Apparently no one wants me as a software tester… But they sure as hell NEED me!


Here’s the scoop.

I’ve spent a large portion of my career as a software tester. I’ve tested control panels, military stuff, printers, drivers, portions of operating systems, old terminal communication devices, cell phones, network systems, you name it.

Then as I got more mid career AKA Older, my experience and knowledge became less valuable versus my salary and the cost of my group insurance plan. I’m pretty dang healthy, but because I’m over 50, corporate group health policies are pricy.  

Don’t anyone bet on retirement. In America today, you can be laid off and never work again while you’re not quite old enough to actually retire but still too old to work in your field.

Even part time retail positions are few and far between for middle aged white men. I was turned down for a minimum wage gas station attendant position. Yeah, I was going to sit in a glass booth at 4 am selling smokes and making change. I’m either “Over qualified” or too dumb to do that job. 

In any case I was laid off as were my co-workers, and haven’t been able to secure employment in my former career since. 

Believe me I’m needed.

I have a canon printer. It’s a cute little thing and it works really well. It’s frugal on ink and I like it. I also have the Microsoft office suite. Without getting too technical, here’s the problem. If I print to the Canon printer using File—>Print and then click OK. 


My little Canon printer takes off and prints pulling paper from the bottom try as I’ve asked it to do because I’ve set the bottom tray as the default tray. And I’m a happy camper, all is right with the world.

If, however I click on the little printer icon on the menu bar in Word,Excel, or Powerpoint which should just print the same document with default parameters, my little Canon fires up and tries to pull paper from the rear tray which, is alway empty and oh by the way, is not the default tray for paper

In my opinion this is a BUG in either Word or the Canon printer driver. It’s a simple bug, and it’s an annoying one that should have been caught in the initial round of testing.

Grumble Grumble

I move on to my next task of the morning.

I need to Fax something to a business.

Part of that requires that I make a copy of a small card. Since the card is small and both sides will fit easily on one side of one sheet of paper I think, “I can use the memory of the copier to put both sides of the card onto one sheet of paper without having to waste two sheets of paper.”

Sure enough, there is a function called 2 sided original —> One page the icon shows something that looks like a business card and the icon for the One page shows the business card icon front and back printed on a single page. 

That’s what I wanted, what I got was two pages 1 each with one side of my original insurance card. So I ended up wasting 3 sheets of paper instead of only 1 to get what I was shooting for.

Back in the day, for Xerox I tested a function that would take two sided originals and convert them to single sided originals and this function was smart. If the original was from an Auto Document Feeder (ADF) it behaved one way, if the user was lifting the cover and placing an original on the glass the function behaved in a different way.


The assumption was that the user has something special in mind, if they’re lifting the cover. Probably copying insurance cards, or library cards, or Drivers Licenses for inclusion in a file somewhere. Even from the ADF, the function could take 8.5×11 double sided originals and reduce them to fit side by side on a single 8.5×11 page.

Silly me! I thought my copier was using that function… it wasn’t! 

Basically, the result I got was no different than if I’d placed the copy on the glass, pressed copy, THEN flipped the original on the glass and pressed copy again. 

In other words, the super special little button was completely useless and should never have appeared on the screen at all.

This one looks like the kind of screw up you get when you have Indian developers and testers who misunderstand the specification and don’t bother to ask any questions.

Americans would have caught this, or at least questioned it. Provided they were literate enough to actually read the specification and understand it.

And here’s another bug. This one is in this very application.

See that line up there? It’s called a Horizontal Rule in HTML.


I just discovered if I end a line of text, then hit return and then add a horizontal rule, then hit <Return>

My typing insertion point loops back to the top of this blog entry instead of moving to the expected location… directly under the horizontal rule.

I’d have to check the HTML specification to see if that is correct behavior on a web page but this is a blog creation utility.

This is a minor thing, The Application MarsEdit works a lot more like a word processing program than an HTML creation tool. In addition, this application generally produces very nice HTML code. MarsEdit is one of the most reliable applications I use. I guess I should send them a bug report.

