What the hell is 2SLGBTQQIA+ ????

Oh, now I know…

Two Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex and asexual

Oh for fucks sake! Can we stop with all this bullshit? I seriously long for the day when we were all either GAY, Bi or Straight, and big surprise gender didn’t fucking matter. Boys could do with boys. Girls could do with girls. Bi’s could do with everybody. Straights went with the opposite sex, and everybody got their jollies.

Now days, just to discuss having sex with anybody, much less figure out if they’re your cup of tea seems to require a Ouija Board, a Cray super computer, access to the internet, a magic decoder ring, and perhaps a lawyer and witnesses.

And some of my friends wonder why I prefer older horny straight men who just want to get off. A lot of older guys have gotten past the societal bullshit and more focused on enjoying “right now.”

A hard cock has no conscience. A truism I’m more than willing to exploit and I’ve got a six pack of beer in the fridge for just such occasions!

At least then it’s a simple deal. A few drinks, the acknowledgment that we’re both horny and the simple joy of taking care of business. Yipee! We both feel great… Shower, and out the door, on to other things.

One of my all time favorite drawings! Thanks to
M S 12/22/09 and deviantart.com

I’m to the point that I’m going to start asking for people’s genetic coding on a memory stick. I’ll plug it in and have my computer do a quick scan to determine that the person is;

a) human,

b) the actual gender they’re representing.

With the right software, it shouldn’t take more than a few minutes to verify.

I don’t want to be drawn into whatever this insanity is. I truly no longer give a shit. I’m so adamant on that position that I’ll be perfectly content to pleasure myself from here on out. Fuck the complexity, it’s not worth the effort.

This shit is why the gay community is fracturing apart. I could probably make an argument that it’s somehow associated with declining birth rates too.

It’s notable that cultures that do not acknowledge all this bullshit don’t seem to have any difficulties inserting tab A into slot B and nine months later having another mouth to feed.

I know I’d be super pissed off to find that a woman I’d been trying to conceive a child with was actually a transgendered male who’d not bothered to tell me the whole truth. I mean it might be a lot of great sex… But not what I had in mind starting out. It’s tough to put a bun in an oven that isn’t actually an oven. After all, not every transgendered person is as unfortunate in their choice of surgeons as Admiral Levine.

YIKES! There’s a refund due.

Yeah I said it, so what? It’s an obvious and observable truth isn’t it?

It’s well past time for all this to stop. The only people left who care about it, are the people who regardless of their real or perceived genders would be self centered, narcissistic, whiny, harpies or harridans, anyway.

Let’s just stop playing to their issues and instead let them return to their psychiatrist’s couches to hash out their problems. I don’t want to be on a psychiatric couch because I’ve been driven insane by them hashing out their problems in full public view.

To the transgendered. I truly hope you find peace, joy, and comfort in your own skin…

But I’m not interested in being dragged along on your journey to nirvana. I’m also super pissed that you’ve effectively destroyed everything I once enjoyed with your constant whinging. I’ve got a new acronym for all of you. I’ve got no more patience to keep up with your ever expanding nom de plums.


There I fixed it for ya.

Now get the fuck out of my life and don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way…

(I just painted that door!)

Normally I like Fall.

This time of year is usually one of my favorites.

It’s a time of changing leaves, cool temperatures, and relative peace.

Not this year.

This year, it’s me against nature. It also signals that soon I’ll be trapped into being here another 5 months. Even though I have no immediate plans to get the hell out of California, it’s a psychological barrier. One simply doesn’t change homes in the snow. I did it once a long time ago and learned my lesson.

We’re having a cold snap that is impairing my ability to finish painting the trim of the house. I started this project and then injured my knee. I’d started the project in the narrow window between the completion of the repairs from the water damage and now.

I thought at the time, “it will be tight but I’ll have time to finish before Winter.” Then I hurt my knee and spent 3 weeks hobbling around like an old man barely able to stand up.

You know that you’re hurt bad when the dog keeps licking your foot and leg, and doesn’t even react when you head to the door. It’s like the dog is saying, “Dude, you can walk yourself, you sure as hell can’t walk me!”

