Halfway through the month

I’ve got a bone to pick with companies.

I know, Who doesn’t? And Me having a bone to pick? Say it isn’t so!

It’s not a big bone to pick, it’s more of an annoyance and / or commentary on the modern world.

The bone is this. Every company, Electric, Gas, Insurance, Phone, Cable, Internet, whatever… Wants you to have an email and or internet accessible account with them.

They say it’s for convenience, I ask whose?

 It’s not convenient at all when the first thing in the morning after the alarm has awakened me, to have my phone blow up with tons of bullshit from these companies.

I’m still naked and haven’t had my coffee yet! How about delivering your bullshit at Noon or how about late afternoon?

A classic example was my insurance company this morning. God help you if the company you deal with also has an app for that!

Because their app is on my phone it can send me a notification. In the past, this has been useful if I had a claim being worked. But I don’t have any claims right now. Getting a notification seemed odd so I thought, “I’d better see what that’s about.”

I tap on the notification and instead of seeing what the issue is, I’m told that the wrong password has been entered, and I have 3 tries left. “Hmm, is someone trying to hack my insurance policy?” 

Standing naked in my kitchen not fully awake, waiting for the coffee to finish gurgling I’m suddenly thrust into a technological puzzle. “Why can’t I log into their app?”

I’d have preferred to ease into my day, you know, have a cup of coffee pull some clothes on and then move on from there.

This notification could have waited for delivery until 9 am local time, when my Agent opens so that if there is a problem we can handle it as humans instead of a computer dictating what a human needs to do.

The coffee finishes and after a couple of swallows, I go to my computer. (Hey there little hacker assholes… You missed your chance to get an eyeful of my one-eyed-monster, since your email claims to control my camera. FYI I’ve already sent naked phots to everyone in my contact list!)

Anyhow, I try to log onto the insurance site via the web. Again I get the wrong password bullshit! I check the password manager and find the problem.

The insurance company made me create a “New Login” for the last claim so now there are two different logins and the computer is grabbing the latest one. That’s logical… the most recent one is likely to be the correct one.

Except when dealing with Banks, and Insurance companies who are interested in providing for my safety and convenience.

I force the computer to use the older login and successfully gain access to their site. Now I have to find out what triggered the notice.

After screwing around for another few minutes I find the trigger.

Please review your contact information so that we may contact you. Consider going paperless, have your billing delivered right to your inbox. It’s fast, eco-friendly, and convenient.


In fact since January I’ve switched everything back to paper. I’d recommend that everyone else do the same. Here’s why.

If you’re single, paperless billing is fine. If you’re married, then you’re screwed if you’re not the person whose email is being used to receive the paperless billing. This is doubly true if you don’t happen to have access to the email of your deceased spouse.

If you’re dealing with your spouse having died, the last thing you want, or need to deal with is not knowing when the electricity is going to be turned off due to non payment. When you’re dealing with grief you tend to only see what is right in front of you. Everything else is just bullshit noise.

Generally speaking, we all receive paper mail so in this event,  the bill is right in front of you.

I can hear the Green new deal assholes saying, “ But what about the environment?”

You know what? All these companies could save the environment and still send paper mail if they did one simple thing.

Stop sending 5, 10, or 20 pages of crap no-one reads!

Really, the bill is essentially 1 page front and back… But there are always 5 or more additional pages of disclosures, multiple language options, PUC notifications and endless justifications about the reason the bill is higher this month  than last month and why the bill has risen 50% in the last year.

All of this shit goes right in the trash if it’s paper, and if it’s an e-bill it’s never read. Maybe these companies should start by firing the shithead parasitic attorneys who write this shit to protect the company! That might make our lives simpler. Oh wait… unemployed attorneys? Fuck! They’ll go into politics, and then we’ll be really screwed!

People would likely be way less litigious if there were fewer attorneys. With one exception in my life. Every fucking attorney has been a waste of time and money.

