You Know… I’m too easily distracted.

But then I get pissy because my distractibility leads me to doing stuff that isn’t actually forwarding my goals.

My God Son indirectly pointed this out to me. 

He asked how the book was going and was genuinely interested.

The book is moving forward. It’s just that it’s moving too slowly for my expectations. BUT THAT’S Nobodys fault but mine.

I have to learn to be more even tempered… at my ancient age you’d think I’d have this stuff down pat but I don’t 

I’m stressing internally about a lot of things. I want to finish the book, I need to find a new job and if I find a new job out of state… I’ll be forced to make a decision between a long relationship and being able to support not only myself but others as well.

However, that too is something that isn’t reason enough to get pissy.

Again, the people that care about me and love me shouldn’t have to put up with me being an asshole.

What reason do they have to love me at all if all they ever get from me is snottiness because I’m all wrapped up in my shit?

I really have to get my shit right and remember that the people who love me must always have a special place in my head and my heart that is free of external B.S. They should always know that I care very much about them, and the only way I can make sure of that is to make sure is to show them.

And my car is done

It’s been a good but very expensive week.

The car turned out very nice.


In the before and after photos, you can see the difference. I also had the front grill changed out from the normal BMW chrome to a Black Chrome. It was one of those situations where since they were going to have the bumper off the car and disassembled to do the repainting, I saved myself the labor charges by having the grills swapped out now rather than waiting to do it later.

I’ve always liked the look of black trim. Before, the only chrome on the car other than the roundels was the grill. The dealer had parked my beastie in the service bay nose out (very nice). And I’m sure that more than a few men dropping off their cars were thinking “Hummmm, I wonder how much that costs?”

Overall I like the look a lot more. Somehow this simple little change makes a big difference in the look of the car. It comes across leaner, & more aggressive. Now I just hope it’s not too aggressive otherwise I’m going to be attracting the attention of the CHP.


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One more picture, then it’s off to deal with the rest of the stuff I have to do today.

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Busy day today

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Dropping the car off to have the front end repainted AGAIN!

Then off to EDD to stand in line so that I can actually speak with a human being instead of playing in their  telephone system and never getting anywhere.

I still can’t believe that after 5 hours of dialing, the best I could get was into their automated system only far enough for them to say they couldn’t talk to my right now and then they hung up.

It’s an effective system if you don’t want to deal with the public.

I’m planning to have the laptop with me so If there’s any time I’ll be trying to write. that is as long as the hives keep clearing and I’m not being driven mad by the itching.

Yesterday, there was a “Come to Jesus” meeting with the godbrat. He’s been doing shit like starting a load of clothing then saying that he’s going on an errand, Only to be gone all night leaving wet clothes sitting in the washer. It’s gotten under the other halfs skin because it’s just plan rude. 

I don’t like the saying “I’m going on an errand” which leaves the expectation that he’ll be back in an hour or two only to have him show up the next day. To me that’s on the raggedy edge of lying. It’s not fair, not acceptable, and honestly… if he was doing stuff like this at home I totally get why his step-mom was getting pissed off about it.

I honestly don’t think it’s malicious, the kid has all the attention span of a gnat. I can see how it would piss someone off because it’s essentially a cock block situation.

SO we’ll see if the “Come to Jesus” meeting has any effect.

Frankly I didn’t feel up to having the talk… I was itchy and irritated. That would have been a bad combination especially since I already have trouble knowing when to stop.

Hope everyones day is a good one.

Off to the races…

This sounds terrible…

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I have the entire house to myself, and the weekend to myself too!

For two whole days I can turn the house into my man cave… 

I don’t have to be embarrassed that I’m watching a really bad “b” or “c” grade scifi movie. I can stay in my boxers if that’s what I want to do. And I can eat what I want… when I want and nobody can say shit about it.

I’m on antibiotics again so I really shouldn’t be drinking… but I think I can sneak a Jack Daniels without the world coming to an end.

