Obviously MEN are better at everything!

Men are better at Sports. We’re better at women’s and men’s sports hands down.

Men are winning Women of the year awards and all we have to do is what we already do best. Dress like a woman and apply makeup better than women do. I’ll admit the tuck and duct tape might be a bit uncomfortable but hey we’re better at dealing with pain too.

Men are stronger, better cooks, painters, drivers, clothing designers, and shoes designers too, (Think Jimmy Cho)!

Men are better at war, science, healing, diplomacy, computer science, and really anything you can name. Obviously, men should be paid more than women!

Most of us can write our initials (some of us our whole names,) in piss, on walls and in sand or snow. How many women can do that? Women don’t think that’s cool, but lots of proud CIS men think it’s cool.

Once artificial wombs are working we’ll be better at reproduction too. Why? Because we have X and Y chromosomes. In the event that women ever become necessary again we have the ability to make them.

Why bother? Women are bad at everything.

Remember that God originally built only Adam. Adam was lonely so God built Eve from Adams rib. If God had built Steve instead of Eve, then perhaps the whole mess with the tree of knowledge and the serpent could have been avoided.


This is the kind of stupid crap that we were supposed to have eradicated 30 years ago. Yet here we are again. What’s next? Will we force women back into the kitchen to be barefoot and pregnant?

Come on! Stop acting like men dressing like women and taking awards away from Ladies who worked their asses off for them is okay.

This shit isn’t right and we all know it. Stop being afraid to call it out.

If something isn’t right and it’s obviously hurting a select group, aren’t we supposed to speak up and fix the problem? The problem here is asshole men who want 5 minutes in the spotlight because they couldn’t rank against other men, so they beat the shit out of Women in sports and other awards.

Oh, Ladies, the men who stand up against this dumb assed shit, will really need your help and guidance… You know sometimes we’re like bulls in china shops. We need a soft hand on the shoulder with a soft kind voice, letting us know when it’s time to stop.

T-Mobile’s Conversion to the Dark side is complete!

T-Mobile is dead, long live T-Mobile.

Okay, some background.

1) T-Mobile purchased Sprint
Sprint had become a terrible company to deal with.
2) There was a 3 year moratorium on price hikes after T-Mobile purchased Sprint. That moratorium is now expiring.
3) It’s become widely known that T-Mobile will begin sending out notifications of plan changes on 10/17/2023.
4) Being someone that prefers to have a plan. I reached out to T-Mobile on 10/16/2023 intending to compare the plan that I am on, with the plan that I’m going to be migrated to. The migration destination is already widely known and being reported in various media all over the internet.

You’d think this would be simple…

HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA! You’d be so fucking wrong!

Due to T-Mobile’s security being less secure than the drunk ugly girl’s virginity at prom, they have implemented double super secret security.

They require a PIN code even though you’re calling on their network, from a phone they know and they issued the SIM for, and the phone number is a number they know is assigned to them. Plus they are talking to a human being who can provide other relevant information.


If they don’t have a PIN code, and try to send a PIN to your phone but it doesn’t show up… Guess What? T-Mobile doesn’t want to actually do business. They’ll tell you, “You’ll have to go to a physical location”

I’m more than a little frustrated with T-Mobile right now.

Last week I was out and about and got an email from them saying that my iPad had blown through all my data for the month. Except that I didn’t have my iPad with me, it was home happily plugged in, and chatting with my home WiFi. There’s no reason for it to have blown through my cellular data.

“Hmm… I better call T-Mobile,” I think. So I call them and manage to get to someone without this damn PIN code because they verified me with the last 4 of my social security # and Billing information. But after explaining the issue and listening to the Indian Woman go on and on about her iPad data and how important is was for her to have data with her children.

None of which I asked, or cared about. I just wanted a simple answer as to why, according to T-Mobile did my iPad just blow through all my data? The Indian woman couldn’t answer the question. But instead of telling me that, she chose to keep blathering on until I was fully annoyed.

Eventually I terminated the call and she called back 3 times even after me telling her that I was no longer interested in speaking to T-Mobile.

Two days later I pulled up my T-Mobile account and found that it was my Phone, not my iPad that blew through the data. I was at the Apple Store resolving another issue and my iPhone got bumped off the Apple WiFi Network. Apparently the Apple Genius told my phone it was okay to use cellular data for software updates… Sigh!

T-Mobile couldn’t tell me accurately in an email what device was sucking up a month’s worth of data, nor could their representative. That sure doesn’t sound like a company or system that is on top of things.


