Calendar Cleaning! That’s better!

Where did all these observances come from?

A while ago, I subscribed to an online Calendar that neatly stuck all the US holidays into my digital Calendar.

It was nice at first. Everything that I wanted to know was there. I could plan long weekends and knew when it was likely to be a bad day to go to the bank or post office.

As is usual for me with these things, I simply forgot about it and was content that I wouldn’t have to enter holidays that moved around from year to year depending on Fridays or Mondays closest to the actual date if the holiday fell on a Saturday or Sunday.

Years go by. There was small additions to the observances, but they were pretty mundane. One here, one there, in a month. No big deal.

A few more years go by.

Today I opened my calendar to full month view for the first time in I don’t know when.


My once simple calendar was now loaded with all kinds of observances and holidays that mean nothing to me. There were literally hundreds of Civil Servants days. Obama Day? Librarians Day? 4 different wordings of Juneteenth? Columbus Day, Indigenous Peoples Day, National Indigenous Peoples Day?

In some cases there were so many observances on a single day that the “All Day” section of the calendar was saying +9 more because it couldn’t display them all in the space provided.

There were also duplicates… So Many duplicates! (I hate duplicate data.)

Come on…

Unless it’s a national holiday and therefore a day off from work, or the banks are closed. I don’t care.

There was a time when it was nice to see “National Secretaries Day” but now, it’s become easier to find a day without some observance or another than to pay attention to all the observances.

It’s all become noise, a distraction. Is my calendar free for that day? Who can tell at a glance anymore?

After spending a few minutes trying to figure out the best way to flush all the random crap that had become meaningless. I decided instead to simply unsubscribe from what had once been a very useful service.

My calendar took 2 minutes to reconcile itself.

When it was done…

AHHHHH! Once again at a glance, I can see my schedule without having to open the day to specifically check.

My appointments, and mine alone show up. Their little green tags clearly show how much of my day they occupy. They’re not being overwritten by events and observances that don’t matter.

My historical calendar is visible again. This is a calendar that I created years ago with neat facts about the day in history. Amelia Earharts take off, the first man in space, the first woman in space, the date of the Norman invasion, that kind of thing. In each of these entries notes section I’d put detailed information about the event.

Suddenly Anniversaries, Birthdays, and my stuff is all there, with the original color coding I’d selected, instead of a muddy mess.

You know, it’s not so hard to enter “Real” Holidays into my calendar. There are some that require special treatment, but it’s a small price to pay for a clean readable schedule.

This is what happens when you pander to everyone.

Maybe we should pick just a few biggies and leave the rest to be observed by those who care?

A short PSA

Technology does exactly what you tell it to!

I was recently reminded of this by my email filters.

A while ago, I was being inundated by messages claiming to be from FedEx. There were sometimes 10 a day demanding immediate action, my package was missing, payment was due, Your package has been found, etc. etc. etc.

The problem was, at the time I hadn’t ordered anything. I hadn’t ordered anything to be delivered via FedEx for years.

So, rather than having my phone beeping incessantly while I was at work, I created a filter. At first the filter was specific to the one or two offending email addresses.

But the scammers kept changing their email addresses and so in a short time, my phone was beeping and booping again telling me that I had some business with FedEx.

Being clever, I changed the filter to simply look for FedEx, FEDEX, FedEX and several other variations in the From or Subject fields.

Blissful silence!

Then like most of us, I forgot those filters were still active. Even if I’d recalled that little detail, I’d have probably left them in place because as a rule I don’t use FedEx.

Flash forward to yesterday and, well, I was hoisted by my own petard.

Unfortunately, I am having to deal with FedEx over the computer that they’ve lost. Yesterday I filed the claim to have them pay for the unit.

This morning, in an idle moment I wondered where the emails a nice gentleman at FedEx told me I was supposed to get were.

Suddenly, I remembered email filters. I vaguely remembered something about FedEx scams and decided to check the email filtering system.

Sure enough, the FedEx filter was still there and running.


I was fortunate that I hadn’t told the filter to delete the messages entirely. I’d only told it to put them in the trash, and since the trash deletes messages that are greater than 30 days old I was able to recover the claim notification I was looking for.