Here’s another reason to force these companies to mail your bill. If your email is hacked and your bills come via email, the hacker has access to a lot of personal data. Why bother shredding everything if you’re email is unencrypted and insecure?

Some of you are thinking, well use e-bills on your utilities. Yep, that works except or until your spouse dies then you have zero control and the utilities are not particularly helpful in getting control back to you. Of course most of their call center people are overseas anyway and so they have zero clue what you as the consumer are seeing and typically have no real method to resolve your issue. 

IMG 2890But it’s worse, because it’s super easy to get locked out of your online account with the vendor. Chase Bank and I HATE each other because they’re always fiddling with the passwords and sign in without telling me. Then I find out when I’m needing to do something and am locked out of the account. Honestly I just call them from the get go now, because I know the account and password will be locked out or otherwise fucked up.

T-Mobile is getting more and more difficult to deal with, even on the damn phone… now they want a pin to talk to you. “yet another fucking number or password to remember,” really? Like I’m going to make my life more complicated because you people can’t seem to keep customer data safe.

T-Mobile is like the preachers daughter that is always pregnant. “Honey, you can pray in front of those boys all you want, just keep your legs together!”

I’ve thought for a while it’s because I’m getting crotchety in my old age. There may be a fair amount of that, but a lot of this is about the realization that we all spend a lot of time navigating through phone trees, poorly deigned web sites, and talking to automations that completely fail to understand what we are asking for. In pursuit of allowing a corporation to save money. But in the process we’ve become employees in a way, instead of customers.

You could argue that us doing the work for the corporation saves us, the consumer, money because it allows these corporations to keep costs down. I’m sorry until I see a real accounting of how much money I’m saving by spending my time to deal with utilities, banks, & insurance companies via their websites and phone trees I don’t think it’s saving us a dime.

In fact, I’d suggest that until I see 5 or 10 % credit on my bill for managing my account, using email delivery of bills, and using e-bill systems that whatever savings the corporation is actually realizing, is probably going into the pockets of the top executives. In that instance, we’re actually paying twice. Once for the damnable service and a second time, in the time we’re giving these corporations to un-fuck the service their foreign employees incorrectly set up in the first place.

Now I’m off to make phone calls.

T-Mobile is apparently getting ready to screw a bunch of customers by forcing them onto different rate plans. Many of their new rate plans are just as incomprehensible as their old rate plans, or more incomprehensible! They also appear to be more expensive. So I’m going to force T-Mobile to walk me through exactly what they are going to do. I’m currently waiting in their call back queue and I’m not in any mood to talk to some pidgin English speaking representative.

Less than a month ago it seems… (maybe a couple of months ago) T-mobile decided that they didn’t want to deal with credit cards being used for autopay anymore. I was making 3% from their monthly billing by using the Apple Card. T-Mobile demanded access to my checking account or my debit card. Oh and If I said “no” and switched to paper billing where I wrote them a check monthly I’d loose my discount on the service. 

I think I’ve had T-Mobile for 15 years… Always paid the bill on time, and we always had 3 or 4 lines. If this is how they treat legacy customers perhaps it’s time to switch carriers.

Who knows? Maybe I’ll have a new phone carrier by days end! 

I wonder, do I go with Consumer Cellular or Patriot Mobile? I guess I need to check their rate plans!

Have a great day!

Hmm, That’s interesting!

I updated my IOS and Apple Watch OS to the latest due to some security concerns.  Sigh!General iOS 17 Feature Orange Purple

Suddenly the weather functionality on my watch is all wonky. It’s obviously a bug. The weather info complications will work for a bit, then begin displaying “—“. They’ll still link to the actual weather application and that seems to be working just fine. 

Although in troubleshooting the issue I wiped all my saved locations. Not a big deal…

I thought it was a communication fault between my phone and watch, because I noticed the problem typically when I was outside and my phone was inside. Initially it looked like something not working when the watch was disconnecting from bluetooth. 

I was just about to flush the watch and start over. 

Then I thought, “Wait, I wonder if this is documented?”

