Alright this kinda pissses me off but it was not unexpected.

The final T-Mobile bill showed up.

They are totally Sprintified now. Between the old Sprint’s terrible billing practices and T-Mobile’s well renown awful billing practices what you get, when you leave them is a bill that is about DOUBLE your normal rate. 

My monthly bill for years was 120.00. Then when I lost Jerry my bill dropped to $75.00. Then T-Mobile decided to raise their prices while other carriers were advertising lower rates.

Since I had the temerity to ask, about lower rates and was essentially told by a representative off shore that I shouldn’t be asking about lower rates. I made arrangement to go to one of those other carriers.

As Expected T-mobile had to make this a bad divorce, complete with alimony.

I suppose in the world I’d choose to live. I’d have expected them to ask why I’m leaving.

I’d have expected them to say, “Here’s your final bill and it’s prorated such that you only owe us for the days that you actually used our services. We’re sorry to see you go after 14 years and want you to know you’re welcome to come back to us at any time.


What you get is a psychotic blend. 

We’re Sorry to see you go. You owe us 140.07

They printed some really weird itemization. It looks like the phone line being ported to the new company collapsed the bundled plan that had my iPad and Apple Watch attached. But you can’t have a phone line on an Apple Watch by itself without a cell phone plan so in theory the watch plan should have ended when the phone plan did. 

Except it didn’t… The iPad plan since it was no longer attached to a phone plan jumped from $20 a month to $77 a month and then they doubled it. They didn’t care or notice that I manually cancelled these plans 2 days after the phone number had been ported. Nor did they care that I couldn’t cancel these plans because when they killed the phone line, they also killed my online access to the entire account.

They were acting just like a psychotic bitch burning your clothes on the front lawn!

I could call them, I could fight with their foreign customer service and get “The plan is the plan” or just pay the bill.

I’m going to choose the latter because I don’t have the energy to fight what will be a losing battle, just on principal. We all know that none of the foreign customer service people have the ability to “DO” anything. They’re just punching bags reading from scripts. AI will soon replace them and do just as fine a job as they do. Mindless recitation of a script with no comprehension of the words and less comprehension of the customer issue at hand.

Nope. I’ll simply make sure that I let as many people know T-Mobile is just as shitty as the other big carriers these days. They’ve arrived! They’re on Par with AT&T, and Verizon. Congratulations T-Mobile!

In closing,

Why are any of you reading this, paying top dollar to one of the big three when you can get comparable service for 1/3 or 1/2 the price from one of the alternate providers?

Just for the ability to flip them the finger about their shitty customer service and billing practices it might be worth switching.

However, I’d suggest that you contact your particular carrier and force them to calculate the exact day you cancel service to prevent them from screwing ya with a divorce settlement.

I might report T-Mobile to the FCC and CPUC, just to have it on file if there’s a class action lawsuit about unfair billing practices.

After almost a month with the new cellular company, I’m pleased…

Thus far at least.

After I got the initial eSim glitch taken care of everything has worked like a champ.

I like saving $50 a month on service. Rather, I think I’m going to like that.

I did notice a bit of a data slowdown in one place I happened to be. However, that was only one spot and the issue seemed to resolve itself as I made it further down the road. I wonder if it was simple network congestion. AT&T is the underlying carrier for this particular company. I know in some areas they are a little more saturated than others.

There’s another 2nd tier company that is more expensive, but they buy blocks of data or cellular service from the big three. It looks as though they’ve figured out some balancing system that puts you on the least congested of the three carriers or perhaps the carrier with the best coverage in the area you’re in.

I didn’t go with them because they weren’t much less expensive than T-Mobile and honestly aside from T-Mobile’s customer service getting shitty and the cost of service going up… I was happy with T-Mobile. As I stated before, Their pricing and their Customer Service drove me away.

The new guys, will have me as a customer for as long as they treat me well. I’m probably never going to have “Loyalty” to a cellular provider again. 

I know it’s a hassle but I’d really suggest reviewing your cellular plan and doing some price comparisons. Especially if your phone is not under some contract.

Here’s a list of the folks I checked out.

Mint Mobile – T-Mobile’s Network
Consumer Cellular – Verizon (I think)
Patriot Mobile – All three Verizon, T-Mobile, or AT&T
PureTalk Mobile – AT&T’s network

What’s really strange is that going through these folks is cheaper than going through the big three Verizon, T-Mobile, or AT&T. I still have no clue how that works.

These companies typically have US based Customer service. I don’t know how long that’s likely to remain the case, but for the time being it’s nice to talk to someone stateside.