I’ve deleted the FedEx filter.

This brings me to scammers, hackers, and other miscreants.

They do more damage, than just steal little old ladies retirements. That alone is cause enough for me to believe that scammers should be castrated with a rusty butter knife and an injection of something that enhances the pain response.

Hey, I want them to feel every exquisite bit of agony as that rusty butter knife saws through their scrotum. I also want to make sure that they don’t contaminate the gene pool any further. Hence the castration.

Scammers more far reaching disruptions are subtle. Even for those of us that don’t fall for the scam, we take steps to protect ourselves from the irritation and disruption their ploys inflict on us.

In doing so, we often experience disruption of legitimate business.

So as a PSA, Remember to check your blocked phone lists and your email filters on a regular basis. Usually the scam plays out and the scammers aren’t sending bogus emails after a few months. At that point you can delete your filters and be reasonably sure that the incoming FedEx or UPS email is legitimate.

Just Sayin…

Huh, When the Universe Speaks…

Who the hell am I, to not listen up?

So here’s the saga thus far…

I ordered an M1 MacBook Pro. I wasn’t really ready to buy a new computer. But I ordered a new machine, because I was going to have to rebuild my current Intel machine from the ground up.

I thought to myself, “If I’m going to go through all this trouble, let me look at a new machine.”

It’s not that rebuilding is that much of a pain in the butt, I was worried however that if I didn’t order a MacBook Pro with the new M1 chip and the Touch Bar (Which I like) that I wouldn’t be able to get another machine with the Touch Bar. I was thinking this because Apple has phased out Touch Bars in the 14” and the 16” Mac Book Pros.

So I ordered a new machine. The new machine was delivered on Friday, and was defective right out of the box. That’s the only time in 20 years I’ve had an Apple product not work as expected.

Saturday, I contacted Apple to arrange for the new machine to be replaced. The replacement wouldn’t be available until late June or Early July.

Today, Monday, I took the new machine to FedEx to return it.

I came home and all was right with my world. I’d just have to wait on the replacement like a kid waiting for Christmas.

After doing a few chores it was lunch time.

I pulled up Apple News while I was eating my lunch. As I was scanning the articles, I noticed that the Apple WWDC opening address had been going on while I was delivering the defective M1 machine to FedEx.

I opened the article describing the WWDC and began reading. About 2/3 through the article there was mention of the new MacBook Pro 13”. Guess what? The new MacBook Pro has an M2 processor, can be configured with 24GB of RAM, and a 2 TB solid state drive.

Impressive, and not unexpected. I knew going in that my M1 would be last years model.

What was significantly surprising was that the new M2 machine also comes with a Touch Bar.

Well now, that blows a big hole in my reason for buying a new machine in the first place, doesn’t it?

Don’t get me wrong, while the M1 was doing it’s thing, It was amazing! But! I no longer have a driving reason to purchase a new machine at this moment in time!

I was bummed out that my new M1 wasn’t right. Now I’m not as bummed out.

I just cancelled the M1 order completely. I don’t need to spend the money quite yet.

If I wait a few months, I can get an M2, increase my computer memory by 1/3, have a 2 TB drive, the Touch Bar, and spend essentially the same amount of money.

I’m preparing to rebuild my Intel machine as I type this.

I can wait 6 months. Perhaps I’ll be able to walk into an Apple store where I can open and test the new machine before I leave.

Maybe, the universe doesn’t hate me as much as I thought it did…

Bummer! That didn’t last long

The new machine is going back to Apple.


On the plus side I was able to basically build out an M1 system and I’ve got a complete backup of that system.

Because the decision to return and replace the machine was made in less than a day, I still have my original MacBook to fall back on. So it’s an inconvenience and a delay but not the freaking end of the world. I’ve got a computer.

So here’s the deal.

As I mentioned yesterday, the new machine smelled funny. It was an acrid smell, (which is how I described it to the Apple Folks,) unfortunately “acrid” is one of those words that’s become buried in dictionaries but is rarely used these days.

I had to use the sentence, “The smell is reminiscent of a smell commonly associated with burnt out IC chips in old computers or printers.”

That registered with the Tech Support people….