It was, apparently Apple has introduced a bug as part of their updates to Weather. I’m glad I didn’t just wipe and restore my watch. The effort would have been pointless.

Busted software is busted software!

I’m wondering if Carrot Weather works, but then I’m not sure that I want to pay for another weather application. I really liked Dark Sky then Apple purchased the company. They did a pretty good job of merging the features of Dark Sky into the Apple weather app. But I’m now hesitant to spend on a subscription.

I have to say Carrot might be amusing because it apparently has a smart ass mode. That might be fun for a while.

Yes I can look outside and see the weather… But I like seeing a mini forecast like the expected high and low and what the probability of rain or snow is for a day or week. The complications on my watch face provide this information at a glance and while you wouldn’t think it would be missed, once you get used to it… you miss it a lot.

I miss it even in Southern California where the weather is boring in its sameness. If I lived in the Midwest or South I’d be losing my mind!

I also noticed another Bug in Apple Music on my phone. If you press the big, obvious, centrally located “Play” button it doesn’t change. There’s no indication that the album or playlist is actually playing. If the selection has a long quiet lead in you might find yourself pressing the play button repeatedly wondering what’s going on. What you’re doing, is restarting the playing selection over and over again.

User interface issues?

Come on Apple! You wrote the book on user interfaces. At least change the color of the button, change the symbol to the || symbol. Do something that tells the user their command has been accepted and is being executed.

Ive told you again and again… I’m happy to test your software. I keep applying for your open positions, I’m experienced, speak, read, and write English. I’m low maintenance! Just give me software and what specifications you have… I like testing software! I don’t need a special glitter covered desk or specialized bathroom designations. A simple workspace and the normal male symbol Malesym

Will do just fine. 

I’m being a little snarky because no matter how many applications I fill out with Apple, the deafening silence coming back from their HR department is a universal constant. Like Gravity.

Anyhow, off to fiddle with something else that needs fiddling with.

Have a good day


Maybe I dodged a bullet with the new iPhone

I haven’t been able to order a new iPhone.

It’s a simple thing, I want a completely unlocked phone right from the start. I don’t want to have to monkey around with unlocking a phone from a carrier or any of the other bullshit contractual obligations that are included in the fine print of a purchase.

T-Mobile, you really need to train your reps in Costco better… Based on my interaction with a blue hair guy? girl? Amorphous fat ass? I’m seriously reconsidering our working relationship.

No, your representative wasn’t rude or whatever. He/she/it/they/them, was simply not listening. I’ve been noticing that more and more with your representatives across the board, since T-Mobile and Sprint merged.

It’s always questionable which corporate culture will survive when two companies merge. This is especially true if one corporation is diseased and shitty as Sprint was, and the other corporation is relatively healthy. 

I think from here on out, I’ll be betting on the shitty corporation infecting the healthy corporation and taking all the services to the lowest, laziest, common denominator. 

The only benefit I received at the T-Mobile Kiosk was that I got to see the new iPhone in person. It’s nice.

I wasn’t going to go through the machinations necessary to order one on the T-Mobile account, then trade in my current phone, then pay off the T-Mobile Payment plan purchase early, then go to T-Mobile to unlock the phone. That’s just a load of annoyance that I don’t want to deal with.

I was tempted…

I’m glad I waited. There have been some interesting articles about the new iPhone Pros getting nice and toasty while in use. 107°F by one article’s account. There have been reports of the phones being blemished or outright damaged right out of the box. 

How disappointing would that be? Your brand new hotness, right out of the box, with a nasty gouge in it as you peel the protective plastic off.

I’ve also seen at least one photo of an iPhone Pro Max that looked like not only did the back glass of the phone shatter easily but the new titanium frame looked like it had cracked too.

Titanium is strong, light and useful for a lot of things, but I seem to recall that it’s kind of crystalline when you see the raw metal. I also seem to recall that if you don’t make it just right, it’s prone to cracking. I’m wondering if that’s not part of what we’re seeing in some of the reports about the phones glass, (front or back) shattering.

