^&*%@&^% iTunes


I have a love – hate relationship with iTunes, the application running on my computer, not the store.

Mostly I think it’s a hate relationship but I’m willing to give it the benefit of the doubt.

When iTunes works I’m happy with it although I’ll admit in the most recent iterations I’ve become very distrustful of the application and am more likely to listen to music from my iPad or iPhone.

Distrustful? Why you ask?

I fully expect iTunes to crash at least once, if not two or three times a day depending on what I’m doing. Three times if I’m downloading a video from the cloud.

If it were just the application crashing I’d probably be ok with it. But it has a very nasty habit of taking my entire system down.  First iTunes becomes unresponsive, but if you’re listening to music you might not notice because it’s continuing to play.

You’ll find out though when you try to save a file in another application, or try to open a webpage, or another application or file. Then and only then will you realize just how well and truly fucked you are.


In my case, to regain control, I have to disconnect the USB, and External monitor. Then I have to pull the laptop from it’s cradle, then I have to press and hold the power button.

I shouldn’t have to do all this but by the time you notice symptoms, the OS is so corrupt and the CPUs are so busy that they’re no longer processing any user input.

Then the computer informs me that I shut it down because of a crash and asks do I want to reopen the applications that were running? UHHH NO! Since that’s how we came to be in this situation in the first place.

After the reboot things are usually pretty normal and it’s only very rarely that I have lingering issues.


Sunday is a case in point.

iTunes was up, I’d been syncing my iPad and iPhone then I was chatting with a friend on the phone, and at some point asked my computer to do something.

Locked up! Zero response.

Aww shit! How much of what I was working on got saved? Doesn’t matter… The reboot is inevitable, might as well press the button.

When the system came back, it still wasn’t right, Four reboots, a permissions repair, and a trip through recovery disk, and safe boot later. My computer came back mostly normal.

But then again, maybe not.

I was probably a little rough on that lady…

NewImage.pngJust got a call from someone claiming to be a billing company for my GP.

I haven’t seen my GP in 7 months, so when she asked me if I’d gotten the statement I was all “What?”

Then she reads off the wrong address. AGAIN! and I got a little pissed off. My MAILING address hasn’t changed in 20 years! Even after the house burned down the mailing address didn’t change.

NewImage.pngThis billing firm and I have been through this time and again and they STILL haven’t gotten it right.

Part of it is the arrogance of the data entry people.

After all the one in 10,000 forms that they process, which has a post office box on it can’t possibly be right. The patient filling out the form would take the time to put the post office box number on the form, especially since it is completely un-necessary.

NewImage.pngShe said “I don’t know why the information is incorrect.”

I replied, “I do! It’s because you people are horribly inefficient and your data is corrupt. I will be bringing this up with the doctor the next time I see him.  It’s funny, I get mail from the doctor’s office with no difficulty.”

I disconnected.

Of course this begs another question. Since I haven’t seen the doctor in 7 months or so, what the hell is this billing company trying to bill me for? I thought we’d settled up long ago.

I see a complete review of my medical bills in the near future. It’s not unheard of for medical billing companies to send out duplicate bills long after the fact, in hopes of pocketing the excess cash.

NewImage.pngThis is one of the reasons that I prefer to PAY for the services rendered at the time that the services are rendered. I hate having some bullshit insurance company negotiation going on for months behind the scenes that results in a bill that I can’t verify because I don’t know how much the services are costing me in the first place.

This isn’t about Obamacare, this is about the way the insurance companies and the medical providers services have evolved. This is the kind of thing that government regulation could have assisted the people with.

As I’ve said before, I’d prefer to deal upfront. I’d like to know what the cost for each service and materials for that service are. Then I, as an informed consumer could choose which services and procedures I’m willing to pay for, and which services are perhaps extraneous.

DSC_0442.jpgAfter all, you don’t buy new brakes for your car at every oil change, why should you have an expensive and un-necessary service done every time you go into the doctor?  You & your doctor should be working co-operatively and that requires informed choices. Pricing and purpose of a test or procedure isn’t unreasonable to ask for.

