I knew there was a reason I didn’t like the new Pride Flag

Aside from the combination of colors making me want to vomit… It kept reminding me of something, I just couldn’t place what I was being reminded of.

With the attack by Hamas on Israel, I connected the dots.

Flag of Palestine 1769629428The geometry of the new pride flag reminds me of the Hamas Palestinian flag.

It’s bad enough that if you put four of the new Pride flags together you get a swastika, or that there was someone in England who was arrested for publishing an image from someone else showing that it was true. 

I thought England had freedom of speech…

Oh RIGHT! They only have freedom of speech as long as nothing they say could ever in any way be taken offensively, by anyone in perpetuity.

In other words, our English brethren may not speak, they may only use their mouths to eat.

New pride flag 01 1569595309Hate speech laws seem to be a growing standard, people are trying to push hate speech laws even in America.

I’m amused and astounded when comedians have routines from decades ago reviewed and scrutinized by the new humorless thought police.

Then when offense is found, (as it always is,) the comedians must apologize for something that no-one 20 years ago thought was anything but funny.

By todays standards though, “It” is offensive enough that the scolds in our society try to cancel whoever said or did this offensive thing.

SwastikaprideflagI doubt seriously that any of these all too easily offended people were offended when half their genome was hanging in their daddy’s balls waiting to be jacked down a toilet! A lot of these humorless scolds should have been loads their momma’s swallowed. 

That’s just my opinion… It’s probably reflective of just how tired I’ve become of the perpetually aggrieved. The new pride flag is a symbol of the perpetually aggrieved, and in many ways the Hamas flag is the same.

The Palestinians have been pissed off about something or other for God only knows how long. They’re pissed at Israel over things like power, water, and productive farmland. I’m sure there are other political reasons but I honestly don’t remember and don’t care anymore. I suppose Israel maintains a secure border which hampers Palestinian terror attacks on school busses. That for sure, is going to piss off a bunch of terrorists!

I don’t want to get into discussing the war. I hope Israel wins. And since they’ve been accused and punished for all manner of atrocities… They might as well commit a few in their march to the sea.

I ran across this diagram that supposedly explained the variations of pride flags.

Pride Flags GuideRight off the bat I noticed a couple of historical omissions. They completely erased two of the three most common flags.

At one time, there were just three LGB Pride Flags.

Bear prideThere was the standard 6 color rainbow everyone is familiar with. There was the Bear Flag that came after the rainbow and there was the Leather flag.

The Bear flag was representative of men who, at the time didn’t feel that they needed to shave their chests, or adhere to the smooth muscle boy image that had become so popular and indeed almost necessary if you happened to be a gay man.

The Bear flag represented men who might not be the ideal weight, who might have and like having beards, who might be as hairy on their backs as they were on their chests and who weren’t ashamed of it. The Bear Flag, like the rainbow flag was counter culture, it was counter culture against the main stream gay culture of the time.

leatherpride.pngThe Leather pride flag was much the same. It represented the crowd within the LGB community that liked a bit more spice in their sex life. They too were underrepresented at the time. Dating was difficult, because they’d chat up a prospective bed partner only to find out that their “Date” for the night was only interested in vanilla missionary sex.

Don’t get me wrong, vanilla missionary sex is fine, but if you’re wanting a little more variety and all you have to choose from are missionaries you’re going to get bored pretty fast.

For years, (At least a decade) you’d see the rainbow flag everywhere in the “Gay Ghettos”. But some bars would fly the Bear Pride flag or the Leather Pride flag and those flags served to welcome folks who identified as one or the other community. Sometimes, it was just a matter of going into a bar that was flying what you were into, that particular night.

Some bars used the flag to advertise themed nights. So the same bar might on one night fly a Leather flag, then a few nights later a Bear flag. This was really convenient if you were driving down a crowded street because you knew at a glance what was up and where. It made fighting for parking easier.

It’s not unusual for there to be a bit of crossover between the bear and leather community too. But if you went to a bar flying only the Leather Pride flag, expect to be surrounded by men in leather who’d likely be willing to take you to Kinky Town for the weekend!

