ll probably be dead too!

Your dog doesn’t care if you voted for Trump or Biden. I have noticed that my dog tends to pee on one kind of yard sign more than the other.

Your dog doesn’t care if you don’t use the right pronouns.

Your dog doesn’t care if you say the transgender bullshit is wrong.

Your dog doesn’t judge you on anything but the quality of the treats, the punctuality of you putting food in the bowl, the walk schedule, your ability to play ball and cuddling during thunderstorms.

It’s not correct to say your dog doesn’t judge you, they do. But what they judge you on are real things, in the real world.

For a dog every day is a new beautiful thing, full of adventure and joy.

A dogs exuberance is contagious and my dog has carried me though one of the roughest times in my life.

I noticed today that he’s making me smile and laugh a little more every day.

Lots of people on the other hand are almost exactly opposite of a dog.

That’s why I’ll take my dog over most people every time. Yep, even when he demands to go for a walk in the rain or snow. Strangely, those walks are fun even if we come home soaking wet and muddy. His laughing look makes it worth it.

One of those weird things that hits me from time to time.

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I was listening to the other half conversing with the dog.

It’s not weird, I do it myself.

The dog is a husky mix, so he talks back. 

In this particular situation, today the dog has been like a 2 year old. He’s bringing things in from the yard or from around the house to “Show” us. Some of these things have been absolute no no’s. A sock, a pair of underwear, a shoe, in these cases rather than taking the item aways from him because that makes him think we’re wanting to play “keep away” we’ll “Trade” something of greater value to him. Since everything revolves around his stomach, a healthy carrot or a dog vitamin will usually resolve the situation. These treats are only given, if he brings us the contested object and drops it at our feet.

The dog is then supposed to sit, and give us a paw.

This may sound like a royal pain in the behind, and sometimes it is. However this is much better for all of us than playing keep away with something that is expensive to replace or worse yet something that could potentially hurt him. For example, the dog didn’t know that pinecones have very sharp little spikes on them when he first came to live here. 

To him, it was an oddly shaped ball and he couldn’t figure out why we were trying to take it away from him. I believe that he thought it was a new game, until he really bit down on the pinecone and I spent the next 30 minutes pulling sharp things out of his mouth and gums.

He now approaches pinecones in a very cautious manner. Thankfully we didn’t have to go to the vet over that incident! Although toward the end both of us were bleeding, He from the scratches in his mouth, and me from the cuts on my hands from his very sharp teeth. 

To be fair, he chomped me reflexively, not out of anger or meanness. I totally understood and kept at it until he was safe. Afterward, he kept licking my hands, while looking at me with a very sad apologetic puppy face.

Call it a bonding moment. Now if he gets a splinter in a paw he’ll bring it to me to look at, and is generally pretty good about letting me pull it out of his paw. Unless it’s in a really sensitive spot and then my even trying to look at it results in my dog suddenly becoming as squirmy as a snake or octopus. I have no idea how he manages to make his bones disappear like that.

The last splinter in a sensitive spot, resulted in a visit to the vet, antibiotics, and the cone of shame for a week and a half.

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Speaking to his generally sweet disposition, the cone of shame annoyed him for the first day, then he found a way to turn wearing it into a game. He found a way to wedge the cone of shame into the stair railing and pull it off. This led to great fun when we tried to put it back on him without making it so tight it choked him but also making it tougher for him to slide over his head. (He was pissed for almost a day at me when he realized I’d tied it to his collar after him pulling the cone off several times a day.)

He could easily slip out of the collar, or the cone, but with the cone tie string through the collar he couldn’t pull the cone off without pulling the collar off too. He’s very attached to his collar and is very nervous if it’s removed even for a few minutes. I found him laying on the deck looking at his collar very forlornly as the cone and the collar lay next to him. I set things to right, and he stomped off to his room. (Seeing a dog stomp off in anger is pretty darn funny.)

He’d take our knees out with the dang thing, then use it as a noisemaker dragging it down the rails of the stairs, he also realized it worked as a megaphone and allowed his bark to be amplified, while at the same time it allowed him to hear dogs barking about things a mile or more away.

Today’s conversation with the dog started with the other half saying;

No you’re not going to get another treat.

The dog replied;

Aww whoo whoo aww

The other half responded;

You brought me the ball, made me stop what I was doing and then only brought the ball back once. That is not deserving of a treat. You need to earn it.

The dog replied;

Aww awww whoo!” Then threw himself down on the floor effectively blocking access from the living room to the back of the house.

(Yes, the dog is spoiled! And a bit of a drama queen.)

I’m in the office looking for a job, snickering.

5 minutes go by and I hear the distinctive prance of the dog coming through the living room and down the hall to the office. A ball is dropped at my feet. The dog is looking at me expectantly. I pick the ball up. While walking toward the living room, my other half says, “He went out, got the ball, then pranced right past me with a fuck you look.”

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The dog and I go outside to play catch and fetch, our play includes me “Sneaking” up on him while he’s chewing on the ball semi protectively. I’ll tickle his tummy as a distraction then snatch the ball and toss it.

We play like this until his tongue is hanging out and he needs a drink.

I’ll often tell him, “Go get a drink,” he’ll go inside and get a drink, then we’ll keep playing when he comes back outside.

Today, he dropped the ball and walked inside for a drink on his own. I came back inside and the dog is sitting waiting for his cookie.

