That unhealthy glow


I’m a dumbshit! I totally admit it. Laugh all you want, I can take it.

Yesterday the sun was warm and the sky was blue, there was a gentle breeze and I thought;

“It’s a perfect day to spend a little time on the deck.”

So I took my glass of water, my Kindle, and my fat ass outside, without a shirt, and settled in a lounge chair.

I was only outside a little while… OK 40 minutes and my chest and belly are sunburned to beat the band.

I know better!

I never do shit like that without sunscreen on. 

So guys… learn from my stupidity, watch yourselves and your kids in the sun.

With the upcoming 4th of July celebrations we’re all going to be outside a bit more. 

Be a good example to your family, apply sunscreen with them  not just to them.

The annual exams of this old carcass are almost done.

vitruvianOnly one more MD appointment and then I’m hopefully done for the year.

Dealing with the medical stuff as we get older is a royal pain in the ass. I’m not in poor health, but even now I find myself longing for the days when I needed Zero help from any physician.

My eyes aren’t what they once were. My sinuses are a mess, and the doctors are always hounding me about my diet, exercise and a litany of other age related concerns.

None of the things the Docs are mentioning are “In the RED” they’re just little things that seem to happen as we age. Of course the medical profession says “we have a medication for that”. I’ll be far more impressed when the medical profession says we can fix that problem for another 30 years!

Yeah, give me a drug or procedure that reverses the issue for 20 or 30 years and I’ll submit to it. I’m not one of those people that is going to willingly take a fist full of drugs 3 times a day. Besides the expense, the side effects are usually murder.

I can tell you this… I eat meat! I’m not going to stop eating meat and if that means that I don’t live quite as long so be it.

What’s the point of living a long life if it’s a life devoid of the little pleasures? I’d much rather be happy than ancient and sad.

Like most men, my preferred death would be to pass on during the most mind blowing orgasm of my life. I’d like to arrive at the gates of heaven roaring in pleasure,  semi hard, and dripping.

I like that image for no other reason than it would be fun freak out all the pious religious people who missed out on so much because they lived in terror of an afterlife of punishment.

I’ve got this twisted view that God shakes his finger at you for not enjoying the gift of life and the joys our bodies were built to have. What a waste if you didn’t enjoy everything the world had to offer.

I know that’s not the mainstream view but then again… I’m not and never have been mainstream.

I hope everyone has a great Fathers Day. Now go find some time to do what made you Fathers in the first place.

Off to the OC this morning

Getting ready to head to the OC. 

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Going to help a friend out with some stuff at his place.

He’s getting ready to enter remodel hell and I’ve already changed the sheets on the guest bed in preparation for him saying “fuck this shit”  and bailing to my place for the duration.

After going through the building of this house where we were starting from scratch, I can only imagine the hell my friend is in for.

Contractors not showing up when they say they’re going to.

Problems at other jobs holding up the completion of his remodel

Mistakes being made that the contractor is reluctant to correct even though the mistake was theirs.

Workmen tromping through the house in the early morning when you’ve had a rough night

and the dust, smells, and people yelling for this or that.

Then there’s the fact that at his place there is limited parking, and his home cascades down a hillside. The remodel is taking place on the entry level of the home so there’s not going to be any way for him to avoid the work areas.

And lets not forget… you really don’t want to be running the A/C with all the drywall dust in the air.

My friend is smart though, he’s heading out of the country for a month, leaving his other half to deal with all the chaos. I think he’s hoping that most of this will be complete by the time he returns.

Uhhh dude hate to burst your bubble. They’re contractors, they’ll make a big mess then not show up for 2 weeks then other delays  will push your completion date out at least 6 weeks. Oh and don’t expect to have much of that front garden left when you come home.

Just sayin…

Now that I’ve been a ray of sunshine… I’m heading for the shower.

Damn Damn Damn

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I have come down with yet another cold.

This makes the third in 3 months. (guess I’m down to 597 to go if the 600 colds in your lifetime is true)

Woke up Sunday feeling like shit then as the day progressed I started feeling worse. 

After an hour of wrestling with myself over it, I canceled going to a shooting match in Palm Springs. Talk about pissing me off!

I went back to bed. When I woke up several hours later I felt worse. I was just pissed off enough that I did chores anyway. Poo patrol, laundry, even cooking a meatloaf.

With the exception of having my cock sucked damn well and generally feeling good about that. I slept most of Monday away. 

This morning I’m feeling a bit better. My head still feels like it the size of the house and my throat is still swollen but I’m mending.

I applied the rule established several months ago. “Don’t write when you feel like crap” because you never know what’s likely to end up in print.

So that you’re seeing this post is a good sign.

Now hopefully I can get something constructive done today. Provided I don’t find someone to play with… When I’m like this I’m easily distracted. But then what guy isn’t all about having his pipes cleaned when he’s feeling crappy?

Folks say that men are babies when we’re sick… Yeah probably. 

The other side of the coin is we like being treated like kings.

Think about it… we’re waited on, sexually serviced, and get to sleep as much as we want. That my friends makes being sick almost worth it.

I’m sure I’m going straight to hell…

Sometimes I can’t help myself.

Tonight as the Godson was leaving for a camping trip with a couple of buddies I thought a practical joke was in order. After all 19 – 22 year olds have to have some reason to swear at each other don’t they?

One of his buddies, I’ve met and in addition to him being just a hell of a nice young man & proud Marine, he seems like the type that could take a joke.

SO my evil mind bubbling, boiling, and churning comes up with this plan.

I say “Lets put a condom that appears used in the sleeping bag he’s rented for the trip. “

My godson is laughing so hard he can’t even speak.

While he’s recovering I head to my bedroom, grabbing a condom and a bottle of Spunk Lube

I unroll the condom then squirt a bit of lube in the condom. I hold it up and think “What the Hell?”. I say to the godson; “lets make it a big’un” and hit the condom with a completely unrealistic amount of the lube. While I’m squeezing the stuff down to the end of the condom. My godson is holding his sides laughing.

I fold the thing over and stuff it into a plastic sandwich bag. As I hand it to him I tell him to make sure that he slides it into his buddys sleeping bag so that the cold sticky thing is going to come into contact with a bare foot, leg, or the small of the back.

At this point the godson is laughing so hard he’s red in the face. I can tell he’s imagining the look on his friends face when this whole thing goes down.

I’m sure that I’m going straight to hell….


—- UPDATE —-

The young man that we were pranking… Didn’t even blink… He’d read my previous post and knew that it was a joke. DAMN!!!! Obviously I’m getting a wider audience on this blog than I thought, not that I’m complaining…

So the moral of the story is… If you want to prank someone with Spunk make sure they haven’t read about it or aren’t already using it.