Likewise with the Bear Pride flag, be prepared to be mauled, cuddled, touched, and be welcome to return all the above to furry mellow cuddly strangers.

Why is it that some folks want to erase parts of gay culture?

How is that inclusive?

Gay Pride Flag svgCould it be that Bears, and Leather men once again don’t fit the narrative? You know, because they are CIS gendered, happy with who they are and not super worried about marching lockstep with a community that no longer represents them?

I actually see opportunity in the new flag versus the old flag.  I’m wondering if the standard 6 color flag will come to represent the LGB community once again?

It might be nice to get back to just 3 flags, and knowing that if you went to a bar flying the old flags, you’re likely to meet people who are more like you.

Maybe the folks under the old flags would be a bit more settled, a bit more conservative, and similarly uncomfortable with the direction the, LGBTQX+… whatever the fuck else they’ve added, are heading.

I’m planning on attending Leather Pride weekend in Palm Springs, (At least one day,) I’ll be avoiding the establishments with the new gay flag. My trip out there might be very short. I’m hoping that I can find at least one oasis and sit under the old rainbow flag with a drink in my hand one last time.

More optimistically, I’m hoping that I’ll be having that drink as the first of many, under the old flags with people who think and feel the way I do.

I’m getting damn sick and tired of the White Supremacist Boogie Man!

WIRED Magazine did a piece on something called “Active Clubs” the piece tacitly banged the alarm bell because the clubs are connecting using the Telegram App. Why Telegram you ask? Why is the method of communication important? Because it’s encrypted.

There’s more information on the ADL website at Active Clubs

Active Club Network 01 1280

Antifa, BLM and Smash mobs use encrypted apps to coordinate their activities but you don’t see the liberal press making sure that the specific application is known. You also don’t see the kind of scrutiny applied to those groups as you do to something with the slightest whiff of racial pride on the part of White people.

At their heart “Active Clubs” are about activities as near as I can tell. To some extent they’re about physical training and health versus sitting on your ass all the time, watching TV, playing video games, or being a keyboard warrior.

To the right is an active club logo. In looking at this logo, I immediately see there’s a lot I agree with. Weight Training, Boxing/Self Defense, No ANTIFA, No Communism, No Drugs. I don’t know what the Spray can is supposed to mean. But when an organization’s logo communicates the organization is 83% in line with my core beliefs I’m going to want to know more. 

I applaud anything that gets us off our couches.

Especially when sitting on your ass all the time in front of the TV is a great way to get brain washed and indoctrinated  by a news media where the lies start pretty much after the words “Good Evening, I’m your host”.

Let me be categorically clear. I’m not a fan of anti-semitism, Neo nazi groups, or hate groups of any kind. I’ve spent my life trying to avoid being “That Guy!” You know, the White Supremacist everyone is afraid of. God knows where I was raised, I could easily have joined the KKK. But I believe that every human being has something to bring to the table and that we should learn from each other.

That being said, I’ve been taught as some cost that it doesn’t really matter if you’re a White Supremacist or not.

I’ve never had a white person, steal from me, I’ve never had a white person threaten me with a weapon, I’ve never been told to ‘leave a place or be beaten’ by a white person. I’ve never been surrounded and beaten by a “Pack” of white people. I have experienced all of these things at the hands of non-white people.

I’ve never known any white person that did a smash and grab, or looted, or set fire to buildings. I’ve seen this being done by mostly non-white people on TV.

This is not to suggest that White people don’t do these things, it’s a statement of fact that my lived experience suggests I as a white person am far safer and less likely to be a victim of crime or engaged in crime if I’m hanging with White folk.

Except that nowadays it “Feels” a lot like just being a white dude who wants to hang with other white dudes is painted as somehow criminal, or that it’s being a white supremacist. For fuck sake, just wearing a MAGA hat or expressing support for Donald Trump is considered by some to be white supremacist behavior.

Going to church, being pro-life, expressing a dissenting opinion at a school board meeting, not believing or agreeing that there are 147 genders, and being white, can get you painted as a white supremacist. The fucking FBI has issued memos that in effect tell their agents to be suspicious of otherwise law abiding citizens if they express any opinion congruent with older accepted societal values.