I do have to do some things, but those chores are actually chores that I like doing. The plan is to wash and wax my car and do a little detailing without endless interruptions. Then start pre-packing for a trip so I know everything I need and want is in the luggage and ready to go.

I don’t have to fix anyones technology but my own. If I don’t feel like fixin stuff, the shit can stay broken and there’s no-one to whine at me about when it’s going to be fixed.

I can walk around nude, stoke my dick and most blissfully of all… I can sleep the sleep of the dead without earplugs. I won’t be awaked 3 times a night.

And in further news… I knew as I typed it that I wouldn’t be home alone… The Godson showed up!

OK so no naked debauchery and I won’t be watching porn on the big screen. 

I can’t complain… he’s good company and tends to spend his time with his friends on the rare days off he has. He’s going to be looking after the house while I’m on a couple of trips. 

I do find myself wondering why his schedule is so erratic. It’s like he has no defined workweek and That has to be really tough given that he is a very social animal. He comes in and has to often do at least one week if not two of laundry and fit in his banking or other personal business affairs into a very few business hours.

For example he got off work yesterday at 5:00, the week is shot since it’s Friday and him raising anyone to do business is pretty unlikely, he goes back to work Sunday morning.

Just when the fuck is he supposed to deal with banking, his bills, or any of the other stuff that modern life entails.

I personally think the management where he’s working hasn’t ever managed a crew of people. They’re completely oblivious to the realities of their employee needs.

But it’s not my business. I can say I’d do it differently, but then again… I’ve managed crews of 20+ folks and have a bit of a clue about how to schedule folks.

On the plus side, he’s making pretty decent bank for someone his age. 

So my plans change a little bit… but I love the kid and wouldn’t have it any other way.

Humm man cave time on Sunday? 

Something that I’ve noticed lately


Occasionally, I’ll wander through adult ads.


What I’m looking for is people with a similar mindset to my own, for friendship.

There are a LOT of flaky fuckers out there! To most of you, that probably comes as no surprise.

One of the things that has recently struck me as weird is how many ads apologize for specifying a racial preference.

OK, ok…  some of the ads I peruse are FWB (friends with benefits) in nature. Hey some of the kinky stuff people are into is amazing! I wouldn’t mind someone that I could hang out with and have some more intimate fun with.

I’ve noticed this growing trend to say something like;

I’m a white person looking for other white people. I’m not into black, asian, or hispanic, sorry that’s just my preference.

I’m frankly confused by this apparent need to apologize for stating a preference.

I personally am not attracted to fat white people, or people with poor hygiene, or people with heavy tattoo work. I make no apologies for that. I’m also not attracted sexually to black people and it’s a very rare asian or hispanic person that I even entertain a vague sexual thought about.

SO What?

Just because we’re forced to live in a kumbaya “We have to love everyone, and everyone should feel good about themselves” mediocre country, doesn’t mean that I have to share my friendship… or my bed with everyone.

When I talk about being someones friend it’s not in the fair weather sense.

I’m not particularly needy I can be quite content on my own. That doesn’t negate the fact that I’m a social animal and would appreciate the companionship.

I want to build my circle of friends. I can be a very good friend, you know… the kind of person that you can call at 3 am to pick your drunken ass up at a coffee shop or some chicks house when things went badly.

I expect the same kind of reliability of those that I call my friend too. 

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When it comes to sex… I try my personal best to never be mediocre about it!

There is absolutely nothing wrong with stating your racial preferences right up front. It saves everyone time, prevents misunderstandings, and potentially hurt feelings.

This is not being a racist!

How the hell are you going to perform in bed with someone that you’re not the least bit attracted to?

I suppose if I were an Escort or prostitute I wouldn’t have any ground to stand on. Mainly because I’d be in love with the Green color of Money!

But in my personal sex life I can afford to be picky.

So lets all grow up and stop apologizing for shit that you can’t change and accept that all of us have likes and dislikes and there’s nothing wrong with that.