Oh, quit your bitching! – Updated

Update – 2014/10/01


A friend sent me a link to what must be one of the most ironic news items I’ve read recently. CNN is reporting that the creator of a “Spying” App has been arrested for creating and marketing the application.

Read the Article Here

While I agree that the Application is a bit creepy and speaks to the paranoia that spouses often feel when the relationship starts to go down the tubes. I completely fail to understand a couple of issues here.

This is exactly the sort of thing the FBI is whining about not being able to do anymore. Have they thought about corporate licensing??

This application and others like it, have been around for a while.  But ONLY now the FBI or justice department is interested? Can you say sour grapes? 

Then there’s this quote that made me blow coffee out my nose.

“As technology continues to evolve, the FBI will investigate and bring to justice those who use illegal means to monitor and track individuals without their knowledge,” said Andrew McCabe, assistant director in charge of the FBI’s Washington Field Office.

(Thinking about it, Perhaps Assistant Director McCabe need only wander the halls of the FBI, NSA, CIA, and IRS with search warrants, handcuffs, and a very large police van parked on the curb. Assistant Director McCabe might be the last honest man in the FBI hierarchy. A large part of me hopes so.)

Which is it FBI? Is spying on people via their phones legal… or not? Or are you saying it’s only legal when the government does it?

Is it just me???

Or are we looking at hypocrisy of Titanic proportions?

FBI Director Comey

The Director of the FBI has been complaining bitterly about the fact that IOS 8 and soon Google Android OS are securing the private information of their users in such a way that law enforcement can’t simply show up at Google or Apple and command those companies to unlock the phones data.

To him I say, “Quit your bitchin!”

FBI Logo

This is the inevitable and completely logical response on the part of the American people to unwarranted government surveillance of average people who have committed NO CRIME.

I’ll tell you what, if the FBI or any other law enforcement officer shows up at my house with a lawfully obtained valid warrant to search my phone, I’ll unlock it for them.


I live under the protection of The US Constitution. Contained therein is The Fourth Amendment, and I quote;

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,[a] against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized

I am seriously concerned that the Director of the FBI has been quoted as saying, 

He said he could not understand why companies would “market something expressly to allow people to place themselves beyond the law.”

When clearly the Fourth Amendment is the law

Perhaps Director Comey needs to re-read The Constitution and familiarize himself with that document more diligently.

The FBI can still obtain most, if not all of the information they need to pursue, and prosecute criminals, They just can’t do it unconstrained.  What happened to good police work, collecting physical evidence, and observing the suspect? In the days before cell phones, crimes were solved by law enforcement by these means. Cellphones made the job easier, but shouldn’t be the end-all, be-all in proving a case.

In the Washington Post article linked above, some law enforcement officials chose to try scare tactics, citing murder and pedophilia as valid reasons NOT to encrypt cellphone data. 

Here’s a reason that the data should be encrypted.

Do you really want to have your stolen phone lead a criminal to your friends homes, your parents, or your children via the contact list or one of the applications that allow parents to keep track of kids locations?  Plug an unencrypted phone into a computer with a little bit of free hacking software from the internet and all those horrors become suddenly viable.


So FBI and other Law Enforcement officials, You’re paying the price of the unbridled abuses of the NSA, CIA, DIA, IRS, and God knows how many other three letter agencies.  Stop the scare tactics, get a warrant, do your jobs, engage in old school police work, and…


Ok I’ve spared you all.

I was writing away about the iPhone 6 lines and how strange it is to me that people waited in line overnight or longer, so they could go get a new phone, to replace the phone they bought last year.

I wrote and wrote, and really put my heart in it.

Then as I was reading the piece before I pushed “Publish” It occurred to me that the entirety of the blog post could be reduced to a single word…


In a society that claims it’s worried enough about the environment that they’re willing to close coal mines, and nuclear power plants, and who mounts months long protests occupying Wallstreet;

Isn’t it just a bit ironic those people in line claim to be environmentally conscience and anti-corporate, and yet without thought they’ll toss last years perfectly good technologies?

Just Sayin…

Beware! This phishing email almost got me!


This one almost got me.

I used to have a toll road account.

I closed the account a while back, in part because I wasn’t using it, but mostly because the toll road people kept screwing up my account.

It’s because the toll road people habitually screwed up their accounting that I almost got screwed by this phishing email.

I was tired when the email came in, since it wasn’t unusual for the toll road people to bill me 6 or 9 months late for some bullshit infraction; I opened this mail.

The toll road people would always claim they’d tried to contact me, which was a flat out lie. The only contact I’d get is a threat via US mail saying unless I corrected XYZ from 6-9 months ago they were going to drag me into court.

I thought it would be ironic that now they’d send me an email after the account had been closed for quite some time.  So I clicked on the display invoice link.

Thankfully I clicked on it using my iPad. The blank page caused me to pause, at which point I noticed that the URL indicated a .fr ( French) domain. I realized I’d almost been suckered.  After a few seconds I got this nice message saying that my OS wasn’t compatible.


Weird! A polite virus or malware, who’d have thought?

In any case I thought it worthy of mentioning to the world to be on the lookout.

Then it occurred to me that my susceptibility to this phishing email was predicated on a legitimate service and their poor customer satisfaction, or their incompetence.  

This suggests that any company who is renown for poor service and unhappy customers could easily be used as a trojan horse.

I think the lesson here may be:

1) Make sure that we only accept paper mail communications from our utilities, services, and banks.