Proud Boys can trace it’s origin to Gavin McInnes who suggested as a joke that we needed a group of men who were proud of Western Civilization and that civilization’s values, and who were supposed to hold the line against the erosion of those values.

Proud Boys, as an Idea found traction not as a white supremacist group, but as a Men’s group who celebrated being men. The Proud Boys actually attended protests and rallies in this local area to help make sure no-one got hurt and everyone got to exercise their first amendment rights.

Enrique TarrioI continue to be astounded that some of the media calls The Proud Boys a white supremacist organization when the head of proud boys is Enrique Tarrio. Other media describes The Proud boys this way; the Proud Boys, a far-right neo-fascist organization that promotes and engages in political violence in the United States.

Note the WikiPedia definition says Proud Boys is Neo-fascist. Which plays well with the observed behavior of the Proud Boys in their conflict with and opposition to ANTIFA. This characterization allows ANTIFA to be painted in a positive light and the Proud Boys to be painted negatively.

I disagree with the characterization that Proud Boys are far right, or Neo-fascist. As I’ve written elsewhere in this blog I considered joining Proud Boys. I wanted to join an organization where I could contribute to the local community and where I’d be around other men who abjure the narrative that all Men are inherently evil, testosterone poisoned, misogynistic, rapists, that are responsible for all the bad shit in the world.

Hillary fucking Clinton calls pretty much anyone that doesn’t agree with her views Neo-nazis, Neo-Fascist (yeah those two are probably redundant), or if they’re white, White Supremacists. She recently suggested that anyone who supported Donald Trump might be better off being Deprogrammed. So explain to me again Hillary what Fascist is???

Thus far I’ve not seen one single article investigating how someone becomes involved in one of these groups or how they somehow get roped into the dark path to White Supremacy.

I rather suspect that I already qualify as a White Supremacist by the definition of the FBI. But I got here without actively trying. I actually feel like I haven’t moved in my beliefs, but society’s stated beliefs have moved past me.

I’m old, white, conservative, I don’t believe in more than two genders, I’m Pro-life, anti-ANTIFA, and Anti-BLM. I’m Pro-constitution, specifically the 1st, 2nd, and 4th amendments. I do happen to be gay, but because of all the other beliefs above, I’m obviously a self hating gay so there’s no get out of jail free card there. And to top it all off, I absolutely despise what the Biden Administration has done to this country. I think Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are both unfit for their duties and should be removed via impeachment as soon as possible.

The FBI should be breaking my door down any moment!

My point is, calling someone a White Supremacist, or a group White Supremacist, is as nonsensical as calling someone that you disagree with, a racist. It’s almost meaningless because everything the left doesn’t like or that appears to be a collection of people who have beliefs in opposition to the left, is…

(Check One)

  • Racist
  • White Supremacist
  • Fascist

It’s possible I might join an “Active Group” because I really could use some human contact and if that contact also meant I was getting fitter, or learning a new skill then so much the better. That doesn’t make me any of the descriptors above. 

I know I’ll join one of these groups and along will come the Anti Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center, they label the group White Supremacist and presto just like that I’m a member of an organization akin to the KKK.

In truth, I think White Supremacists are built, they don’t occur naturally.

In my case, I could easily devolve. There’s no reason to fight against being a white supremacist because no matter what, I’m going to be perceived as a white supremacist because I’m white, and conservative.

So if there’s no hope, no redemption, and no choice… I might as well raise a confederate flag and join Patriot Front! 

The sad part is that reading Patriot Front’s manifesto, I can see a lot that fundamentally I agree with. 

Our government is out of control
Our culture and society is being destroyed
Our People (Americans) are actively being divided and turned against one another.
We as a people (Americans) need to regain our pride, get back to work and remember what it is to be Americans standing together, choosing right over wrong.

I’ll have to read their manifesto in depth, I scanned it. I can say as a person that believes in smaller less invasive government, a quick scan of what Patriot Front is about seems interesting.

I find this interesting because there was a time when I’d have looked at organizations like Patriot Front as a bunch of lunatics right from the get go. But now, not so much. I’m starting to wonder if organizations like this are actually canaries in the coal mine.