The way the system is now, you can have billing that shows up literally YEARS after the fact and that makes it very difficult to figure out if you should pay the bill, or if the bill is even yours.

I guess I’ll know in a few days. When I get the bill I’m going to drop by the doctors office and have a little chat.

You read it here first!


Slightly over a year ago, I wrote a blog piece explaining that Adobe was going to a subscription model, and why I personally was uncomfortable with that model.

You can read the original piece here.

Yesterday, Adobe’s cloud blew up.

I was blissfully unaware because I have only local copies of Creative Suite and Lightroom. I haven’t signed up for the subscription services and don’t use Adobe’s Cloud.

The chatter on the net was that lots of people couldn’t work because the Adobe Cloud service couldn’t log them in. This single point of failure, resulted in their software being disabled.

I never anticipated that as a failure mechanism. I honestly expected a failure to occur with the download of the application or it’s updates.

In the original piece I did question what happened when the application “Phoned Home”

Does the software degrade? Or does the software continue to work until the next time it phones the mother ship then self destruct?

I’ve got my answer. Without verification, the software stops working altogether. NICE!

I’m glad I didn’t drink the kool-aid. I’ll hang onto my local copies of Creative Suite and never connect any of the programs contained therein to Adobe’s Cloud.

I’m very content having software that works because my license key is local.

I do wonder if it’s time for me to start looking hard at other alternatives to Adobe.

Another Call to Anthem This time about Express Scripts


Yesterday, some stuff at the pharmacy was… available, not available, available, not available … Please Call Anthem.

Sigh! 32 minutes on hold with Anthem.


“Hi there, could you please explain why I’m having problems at the pharmacy now?”

“On moment, Ah here it is, you haven’t Opted out of the Express Scripts Mail order service.”

“Ok, Let me explain something to you in no uncertain terms. If you force me to deal with Express Scripts I will cancel this policy.”

“Oh you’re not being forced to use them, you just have to opt out.”


“In other words you’ve signed me up to use their mail order service without bothering to tell me about it. Otherwise I wouldn’t have to Opt out.”

“Oh no Sir, all our clients have the option to use Express Scripts, you just have to tell us you don’t wish to use this valuable service.”

Briefly, I think about going ‘round the maypole again but obviously the nice lady at Anthem doesn’t understand my meaning about needing to Opt OUT of something versus choosing to Opt IN to something.


It would be a long conversation that dealt with the English language and fundamental rights, such as the right to privacy. Banking and credit cards spring to mind.

I’d, until the past decade or so, operated from the position that my account information, purchasing habits, or even the fact that I did business with a particular bank or credit card provider was private.  

Then I started receiving bank privacy notifications and forms that needed to be returned to Opt Out of them sharing my data with other companies.

While at the same time a certain bank of note started sending demanding e-mails and text messages once a quarter to Opt IN to their saving programs. Of course I’d like to save 5% on my purchases. Why do I have to re-affirm this every freaking quarter and WHY do they use words like madatory and Action REQUIRED in their quarterly reminders?

Why do they only bug me once a year, in very fine print to opt out of their selling my personal information? It seems backwards to me but then again I’m an old fuck.


I decide that the Anthem girl probably wouldn’t get it. She sound likes she’s in her 20’s. For her my explanation wouldn’t make any sense.

She’s from an age where its common place for ex-boyfriends to put naked photos of her or movies of them screwing on the internet. 

Privacy means considerably less to her generation than it does to mine. 

I doubt that she’d even understand the subtly of difference between opting out of something versus opting in to something.

“Ok, can I please Opt out of this fine service?”

“Certainly Sir, here’s the phone number to call, Please hold; I’ll try to transfer you to them.”

While I’m on hold listening to Muzak, I’m thinking that If this is what I have to do to deal with the insurance company, then if I were a doctor multiplying that by 100 or 1000 I’d never get any work done.

