So which is it?

Armed protesters stand guard outside a drag show at Anderson Distillery & Grill in Roanoke, Texas. (Kelly Neidert)

Antifa is looking a LOT more like the Fascists than the “Enemy” they’re supposed to be worried about.

Anti Drag Shows for Kids protestors

Of the two groups which looks more like a paramilitary group?

Are guns only bad when they’re in the hands of conservative leaning people? Is the take away that ANTIFA is protecting decency, which is arguable at best?

Was it ANTIFA that attacked the Federal Building in Portland or not? Weren’t they the folks blinding officers and throwing fire bombs trying to kill folks assigned to protect the Federal Building?

Who was it that beat Andy Ngo damn near to death? Oddly it wasn’t normal law abiding folks. But apparently that’s to be swept under the rug.

This is all about a drag show for children in Texas.

I never thought I’d be writing a sentence that contained the words Drag Show and Children in it.


I remember being in a gay bar late one night in Laguna Beach where a child came up to the 6’5” tall, muscular as all hell, ex military demolition specialist, doorman, asking for help.

The doorman scooped this frightened child up off the ground, walked into the bar told the bartender to stop selling booze, the Saturday Night Crowd made a path to the bar. The whole downstairs bar emptied out and this scary giant of a man, tended ever so gently to the child’s scrapes.

In his deep baritone he asked what had happened.

When he and several others nearby who were providing wet clean towels, who’d grabbed the first aid kit, and an unimpaired RN, heard;

Daddy and Mommy are fighting bad

The doorman very gently asked, “Can you tell me where they are?”

We’re on vacation. The hotel is across the street. I came over here because it sounded happy.

“Are they still fighting?”

I guess so, they fight a lot.

“Okay little one, I’ll go check on them.”

He and several other men went to the door. Over his shoulder he called to a bartender, “Get some juice for her, don’t sell any booze while she’s here, and call the police.”

There are a lot of things that made me proud of the community that night. The short list is this.

The men that followed the doorman out all knew how to handle themselves. They were either military, ex military, bikers or fighters of various stripes.
All the men in the bar stopped drinking
They all put their glasses on the upper Bar
They changed the music to something happy but not blaring.
The patrons adopted proper decorum and spoke quietly among themselves.

After 10 minutes, the doorman came back with bloodied knuckles, carrying a small boy who’d obviously been smacked around, followed by a dazed battered woman.

Without question the RN moved on to address the bruises and scrapes on the woman and little boy. The doorman, with easy familiarity grabbed a clean bar towel, filled it with ice from behind the bar and wrapped his right fist.

The little boy was watching the doorman closely, obviously curious about the towel and ice.

The doorman, smiled. He got up and made a smaller towel with a little bit of ice. He handed it to the little boy, “Hold this against your eye. It might hurt at first but the cold will make it feel better.”

The doorman rewrapped his fist and sat quietly watching the RN taking care of his patients. Eventually the RN got to the doorman’s scrapes & cuts.

The doorman tried to wave the RN away.

“Thad, let me do my job!”

The doorman sighed, “Okay, but I’m fine.”

The police arrived. They were obviously a little stunned. Usually, when they came into the bar it was rowdy and they were enforcing a noise complaint. Yet this time, the lights were on full and everyone was quiet and respectful.

The doorman, spoke briefly to them. A few minutes later an ambulance pulled up in front of the hotel.

Statements were taken and the woman and her children left with the police. Before they left, the children ran back to the table where the doorman was sitting and climbed onto him. They hugged him tight and he hugged them back with tears brimming.

“You’re going to be alright children. Take care of your mommy.”

Their mom said, “Thank you so much,” then collected her kids and left.

That is the gay community I remember. Yes, hated by many, but good men and women.

We at the time, were fighting for our equal place in society. We knew that equality would only come when we demonstrated in all other respects, except who we peopled our bed with, we were just like everyone else.

Drag shows are not the place for children. Gay bars are not the place for children. The LGB community knew that instinctively without question. The story above illustrates that simple fact.

What the fuck has happened to this community? Just because we were outliers then doesn’t mean we have to keep being outliers.

I know of no folks in the LGB community who would think for an instant that a Drag show should be attended by children. It’s adult entertainment for adults. You wouldn’t take children to a strip show. You wouldn’t take children to a bar with half naked go go boys dancing on the bar.

Hell, if you’re a responsible person you wouldn’t even show a movie with such depictions to children.

It’s not even about morality or puritanical religious squeamishness.

It’s about protecting a child’s innocence!

We all find our various kinks when we’re of age, when we’re ready for it, and when we’re old enough to handle it.

Let a child be a child, for God’s sake!

Then we have in Texas, a drag show with armed ANTIFA in black out clothing forming a perimeter. What the hell kind of message does that send?

What does a child think of that?

Especially after Uvalde and all the noise about AR-15s being dangerous. ”Only bad people carry AR-15s, run and hide if you see someone with one of those”.