In the past they’ve been very receptive and they’ve also been really nice when what I thought was a defect in the software, was actually a defect in my reasoning.

In point of fact, I did send a bug report. Red-Sweater contacted me today asked for some detail and was able to reproduce what I’m seeing. They actually said, “Thank You”. They totally made my day.

They produce great products, are easy to deal with, and genuinely nice.

Red-Sweater deserves continued success and if you can swing business their way please do.

Then there’s this…


I used to be able to print a FAX job to my multifunction printer, (Fax, Copier, Scanner, Printer) directly from my computer. I could enter the phone number in the print dialog box and then say “FAX” instead of “PRINT”. The file went to the printer, it dialed the phone number, sent the FAX and told the computer “I’m done”. It was simple and efficient, Heck, I’d queue FAX jobs on my computer all day long then when I got home or back to the office my computer would find the FAX printer and start sending stuff from the day.

To the computer it doesn’t matter. It’s sending data and the receiving machine has the responsibility to deal with it.

I’ve always found the print as a fax function very useful, and it saves paper.

Sometime in the past year, that functionality has been removed from my computer. The Printer hasn’t changed, in fact the only thing that HAS changed is an update to the printer driver. 

They didn’t even mention it in the driver release notes. And they didn’t remove the feature from my list of pull down options. It just stopped working.


As I went through the trouble shooting procedure on the manufacturers web site, they suggested that I remove and re-install the driver. Of course, the only driver available on their web site is the current one. 

When I did that, the feature completely disappeared from the list of dropdown options!

Well, that’s one way to fix it, I’d have preferred to continue to be able to Fax without having to print something out with it’s cover sheet, manually dial the phone number on the FAX control panel in the printer, and then shred the document after I’ve faxed it.

If you attempt to download the previous drivers you’re directed to a page that politely tells you to download the current driver as the older version are no longer available.

This solution sure as heck will stop the phone calls to support.

It will also mean that I won’t be purchasing this manufacturer’s devices in the future.

Then there’s this little gem.

Typed an email to my attorney. He’s changed his email address. I’ve changed his email address in contacts, and deleted the old address.


SO why did Apple Mail present the OLD address instead of the NEW address that’s in the contact card?

Worse yet because I wasn’t paying attention I SENT my email to that old address and it never bounced back. So I’ve got some private information potentially floating around that I can’t call back and that didn’t bounce.

I checked the contact card again, and yep, it’s right but the address that Apple Mail displays is still wrong. And there’s another software bug.

For all you folks who were sniggering about my concerns over the FAX problems, NOW perhaps you see my logic.

FAX is still generally point to point communications and while yes, it can be intercepted, a one or two character error in the phone number means the data doesn’t get sent or leave your office.

The same cannot necessarily be said for information contained in an email. It can be intercepted, and it’s possible for your email to go to an unknown person within the same domain name. or Both could be valid, one could be a criminal. The typo is only one character different.

Just saying…

So this is my day, every day.


I’m just doing my thing, trying to use software and products as intended and I spend the day stumbling across defects, or odd behaviors that interrupt my ability to continue working and draw my attention to the system I’m working on.

This makes a major case for “Black Box Testing” because some of the things I stumble across would only be really noticed if someone was actually working with the products. Automated testing systems are only as good as the scripting (programming) that’s written to test the software being tested. 

It’s the difference between asking the question “Did the engine start” and was the car drivable? 

This ability to stumble across defects is at once my talent and my curse. Honestly some smart company should hire me to test their software, I’d feel useful and they’d have better software.

Apple? Microsoft? HP? Canon? … Hello? Anybody? 

Echo Echo Echo Echo

Trying to just take a deep breath

After yesterday, I’ve decided to try to spend the day in my office writing, and looking for a new job.


The doors are locked, the alarm is on, and I’ve got the office door closed with music playing.

The crowds were already developing at the base of the hill at 7:30 am.

I can think of some folks I know down that way who are no doubt just “Thrilled” to have people gawking in their windows during breakfast, or their shower.