In the announcement event, there was some mention of alloying the titanium frame with aluminum structural components within the phone, presumably as a heat sink. Titanium can be alloyed with a number of other metals, but again, that has to be done carefully. 

I wonder if this is another situation where China’s sloppy quality control has created a disaster. Or maybe manufacturing at the scale Apple is attempting is just not yet reliable. Maybe it’s a little from column A, and a little from column B.

Perhaps, I’ll just wait until the iPhone 16 and hope they make it in a color I like.

There’s also been some chatter about Apple’s replacement for leather. Folks are finding that a week or so of use presents them with staining indicative of fabrics, instead of the durability of leather. I’m thinking that my future phone cases will either be silicone from Apple, or I’ll be buying leather from another vendor. Most likely silicone…

Before you get your panties in a twist over my consideration of leather, let me present the following use cases.

I’m using a Franklin leather binder that I’ve had since 2008. It’s in very good shape and I have no intention of replacing it anytime in the near future. I have two TUMI leather briefcases. The smaller one is the one I use most often. That case is 4 -5 years old, the larger one is 15 years old. TUMI will repair a briefcase at a reasonable cost and send it back to you.

So if you talk about sustainability. How is using leather unsustainable? Sure, if you replace leather items every year, then that’s a problem. But if you buy leather, take care of it, and don’t find a need to buy the item over and over I’d bet the sustainability equation tips in favor of leather.

How much energy does it take to make these new fiber cases? How often will consumers replace them and why? Are these new fiber products biodegradable, and how long does that take? 

Honestly, if Apple would stop changing the phone shapes every year so that last years case doesn’t fit this years phone, perhaps sustainability would go up and pollution would go down in amounts equal to their switch from using leather goods.

I haven’t purchased one of Apple’s leather cases since the iPhone 5. I found that their leather case wasn’t grippy enough and I dropped the phone twice, then went third party silicone with nice grippy knurls on either side. No more dropping my phone.

Since I replace my phone every 3-4 years, after the iPhone 5 debacle it’s never seemed reasonable to invest in leather unless, like the MagSafe wallet, it could be used on other iPhones.

Sustainability and being climate responsible isn’t just about companies. It’s also about asking questions of yourself. 

Questions such as:

Do I need a new phone?
Do I need a new leather jacket, phone case, or brief case? The leather jacket bit is funny, because with vintage all the rage people buy “Vintage” looking stuff but don’t have the patience to make it “vintage” by wearing it year after year.
I guess the question really boils down to “Do I Need xyz” or “Do I Want xyz”.

It’s okay to want, but feeling like you need to buy the newest, latest, flashiest every year might be part of the problem.

I’d like a new iPhone because there has been enough change that a new phone is a pretty substantial upgrade to what I have. But… do I need it this year? Not really. My old phone works just fine, (the battery is showing signs of its age,) but I can go another year and avoid what may be an Apple screw up in the iPhone 15 Pro.

Maybe that’s exactly what I’ll do. I’ll keep reading the articles to see what’s happening.

Ah Ha! I knew it…

Warning: Geeky Stuff ahead.

Yesterday, I updated to the latest operating system offering from Apple.

IMG 2867

There haven’t been a lot of issues yet.

But there has been one, and this issue is across iPad, iPhone, and the Mac OS. 

Some websites will completely fail to display user credentials stored in Apple’s Password Management System.

After you get over the initial panic that the IOS or OS upgrade has wiped the thousand or so passwords and IDs that you’ve become so dependent on…

Your head will clear and then you’ll go look at passwords. As your heart rate slows, you’ll notice a curious thing. Some websites still work. But other websites act brain dead. Instead of Safari offering to fill in your password and id from Apple’s password management system you’re presented with nothing.

Even typing the first few characters of the user ID will not give you the familiar prompt for face, touch, or master password verification.