As it is, just trying to keep the ballon of my personal insurance in the air is stressful and time consuming. I’m wondering, “what are they going to screw up next?”


I’m also thinking it’s time for me to start shopping around for an insurance company that doesn’t require all this maintenance. Of course I realize that’s probably a pipe dream.

I begin to understand why so many doctors are just tired of the whole damn system.

I think of a childhood doctor, He was in private practice for a few years and I liked him. He’d been a military doctor, when he was just out of med school. After a few years, he gave up his private practice and went back into the military. I assume that’s where he finished out his career, by now he should be happily retired. I remember at the time wishing that he & my mom would start dating. I liked and trusted him.

Gas prices california e1349449021752

“Sir? I’m sorry, but that department at Express Scripts is closed.”

“Fine, thank you for trying. I’ll give them a call myself in the morning.”

I can’t help thinking that this is all far too complex to be in my best interests.

I’ve been on the phone with Anthem at least once a month since November.  They claim all this chaos is due to Obamacare.

I’m sure that at least part of it is, but I’m equally sure that Anthem and other insurance companies are making things more difficult for consumers.

After all what better way to have Obamacare repealed than to inflict pain on the consumers who also happen to be voters.


I’m sure that the insurance companies aren’t losing any money due to Obamacare.

I keep thinking of the way gas prices go up. The oil companies jack the prices to obscene levels, then keep them there for a month or two. Then they drop the gas prices back to .20 above what they were before the run-up.

We idiot consumers breath a sigh of relief because the prices have dropped but we’re still paying more at the pump than we were.

I wonder if the insurance companies are attempting a similar gambit Obamacare jacks the prices and inflicts a lot of pain for the consumers. Then Obamacare gets repealed and the prices drop some and we think “ahhhh that’s better,” then move on to the latest idiocy of the Kardashians.

This morning bright & early I call the number I’ve been given to Opt-out of Express Scripts ‘wonderful’ service.

While I’m navigating the obligatory voice prompt system; I’m thinking that the local pharmacies have been taking it in the ass because of companies like Express Scripts.

Even the big chains are feeling the pressure and the little independent pharmacies are almost gone. Where is the protest against that? Right, I guess it’s not high profile enough to draw the ire of the Occupy protesters.


“Hello this is Mark your pharmacy advisor.”

“Hello Mark, I need to opt out of your service.”

“I’m sorry to hear that sir, we do provide a more convenient service providing you with a 90 days supply of your prescriptions via mail. First I’m going to need to know who you are and your date of birth.”

Note to self: Date of birth has become a piece of data that should be protected. This guy is looking me up with my name and date of birth. Come to think of it that’s all the insurance company or medical practices ever ask for.

I provide the requested information.

“Alright sir, could I ask you to hold for a minute or two?”

“Sure,” I reply, wondering why it takes a minute or two for him to click a check box on a computer screen. But then again this IS Express Scripts and I know how royally fucked up they are.

“There you are sir, you’re opted out. I’d like to remind you that we’re here should you change your mind.”

ExpressScripts1“Not going to happen,” I growl.

“Might I ask why?”

“You people screw up all the time. You screwed up my RXs and changed the drug I was taking to another drug claiming it was the same. Look man, if the drug has different chemicals, they’re not the same, they’re different. Here’s an experiment for you, try taking estrogen instead of a testosterone replacement and tell me how that goes for you. They’re both hormones just a little different.  Then there’s the whole question of your being able to keep records. Your RX by mail online history was always wrong and that begs the question about your ability to detect a potential drug interactions. No, I will not deal with you. I’ll continue to go to my local pharmacy and be able to talk to my pharmacist. You might also want to note this, if mail order through your company ever becomes mandatory through this Anthem policy, I will cancel the Anthem Policy just to get away from you!”

“Er, Um… I’m very sorry for the difficulties you’ve had in the past. Please remember we are evolving and our procedures are getting better all the time. So if you ever change your mind we are here.”

I give him props for his recovery.