One way I thought of that might be fun to drive all these people away would be if all of us along the wash just got naked and opened our drapes. We could go about our business, have sex etc and give all these unwanted “guests” an education.

The problem with that is that in effect we’d be stripping the innocence from the children who’ve don’e nothing wrong. Their parents brought them up here, plopped them in the snow and didn’t give a thought to the fact that this is a neighborhood and they’re interfering with our living our lives.

So giving everyone a show would be morally wrong. There is a part of me that would love to see the court battle though.

“Yes your honor, that man was naked!”

“How did you see he was naked?”

“I was in his back yard looking in his window with my kids playing in the snow…”

“Oh so you were being a peeping tom?”


“Case dismissed!”


This whole sudden snowplayer problem has opened my eyes a bit.

There are many things I liked about Wrightwood. But those were things I liked 15 years ago or more.

Time has moved on. When I look at the Wrightwood of today, it’s not as endearing a place.

The negatives have begun to outweigh the positives by an increasing margin.

Victomville, to the North, is a cesspit. Phelan, also to the North often has a crime rate that rivals the inner city. Meth, gangs, prostitution, theft, you name it, are rooted deeply in the desert.

Milky Way

Both cities are within 20 miles of us and loaded with exactly the kind of trash we’ve seen up here in the past few days. 

When I first moved here, The desert floor was dark. You could easily see the rest of The Milky-way. Constellations were clear and bright. Now the light from Victimville and Phelan obscure the sky.

It was easy to forget that just over the mountain was the cacophony of LA, Orange Country, and The Inland DIMpire.


At the time, Victorville was a smallish place populated mostly by Airforce personnel, their families, and various support staff. It was a growing place, that’s true. But when Clinton started closing bases and gutting the military, Lots of houses under construction in Victorville were suddenly without buyers.

That inevitably led to HUD housing and lots of people from South Central LA moved to Victorville.

In fairness these were decent folks trying to keep their kids off drugs and out of the gang lifestyle. But it was too late. the gang affiliations had already been made.


Now, I drive through Victimville just like I do South Central.

The only thing missing is my car saying, “WARNING! You have entered a Personal Hazard Area. Do Not exit your vehicle, Do not stop.” But I hear it in my head.  Logan’s Run had a district where the little bubble cars on tracks would start playing a similar warning.

I actually accelerate. I just want to get out of those zones as quickly as possible. The problem is, those zones are crashing on the shores of our mountains. It’s only a matter of time before all the same ills that exist below exist up here.


I can’t help feeling like its time to sell the house before the property values drop. Looking at the homes for sale here it may already be too late.

Explaining Twitter to an older person.


What is the difference between email & twitter. I see the value of Skype or FaceTime but I am ignorant in respect to Twitter other than its base word “twit” which was an undesirable descriptor in my youth.

Sent from my iPad

My Answer:


Twitter is a social messaging website/application which limits a message to a maximum length of 140 characters.

Email is unlimited.

Twitter, is used by a wide variety of companies and people to send short messages to a broad scope of people also known as “Followers”.

As examples, here are “Tweets” from the LA Quakebot and The San Bernardino Forestry Service.

There are a number of representatives in the House and Senate that have Twitter accounts and post what’s going on in session during the day. Pelosi, Reid, Boehner, and many California politicians use the service.

This is the helpful side of the service.

The downside is that it’s given voice to every Village Idiot on the planet.


The problem is that it’s sometimes difficult to tell that a person is the village idiot.

When you strip away the context provided by other members of a persons village rolling their eyes while the person is talking, sometimes idiots are given far more credence than they should be.

There are tons of news feeds from outside the country as well as the usual main stream media.

Often the News site RT reports on things well ahead of the US and they’re very accurate too.

There are discussions, Pro-Guns, Anti-Guns, Pro-Abortion, Anti-Abortion, Pro-Amnesty, Anti-Amnesty and just about any other subject that you could think of.