They’re composed of folks who are just more sensitive to their rights being abridged and more likely to scream bloody murder about it. Maybe these are the people who are just not wired to “Go along to get along”. Does that make them White Supremacists, or White Nationalists? I don’t know.

I do think a bit of American Nationalism would go a long way to getting the country back on track. The worry I have about that is that it’s not a big step from pride in our country to asking people for their papers, and imprisoning anyone who doesn’t have papers.

Given what’s been going on in the past decade or so… I’m not even sure that asking people for their papers is a bad thing.

Good for Rumble!

Rumble, a YouTube alternative did a couple of things I like. 

I’m sure there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth in woketard land.

As you may have heard, Russell Brand a UK comedian is accused of rape and sexual assault charges.


Russell CROPPED 919x1030

I accuse President Biden of corruption, selling our country to China, and shitting his pants. Does that mean that president Biden should be removed from office without trial? Uhhh NO. My accusation is, by the way, as valid as the accusations against Russel Brand.

But accusations, are not guilt. Accusations are, if credible, the foundation for investigation, factual discovery, and decision making, to determine if there is enough evidence to proceed with due legal process.

Many of these processes after accusation were not done with former president Donald Trump in the matters leading up to his impeachment(s).

Part of the investigation process after accusation is determining what factual evidence is present and uncovering it, not repeating the accusation over and over again.

But our society no longer engages in any of the follow up steps after an accusation. We jump directly to the punishment phase of a trial which has not happened.

This is exactly what has happened to Russell Brand.

YouTube, a Google subsidiary. Cancelled Russell Brand when the accusations came to light. Since Mr. Brand makes his income in part from YouTube, the cancellation effectively damages his ability to lawyer up. 

Cancellation isn’t just about sweeping someone off the public stage, cancelling is about utterly destroying their ability to prove their innocence, mount and maintain a defense, or ideally continuing to live.

The cancelling mob wants blood, and would be quite happy to see their victim blow their brains out or immolate themselves on the court house steps.

The cancel mob would then use either event as an opportunity to enact gun control or discuss how gasoline should be restricted in the name of climate change.

The cancel mob does not, would not, and never will, care about the damage they cause. It’s not just the person who has become the object of their ire, it’s that persons family too. The cancel mob refuses to stop until they have laid waste to every aspect of their target’s life.

The cancel mob isn’t just a bunch of blue haired fat ugly undatable women. (Well more properly, they could be ‘mopeds’. An easy ride but you don’t want your buddies seeing you on one.) The cancel mob consists of people in the UK government. That is a major problem for the folks of the UK.

But it’s also a sign that every western government has probably been infiltrated by a nasty fungus. And yes, Uncle Sam probably has jock itch too.

Conservative MP Caroline Dinenage, the chairwoman of the UK Parliament’s Culture, Media, and Sports Committee wrote a formal letter to Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski suggesting that Russell Brand should no longer have the ability to monetize his video content on the Rumble platform. 

Arts debate 800x445

The letter says in part;

“While we recognize that Rumble is not the creator of the content published by Mr. Brand, we are concerned that he may be able to profit from his content on the platform,”

the letter goes on.

“We would be grateful if you could confirm whether Mr. Brand is able to monetize his content, including his videos relating to the serious accusations against him.”

“If so, we would like to know whether Rumble intends to join YouTube in suspending Mr. Brand’s ability to earn money on the platform. We would also like to know what Rumble is doing to ensure that creators are not able to use the platform to undermine the welfare of victims of inappropriate and potentially illegal behaviour,” Dinenage continued.

This kind of thing should make your blood run cold. There is no due process here. This is roughly the equivalent of seizing Russell Brand’s bank accounts, or de-banking him. Either of which the UK government is all too willing to do. Where does the punishment begin or end? I was always taught the punishment started after you were found guilty in a court where the actual evidence was presented before a jury. In that regard, the UK and the United States are / were similar.

Apparently that’s no longer the case.Well I guess in the case of two tiered justice as we see it here in the United States, it might still be the case.