2) We hold these entities to a high standard of customer support and never them get away with being sloppy in their dealings with us. Which means that we beat the stuffing out of these companies when they make mistakes.

An interesting point, I’ve found in my highly unscientific sampling, that I can’t remove email addresses from some of my accounts.

Uh Folks, a Post Office Box is a valid address

Post office 50062 dallas

This is one of those things that most people don’t think about.

If you live in a house, you always have a mailbox, Right?

Well, actually you’d be WRONG if you made that assumption.

There are places in this country where the USPS regulations prohibit a postman making deliveries to your home. Usually these places are located in mountainous regions where the angle of the roads, (also known as the grade) are too steep. The Postal Service, in those situations puts a post office nearby and directs all residents to rent a P.O. Box where their mail will be delivered.


This is done to prevent placing postal workers in a hazardous situation. For example when the roads are covered with ice and attempting to drive a heavy truck up a steep incline would more probably result in an accident.

So, when you ask for a mailing address and I give you my LEGAL mailing address that works for my DMV records, and my Passport and mortgage payments, and bank statements and utility bills, don’t you DARE tell me that I’ve entered into a web form, or given you verbally, an invalid address.


Corporate America, If that address is good enough for the Federal and State governments… its good enough for your paltry needs!

I say this primarily to high technology companies who sell software or services and simply want to make sure that they can put me on their junkmail lists.  Of course certain cell phone providers also fall into this same trap. They claim they’re trying to set up E-911 services and I can see that.

What I can’t abide is when their computers tell them that there is no such physical address and they won’t accept a P.O. Box either.


When I tell you I live at:

6969 Blow Me Circle

Fucking, IN 96969

Then your computer says that address doesn’t exist we’re at an impasse, my address and house exist, they can be found on a map.

Just because your computer says otherwise is nothing more than bad programming. The way around this of course, is to give a company the physical address of the Post Office itself. However in the E-911 situation that means the Fire or police departments will be directed to the Post Office 8 miles away if I dial 911.

UPS Truck

If UPS and FedEx can find my address it’s obviously listed in a database SOMEWHERE! 

More and more I see a narrowing of thought and view, that is reflected in programming. I’m not sure why this is, but it’s getting old.

DragonmapUnless people start reclaiming the right, dare I say it? Their God given right to think for themselves. I envision a day when people will have their faces buried so deep in their screens that they can be confined to cities and suburbs simply by having their GPS present an ancient message.

Here be Dragons 

Watched the Apple Reveal yesterday


Well, I tired to watch it.

I’d just gotten comfortable on the couch, the big screen was on and the Apple TV was streaming the event. I could see the crowd and hear the din created when 2000 people or more are all talking at once.

Then Tim Cook took the stage and began talking.

I thought something was wrong with my TV, or the surround system. Mr Cook would speak and then there’d be the annoying whisper. I thought it was someone sitting too close to an open microphone. As I listened closer I recognized that the whisper was Chinese and it was getting louder.

I checked all my connections, rebooted the AppleTV and then couldn’t get back in to the live stream. The Apple TV kept saying “Content Unavailable”

Apple Logo

Fine, I tried from my computer; “Access Denied”

I grabbed my iPad and tried it. My iPad picked up the stream with the annoying Chinese loud enough that I could barely hear Mr. Cook. 

That’s when I realized that it was some interpreter who was supposed to be there yacking a translation to all the Chinese people. Once again, I felt like i as an English speaker in America was a second rate citizen.

Then the stream failed on the iPad, with the spinning wheel of death.

But the computer was suddenly able to log in again. I put the iPad down. I managed to rejoin the presentation as they were talking about the iPhone, and the Chinese was gone. Fine! iPhone its great, iPhone is wonderful, lets talk about the new innovations and technology…

Cool! thats what I was curious about, I lean in toward my computer screen and the stream fails!

Apple TV


I click rejoin, Access Denied, you don’t have permission to use this server. WTF?

I open the iPad while the computer is rebooting. It rejoins the stream, now they’re talking about Apple Pay. Excellent, I wanted to know about that too. Credit cards obsolete… blah blah, lets look at this video… blah blah… Here’s how it works and what devices will…

Pinwheel of death…



I gave up, it was one of those days when I couldn’t catch a break.

I watched the stream later as a rerun on the AppleTV from my couch. It was a better experience. 

Based on what I’ve seen the iPhone is nice, but somewhat incremental to my iPhone 5s. Having NFC, is in my opinion something Apple should have been doing all along. But given that NFC payments are slowly rolling into the marketplace I don’t see an imperative to run out and buy a new phone.

Apple WatchBesides, I like the size of my existing phone. I can shove it in my pants or coat pocket and it’s fine. My phone does pretty much everything that the iPhone 6 does already.I figure I’ll be ready for an iPhone 7s just about the time that NFC is fully deployed in all shopping venues, then it will be worth the investment. (Have I ever mentioned I was an early adopter of the original iPhone? I don’t know if I ever spent that refund…)

The Apple Watch is very pretty, I’m not sure that I’m ready to go back to a digital watch. Honestly I like my nice self winding automatic. I don’t have to recharge it, all I have to do is move. Isn’t that what the Apple Watch is trying to remind the user to do as well?  It does look like the Apple Watch may contain an NFC chip too. If so, and if the watch would bridge the gap between my iPhone 5s and my purchase of an iPhone 7s for transactions I might consider it. But the payments thing would have to just explode and begin inconveniencing me before I’d feel any pressure.


Who knows, perhaps by the time I’m ready for a new iPad & iPhone they’ll be sentient!