Meeting (Dating, Hookup, Whatever) apps…

Ghosting v 1024x538We all know what they are. 

Many of us use them. 

They’re an outgrowth of social media and honestly, in my opinion our lack of ability to have a conversation with each other in person and perhaps fear.

It’s a lot easier to go down in flames on an application than to go down in a bar in front of your friends.

So part of the fear is the fear of rejection. I assume there’s a lot of fear in general too. I mean in a society where someone is more likely to film you being mugged than to stop the mugging, an application provides a safety margin and the ability to keep someone at arms length until you decide if they’re someone that you’d actually like to meet.

The downside is that instead of someone seeing you as you really are, and you them. Both of you have the opportunity to create completely fictitious personas. If these personas decide to meet then there’s the very real possibility that as the personas meet and dissolve, the two people are left with a critical choice.

ghosting101.pngTry to pick up the pieces of the fractured personas or call each other assholes. In many cases, meeting never happens. One party or the other “Ghosts”. Technically it’s a no harm, no foul, but one person is always left not knowing what they did, or didn’t do.

At least in a bar, you know from the other person’ body language that your advances are a no go. With the online world, the conversation just stops mid thought.

Another problem with online dating apps is that some people just engage in conversations that lead nowhere and then get pissy when you call them on it. Then there are those people that are trying to have affairs and who are so dishonest with even themselves that they can’t believe that someone might actually be just a simple honest person. 

You know, that unicorn of unicorns… Someone that’s honest in their profile and honest in their intentions.

The thing that really blows me away is the folks that “MEGA-Ghost”

These are the folks that not only stop communicating but also delete their profiles on whatever app and then completely disappear. I’ve personally run into a couple of these folks. What’s weird is when they do this and their stated intentions were just to find friends. 

2a11eb0547a0d8b0eea9670390bbc5f3It’s always gone something like this;

Them: “Wow you’re really nice, I’d like to meet sometime.”

Me: “Yes, that would be nice what are you thinking about? Coffee? Drink? Light lunch?”

Them: “Sure, that sounds nice.”

Me: “Okay, when and where?”


I honestly don’t understand why suddenly asking when and where causes silence and ghosting.

All you have to say is, “We’ll have to schedule it”. OR “You know I’m not ready to go there yet, can we just chat a while longer?” OR “I’m sorry, this is too scary; too fast; or I’m not ready to meet”

I’m a big boy, I can take it and we could go on chatting as before.

But damn! There’s no need to completely disappear. 

I recently ran into this kind of situation with a man who said they were looking for men in the local area with similar interests for friendship. Their profile said he wanted to go hiking and that he was looking for someone to talk with have an occasional drink and do outdoors stuff.

I don’t know what his true motive was, but we’d been chatting some, and even had made jokes about people not being clear about their wants. We live within 2 miles of each other and both of us could use a friend to go do stuff when we’re not up for the obligations of our respective relationships. You know… Having some guy time where you can say what you want and not worry about offending anyone.

If you’re hiking on a trail, you can say what you want without being accused of some heinous thought crime.

It was a Friday night, and just five minutes before he went silent, He’d said that he was alone for the next week as his wife was out of town and that he was bored.

I told him hey, “Let’s meet down at the bar. We can have a drink and get to know each other in person. From there we can see if we want to plan a hike or something.”

Ghost! 👻

What the hell?

It’s gotta be me. I must be too direct or something.

I figure anyone with a set of balls should be able to meet for a drink and see if the entertaining conversation is as much fun in person.

But apparently, that’s not the way we do things anymore.

I guess I should take it as the final test.

If I ask someone to have a drink, coffee, lunch, or whatever and they freak out. I should count my blessings and be thankful that I’m not going to get caught up in their drama.

I tend to take people at face value, If you tell me you’d like to get together I assume that you’re not lying and the next logical step is to arrange to meet. After all we don’t need to get carpal tunnel in front of our computer keyboards when we can actually chat in person.

Humm, maybe I’ll put that in my “Profile” and see if that changes the behaviors.

GOD, I miss the good ‘ol days of bars and real conversation.

Huh, My winter cold has arrived early…

DawnofthedeadThus far it’s just annoying.