“Awww oooo,” he says watching me come inside.

I toss the cookie into the air, the dog snatches it and prances by the other half without a glance.

After we finished laughing, I said, “You know, we make more demands of him, than some parents make of their children.”

Thinking about it, now that the dog is snoozing in his favorite spot. That’s a true statement.

We tend to make him earn his treats with good behavior. He’s supposed to follow instructions, (We’re still working on that.) He’s good about letting us know something is wrong. He barks at anyone who comes to our door or the door of the neighbors house. (This door he can see from the deck and he’s often got a watchful eye toward these ladies home.) I think he barks to let their Chihuahua know something is up. The Chihuahua is an older lady and sometimes she doesn’t hear people coming up the walk to the house.

Luckily, the ladies living next door appreciate that he’s looking out for them. If the dog sees an unknown male he’s down at the fence giving them what for until the ladies tell him all is well.

Like our previous dogs, this one has different barks for different things, and the neighbors know if he’s barking about something, it’s likely to be something of concern.

The thing is, we’re very consistent about our expectations. We correct him when he’s misbehaving. We reward him for a job well done. We cuddle him when he’s scared, upset, or hurt, and let his personality develop as is right for him.

Apparently, as of today he has a cookie allowance. I’ll have to ask what the exchange rate is. 5 ball chases and returns for 1 cookie? I guess we’ll have to discuss that tonight.

As I was thinking about all of this, I wondered if we have higher standards for the dog than some people have of their children.

You never want a dog out of control. They can be very dangerous. Yet, children out of control can be a lot more dangerous. We tend to think of taking action to protect children but what about the inverse? Children have opposable thumbs and large brains. They’re more adept at problem solving than dogs. (There are times when I wonder about our dog on this. He’s fiendishly clever and can be sneaky as hell. All parents know if their children are too quiet they’re up to something. That rule applies to our dog.)

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I don’t have to worry about my dog stealing cars. Nor do I have to worry about him painting graffiti on the side of a building. (He does on occasion paint corners of buildings yellow, but it’s not likely to be a pseudo political statement. Although I haven’t seen him around a dog pound…)

Poorly behaved Children on the other hand, well, enough said.

Perhaps we should start treating children more like dogs.

Just a random train of thought…

Normally I like Fall.

This time of year is usually one of my favorites.

It’s a time of changing leaves, cool temperatures, and relative peace.

Not this year.

This year, it’s me against nature. It also signals that soon I’ll be trapped into being here another 5 months. Even though I have no immediate plans to get the hell out of California, it’s a psychological barrier. One simply doesn’t change homes in the snow. I did it once a long time ago and learned my lesson.

We’re having a cold snap that is impairing my ability to finish painting the trim of the house. I started this project and then injured my knee. I’d started the project in the narrow window between the completion of the repairs from the water damage and now.

I thought at the time, “it will be tight but I’ll have time to finish before Winter.” Then I hurt my knee and spent 3 weeks hobbling around like an old man barely able to stand up.

You know that you’re hurt bad when the dog keeps licking your foot and leg, and doesn’t even react when you head to the door. It’s like the dog is saying, “Dude, you can walk yourself, you sure as hell can’t walk me!”

The licking can be bothersome but it’s sweet in its way. The pup is just trying to make you feel better as he would another dog. I take it as a sign that he’s decided we’re a pack.

The knee is getting better daily. I’ve been able to do much of the project by chipping away at it. I’ll work until my knee says, “That’s enough,” I’ve made good progress but I’m worried that I won’t be able to complete the project before it’s too cold to finish painting. Did you know that paint wont set up correctly below certain temperatures? I didn’t, until I moved here.

The other winterizing project that I have yet to do, is cleaning out the gutters. That, like painting requires that I be on a ladder. The more time I spend on a ladder, the less time I have to actually do the project before the knee starts “Bidening” (Calling a lid on the day). That’s a project that has got to get done, because otherwise water backs up in the gutters and then freezes, causing problems throughout the entire Winter.

The last project for Winter, is annoying but can be done regardless of the temperature. Unfortunately, it also means that I have to be on a ladder and climbing around in the attic. (There’s that ladder thing again!)

I’ve got to get in the attic crawlspace and retape the ductwork. We had some work done last year up in the attic and I think one or more of the ducts got pushed around, perhaps creating leaks between the ductwork and the registers. It happens, I didn’t notice the problem until months after the workmen had left because their work was done in the time between needing to run either the A/C or the heat.

You can do ductwork stuff in the Summer with the roof broiling in the sun and the attic is 120°F or you can do it in the fall when attic temps are more reasonable. I’ve chosen the latter.

Thinking about it, I should also clean out the dryer vent. That may be a “today” kind of project because it’s 35°F outside and windy. (So, no painting today!) As a bonus, there’s no ladder required.

All of this is to say,

Welcome to Fall!

It also serves as an explanation of why I’ve not been blogging as much as usual.

I’ve scanned the news recently. Nothing much has changed.

I could sum up the news like this, “We’re all gonna die, the government is out of money, one group or another is pissed off about something, and everything is going to hell in a hand basket.”

There, now you don’t have to watch the evening news. Instead, turn off the TV, shut down the computer, put the phone aside, and go read a good book.

Until next time… I hope you’re having a nice Fall season.