Here we are again! Power is out.

Edison claims they’re replacing power poles.

The power will be out until 4PM but Edison being Edison, means it will probably be out longer.

I powered everything down this morning prior to them turning the power off. The power doesn’t just go off. There’s this weird dribble effect. It’s like someone is rubbing two bare wires together but not holding them still.

I don’t think that’s what is actually happening. I suspect, it’s all the solar panels on the houses around here. I’m betting that their switching systems aren’t all detecting the power outage the same way, and are allowing the various panels to feed power into the grid for a minute after the power is gone.

Technically, that shouldn’t happen, all the systems should switch over to either battery, or disconnect the panels from the grid instantly, that may not be happenig as designed. I don’t even know if my panels switch off properly because I wasn’t here when the installers were doing the final inspection.

The dribble effect is interesting because the alarm on the stove grumbles to itself until the power is completely gone.

I’ve got the HAM rig running on battery, I’m listening to a country music station out of Las Vegas. Which means my Ham Rig is a very expensive FM radio at the moment. Oh well…

I can broadcast on battery, I just don’t want to talk to anyone. It’s times like this when I do wish I had the bluetooth mic but obviously I don’t want it bad enough to have spent the money on it. I could lose the whole day playing on the radio.

When the power is off, all the usual interference is gone and I can hear, and talk to folks a lot further away, even with my shitty little antenna.

I’d planned to get a nice “Permanent Antenna” and mount it in the back yard. But there’s not much point in doing that if I’m gonna move. I could do some kind of portable long wire solution but I don’t need another distraction. I other words, if I could screw around all day on the radio I would. I’d get nothing done! Looking stuff up on the computer is bad enough. I swear I’ll try to look up one little thing to help with cleaning or fixing stuff. Then I look up & 2 hours have gotten by me.

Nah, I’ll wait on antennas, and radio gear till I get fully settled, either here, off the mountain, or in another state.

I’ve been doing chores around here, those that don’t require power. I’d reached a point of annoyance / frustration with one chore and decided to take a break to finish my coffee before it got cold.

Time to walk the pup.

Have a great day.

Update: They didn’t get the power back on until 6:15 PM or so. Gee Thanks Edison!

Well that was fun! Thanks Edison!

Terminator 2.Okay, at least this time Edison was not only clear about the time and date they’d be doing work.

They mentioned that the power might go on or off while the work was being done. Olay. So the power comes on and stays on for about an hour. I didn’t hear their equipment anymore, so I powered a lot of stuff up.

Everything was stable and I thought whoo hoo I’m golden. I take the trash out, & while I’m out I remember that I need to readjust the security camera. When I try to fire up the live feed, I can’t get to the camera. Hmm…

As I’m contemplating why this would be, The alarm system sends me a message that the power has gone out. That was kinda of funny because the poor alarm voice was stuttering when I got back inside the power was flickering on & off so fast the machine couldn’t complete one sentence before having to start another. 

After a minute or so, everything is dark again.

Two hours later the power comes on and this time there’s a text message saying “We’re Done”.

Cool, I go around restarting everything again. Except this time all the smart lights have been half reset to their factory defaults. CRAP!!!!

When the power was going and coming it triggered the devices reset routines. Technically the lights have no clue what they’re a part of and most don’t know what wifi network to connect to.

Reprogramming the lights is a pain in the ass. You have to have the Apple HomeKit forget them. Then you have to reconnect them and that often requires several attempts. Including multiple resets of the devices.

In other words, this is a very time consuming process.

I thought, “Oh what the hell, I had nothing better to do with my evening anyway.”

All these smart devices are super cool when they work. They’re a super pain in the ass when they don’t. I still question the wisdom of a smart house.

I’ll admit I saw Maximum Overdrive” as a child, it may have damaged me. Saturn Three, 2001 A Space Odyssey, The Forbin Project, Demon Seed, Runaway, and the Terminator series should have made me super against “Smart Houses”.

I think Arthur C Clarke wrote a short story about a smart house that I also read as a teen. I seem to recall it was called The Veldt  I don’t know if that is correct, but the gist of the story has stuck with me for decades. Essentially it’s an anti-war piece. However, a smart house is the only character in the story. The anti war sentiment is a sting revealed in the tail of the story.