That being said, several have “business hours” so if you’ve got a problem, you’ll have to handle it during normal business hours extant wherever they happen to be.

Puretalk USA Promo Code.I settled on PureTalk because they were the cheapest. I don’t use a lot of data so their 3GB plan with unlimited talk and text serves my purposes very well and cost $20 a month.

There is one thing that is, or can be misleading.

If you’re using an iPhone and their iMessage app. Sending text messages may not count in the unlimited text message column.

Unless specifically set to be otherwise, iMessage uses data not SMS/MMS (Cellular Text).

So yes, the SMS/MMS part of the cellular service is unlimited, but iPhone to iPhone will use your data plan by default.

I haven’t felt like forcing my phone to use SMS. As it stands, with me using my phone as normal I’ve still got 88% of my 3 GB data available. If It becomes a problem or concern, I’ll change to the $25 plan and have 5GB which is the same as I had on the T-Mobile Plan.

I’m really curious about how the new Google RCS standard fits. Does it use SMS or is it too data?

Oh, if you do the comparison and decide to switch to PureTalk, kindly use this link.

They do a pretty nice referral bonus. 

Yes! I’m becoming a cheap bastard in my old age.

Fingers crossed that I continue to be pleased. If not, there are other options to choose.

Have a great day.

Fasinating how draining Twitter is…

At first it’s interesting. There’s a stream of “new” data and ideas.

You interact because some people are funny, and if you’re lonely you’re reaching out to other humans, trying to connect.

There are positive connections but generally they’re temporary. When they go away as they inevitably do, it hurts in a way. It’s not a major hurt but suddenly you’re unimportant in someone else’s life and you wonder if / what you did wrong that made them go away. What changed between this week and last week? Are they just busy, or did they find someone more interesting? With the possibility of thousands of followers all interacting or attempting to interact daily or hourly if you fall of the edge of the map it usually goes unnoticed.

This has the potential to make any loneliness a person may feel, much sharper. 

Some people will move on without paying much attention, after all, there are literally thousands of other people. Some people won’t notice, and others, those with few followers may be devastated.

Everyone is clamoring for attention “Pick Me, See Me, Talk to me”, and yet the satisfaction provided is not sustaining.

In my observations of the “Twitterverse” I’ve started to understand this and noticed a few other things too. 

Twitter has a lot of really shitty, stupid, and narcissistic people. I can only imagine what TikTok or other platforms are like.

For someone like me, seeing that level of stupid or meanness is super depressing. This is especially true when the Twitter Stream is like a broken sewer pipe of shit. It wouldn’t take me long based on a raw Twitter feed to decide that humanity needed to be nuked.

Even if Twitter represented only a fractional part of humanity, it’s pretty clear the species is doomed. Dropping nukes might be a mercy.

The fact that it’s monetized and you can apparently make reasonable money using Twitter, in some cases brings out the absolute worst in people.

The parody accounts are sometimes funny but in other cases are even more depressing because sometimes you’re transfixed by the sheer insanity. You’d never normally watch some of the shit, but it’s like watching an accident, you can’t look away. Then you have to try to unsee what you saw and are depressed about being pulled into it in the first place.

The “Free Energy” Twitter accounts are really depressing for someone like me. Time and time again, the “free energy” person has “figured out” how to make an electric motor.  Something that’s been known for 200 years or so. However, because apparently Science isn’t being taught in school anymore, these people think they’ve got something new. 

All the free energy people succeed in demonstrating is that a rather substantial part of humanity isn’t more than two steps away from seeking out an old crone to “cast the bones” about next years harvest.

That’s really depressing!

So much potential wasted, so many petty people, so much ignorance.

Much of which could be addressed and improved if sites like Twitter and the internet in general weren’t intellectual wastelands.

How many African American fights do I need to see happen in a fast food joint? How many weaves need to be snatched off a fat chicks head before any shame is felt?

Twitter and sites like it pander to the lowest common denominator. In doing so, they drag the rest of us down into the gutter.

I’ve come to the conclusion that Twitter is not healthy, not even a little bit.

I rather think that cigarette smoking is a healthier pursuit. 

I’m speaking of Twitter because I long ago gave up on FaceBook and all the rest. I have a twitter account and I’m considering deleting it. This is actually the second twitter account I’ve had. I’d forgotten why I deleted the first one. Now that I remember, do I delete this one too, or should I simply stop using it then check in only when someone sends me something from Twitter.

Yes, I know Twitter is called X now, but typing “X” in sentences play hell with auto correct and spelling subroutines.