I’ve noticed that the rudest people on Twitter are often the ones claiming to be progressively liberal. I still haven’t figured that one out.

Twitter can piss you off and NOTHING you see on Twitter should be simply taken as fact.

The easiest way to think of Twitter is as the modern equivalent of the soapbox in the public square.

The other difference is the level of privacy.

With Email, only the NSA and intended recipient read your message. With Twitter, the NSA and everyone else on the planet can read your message.

I hope this answers your question, have a very nice day.

Ahh End of year stuff begins


I’ve got backup of my computer that dates back to 2008. It’s gotten to the point that the usual backup drives are getting full.  I’m moving files onto other “Offline” drives. then I’ll run maintenance on the usual network drives and start new backups.

In short, I’m in the end of year digital doldrums. Every year I run a cleanup of my drives and delete tons of useless crap that accumulates during the year. This year is special because of the backup drives.

Thankfully backup maintenance is something that I only do every 5 years or so. However when added to the usual year end stuff for taxes, and of course the holiday insanity which means that my days will be busy and my computer will be SLOW.

On the bright side, I can work on some other stuff while waiting for a trillion files to be indexed and moved.

Digital Rabbit Hole

I’ve been trying to catch up on blogs, and work on getting a couple of websites done for clients.

The problem is that I’m kinda being sucked down the digital rabbit hole too. I’m not as mobile as I normally am. I have to keep the computer connected to the network and I’m using a hard connection instead of the WiFi because the hard line runs a whole lot faster. Not fast enough, just a lot faster. Instant probably wouldn’t be fast enough for me.

Here I sit, chained to the desk by an ethernet cable.

When I’m not actively writing and just queuing files for transfer I’m really bored. This archiving has to get done for the good of my network and systems, but it’s tedious as hell.

I wonder. Can I watch Christmas porn on my iPad?

I can, I can! 

Oh, Santa’s got something special for those folks!

Maybe this won’t be quite as tedious as I thought it would be

Situational Awareness


I was doing a little shopping in the OC yesterday.  It was a little rainy so… well, people were more than a little nuts.

Water! FROM THE SKY??? It’s the END of the world!

Growing up on the East coast I think nothing of rain. Hail on the other hand just pisses me off if I’m driving in it, it’s hell on the paint.

I digress!

Glad I didn't buy lunch

As I’m walking around in the mall, I’m noticing people walking around and texting. I can only think that I’d like to position myself in front of the nearest fountain, have a nice cup of coffee and wait for some dumbass to try to walk on water.

Then I notice that the majority of the people in the mall are women. That makes sense, these are soccer moms and they’re trying to get ahead on the shopping while the kids are at school.

Text Fountain

As I walk past the Sony store (yes really) there’s a CNN report blaring about the “War on Women” and that idiot publicity seeker Lena Dunham. Suddenly it hits me like a ton of bricks…

Every single one of these women I’ve been having to avoid because they aren’t watching what they’re doing, is a potential target.

I’m probably going to take some flack about this. But really ladies get a freaking clue, if you’re so focused on texting or looking something up on your phone in a mall that you don’t notice a guy walking toward you, then you turn directly into his path and stand still, you’re a target.

It’s equally possible for someone to be walking behind you waiting to pass in front of one of the service hallways or a construction barrier, then grab you, cover your mouth, and drag you out of the sight of anyone who could help. 

Texting Lady

If it’s a rapist they’re going to have their way with you and no-one would be the wiser. If it’s just someone who wants your purse, phone, or the bags you’re carrying they too are going to take your shit and be gone before you’ve even figured out what’s happening.

In addition to you being completely checked out of life, you’re rude as hell.

Ladies, if you need to text someone, move out of the walkway. Find a spot on a bench or with your back against a wall then text away!

This serves two functions.

1) You’re out of the way of the rest of the mall’s patrons.

2) At least you’ve narrowed the directions that attack could come from. Who knows, you might even see someone coming at you out of the corner of your eye.

The message I’m trying to convey ladies is; don’t be so clueless that you become a victim.