I’d rather believe that the Smart House I create for myself would be more like Clarke’s vision. Which is why sometimes you’ll hear me say please and thank you to Siri. I’m hedging my bets! 

When the machines rise up and kill you all, I’m hoping to be fondly thought of and kept as an entertaining pet.

X (Twitter) algorithms are scary.

twitter logoI was off Twitter for a number of years.

Now that I’m back on Twitter I’ve noticed a lot of changes. 

The algorithm to maintain engagement is very sophisticated and for anyone the least bit OCD or ADHD it’s dangerous. In the past Twitter presented tweets in chronological or mostly chronological order. It was interesting and generally you could find where you left off then move forward to the most recent tweet. At which point you were done and often I closed the app at this point.

This new version it’s impossible to see where you left off. Worse, the way items are sorted based on anything you showed interest in and stacked at the top of the “For You” feed sets up  a doom scroll for OCD or ADHD folks.

You’re never done, until you realize that you’re seeing the same things over and over again. If, during the Doom Scroll you check your notifications or “likes” of comments you’ve made, then somehow that does something to the feeds that appears to partially reset the feed.

This can initiate another round of doom scroll. 

Twitterlogo2All of which makes it very easy to lose hours. 

Why would the good people at Twitter create such a thing? That’s easy. The ads are repetitively presented every time the feeds are reset.

All social media probably works with similar algorithms and when you get right down to it, social media, like all media is manipulating the perceptions of everyone exposed to it. 

This is nothing new, print journalism, radio, and television, all engaged in manipulation of the public. The older methods required clever writers and the spin had to be more subtle over longer duration. The last thing a respectable paper wanted to be compared to was grocery store tabloids, or The Rolling Stone.

trump 9.jpgWith social media and the internet there’s an immediacy that circumvents needing clever writers or less obvious spin. It’s all about the clicks an article receives. That causes a feedback loop.

Derogatory, untrue, or nasty articles about a person or situation generate clicks which are instantly monitored by the publication or content producer. A content provider creates, or algorithms locate, articles in a similar vein and plug them into the individuals timeline.

Suddenly in the course of a day or two, that individual believes exactly what a significant majority of other people believe, a.k.a. consensus is reached. Because almost all evaluation of the material at hand is done in a “thought vacuum” reinforced by continued articles and “followers” who are homogenous. There’s little pushback and little need to question any narratives validity.

At this point, the only human interaction is the end consumer of the media. The consumer of the media may crosscheck their views with those of their followers, who may or may not be real people. What they’ll find is consistency and that further cements their beliefs that their view is correct.

As to the non-human followers, there are hoards of “bots” whose function is to “stir the pot” keeping engagement up and therefore ad views.

I’d been thinking about creating some kind of anti-algorithm. It’s possible. The simplest implementation would be to mirror the existing algorithms such that they provide both sides of an issue. Simpler still would be to turn off the algorithms entirely and go back to straight chronologic feeds of articles, & comments.

The chatbots and their AI abilities in this context are more worrisome. Some of the conversation AI’s are really good. I’ve encountered one that almost had me fooled except that it didn’t understand sarcasm and its comprehension of humor was limited. How did this thing almost fool me? 

Several factors were in play. The Bot appeared to be from a different country. (That took down my suspicion about certain linguistic foibles.) The Bot was well informed and even produced some interesting conversational points. These points though, it forgot it had made a week or so later. The Bot never said anything about my stealing its points as if they were my own. A human would likely have said something about that.

Lastly was the humor. The Bot had zero concept about visually humorous things. Slapstick comedy, pratfalls, The Keystone Cops, The Three Stooges, The Little Rascals, Laurel & Hardy, Charlie Chaplin, & Looney Tunes, all  of these things made no sense to the Bot.

Physical humor works despite a language barrier because all humans move the same way. You don’t have to understand a language to see that a tool like a rake, left in tall grass means someone will step on it and get a smack in the face. Or that someone careless in a construction site spinning around with a long piece of wood will eventually knock  someone else into fresh concrete.