If you’re Hunter Biden, or super wealthy and a friend of one political party, your punishment is deferred until after the trial,  but if you’re “Little People” you get thrown in prison for years AWAITING Trial. As in the case of the Jan 6th Detainees.

I thought there was something in the American Constitution or Bill of Rights about a speedy trial. I guess speedy is a matter of interpretation and convenience. I’m not sure if there’s a similar clause in the foundational documents of the UK. 

Before you say, “Well it’s in England…”

Be completely aware that the mob, works the same damn way regardless of which side of The Pond you’re on.  There is zero insulation or time delay for an idea to appear on one side of the Atlantic and be tried on the other side of the Atlantic.

BLM riots in London? ANTIFA, #METOO, The trans bullshit, pick anything that has disrupted western society in the past 10 years and tell me there was more than a 30 minute delay one side of the ocean to the other. Go on… I’ll wait.

Rumble’s response to the scold MP Caroline Dinenage was heartening and appropriate;

Today we received an extremely disturbing letter from a committee chair in the UK Parliament.

While Rumble obviously deplores sexual assault, rape, and all serious crimes, and believes that both alleged victims and the accused are entitled to a full and serious investigation, it is vital to note that recent allegations against Russell Brand have nothing to do with content on Rumble’s platform.

Just yesterday, YouTube announced that, based solely on these media accusations, it was barring Mr. Brand from monetizing his video content. Rumble stands for very different values. We have devoted ourselves to the vital cause of defending a free internet – meaning an internet where no one arbitrarily dictates which ideas can or cannot be heard, or which citizens may or may not be entitled to a platform.

We regard it as deeply inappropriate and dangerous that the UK Parliament would attempt to control who is allowed to speak on our platform or to earn a living from doing so. Singling out an individual and demanding his ban is even more disturbing given the absence of any connection between the allegations and his content on Rumble. We don’t agree with the behavior of many Rumble creators, but we refuse to penalize them for actions that have nothing to do with our platform.

Although it may be politically and socially easier for Rumble to join a cancel culture mob, doing so would be a violation of our company’s values and mission. We emphatically reject the UK Parliament’s demands.


The Rumble letter makes me think that perhaps there is hope in the alternative tech world. That made me very happy, and that Rumble published the letter from the MP tickled me pink because there’s no way for this slimy bitch to deny it.

Rumble published an image of the letter on X I’d have included it but X wasn’t cooperative. When I tried to link to the X posting, the image was so small that it was unreadable so I did the next best thing.

Here is the full text of the MP’s letter. Apologies, the formatting is not 100%:

Chris Pavlovski

Chief Executive Officer


20 September 2023

Dear Chris,

l am writing concerning the serious allegations regarding Russell Brand, in the context of his being a content provider on Rumble with more than 1.4 million followers.

The Culture. Media and Sport Committee is raising questions with the broadcasters and production companies who previously employed Mr Brand to examine both the culture industry in the past and whether that culture still prevails today.

However, we are also looking at his use of social media, including on Rumble where he issued his pre-emptive response to the accusations made against him by The Sunday Times and Channel 4’s Dispatches. While we recognise that Rumble is not the creator of the content published by Mr Brand, we are concerned that he may be able to profit from his content on the platform.

We would be grateful il you could confirm whether Mr brand is able to monetise his content, including his videos relating to the senous accusations against him. it so, we would like to know whether Rumble intends to join YouTube in suspending Mr Brand’s ability to earn money on the plation.

We would also like to know what Rumble is doing to ensure that creators are not able to use the plattorm to undermine the wellare of victims of inappropriate and potentially illegal behaviour.

Yours sincerely,.


Dame Caroline Dinenage DB BMP

Chair, Culture, Media and Sport Committee

She actually says it outright there in the letter, “We are concerned that he may be able to profit from his content on the platform.”


This bitch is essentially saying, we’re willing to allow the accusations to be made in print, The Sunday Times and on video Channel 4 but we don’t want him to be able to respond to the accusations via similar media, nor do we want him to be able to profit so that he may have the funds necessary to be able to defend himself.

This is the reason people like myself and other more intelligent and vocal people have been screaming about cancel culture, censorship, and the fact that no-one seems to notice.