The licking can be bothersome but it’s sweet in its way. The pup is just trying to make you feel better as he would another dog. I take it as a sign that he’s decided we’re a pack.

The knee is getting better daily. I’ve been able to do much of the project by chipping away at it. I’ll work until my knee says, “That’s enough,” I’ve made good progress but I’m worried that I won’t be able to complete the project before it’s too cold to finish painting. Did you know that paint wont set up correctly below certain temperatures? I didn’t, until I moved here.

The other winterizing project that I have yet to do, is cleaning out the gutters. That, like painting requires that I be on a ladder. The more time I spend on a ladder, the less time I have to actually do the project before the knee starts “Bidening” (Calling a lid on the day). That’s a project that has got to get done, because otherwise water backs up in the gutters and then freezes, causing problems throughout the entire Winter.

The last project for Winter, is annoying but can be done regardless of the temperature. Unfortunately, it also means that I have to be on a ladder and climbing around in the attic. (There’s that ladder thing again!)

I’ve got to get in the attic crawlspace and retape the ductwork. We had some work done last year up in the attic and I think one or more of the ducts got pushed around, perhaps creating leaks between the ductwork and the registers. It happens, I didn’t notice the problem until months after the workmen had left because their work was done in the time between needing to run either the A/C or the heat.

You can do ductwork stuff in the Summer with the roof broiling in the sun and the attic is 120°F or you can do it in the fall when attic temps are more reasonable. I’ve chosen the latter.

Thinking about it, I should also clean out the dryer vent. That may be a “today” kind of project because it’s 35°F outside and windy. (So, no painting today!) As a bonus, there’s no ladder required.

All of this is to say,

Welcome to Fall!

It also serves as an explanation of why I’ve not been blogging as much as usual.

I’ve scanned the news recently. Nothing much has changed.

I could sum up the news like this, “We’re all gonna die, the government is out of money, one group or another is pissed off about something, and everything is going to hell in a hand basket.”

There, now you don’t have to watch the evening news. Instead, turn off the TV, shut down the computer, put the phone aside, and go read a good book.

Until next time… I hope you’re having a nice Fall season.

Wait… What? Let me get this straight…

So the cause of the latest reboot of my poor addled brain, was this little gem.

Palm Springs to require proof of COVID vaccination to eat indoors at restaurants, bars

The Article is linked above

What you’re telling me, is that I can still go into a gay bar in Palm Springs, I can still get my cock sucked, and I can do that while I’m having a drink. (Technically that’s not supposed to happen, but in a crowded bar on a Saturday Night who’s gonna notice that hot young man servicing me as I’m sitting on a bar stool? Yeah… I’ve experienced that.)

Or I can go to a gay bar, pick up someone, go back to their hotel room, and have penetrative unprotected sex…

Apparently I, and the other adults, in a bar are adult enough to make adult choices regarding these health matters…

But to get into that bar I have to show that I’ve been vaccinated, because we’re not adult enough to make an informed choice about COVID????

Hold the damn phone!

There are so many things wrong here I can’t begin to count ’em.

STD’s are no problem according to the city council. HIV is no concern of theirs. Crystal Meth, or whatever the drug de jour is not a problem…

But COVID, with a 98-99% survival rate (dependent on age) and OMG you have to show you’re vaccinated.

To be honest, I’m not surprised. Gay bars in New York City have been doing this bullshit for a while. I guess the more recent mandates in New York have extended to all bars and restaurants.

Palm Springs, You’re dead to me. Like L.A., NY, San Francisco, Seattle, and Portland.

I will not show you my vaccination card. I will not allow that invasion of my privacy it’s no more your business than if I’ve had a Hepatitis vaccination, or a flu shot.

You’re not important enough in my life to violate my principals about privacy. I don’t need to spend $10 a drink. I can make my own for a buck. I don’t need to spend $25 for a hamburger. I can make my own. I can remain naked in my own home with a few select friends and have a damn fine time.

I don’t need to spend my gas, time, money, or any effort at all, in your town.

