
That is why I’m on fewer and fewer “adult oriented” social media sites.


I hate that! I go to the trouble of creating a fairly complete profile, I specifically state who I am, my hobbies, interests, and a small bit of humorous information about me precisely so that the reader has enough to

a) Decide if they’d like to speak to me
b) Have something around which to start a conversation.


How about a complete sentence or better yet a whole thought?

Something like;

Hi there, I enjoyed reading your profile. You’re a SCUBA diver? I’m curious about it, but worry that it’s too expensive for my budget. Would you have time to give me a basic run down from your perspective?

At least there is a basis for a conversation.

Or how about a sender saying;

Dammn! you’re handsome… wanna fuck?

I could handle and respect that and at least it’s not wasting my time and burning through my patience with inane one word responses that pass as a conversation. Hell I could program my phone or computer to answer with one randomly chosen word in response to your one word “Conversation Starters”.

“what are you doing?”

This is another major time waster… how do I answer that? Would it be appropriate for me to say;

I’m taking a huge dump and wondering if I’ve got time to jerk off before I have to get dressed for that church service?

I’ve often thought about answering that way but frankly I fear the string of one or two word responses that I’d have to respond to.

I can picture something like;

“like to suck you.”
“ummm hot”

Of course if I look up the senders location it’s one extreme or the other. It’s always the sender is somewhere like Cambodia. Or the sender is 5 miles away and I when I say GREAT! Come on over I could use a blowjob. I’d like to see my cum dripping from your chin

Then suddenly, the conversation stops. Or there are endless excuses…

You know, if you’re going to say you’d like to suck my dick…

Put your mouth where my dick is!

Purging Movies & Horny as hell!

I’ve been feeling a bit under the weather for the past couple of days. This morning I woke up and just felt like crap. So instead of working out, I’ve spent the morning going through the porn collection

A lot of the porn in my household is on my server.

I noticed the other day that the server was down to 1.2 TB. This isn’t a bad thing it’s just a notification that it’s time to dump some of the movies that I don’t watch all that much or time to buy another server.

It’s more economical to purge movies then it is to buy another 8TB of storage. So here I sit sampling all the movies out there. It’s time consuming exercise but it’s a lot of fun too. The only problem with doing his is that I get horny as hell. But feeling like I do I’m just really not wanting to get all wild and nasty, at least not by myself.

On the other hand if someone would like to sample my collection with me and help make decisions about keeping the best of the best and trashing the rest… Well I suppose I’d welcome the help.

Who knows? It might even help me feel a bit better.

Any Takers?

Notably absent from the media…

I have noted that the gay men and women that lost their lives, or were first responders on 9/11 have been glaringly under-represented in the national media. In many cases their names haven’t even been mentioned.

This article is a good reminder that Gay folks are / have / will be at every event in human history. Regardless of what the religious zealots would have you believe.

Here is a page that lists those men & women. Some were heros, some were victims, ALL were loved.

If it’s not one thing it’s another

This morning bright and early the county of San Bernardino started working on the wash behind my house. They claim it’s  for flood control purposes.

Maybe… Basically they’re making a straight flume that aims all the mud, rocks,and other debris right at a low bridge on one of the main roads into town.

The problem is that they’re running heavy equipment on the nice soft asphalt road that the residents on my street originally paid to have installed. Two years ago the Water Company had to tear up the road to replace the main water pipes. The County wouldn’t replace the road surface, so the Water Company ponied up the cash and they did. I have a lot of respect for my local Water Company guys.

The problem is that the county says on the one hand the road is private, so they won’t do snow removal in the Winter. But they won’t let us gate the road.

In summer, as they please, they drive all manner of heavy machines on the road causing damage that they won’t fix since its not a county maintained road.

So which is it? If it’s a private road, then the residents could put in an electric gate to keep the riff raff out. Since the county won’t let us gate the road claiming they have right of way, then the COUNTY should maintain the road, and provide snow removal.

Even speaking to the supervisor of this job today, once he called it a county road and once he called it a private road. I understand he’s just doing his job and I understand that his department is different from the road and snow removal departments.

I didn’t want to hassle him, and I told him that. I simply explained that the county plays fast and loose with their definitions and that it’s not fair. I asked him if he could simply avoid using my street with the heavy equipment.

The guy was a decent fellow. He explained that he really had no other choices. when his truck can’t back up and turn around after dumping a load of rock for the flood control channel (a.k.a. The wash) he has no other exit but our street.

Ya know, I had to concede that point. I looked around and after a second told this man he was right. He looked a bit shocked but told me that he’d do his level best to make sure the truck was empty and moving slow to minimize the stress on the street.

You know compromise between two honorable men usually works very well. True to his word, he’s minimizing his use of the road and I appreciate his effort.

If the county would accept responsibility for the street the other residents and I wouldn’t have any problem at all.

This honorable man suggested that I bring it up with the County Board of Supervisors to see if they’ll just accept the street and provide us with the services our taxes supposedly pay for.

You know in all it was a productive and reasonable conversation.

NOM as the Victim?

Say WHAT????

Brian Brown of NOM is playing the victim card. You can read the Advocate article here. It would be funny… if he wasn’t serious.

One paragraph really caught my attention.

He’s referring to Marriage Equality advocates. But this paragraph itself is amazing.