You can’t allow the censoring or cancellation of one person without risking the same for everyone. This is why the poem The Hangman resonates so strongly with me today. 


The Hangman by Maurice Ogden

Into our town the hangman came, smelling of gold and blood and flame. He paced our bricks with a different air, and built his frame on the courthouse square. The scaffold stood by the courthouse side, only as wide as the door was wide with a frame as tall, or a little more, than the capping sill of the courthouse door.

And we wondered whenever we had the time, Who the criminal? What the crime? The hangman judged with the yellow twist of knotted hemp in his busy fist.

And innocent though we were with dread, we passed those eyes of buckshot lead. Till one cried, “Hangman, who is he, for whom you raised the gallows-tree?”

Then a twinkle grew in his buckshot eye and he gave a riddle instead of reply. “He who serves me best,” said he “Shall earn the rope on the gallows-tree.”

And he stepped down and laid his hand on a man who came from another land. And we breathed again, for anothers grief at the hangmans hand, was our relief.

And the gallows frame on the courthouse lawn by tomorrow’s sun would be struck and gone. So we gave him way and no one spoke out of respect for his hangmans cloak.

The next day’s sun looked mildly down on roof and street in our quiet town; and stark and black in the morning air the gallows-tree on the courthouse square.

And the hangman stood at his usual stand with the yellow hemp in his busy hand. With his buckshot eye and his jaw like a pike, and his air so knowing and business-like.

And we cried, “Hangman, have you not done, yesterday with the alien one?” Then we fell silent and stood amazed. “Oh, not for him was the gallows raised.”

He laughed a laugh as he looked at us, “Do you think I’ve gone to all this fuss, To hang one man? That’s the thing I do. To stretch the rope when the rope is new.”

Above our silence a voice cried “Shame!” and into our midst the hangman came; to that mans place, “Do you hold,” said he, “With him that was meat for the gallows-tree?”

He laid his hand on that one’s arm and we shrank back in quick alarm. We gave him way, and no one spoke, out of fear of the hangmans cloak.

That night we saw with dread surprise the hangmans scaffold had grown in size. Fed by the blood beneath the chute, the gallows-tree had taken root.

Now as wide, or a little more than the steps that led to the courthouse door. As tall as the writing, or nearly as tall, half way up on the courthouse wall.

The third he took, we had all heard tell, was a usurer…, an infidel. And “What” said the hangman, “Have you to do with the gallows-bound…, and he a Jew?”

And we cried out, “Is this one he who has served you well and faithfully?” The hangman smiled, “It’s a clever scheme to try the strength of the gallows beam.”

The fourth man’s dark accusing song had scratched our comfort hard and long. “And what concern,” he gave us back, “Have you … for the doomed and black?”

The fifth, the sixth, and we cried again, “Hangman, hangman, is this the man?” “It’s a trick”, said he, “that we hangman know for easing the trap when the trap springs slow.”

And so we ceased and asked no more as the hangman tallied his bloody score. And sun by sun, and night by night the gallows grew to monstrous height.

The wings of the scaffold opened wide until they covered the square from side to side. And the monster cross beam looking down, cast its shadow across the town.

Then through the town the hangman came and called through the empy streets…my name. I looked at the gallows soaring tall and thought … there’s no one left at all

for hanging … and so he called to me to help take down the gallows-tree. And I went out with right good hope to the hangmans tree and the hangmans rope.

He smiled at me as I came down to the courthouse square…through the silent town. Supple and stretched in his busy hand, was the yellow twist of hempen strand.

He whistled his tune as he tried the trap and it sprang down with a ready snap. Then with a smile of awful command, He laid his hand upon my hand.

“You tricked me Hangman.” I shouted then, “That your scaffold was built for other men, and I’m no henchman of yours.” I cried. “You lied to me Hangman, foully lied.”

Then a twinkle grew in his buckshot eye, “Lied to you…tricked you?” He said “Not I… for I answered straight and told you true. The scaffold was raised for none but you.”

“For who has served more faithfully? With your coward’s hope.” said He, “And where are the others that might have stood side by your side, in the common good?”