When enough people feel like me, and I pray to God they wake the hell up soon, your local economy will tank and you’ll be begging people to come to visit Just like the mayor of NYC was recently begging business to come back.

Palm Springs you’ve overplayed your hand. How many tourists do you think are going to come to your oasis in the desert? Especially when they have to mask up, surrender their privacy, and comply with your edicts.

Golf courses are just as fine in Florida. Key West is booming for the gay traveler, Florida has pools, hotels, interesting bars, and warm inviting beaches. Miami has a brilliant night life with a distinctly Cuban flair and Texas has some mighty fine golf courses and miles of beaches too.

Compared to them… What have you got? Desert heat, an older leathery population, obscenely high hotel taxes, hotel rates, and what else? Hwy 111 that is bumper to bumper most hours of the day & night.

For me, you were convenient, an adult playground where I could escape for a day or two. Clearly, that time has passed.

I will pass, and I think most people will soon say, “Pass” too.

Good Night and Good Luck.

On second thought… I’l bet there’s going to be some off the hook private parties happening out there. Hmm, Buy gas here and make sure that I don’t have to spend any money there…

Maybe I’ll dig out the black book and see what’s shakin. At least it’s likely, I’ll be hanging with other folks that are thinking WTF? Just like me.

Could be fun!

At least until the housing market crashes because folks decide to head to other places. Then Palm Springs will look like Irvine, CA after the Dot Com bust. Tumbleweeds & sand blowing across the main drag.

Yet more home repairs

I’m sharing this for no other reason than to remind all Men,

“You’re not alone brother!”

My morning started out pretty normal. I got up, had a cup of coffee or two. Looked at my ToDO list and started working.

First up, was completion of some edits on and troubleshooting a website. Problems with this site had befuddled me for a couple of days, and this morning I decided to hit it like Spartacus!

Magically, the problems I’d been having melted before my awesomeness! “That was easy,” I said. Then moved onto the next thing on the list with confidence.

Perhaps I was too cocky.

The rest of the morning unfolded as follows;

I began by cleaning the gutters, The back gutter was a solid mess. Pine needles and about a quarter of an inch of dirt filled the entire 40 foot length of the rear gutter.

I was amazed that it wasn’t simply over-flowing when it rained. Using a ladder on the deck, I was able to remove the pile of pine needles. This process was annoyingly slow but simple manual labor. Grab the pine needles by hand toss them into the yard, move ladder to the next section. Repeat as needed. I finished by flushing the dirt out with a high pressure spray of water from the hose and bingo, the rear gutter was clean.

With even more self assuredness I moved to the front gutter. Oddly, it wasn’t nearly as blocked up as the rear, and it is overflowing when it rains. The front gutter is problematic to clean because unlike the back one, there is only a short deck to work from in the front of the house.

Using my handy dandy fiberglass poles and a little creativity with a bit of metal I fashioned a two bladed hook that allowed me to hook the pine needles and other plant debris raking it toward me. I didn’t have to move the ladder which was a good thing because there’s no place to move it to.

Due to the slope of the yard, one end of the front gutter is 20 feet off the ground and I don’t have a 25 foot ladder. After all, I’d only use it once a year.

Debris removed, I grabbed the hose attached to the front hose bib. The intention was to rinse the dirt and small bits of loose debris from the gutter, as I had done in back. Hose deployed and unkinked, I walk down stairs to turn the water on full blast. I run back upstairs climb the ladder and direct the spray nozzle into the gutter rinsing the detritus from the bottom.

It is approximately at this point that two problems become apparent.

Problem 1 is that the water is not exiting the gutter as anticipated.

Problem 2 is that I hear water running even when the spray nozzle is in the off position. I’d noticed that the water pressure wasn’t quite as high as I’d experienced in the back but thought little of this rather obvious clue.

I’m curious why I still hear water running.

I head down stairs and had 2 inches of one stair break off as I stepped on it, and damn near sent me down the rest of the flight, face first.

Priorities dictated that I find the source of the water sound, before dealing with the broken stair, other than swearing loudly, and profusely, as I caught myself.