Hopefully it won’t get any worse than just annoying. I don’t actually feel too bad, just tired. I guess it’s not surprising now that the stresses are reducing some. The weather is changing here and between that, my body remembering the pollens from up here, and pretty much everything in my environment changing I’m bound to react a little.

It doesn’t make having the cold any better but it does at least explain why I might have been susceptible so dang early in the season.

Ahhh well, at least it’s not like I’m going to have to worry about calling out sick to some inhuman manager.

Nothing to do but rest and ride it out. There are things I can do that require only a digital presence. 

Thus far no drugs or anything have been necessary. But coffee is my best friend right now.

I do want to go take a walk later in the day just to be outside. It’s nice that it’s not blazing hot up here.

Who knows? Maybe I’ll take my computer with me up to the forest, find a nice rock and sit there writing. This new machine has a lot of battery life and if worse came to worse, I could always pull out the Goal Zero for additional power.

My walk is contingent on how much energy I have… 

Right at the moment, that is questionable this thing is accelerating. So it might be a very slow day.

Endings / Beginnings

My time in San Diego is drawing to a close. Approximately T-minus 6 hours.

When I first came here I thought it was a nice place and the place is picturesque when you get to the coast. In all the years I’ve spent in California I’d spent very little time in San Diego and that was always as a visitor.

I came here with high hopes of restarting a career and making something of the opportunity. 

I found out this area is a hard place to meet people and that the job market is not the best. In that it’s much like the rest of California but San Diego has something else. It’s hard to put into words, its like there’s a standoffish attitude. Perhaps it’s because of the strong military presence. Perhaps it’s something else entirely. The practical reality is that it’s difficult to get to know anyone because everyone is on the move, myself included.

This city feels like everyone is just passing through. No one, it seems wants to make attachments of any kind. One of the things that caught my attention was how many people park nose out.

You’ll see this in shopping malls, businesses, and apartment parking. It’s as if everyone is preparing to leave, even when they’re at home. The shopping malls and businesses amazed me, people will back in to parking spots regardless of how many other people they slow down in the process.

I’ve seen traffic jams caused by person after person backing into spots at their place of work. They’re completely oblivious to the fact that their actions were causing the problem. At work I’ve heard people say they didn’t understand why there was a jam up at the entrance to the parking lot every morning. 

It speaks to a blindness about consequences of your actions. It’s a delusion shared by more than a few people here.

While I will miss having my own space. I won’t miss San Diego. There are nice people here, and there are some damn good people here, they’re very hard to find, but they’re good people.

So I have mixed emotions about leaving here only because I liked living on my own.

San diego trafficI won’t miss the crowds, traffic, noise, or Comic con… Not one little bit.

It’s been a couple of weeks since the layoff. I’m still tired as hell and occasionally a little blue, there’s a feeling that I and my colleagues were all used and then thrown away. I’m not looking forward to sweating over finding a new job full time.

But this “Ending” is a “Beginning” too.

That’s what I’m reminding myself of as I box the last of my stuff here.

I’m putting things into boxes and storage as neatly as possible with the intent that I’ll begin again, somewhere else.

Call it hope.

Comiccon foot trafficI do know that, long distance commutes are out of the question in Southern California. They used to be possible but those days are long gone. Where ever I end up working, I’ll probably have a small apartment nearby. Ideally, I’ll have an actual home that I’m earning equity on. But houses nearer the working centers of any city in this country, much more-so in the state of California, are beyond expensive for what you get.

I don’t know what the future holds for me, but I have at least a little hope.

I’m planning to take some time for myself, maybe a week or two where I can just turn my brain off, have a little fun and relax. I need to go walkabout and see some things I either haven’t seen before or revisit some things or places that I’ve enjoyed in the past.

Then I’ll tackle the business of looking for a new job, cleaning up around the house and working toward defining and building a future that I want.

I know it’s all up to me, but I question if I have the strength at this age to pull off reinventing myself and defining the future I want.

We’ll see.

Was quiet and blue all day yesterday

SCAN0117I realized that yesterday was the anniversary of my Dad’s death.

It’s funny, it’s been 27 years it still gets to me some years. Perhaps I’ve just been very retrospective recently.

I miss him. 