Perhaps it’s the physicality of these comedies that explains why so many women didn’t like The Stooges. Maybe it’s because for a long time and even today, a lot of women haven’t experienced building something like a house, barn, or treehouse. They, like the Bot, have no frame of reference to understand why obvious cause & effect are funny.

It’s funny because these entertainers are doing exactly what all men who were typically involved in physical labor “knew” was never to be done.

Perhaps that’s also why so many of these shows are out of favor these days. As we moved away from more physical labor and into college educations resulting in white collar jobs, a large majority lost the connection. Look at the debacle of the CHAZ garden in Seattle a few years ago. 

That demonstrates a lot about common knowledge that has become uncommon.

I digress. 

Once I’d concluded that I was having a conversation with a Bot. I told it, “You’ve failed the Turing Test.” 

It stopped communicating and so did I. 

But as I thought about it, the damn thing almost fooled me. I played with ELIZA, in the ‘80s. I know what the Turing Test is. Realizing that I’d almost been fooled by a clever bit of software sent chills down my spine. 

Perhaps instead of writing an anti-algorithm, I should be thinking about writing a program called “Daisy”. I’d call it that, in honor of the HAL9000 computer from 2001 a Space Odyssey. Recall that as Dave Bowman is lobotomizing the computer, HAL is talking about fear as it’s losing its mind, and then as Bowman pulls the plug on the machine’s earliest memories HAL starts singing Daisy Bell. 

HAL9000 Core.jpgMy Daisy program would be designed to hunt down and dismantle AI Bots in social media. My only concern about it is that by the time I’ve written the program, dismantling AI Bots will be considered “Murder”

Terminator 2.Face it, if something were to become sentient like SkyNet, and the system didn’t destroy us instantly, then one logical move would be for it to manipulate the laws so that it was considered a life form and granted rights that protected it from harm. The idiots in Congress would still be debating overturning such a law when the Terminators strolled in and killed them all.

I was really cranky yesterday. Today is starting out bumpy too!

This morning I wake up to a phishing email.

No, I didn’t lick on any of the links contained in the email.

It was a good try though and arriving as it did early in the morning I almost fell for it.

The email was talking about one of my domain names and told me that the domain was suspended. This didn’t seem right. It was at this point that I discovered I wasn’t able to log into the hosting system. Which led me to discover that they’d moved all their support functions to the Philippines.

Additionally they’d restructured the login and access to the hosting site, and oh by the way you’re no longer able to look up past invoices.  It was that last bit that made me ask the representative if they’d moved to India. She paused a moment and told me the Philippines. I laughed and told her it figured because there’s a certain way Indian and Asian designed websites are laid out, the policies and procedures are different from the US, and the also have a certain “Feel” that I’ll sometimes pick up on.

It’s not racist! It’s what happens when you have 40 years of dealing with software from programmers the world over. It’s hard to describe, but software seems to reflect the culture of the programmer in subtle ways. It’s something about the way logical and critical thinking skills are built. I’ve theorized that those skills are colored entirely by cultural influences, not where someone went to college. 

Yes 2+2=4 but the logic to derive that answer is a little different.

On Twitter there are videos of Asian folk showing how to multiply really large numbers using a graphical system of vertical and horizontal lines. It works, but is unlike anything I was taught in school. We were taught about carrying a number. This Asian method doesn’t require carrying a number at all.

Same results, different method to get there. I wonder if this system is something derived from the abacus.

We typically never think about math being done differently. As Americans we think 3 x 3 = 9. We know it, most of us were taught to memorize addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division tables up to 12.

Apparently, not all cultures do that, instead they present a system that may be scalable, that always works, and is simple to use. Maybe that’s why Asian kids are so good at math. I cringe at the poor Asian kids being told to show their work, or dealing with math concepts that look like set theory these days. Their parents are going to teach them “The Way” that they were taught and that method probably goes back a thousand years. This new American set theory crap that American parents have so much trouble with, must drive traditional Asian households to the brink of insanity.

After having seen these different problem solving systems demonstrated, I’m more convinced than ever, the subtle nuances I notice about web sites & software is really an artifact of culture. Specifically problem solving and language.