“Dead!” I answered, and amiably “Murdered,” the Hangman corrected me. “First the alien … then the Jew. I did no more than you let me do.”

Beneath the beam that blocked the sky none before stood so alone as I. The Hangman then strapped me…with no voice there to cry “Stay!” … for me in the empty square.

By the way, Hitler didn’t suddenly rise to power. He ascended to power step by step, brick by brick. Those bricks were laid at his feet by people believing they were special and righteous. They thought they’d escape his evil and the horror he was going to unleash by serving him or his ideas about demonizing specific groups of people.


So remember that, all you blue haired scolds. The freedoms you so willingly steal from those whom you dislike, will one day be taken from you.

On that day, eating my watered down gruel, I’ll look up and laugh as you “Karens” are led past my prison cell…

Now I think I’m going to look into becoming a content creator on Rumble, and perhaps Locals.

I’m not sure that I want to mess with X since it may be going to a full subscription model, and even then you still can’t say what you want.

Twitter is dead, X is an echo. Maybe FaceBook will follow, and hopefully someone will think to point at people like Dame Caroline Dinenage DB BMP, Chair, Culture, Media and Sport Committee, & all the other nasty scolds who sought to end free speech, due process, and senses of humor, to lay blame on.

I doubt it, humanity’s memory is about as long as a fruit fly’s.

Probably the shape of things to come…

Congressional redistricting what fun!!!!

My guy used to be Olbernolte. He lives in Big Bear and knows the mountain communities well. He’s a businessman, a Pilot, and technology guy. But… It looks like he’s not my guy anymore, thanks to redistricting.

Now it’s some woman named Judy Chu out of Monterey Park. I guarantee that she couldn’t find my town with GPS. Nor would she give a damn. She’s a dazzling urbanite whose only concerns will be for the other dazzling urbanites living in the wealthy parts of Pasadena, Altadena, La Canada / Flintridge, La Crescenta – Montrose, and Sierra Madre.

No one of any value lives outside those areas. Right?

In other words, we will not exist so there will be no advocating for disaster assistance coming from Chu in the event of another winter storm like we had last year. But Chu happily votes to spend Trillions of dollars we don’t have in foreign countries because she’s an obedient puppet.

Here’s another proof of just how we’re going to be ignored.


Just to be clear, I tried all five of the variations of my address created by the masters of technology that have given us all such wonderfully fucked up maps in rural areas. Helpful hint… your mapping efforts should start with the original county maps. It’s so much fun that my address can appear in one of three different towns depending on whose map you’re using.

Chu was also targeted by Fang Fang the Chinese Spy, shortly before Eric Swallow-well started dipping his wick in Fang Fang.

Fang Fang worked for Judy Chu for a time.

Ahhh, it’s going to be grand having zero representation!

Perhaps another clue that it’s time to get the hell out of California… Or learn Mandarin.

This Just In!

An article appearing in Energies declares that 1 Billion people will die due to climate change over the next 100 years!

The Article is here

Doom on you all!

The article may well be correct. There’s a lot of verbiage that seems to be future casting based on previous articles and publications.

Given the human reproductive decline in China, Russia, Japan, The United States, and other westernized countries. The fear mongering may be a moot point.

Will 1 Billion people die in addition to those never being born or is that figure the sum total?

100 years is a long time. Just look at what’s happened in the past 70 years. Look at the accelerations in technology. It was entirely likely that humans would apply their technological prowess and found solutions…

I say WAS with purpose.

I’ve run across some articles and been sent other articles that lead me to believe scientific rigor and the search for truth and understanding of the universe around us has become corrupted by dogma.

Here is an article describing one scholar’s approach to getting funding and maintaining his job in academia. This article is about climate change too, and the author describes omitting information to get the piece published in a peer reviewed journal. The author even says this isn’t science anymore.

Apparently, your article must reflect the current dogma.
You mustn’t ask or answer questions that run counter to prevailing dogma.

We’ve seen this in all aspects of scientific inquiry. In recent years this protective approach to prevailing dogma has been particularly focused in the areas of Climate Change, and Medicine.