I was so busy packing and planning how stuff would be loaded and moved I wasn’t really thinking about why I was blue. I was chalking it up to the move itself and the feeling that I was giving up something that I didn’t want to give up.

Perhaps it’s a combination of the two. I didn’t want to give Dad up, and I don’t want to give up a space that is mine alone. Humble as that space may be, It’s my space and I like it.

That being said, there are times when you have to give up people you love and things that you like.

This is a photo of my Dad, Mom, and the little guy is me. Yeah I should have been looking at the camera but hey, I was a kid. The funny thing is, In this picture my Dad’s expression is the expression I remember most.

This is Dad. My Father is eternal in my memory he’s forever this age and even when he was in his 50s he looked pretty much the same. Yeah, a few more wrinkles but he’s the same man.

I can only hope I age as well.

So Dad, you’re remembered, missed, and regardless of any disagreements we had, you’re loved always and forever.

Now I have to get on with the final packing and get this move out of the way.

Mixed Emotions

This whole move thing has me filled with mixed emotions.

On the one hand, I will not miss the noise of the street behind the apartments. This street is more like living next to a raceway than living in a residential neighborhood.

The only time that street is quiet is between 2:30 am and 2:45 am any other time it’s an endless parade of cars zipping along, motorcycles, and modified drift car wannabes roaring by, and various larger trucks rumbling along. 

Sirens and ambulances scream by at all hours of the day and night.

After a while you start to ignore most of the road noise.

The Apartment complex is an older one and has older people in it. Ambulances and paramedics roll up at least once a day to cart some unfortunate person off to the hospital, or the morgue.

2 Zen living room

This is a plain no extras complex and it’s showing it’s age. The walls are paper thin and the windows single pane. You can hear everything. People having conversations in the parking lot, some of the younger folks are still sexually active and so you hear them pounding away on creaky beds. The tenants that are hard of hearing will let you enjoy their movies, music, or operas at all hours of the day and night.

It’s not restful and it’s hard to sleep.

We’ve just had 4 weeks of tree removal. They came through and took out all the grand eucalyptus trees that provided shade and put a sweetness in the air. Now we’ve been dealing with plumbing issues and the sidewalks are all torn up with the attendant heavy construction crews coming in at 6am to haul away broken concrete jackhammer up more sidewalks and generally yelling across the parking lot at each other. 

It’s been a dusty noisy environment and parking is a nightmare. 

All that being said, this was my place. Things remained where I put them and I was in complete control of my little space. It has been home to me and I’m not really looking forward to sharing my space with another person again.

The plus side of the mountain hose is that it’s quiet

HoardingI have a monumental cleanup task waiting on me at the house in the mountains. Part of that task is a creation of my own in that I haven’t been there with enough energy to clean out the stacks of frankly un-necessary paper left in my office on my desk. I’ve already had trouble putting my stuff back in the house because the other person that lives there is a major packrat.

Before I got this place, I had been feeling compressed into smaller and smaller space. My absence has compounded the problem. I can’t get to my workout bench anymore, There’s no way I can get my motorcycle out of the garage and I can just barely fit my car in the 2.5 car garage. The basement storage area is a fucking disaster with barely a path between junk that hasn’t seen the light of day in 10 years, longer if you count the time pre-fire. I know I have stuff in the basement that needs to find it’s way to the trash heap, I can’t find my stuff that needs to go away, because of all the other stuff that’s been stacked around it. That all has to change, and it’s going to be a battle.

This is a battle I’m not looking forward to.

There will be hurt feelings  and passive aggressive anger and I’m sure it will be an unpleasant time. But I need to focus on trimming down all the shit because a longer term goal is my future. If I find a position with a company outside of California I want to be able to make a clean break of it. I want to take all my shit from well defined areas and put it in a truck and be done. I don’t want my stuff in 3 or 4 different places I want everything in one place Easily accessible, defined, labeled, and movable.

The storage facility I just rented may provide a space in which I can move, sort, trash, and store my stuff.

2014 04 20 15 45 131I suppose I’m getting to a point where I don’t place the same value on sentimentality that I once did. Things don’t matter all that much to me, Stuff is an anchor that makes it hard for you to move literally and figuratively.

I’d like to be able to haul anchor and go. I want simplicity