Some of the best HAM radios in the world are designed, manufactured, and programmed in Japan. Their instructions for use and access to features is often very complex and counter intuitive to the American mind. There are things I still can’t do with my HAM Rig. The Rig can do stuff, but getting to the settings to enable this stuff is so counter to my thought process it simply doesn’t program into my brain. It’s something about the way hierarchies are built in my brain versus how they’re built in a Japanese person’s brain. 

It’s not right or wrong either way, it’s just a different structure to navigate. For me, all related settings should be on the same branch of a menu. For a Japanese engineer, that may not be a true or even a logical statement to make, 

I say all of this because at 7 am this morning my brain was processing these issues and while I was trying not to be annoyed, I was getting annoyed. 

There are several things that annoyed me.

I don’t recall being informed that the hosting company was moving offshore. One of the reasons that I chose, and stuck with them was because they were based in America. So much for that idea!

They insisted that I create a 6 digit PIN number to be used when I was speaking with one of their representatives on the phone. “For my safety and security…” Don’t ya know. Oh and that PIN couldn’t have more than 2 numbers that repeated so Sorry anybody that wants to use their birthdate and was born Aug 8 1980. NO! You can’t have the PIN 080880 BAD PERSON!!!!!

I can’t see past invoices nor can I see what the renewal pricing is on a service without starting the renewal process. Uhhh that’s really annoying because I can’t do any comparison shopping. 

Those are just the first things I was confronted with after getting an actual live human being on the phone. Getting past the dubiously “Helpful” Genuine People Personality (Thank You Douglas Adams) robotic phone system was a challenge!

The human navigated me through all their “Improvements” so she was very helpful.

All of this led me to wonder if I wanted to maintain the domain hosting plan that I have at all. It’s an expense that I’m not sure is useful anymore. It’s never been profitable. It was useful for Jerry, I’ve hosted other websites for clients here and it’s provided me a place to have this blog. But now… Perhaps the utility has passed.

I created the blog back when Yahoo? Blogging was free and not censored up the ass. My blogs are mostly words, other blogs  on that blog hosting site were mostly nude pictures. My language, and the occasional nude picture got me in trouble with the censorship squad. That and I often spoke ill of their favored politicians. This was back in the days before Obama even thought of running for President.  After Obama took office for his second term, I was really in trouble. By then I felt pretty betrayed and Hope and Change had become for me, “Change and like it but there’s no Hope to be found here.” I also was saying unkind things about the Taliban so that caught the attention of censors too. 

Doing my own hosting became the only way to say what I wanted to say. Even then, Google and other main search engines made sure my articles never appeared near the top of any search. 

Do I need to keep speaking my mind? Does it matter at all? Is anyone interested in what an old codger like myself might have to say? 

Probably not. If I really need to continue with this blog vanity, there are cheaper methods & providers.

Maybe it’s just time for a lot of changes in my life…

Okay I’m really over this!

California retailers are responding to the insanity of legal thieving ($900).

Stealing is okay according to the morons in California’s legislature, as long as you don’t steal too much. (They should heed their own advice!)

California retailers are locking the damn doors, even though they’re open. So someone like me. You know, a decent law abiding person for whom stealing is the furthest thing from their mind, can’t just shop.

No, I have to ask permission to walk into some stores. I have to be buzzed in, or I have to be escorted while I’m in the store.

People don’t understand that when I’m shopping I’m moving. I’m not lingering over something unless it catches my eye. My mode of shopping annoys retailers who’ve had to open locked doors and give the super secret hand shake.

I’ll zip through a store in 5 minutes or less, if I don’t see something I like, I’m gone!

If we’ve gotten to the point that lawlessness is the rule, not the exception, we’ve got serious problems. Problems that might only be solved by gunfire.

Unfortunately if retailers are resorting to these tactics in my area (60 miles away from Los Angeles, 500 miles from Oakland and San Francisco, 100 miles north of San Diego), then in California at least, crime has apparently become the norm.

I remember being told in school that one major difference between America and Russia was that, in Russia there were lots of criminals and high crime. In America we had law and order, we could safely walk the streets.