English is such a rich, complex language. It’s a pity so many people, myself included, have poor command of it.

I digress.

The first symptom I noticed was that the Start Up chime had no bass. I wrote that off to the machine having a down level version of the OS, and I’d seen some articles suggesting that there was some kind of sound issue on M1 systems which had been corrected via software.

The second symptom was the acrid smell that increased the longer the machine was running and decreased if the machine was sleeping or turned off. This smell was not the usual smell of a wave soldered circuit board warming up for the first time. That smell is the smell of rosin which is almost sweet smelling. This smell was bitter, and irritating to sinuses, and mucus membranes.

The third symptom was that any and all audio played through the internal speakers had about half of the bass missing.

I don’t listen to music through the internal speakers of my computer very often. One thing that can be said about Apple machines is that their onboard sound systems are quite good.

This particular computer sounded like a Dell from 1990.

These combined issues caused me to seek guidance from AppleCare.

They, as always were nice, polite, and helpful. Tech support made the suggestion that the machine should be swapped out. I was fine with that except that the machine’s configuration is somewhat unusual and the unit has to be built special in China.

The Tech support people went Oh, that could be a problem.

They transferred me to a super nice man named Josh who walked me through all the necessary steps to wipe the machine, remove it from my Find My, and iCloud account.

Then he carefully explained the exchange process. When he quoted me the lead time, I’m sure that he had his earpiece well away from his ear.

In this case he needn’t have worried. The lead time, is late June or early July. He asked if this was alright.

I told him it had to be alright because the machine would have to be built in China, then shipped, and production schedules are what they are. Yeah it’s an inconvenience, but there’s nothing either of us can do about that.

He said, “Thank you for being so understanding about it, most of the time this is the point in the conversation when people start yelling and cursing me out.”

I told him that I had a long career in the industry. I got it. I mentioned that Apple could perhaps mitigate this kind of thing by maintaining a small supply of “Esoteric” builds of products in Cupertino.

Then I followed on explaining that might not work too well because there was no way for Apple to anticipate failures and it would represent dead stock racking up inventory tax just sitting in a warehouse.

The problem with this machine may just be infant mortality. It happens sometimes with complex circuits. Or it could be a manufacturing process issue.

If the problem is a manufacturing issue, Apple better move fast to nip it in the bud. This is the kind of thing that gives companies big shiners when it comes to public opinion.

Reliability gets you customers DOA equipment does not.

We know from experience that China gets sloppy with their manufacturing process from time to time.

Anyone remember tainted dog food? How about tainted Heparin (The blood thinner). Or blood pressure meds tainted with carcinogenic chemicals and in some cases metal filings? Oh, remember the tainted drywall, that was a good one, carcinogenic chemicals vaporizing in enclosed spaces like people’s homes? Then there was the defective lithium ion batteries in Samsung phones (How about a fire in your pants scarecrow?)

Good Job China! Great freaking quality controls you’ve got.

In fairness, given the number of products produced in China that work just fine perhaps I’m being a touch unfair. The problem is that with so much being produced in China, when they screw up, they really screw up on a massive scale.

This is why I’ve always questioned our reliance on goods manufactured in China. This isn’t to say that there aren’t manufacturing problems elsewhere in the world, but It seems to be China where executives are routinely murdered, only when their carelessness embarrasses the CCP. Otherwise everything is, “A-OK top notch…” even when it’s not.

You’ll note I didn’t mention anything about sloppy laboratory practices. We’re not supposed to say anything about a disease causing a panic that crippled the global economy are we? Sloppy laboratory processes, particularly in research labs, can have dire consequences. Just Sayin…

Honestly, I’d be much happier if all Apple products were manufactured here. For that matter I’d be happy if all our products were manufactured locally.

It’s a lot easier to fly a process engineer to Texas, or Oklahoma on a Sunday than to fly that same engineer to freakin China, to figure out whatever step, or steps, a Chinese executive decided to omit to speed up production.

Perhaps an executive forgot to whip the Uyghurs enough on a particular day???

I know, I know, I’m being hypocritical. I have no high ground to bash China when I’m feeding the beast like everyone else, purchasing goods produced for mass consumption under ethically or morally challenged circumstances.

Again, I digress.