Ladies, we guys don’t always get hurt doing something stupid. Sometimes we get hurt because we’re trying to make sure that things are maintained and safe for our families. It just happens that in that process we’re the ones who find cleverly covered up broken, or ignored things. My Dad had a knack for finding the one live wire in a bundle of “rat fucked” wires that one of us kids had tried to fix before being distracted by something shiny in the yard. It was a miracle that nothing caught fire, and my Dad wasn’t electrocuted during my childhood.

Once safely down the stairs, I notice that the sound of running water is louder, but it is not coming as expected from the hose fitting. I head into the basement to discover a quarter to half an inch of water pooled directly under the pipe leading to the hose bib on the exterior wall.

Being thankful for my foresight 8 years ago, I grabbed the nifty ball valve on the water line to the hose bib that I usually only use in preparation for Winter, and shut off the water to the bib without having to kill the water to the entire house.

Okay, now the water problem is managed.

I head back up to the deck pausing to check that the offending stair will not crumble under my weight and back up the ladder to see what’s going on with the gutter. It is still full of water. Great! My front gutter downspout is clogged and I don’t have a ladder tall enough to allow me direct access.

In an attempt to remedy the clog, I began disassembling the segments of the downspout hoping to be able to snake the clog with what I had on hand. A.K.A. my handy dandy fiberglass poles.

Unfortunately, during this process I discover another problem. The clutch on my drill is broken and I can barely unscrew the screws holding the downspout in place without the drill slipping. I question if I can drive a sheet metal screw back through the retaining straps when I’m done clearing the drain spout. However, I’m in it now, and going for the gold, I will finish this one task!

(You know, some days you get the bull and other days you get the horn. You can surmise which I got.)

The fiberglass poles are not able to make the sharp turns leading to the clog, (which appears to be, in or beyond the last “S” leading to the short straight section connected to the gutter itself. Of Course! The clog couldn’t be in any of the sections that I can access, it’s just out of reach, (kinda like my dating life!)

I’m able to reassemble the gutter and get it strapped back to the side of the house. Broken drill notwithstanding.

I am curious about why the drill is broken, and why there is a suspicious big white scuff mark on one side of it indicating that it may have been dropped from a height.

I briefly think about beginning a grand inquisition as to who was using my drill, and how it came to be damaged since the last time I had need of it. I do not recall dropping the machine, but it was at least put back in it’s case where it belonged so that is progress in the right direction.

Nah, there shall be no inquisition today. I just have a great excuse to go pick up that sweet Ryobi set I’ve been wanting. I’ll count it as a win!

With the drill broken, I can’t repair the stairs. The plumber will be here in an hour or so, to replace the broken section of pipe.

In the mean time I’m having a coke. I’ve been at my home repair follies for over 3 hours. I’ll have another shower, then go to Home-Depot to see if I can get a suitable drain snake and a new drill / impact driver set.

Other that that Mrs. Lincoln… How was the Play?

See? Now you can laugh your ass off! Misery loves company doesn’t it?

We’re under a fire Evacuation Warning

2020 continues to be a shit show.

I’m so over this year. The fires are encroaching on the town. 10 miles out and the winds are kicking up. Great! We’ve been under the warning for the past 24 hours.

I tried to go to bed tonight. The house is closed and the A/C is on. Smoke is blowing around and my sinuses are irritated. I’m having a problem sleeping in general, tonight the house is a tad too warm, and I was having trouble shutting down.

I was laying there thinking I should get a drink to see if I could use it to relax. I rolled on my side and was looking at the visible stars. Just drifting off… Then the bed started shaking. A quick check of the bedroom showed that there was no demonic activity. So no possession was imminent.

Then another stronger shaking. Since we no longer have any pets it wasn’t one of them scratching. Oh, it’s an Earthquake! Well isn’t that just swell. What next? Frogs? Locusts?

Okay, I’m up!

Poured myself that drink I’d been contemplating and here I sit on the couch drinking and writing.

The local news people are blathering, but it sounds like there’s no damage.

I’m so over all of the crap this year. Honestly, I don’t think next year is gonna be any better.