I called T-Mobile at 9:00AM wanting to do an Old Plan – New Plan comparison. Depending on the cost increase, and what options the new plan had, I may be interested in changing plans. When I called, T-Mobile was really busy. I asked for a callback via their system.

At 3:30PM T-Mobile finally got around to calling me back and I waited on hold for 30 minutes to speak with a representative. Then when I get the representative she can’t help me without a PIN code, which I don’t have… Because she couldn’t get her system to send me a PIN, she couldn’t open my account. Because she couldn’t open my account, she couldn’t do the comparison.

She was however very interested in how I knew about T-Mobile’s plan to effectively raise their rates. She was also illogically telling me that if I hadn’t received a notification from T-Mobile about changes to my plan that I didn’t have to worry about it.

I pointed out that ALL of the news reports say that the notifications will not start going out until October 17th, and that since it was October 16th her reassurance is completely useless. I can tell her my account meets all the requirements for mandatory plan migration according to the various articles. She wasn’t listening or she was sticking to her script and didn’t mind looking like an idiot.

T-Mobile would have us believe that them forcing a migration from one plan to another plan which implicitly raises the rates is not in fact a rate increase.

Yeah… And pissing on my head is still PISS, Not warm yellow rain! Anyway, even with T-Mobile Pissing on me, I was willing to listen…

However, after having 3 negative experiences with T-Mobile over the past 6 months I’m thinking it’s time to shop for another cellular provider.

Oh, “What’s the third negative?” You ask. That was when T-Mobile decided they didn’t want to deal with credit cards anymore and insisted on linking into my bank account. I’d been using my Apple Card because I got 3% cash back. T-Mobile took that away.

But… I can still use the Apple Card if I purchase merchandise from the T-Mobile website. So which is it T-Mobile? Are you trying to get away from Credit Card Processing fees? OR was it just to fuck with your customers, and collect yet more sensitive information so that when you have another breach (something you seem to do once a quarter,) everyone on your service is REALLY fucked!

While I had this little lady on the phone I asked what would be involved in my changing services and keeping my phone number.

Then it gets complicated! Of Course it does…

I have to start up with the new cellular service, have them give me some code, then I have to call T-Mobile and give them the code. Which of course is problematic if I don’t have a valid PIN to allow a T-Mobile employee open my damn account.

I wonder if I can even cancel my account without the PIN number.

So let’s look at this, I can’t change the parameters of the account without a PIN. I can get a PIN from a physical T-Mobile Location. I must be able to call T-Mobile to get a transfer code of some kind to move my existing phone number to another service.

I’m seriously wondering if I’m going to have to report my debit card stolen just to have T-Mobile cancel my account if it comes to it.

It feels like the Mafia! You think you’re out, and they pull you back in!

It’s possible that I might end up taking the path of least resistance. I might simply find another carrier and then flush my old phone number in favor of a new number just to get away from T-Mobile.

By the way… This is exactly the kind of shit that Sprint was known for.

Customer service that didn’t know what the hell they were doing. Policies and procedures that were so odious that customers would stay with Sprint just to avoid such policies. Sprint considered its customer base as indentured servants and did anything necessary to keep their customers tied up in regulations, excessive charges, and contractually enslaved.

I’d really hoped that Sprint wouldn’t infect T-Mobile. But alas, the cancer that was Sprint has apparently metastasized.

T-Mobile has become Sprint…

As I said to the completely unhelpful lady when I terminated the call, “This is one hell of a way for you to end a 15 year relationship.”

Perhaps I’ll look at AT&T, Verizon, and / or some of the independent carriers that rent bandwidth on the big threes towers.

If I change phone numbers because I can’t keep my old phone number, I’ll maybe change the number to whatever State I believe I’m going to end up in. Perhaps changing the number now will save me annoyances down the road…

Goodbye T-Mobile. I enjoyed your service. I was even planning on keeping you when I moved. But frankly, if you’ve become Sprint I can’t stay with you.

I knew there was a reason I didn’t like the new Pride Flag

Aside from the combination of colors making me want to vomit… It kept reminding me of something, I just couldn’t place what I was being reminded of.

With the attack by Hamas on Israel, I connected the dots.

Flag of Palestine 1769629428The geometry of the new pride flag reminds me of the Hamas Palestinian flag.

It’s bad enough that if you put four of the new Pride flags together you get a swastika, or that there was someone in England who was arrested for publishing an image from someone else showing that it was true. 

I thought England had freedom of speech…

Oh RIGHT! They only have freedom of speech as long as nothing they say could ever in any way be taken offensively, by anyone in perpetuity.

In other words, our English brethren may not speak, they may only use their mouths to eat.