Apple has indicated they’re going to be very good about the exchange. I’ve already packed the New Machine up in all of it’s original packing materials. I’ve printed the return label, and I’ll drop it off at a FedEx facility on Monday.

Then I’ll wait for a new, new machine to arrive sometime between June 25th and July 6th.

Although, if it’s a manufacturing issue… It could be longer.

On the one hand I’d like the notoriety of being “The Guy” that caught a problem with Apple’s production lines.

On the other hand, I’m not sure that would be a good thing if thousands of Apple customers have to wait another month for their machines, and know my name.

What would be nice is if Apple responded to my job applications, or better yet sent me the machine for free.

HA! I’m not holding my breath…

My, My, My, Apple came through

I was in the process of writing a blog about the preparations I was going through to transfer to the new machine.

I was contemplating my next words, when UPS stopped in front of my house.

This is a rare event in my life, I do not have daily UPS, FedEx, or Amazon deliveries.

I thought that Apple had sent me the return kit for my old machine and was concerned that once delivered I’d have 14 days to return my old machine for credit and that this presented a problem since I didn’t have the new machine.

I groaned that I’d probably have to call Apple about it since the new machine wouldn’t be here until Wednesday or Thursday.

Low and behold, the UPS man was delivering my new computer.

I opened the outer box, then stood for a while deciding if I should start the transition process that evening or should I wait until Saturday. It was almost 7 PM. I didn’t really feel like spending the night screwing around with computer stuff.

Then I thought, “It’s here, I know this is going to take a long time. Best to get started,” and I did.

My plan was to bring the computer up without restoring anything from the backups. That meant that I’d be doing a lot of file copying from the server and possibly from the old computer in Target Disk mode.

I set the new machine on my desk and turned it on. I wasn’t impressed with the sound of the startup chime. Somehow it just didn’t sound as rich as the old machine’s.

Not an auspicious beginning. I persevered though.

I answered all the normal startup questions a Mac asks. I decided to link the system to my existing Mac ID. That would allow me access to the password file I’d cleaned up. I told the computer, “No, I don’t want to use an existing backup.” The machine thought about things for about a minute. Then It was up and asking for new instructions.

I went to the App Store. Logged in and went to the purchased software area. I thought this would buy me some time to cook dinner. I went through the list ticking off the applications that I wanted to download.

I’d just gotten up to go fix dinner, when the machine “binged”. “What now,” I thought. Surprisingly all the applications had downloaded. Damn this thing is fast!

“Okay smarty pants, let’s try this,” I thought smugly logging into the server. “This will give you something to chew on.”

I went to the folder containing my document folder. 100GB of files and folders. I selected all of them. Then dragged ‘em to the Documents folder on the new Machine.

“That should keep you busy for at least an hour or so,” I got up to go make dinner. Just a few minutes later I heard the “Thunk” sound distinctive to Apple systems saying the file copy was complete. “WTF?” I was just beginning to heat my soup.

Something must be wrong, I went back to the office to check, expecting only a partial copy or some other pain in the butt.

Nope, everything was right where it should be and the computer was waiting for the next command.

I selected the remainder of the folders to be copied from the server. I dragged them to their correct locations. This time I monitored the data transfer rate. It was astounding and the computer was still cool to the touch.

My older Mac would have been hot in some places and generally warm to the touch during this operation.

Frankly I’m impressed.

I also like the keyboard on the new machine better than the older machine. This one has a really nice feel. It’s similar to the wireless keyboard I recently purchased. The consistency between the keyboards feel is one of those unseen, unnoticed ergonomic touches that adds surprising comfort.

The new machine was up and ready to go within an hour. There are still some tweaks here and there, and there are a few applications that will not run natively on the machine.

I’m having a debate with myself about installing the rosetta application to enable compatibility.

The first backup took about an hour. But I was working on the machine completing some writing that I wanted to get done while that was going on.

Over the next days I’m sure that I’ll find things I missed but I doubt those things will throw a major monkey wrench into my day.

The only thing that is odd, is that the computer had a powerful acrid odor when I first started it up that grew stronger while I was loading software. The odor is much reduced this morning.

New computer smell, is not nearly so pleasant as new car smell!