What questions may you not ask? What facts must you not present? If you think about it you can easily extrapolate the chilling effect this attitude will have on scientific inquiry.

The same drivers exist in all scientific publications to a greater or lessor extent. This is driven in part due to funding and in part due to fettering brilliant minds with illogic in the name of political correctness.

We’ve seen this before…

Galileo Galilei, arguably the father of modern science, was put on trial by the church because he discovered that the Earth and all the planets revolved around the Sun. Church dogma placed Earth at the center of the universe. Galileo was eventually forced to recant his belief and discovery. He was placed under house arrest for the rest of his life.

Ringing any bells???

Let me help, MDs being stripped of their licenses to practice medicine because they spoke about and tried alternate treatments to COVID? Their unforgivable SIN was that those treatments worked!

Here’s an example that I’ve still not gotten an answer about.

In Biology there’s a classification system for all life on the planet. This system seeks to provide order, and some information about the evolutionary pathway of all organisms.

With the advent of modern DNA studies and sequencing, this classification system has undergone some revisions. We’ve found that certain organisms are not related as closely to others as their appearance, and niche in the ecosystem would have suggested.

These discoveries have caused some organisms to be relocated from one branch to another branch of the classification system.

Many organisms are further sub-classified based on their color, habits, and evolutionary adaptations.

A notable exception is an animal called Human.

Why? Why are we special? Clearly all humans derive from the same basic body plan. So do Gorillas, and Chimpanzees. All humans function pretty much the same ways, our reproductive habits are the same. There are clear genetic differences otherwise we’d all look the same, but we don’t . There are diseases which afflict certain variations of humans and not others. Surely, these obvious core differences deserve the same scientific rigor. However human sub-classification stops at Homo sapiens sapiens which is redundant.

This is nothing less than scientific rigor stopping, because to go further would imply racism. Politically and societally racism is bad and therefore must never be reenforced in any way. So, the rigor and truth of scientific inquiry gets tossed right out the window.

You’d think there would be at least 6 subspecies of Human based on the occupied continents and variations that the environment of each continent induced.

You sure have to declare your subspecies on government forms and job applications! So apparently, racism is perfectly fine if it provides a financial advantage.

I cite the Human issue because it’s to my mind one of the most glaring. If we can’t look at hard truths bravely and clear eyed we will inevitably miss critical information that would lead us in new directions.

It appears that’s where we are as a species.

We got really smart, but we peaked probably in the mid ’90s. Instead of continuing to face uncomfortable truths we closed our eyes and put our fingers in our ears.

Look at our youth, Safe Spaces? Censoring Classical Literature? Math is Racist? How can we move forward if those who are supposed to create new advances can’t handle conflict, dare to dream, or being wrong?

Science… Especially Science, is about trying and failing. One need only look at the history of flight.

How many of those early inventors failed again and again, got up and dusted themselves off and tried again?

Even the Wright Brothers didn’t get it right on the first try.

Think what life would be like if those pioneers of flight had failed, gotten their feelings hurt and ran to their safe spaces, never to try again.

We’d be flying, but with balloons and blimps. The Montgolfier brothers, Joseph and Étienne achieved human flight with a hot air balloon in 1783. The pilot of the ballon was Pilâtre de Rozier.

120 years, from a hot air balloon to powered fixed wing flight.

66 years later we have 747 passenger planes and in the same year landed on the moon.

That’s the power of unfettered thinking. That’s what happens when you’re free to speak, to question, and to explore the edges of the unknown. That’s what happens when the truth of science is seen and not feared or discounted because it doesn’t fit some arbitrary world view.

747-8 In-flight Artwork K64146

And yes… because I know these things, that is why I hate people like Dr. Fauci, and the purveyors of dogma around Climate and Medicine.

Establishment scientists who silence truth are no better than the church in Galileo’s time.

They retard human advancement and the dim the human spirit. They dull brilliant minds by making scientists and amateurs alike, afraid to speak or discover.

We know where this leads too. If everything must be iterative and done the same as we’ve always done it due to dogma, then stagnation isn’t far off.

Give it a hundred years and our Doctors will be dancing around us casting out evil spirits.