“can only win if they can get us to accept and internalize the second-class status they propose for us. To accept our own marginalization, to be quiet, to stand down and keep our heads down. To live in fear, instead of acting, with courage, out of hope.”

I read this twice before my brain melted down.

NOM is in fact DEMANDING that gay people accept just what NOM says it’s members cannot.

NOM pulled this paragraph straight from The Fear Mongers, Despots, & Dictators Speech & Operations Manual. This is from the chapter titled “How to win and keep popular support for immoral ideas“. The next chapter in the book is “Political Prisoners and how to disappear them

This paragraph is all about demonizing your enemy by capitalizing on the fears of the people you’re trying to win over. In the case of NOM, they’re talking about marriage, but this could as easily be plugged into any context.

Here are some other examples of the way in which this paragraph can be used.

White People “can only win if they can get us to accept and internalize the second-class status they propose for us. To accept our own marginalization, to be quiet, to stand down and keep our heads down. To live in fear, instead of acting, with courage, out of hope.” 

GAY People “can only win if they can get us to accept and internalize the second-class status they propose for us. To accept our own marginalization, to be quiet, to stand down and keep our heads down. To live in fear, instead of acting, with courage, out of hope.” 

Black people “can only win if they can get us to accept and internalize the second-class status they propose for us. To accept our own marginalization, to be quiet, to stand down and keep our heads down. To live in fear, instead of acting, with courage, out of hope.”

Christian People “can only win if they can get us to accept and internalize the second-class status they propose for us. To accept our own marginalization, to be quiet, to stand down and keep our heads down. To live in fear, instead of acting, with courage, out of hope.”

Islamic People “can only win if they can get us to accept and internalize the second-class status they propose for us. To accept our own marginalization, to be quiet, to stand down and keep our heads down. To live in fear, instead of acting, with courage, out of hope.”

Chinese People “can only win if they can get us to accept and internalize the second-class status they propose for us. To accept our own marginalization, to be quiet, to stand down and keep our heads down. To live in fear, instead of acting, with courage, out of hope.” 

Jewish People “can only win if they can get us to accept and internalize the second-class status they propose for us. To accept our own marginalization, to be quiet, to stand down and keep our heads down. To live in fear, instead of acting, with courage, out of hope.”

The list of examples goes on … apparently the readers of the The Fear Mongers, Despots, & Dictators Speech & Operations Manual need very specific instructions.

Hitler made these kinds of statements and later used similar statements to justify the murder of millions.

Have we learned nothing? Why is it that our attention spans are so short that we cannot see the hatred and bigotry that groups like NOM spout for what it is? This is not new, groups like NOM have existed for as long as mankind has. We need only look into the history of our planet and we find abundant examples.

For gods sake, right NOW we’re fighting two wars against exactly this kind of theocratic zealotry.

One thing that we should all be mindful of, is that theocracies even veiled ones like NOM would like nothing more than to remake our country in their image. Shall we consider for a moment what that might look like?

All abortions would be illegal. The rape victim would have to understand that it was Gods will that she carry and raise the baby of a psychopath. 

Gay people would be imprisoned for their own safety and subsequently executed. (So that the gene pool of God fearing Christians could be preserved.) After all a lot of gay people reproduce before they go gay. Later, the families of gay people could be sterilized to prevent further contamination. 

All genetic research would come to a halt. Who is man to tinker with Gods perfect creation? 

All Technology would eventually be banned. The bans would start in the communication sector. Too much communication and free flow of ideas is BAD. It distracts the people from their prayers. (The Fear Mongers, Despots, & Dictators Speech & Operations Manual, suggests that long distance communications be restricted immediately to government official channels. Anyone engaging in unmonitored communication of ideas must be made an example of… Public brutal executions such as stoning are recommended.)  

Dissenting ideas would be punished. God speaks only through the religious leaders

All guns would be banned. Every citizen must turn turn their guns over to the duly appointed representative of Gods army. There would be no financial compensation but the rewards in heaven will be great.

Education facilities will teach ONLY the approved curriculum. Any mention of evolution would be strictly forbidden. Abstinence is the only God approved sex education. Masturbation is a MORTAL sin. Religious studies are of the highest importance. Reading is taught only so the people can read the Bible. Math, & Science, are taught only to so that God’s army can maintain readiness for the apocalypse. 

Does ANY of this sound familiar?

NOM and other ultra conservative religious groups have far more in common with conservative Islam and the TALIBAN than they do American Democracy.

Please folks, understand that Marriage isn’t religious in nature. It is a contract that became imbued with religious significance.

Strip away the religious overtones and see it for what it is. Two people binding themselves together and by extension their families for the betterment of all parties.

Marriages brought larger grazing lands, pooled wealth & resources, and strengthened community relationships.

The gender of the participants doesn’t change that fundamental dynamic.

It’s that pooling of wealth / resources, the tax benefits, and ability to make medical decisions for their partner that same sex marriage advocates want.

Separate but equal didn’t cut it with African Americans and it sure as hell won’t cut it with Gay Americans.

Civil unions simply don’t provide or protect the rights of the parties the same way that Marriage does.

In fact apparently state sanctioned marriage doesn’t either. The case of the New York couple split up by Federal Immigration & Naturalization comes to mind.

The bottom line is that whether they admit it or not, NOM and organizations like them are advocating and supporting an unfair, biased, hateful agenda against a group of people that have done absolutely nothing wrong.

Except that is… exist then challenge the prevailing dogma.