“Thank you. By the way, it’s nothing personal it’s your company.”


“Have a nice day sir.”

“Thank you and you do the same,” I hang up. 

Hopefully I won’t have to call Anthem until later in the month, next month.I’ll wait 24 hours then see if all in my insurance world has returned to normal.

I have no need, as far as I know, to call Anthem. I’m penciling them into the calendar just because I KNOW something will go wrong and I’ll spend another 30 minutes to 30 hours dealing with them.

Another one bites the dust…

NewImage.pngMy Aunt received an iPad today.

This is to replace the samsung Galaxy Tablet she’d been struggling with.

All the lady wanted to do was print some of her emails occasionally. And with the addition of a new printer AND 12.99 piece of software she could more or less, from the Galaxy.

NewImage.pngI say “More or Less,” as long as she remembered how to access the software and waited long enough for the software to wake up the printer. Then remembered not to send the item to be printed several times because of the time it took for the Samsung OS to be overridden by the $12 piece of software.

Part of the software’s function is to allow the Galaxy to see that the printer was in fact ready, and had been available the whole time.

NewImage.pngApparently, she was overjoyed when she asked the iPad to print something. And it DID without her having to fiddle with anything.

I’m unimpressed with the Samsung tablets just due to the experience I had with hers.

Android is an open OS and it’s a smart system. What Samsung did to the Android OS as they implemented it in the Galaxy Tablet is a crime.

NewImage.pngI can see making changes to the OS that are specific to the hardware, the OS is running on.

I can’t see purposely limiting basic functionality in the hopes that you’ll force customers to buy your printers. Yes! I call printing basic functionality.

Arguably Apple engages in a similar closed system with FaceTime, AirDrop, and a number of other features. I recall that Apple took it in the shorts with the first generation iPad because it wouldn’t print.

Unknown.jpegI also recall that 1 or 2 IOS updates fixed that deficiency because people were flat out pissed off.

I wish FaceTime could interface with Skype so that I didn’t have to have two pieces of software that did the same thing on my systems. I wish AirDrop and Bluetooth file sharing worked across devices regardless of the OS.

I’m a big believer in choosing a machine because I like its specs, looks, and comfort rather than what OS it runs.

Seamless connectivity is one of those things I believe in.

I ought to be able to make a video call from my iPhone to a friends android.

I should be able to do this WITHOUT having to turn on Skype, determine if the person I wanted to talk to is online. Text them if they’re not online, telling them I’d like to talk to them, then wait for their Skype call.

After all of that, hell it’s easier to just call ’em on the phone and burn cellular minutes.

Apple, with FaceTime has in fact made calling another Apple customer as simple as clicking on the video camera icon and the FaceTime application doesn’t have to be running at the receiving end. The new FaceTime VoIP feature is very nice too.

I video chat to my Apple enabled friends a lot more than my Skype or Google Hangout friends, precisely because of the seamless integration.

Seamless, that’s what I want and, as it turns out that’s all my retired parents and Aunt want too.

Before you write me off as another Apple fan.

I’ve worked with and owned PCs for years. I spent the last five years dealing with Blackberries and Androids. I’ve used Skype on the Android, I even thought that Google was going to make a unifying seamless application that would allow the user to call, or video chat, or use VoIP.

They do kind of, as long as you’re running their application in the background, and it hasn’t crashed, and you have a Google account.

So I know how that stuff works and how it doesn’t, especially if you’re running on limited internal memory on your device. When it works, it works pretty well.

However, the Apple solution works better.

That’s why I’m overjoyed that my Aunt has an iPad.

I’m hoping that in short order she’s going to have an iPhone too. I like the thought that she can walk into any Apple Store and get assistance. Unlike the situation where she walks into an AT&T store and is lied to or cheated, or “up-sold” to something she has no use for, but will have to pay for anyway.

I’m also jazzed that my Mom and Aunt will be chatting face to face more often.

After all, the technology was designed to bring us together, wasn’t it?