New pride flag 01 1569595309Hate speech laws seem to be a growing standard, people are trying to push hate speech laws even in America.

I’m amused and astounded when comedians have routines from decades ago reviewed and scrutinized by the new humorless thought police.

Then when offense is found, (as it always is,) the comedians must apologize for something that no-one 20 years ago thought was anything but funny.

By todays standards though, “It” is offensive enough that the scolds in our society try to cancel whoever said or did this offensive thing.

SwastikaprideflagI doubt seriously that any of these all too easily offended people were offended when half their genome was hanging in their daddy’s balls waiting to be jacked down a toilet! A lot of these humorless scolds should have been loads their momma’s swallowed. 

That’s just my opinion… It’s probably reflective of just how tired I’ve become of the perpetually aggrieved. The new pride flag is a symbol of the perpetually aggrieved, and in many ways the Hamas flag is the same.

The Palestinians have been pissed off about something or other for God only knows how long. They’re pissed at Israel over things like power, water, and productive farmland. I’m sure there are other political reasons but I honestly don’t remember and don’t care anymore. I suppose Israel maintains a secure border which hampers Palestinian terror attacks on school busses. That for sure, is going to piss off a bunch of terrorists!

I don’t want to get into discussing the war. I hope Israel wins. And since they’ve been accused and punished for all manner of atrocities… They might as well commit a few in their march to the sea.

I ran across this diagram that supposedly explained the variations of pride flags.

Pride Flags GuideRight off the bat I noticed a couple of historical omissions. They completely erased two of the three most common flags.

At one time, there were just three LGB Pride Flags.

Bear prideThere was the standard 6 color rainbow everyone is familiar with. There was the Bear Flag that came after the rainbow and there was the Leather flag.

The Bear flag was representative of men who, at the time didn’t feel that they needed to shave their chests, or adhere to the smooth muscle boy image that had become so popular and indeed almost necessary if you happened to be a gay man.

The Bear flag represented men who might not be the ideal weight, who might have and like having beards, who might be as hairy on their backs as they were on their chests and who weren’t ashamed of it. The Bear Flag, like the rainbow flag was counter culture, it was counter culture against the main stream gay culture of the time.

leatherpride.pngThe Leather pride flag was much the same. It represented the crowd within the LGB community that liked a bit more spice in their sex life. They too were underrepresented at the time. Dating was difficult, because they’d chat up a prospective bed partner only to find out that their “Date” for the night was only interested in vanilla missionary sex.

Don’t get me wrong, vanilla missionary sex is fine, but if you’re wanting a little more variety and all you have to choose from are missionaries you’re going to get bored pretty fast.

For years, (At least a decade) you’d see the rainbow flag everywhere in the “Gay Ghettos”. But some bars would fly the Bear Pride flag or the Leather Pride flag and those flags served to welcome folks who identified as one or the other community. Sometimes, it was just a matter of going into a bar that was flying what you were into, that particular night.

Some bars used the flag to advertise themed nights. So the same bar might on one night fly a Leather flag, then a few nights later a Bear flag. This was really convenient if you were driving down a crowded street because you knew at a glance what was up and where. It made fighting for parking easier.

It’s not unusual for there to be a bit of crossover between the bear and leather community too. But if you went to a bar flying only the Leather Pride flag, expect to be surrounded by men in leather who’d likely be willing to take you to Kinky Town for the weekend!

Likewise with the Bear Pride flag, be prepared to be mauled, cuddled, touched, and be welcome to return all the above to furry mellow cuddly strangers.

Why is it that some folks want to erase parts of gay culture?

How is that inclusive?

Gay Pride Flag svgCould it be that Bears, and Leather men once again don’t fit the narrative? You know, because they are CIS gendered, happy with who they are and not super worried about marching lockstep with a community that no longer represents them?

I actually see opportunity in the new flag versus the old flag.  I’m wondering if the standard 6 color flag will come to represent the LGB community once again?

It might be nice to get back to just 3 flags, and knowing that if you went to a bar flying the old flags, you’re likely to meet people who are more like you.

Maybe the folks under the old flags would be a bit more settled, a bit more conservative, and similarly uncomfortable with the direction the, LGBTQX+… whatever the fuck else they’ve added, are heading.

I’m planning on attending Leather Pride weekend in Palm Springs, (At least one day,) I’ll be avoiding the establishments with the new gay flag. My trip out there might be very short. I’m hoping that I can find at least one oasis and sit under the old rainbow flag with a drink in my hand one last time.

More optimistically, I’m hoping that I’ll be having that drink as the first of many, under the old flags with people who think and feel the way I do.