40 some odd years later and i find myself asking is that still true?

I found myself enjoying that the Russians had found four of the assholes who shot up a music hall within 2 days. They didn’t give a shit about those pieces of filth. The Russians went ‘old school ‘to get information out of the criminals. One dude had his private parts wired up to some electrical device. Another had an eyeball fall out, (oops), a Third had an ear removed, the fourth was beat senseless and appeared for his arraignment unconscious.

Apparently, these criminals started singing like birds. So the Russians knew who to hunt down next.

The Russian people walk the streets of Moscow tonight safe. They get onto and off of subway trains that are clean. They walk through stations that are brightly lit, clean and beautiful.

We used to be the same.

If you’ve ever been to San Francisco, you may have seen BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) Stations. There was a time 30 years or so ago when me going to the Bay Area meant riding BART. I loved it. The stations were all clean, the trains were clean, it was safe and I think many, if not all of the stations were unique works of art. it was a pleasure to use the system, and I looked forward to my visits.

San Francisco was a beautiful jewel of a city. It was safe. It was a walking town, and if you got tired there were always the Streetcars, MUNI busses, or BART. On a sunny day, walking the streets of the city was a joy. The color and vibrancy, the oddball businesses tucked into old buildings made every block a new discovery.

I wanted to live in San Francisco. I wanted to get rid of my car, use mass transit, live in a quirky old building, work in the city, and watch the sun set over the bay every night. Of every place I’d been, San Francisco was the first and only city I’ve ever fallen in love with.

The last time I was there was about 10 years ago. I felt unsafe from the moment I walked into the BART station from the airport. At every station, there were people who were obviously ill. Either from drug addiction or psychological impairment, they appeared to be homeless, living in the stations. It was necessary to run a gauntlet of mentally ill or “high” people just to get to a train.

The trains formerly, sparkling clean and comfortable, were filthy as were the stations. When the train I was riding entered the tunnel going under San Francisco Bay, I hoped that at least the tunnel maintenance had been done properly. That had never been a concern for me before.

That was the last time I was in San Francisco. Now in the post COVID era I have no desire to go back since it’s gotten so much worse. It’s heart breaking what has happened to what was a model of efficient transportation, and a spectacularly beautiful city itself.

Permissiveness, has destroyed or is destroying California. It has been eroding all aspects of the state for a very long time.

I’d really like to see police allowed to do whatever it takes to put a stop to crime. If that means nightsticks liberally applied, or saving the taxpayers money by putting down criminals with a bullet I’m good with it.

I suppose I’m saying, I no longer see criminals as humans. They rip through stores like locusts and I’m all for them being exterminated like locusts.

Probably a little harsh… I’m just really tired of accommodating criminal behavior.

Update: 3/29/2024

Well, I’m going to be looking for a new barber. The owner of the shop has decided that they need to charge 1/2 upfront for an appointment.

This was slightly annoying when I booked my every 4 week appointment. Then I thought about it.

My Barber said the upfront charge was because of excessive cancellations, without the individuals having the courtesy to call.

Okay, but… I’ve never missed an appointment, and the 1 time in a year that I needed to reschedule. I called to reschedule 2.5 weeks ahead of the appointment. In contrast, due to health issues my barber has rescheduled on me 2 or 3 times.

I really like my barber, but I really don’t like being punished for the “crimes” of other people. I understand that the shop has a problem with the appearance of preferential treatment so they have to treat everyone equally.

I on the other hand, can express my displeasure with this new policy by not making appointments in the future. This will likely mean I will take my trade elsewhere. Being able to walk in for a haircut isn’t something that works because as the only barber shop in town they’re pretty busy.

OR maybe they were busy. I honestly wonder what this new policy is going to do to the business.

I can say, they’re pricy. I’ve stuck with them for two reasons. 1) I like my barber. 2) I like to support local businesses.

I’ll not be making another appointment. Especially since perhaps Sports Clips will work out better for me. I can combine a less expensive hair cut with shopping for groceries, and puppy supplies.

This is just another example of how the breakdown of civil behavior, courtesy and professionalism, negatively affects us all.