Locating the entry containing the user ID and Password and telling your device to open the website, from the password entry itself will open the site BUT WILL NOT autofill the user ID and Password, so you’re on a site, but you’re not logged in.

It’s in Safari, and it’s not technically a bug.

Safari’s security protocols have been updated which is good. But if you log  into web sites that are not using HTTPS with the new versions of Safari, it will look like the upgrade has flushed the login credentials.

The issue is HTTPS versus HTTP. Since the entirety of the internet is supposed to be using HTTPS (For your comfort, safety, and protection,) Apple apparently decided that it’s unsafe to allow the password management system to serve up a user ID and Password to a lowly HTTP site.

On the one hand I can see it. On the other hand there are corporations where their internal HTML pages may require a user ID and Password, BUT where they are not using HTTPS inside the corporate defense ring. This may or may not be good security, but that’s not the issue. The issue is the confusion caused by the way Apple has implemented this change.

Since there’s absolutely NOTHING, no message, no reaction, no indication, no clue, whatsoever about what is going on, it could leave customers badmouthing Apple, and the new OS. 

Not because what’s been done is wrong, but because it’s inconvenient! Apple already has trouble in corporate environments due to IT departments inherent Pro Windows bias. They needn’t add any fuel to that fire.

I haven’t found the setting to turn this feature off yet. Instead, I just enabled HTTPS on my site. If I find more sites that give me issues, I’ll go digging around to see if there is a setting.


Oh yeah, it costs… which leads me to begin contemplation about continuing to maintain my own hosting site. Or should I park the unused domains and transfer the live domains to another hosting service.

Truthfully, I’m becoming less and less pleased with my current hosting provider. I’ll take a look at the contract and decide if I want to continue doing business with them.

They’re pretty inexpensive if you select longer contract terms, but their quality of service is becoming questionable. Talking to them and solving problems is getting to be just like every other business. You end up talking to someone outside the country who doesn’t really understand what your issue or question is.

For the moment this HTTP/HTTPS issue is solved. I’m sure there will be other interesting issues popping up soon enough.

I broke a rule today.

It is one of my internal rules.

I updated the OS of my Mac on the first day of the new OS being available.  I haven’t done something like this for years… There’s always something that screws up!

But while I’m sure I’ll be annoyed in the coming weeks, I thought, “Why Not? I’m bored and If I do it now, then I don’t have to worry about it later, especially if there’s something that demands me & my computer being up to date.”

Something insane like a job… for example. At this point if I were to get a job I’d probably have a heart attack and keel over from the shock.

Thus far the OS seems to be smooth and working as expected. I’m using my big monitor right now. I gotta admit, much as I like having the small light laptop, I really do like using the big monitor, especially with the color depth this thing is capable of.

This monitor could also be used as a gaming monitor, it’s a bit small but serviceable. So the monitor goes in the box of Tech that moves with me into whatever temporary housing situation I find myself in, moving forward. That’s actually funny this is a 27” and I can remember when that was a big monitor. 

I’ve seen some computer/gaming monitors 36” and above. I’d have to have a large desk to have something that big in proportion. I guess you could hang it on the wall of your cubicle or cubby.

The last place I worked at, they gave us dual 15” monitors which was really more annoying than helpful given the amount of data and application windows we were supposed to be juggling. The Windows desktops were under powered, in terms of CPU, memory, and hard drive space, to be pushing that amount of data but as is typical of Corporate America, if the computer crashed, it was the employees fault. 

I’ll take my 27” here at home with a computer that could drive two 30” 4K monitors (I think) and not worry about crashing. Come to think of it, I don’t think this computer has crashed on me since I got it. Either I’ve lost my touch, or this machine has more than enough horsepower to do whatever I ask. 

Let’s just hope it doesn’t become sentient! That could be a real problem…

I’ll continue playing with this new OS. There are some new features, but none I’m likely to be using immediately.  But I’ll poke around to see what the new stuff is all about.

BTW this qualifies as interesting and entertaining for me.

I hope your day is as amusing.