Then 6 weeks later that same parent is saying, “come on in here don’t worry about the rifles.

You’ve already got a confused child, then you subject them to bad drag.

If that doesn’t cause a fear of clowns and makeup, I’ll be surprised.

Pennywise from IT

It’s long past time for the LGB community to stand up. It’s time for us to put a stop to this because we’re uniquely in a position to do so. The trans activists have hitched their wagon to the LGB community and the community has allowed it.

So now it’s our responsibility. We allowed this mess to be made it’s on us to clean it up!

Are we willing to let everything we fought so hard to gain be corrupted and stripped away by the actions of a fringe group of trans activists?

Are we willing to be shamed back into the closet by 1% of the population who simply choose to hitch their wagon to ours?

Will we allow all that we’ve accomplished to be degraded back to things like; Gays can’t marry, can’t have jobs, can’t have places to live, sodomy laws, and all that we managed to fix so that we can be thought of as equal?

I for one refuse!

I like being LGB and being treated with respect and normalcy. I like being able to get my freak on without worry of someone ratting me out to the cops for immoral behavior.

This trans activist bullshit has got to stop.

There are things that Trans folks need to have addressed. But not everyone is Trans!

How dare Trans activists imply that if someone likes the same sex they’d be happier transitioning to the opposite sex. There are little boys and little girls right now who would probably grow up CIS and LGB and be quite happy about it.

Those children deserve to discover their preferences in their own time, in their own way. How many boys and girls will have that joy of discovery ripped away from them by people deciding for them?

Isn’t that the same thing the Trans activists are saying is so wrong, when they say things like a Doctor assigns sex at birth?

Where have all the heroes gone? I’m sure as hell not a hero but if I’m all there is, then I’ll do my best.

Not Thad. But they’re cut from the same cloth

Thad – where ever you are now. 40 some odd years ago, you taught a green young man being gay or bi didn’t make you less a man, as men we still had responsibilities to protect those who couldn’t protect themselves. You taught me that gay or bi didn’t have to be my whole personality, it was just a part of who I was. You gave me a memory of decency and strength. I’m eternally grateful.

Those who do not know their history are doomed to repeat it.

It is with some amount of schadenfreude that I’ve been observing the reaction of the LGBTQI+ (whatever the hell other letters are in it now,) reaction to Monkeypox.

There was an interesting article in Outspoken that I read with some sadness.

In my opinion, the author is pretty dead on.

The trouble is that so few people who lived through the early days of HIV are listened to, or taken seriously these days.

I’ve written elsewhere in this blog about those early days, I’ll not repeat myself.

What I will say is that in the early days when no-one was really sure how HIV was spread there was a lot less touching. In fact there was a lot less of anything if you were concerned for your life.

Monkeypox is far more obvious. HIV wasn’t something that you could see someone had, until they were in the latter stages.

Monkeypox also has a very defined life cycle. Onset, Symptoms, Resolution of Symptoms, and finally the person generally returns to health. (Yes, I know there have been some deaths.)

The strange thing is that Monkeypox has a fatality rate of about 10%. That rate is less if the person seeks appropriate treatment.

So let’s compare and contrast. For the sake of argument let’s say Monkeypox is 90% survivable. COVID is 98% survivable. Monkeypox is generally transmitted via physical contact with an infected person or biological residue from an infected person. COVID is transmitted via airborne particulates.

With COVID we shut the world down for two years.

With Monkeypox we’re nowhere near shutting the world down.

What can we derive from this?


Since Monkeypox is mostly affecting the LGBTQI+ community, the government’s response is pretty much the same as it was during the early days of HIV, laissez-faire.

One might infer this means that the powers that be are only interested in the LGBTQI+ community at election time. So perhaps the LGBTQI+ community should remember that at the midterms and beyond.


If the LGBTQI+ community were as smart, educated, and responsible as they claim to be. They’d put the word out that the quickest and easiest way to shut this down is to stop congregating. It would probably take less than 2 months.

Just 2 months of solo, or Zoom sex and Monkeypox wouldn’t be sweeping through the LGBTQI+ community. Remember, this is the community that joined the “Karens” on masking, vaccinations, and self isolation during COVID. Why aren’t they following the rules now?

I’m not suggesting that the LGBTQI+ community never have sex again. I’m suggesting that by abstinence for a couple of months the Monkeypox virus would burn itself out like all viruses do, when they are unable to inhabit new hosts.

For those who may have a problem thinking this through, allow me to elaborate.

Monkeypox infects a person. That person makes antibodies naturally that kill the virus. The virus is eliminated from the person’s system, leaving immunity from further infection. The person can no longer be infected, nor can they spread the infection.

This is called immunity.

If the person does not spread the virus during the time they’re infected. The virus dies. Think of this as starving the virus…

If, on the other hand the person continues to interact with others and isn’t very careful about cleanliness, (maintaining their own laundry, properly disposing of any disposable materials that came into contact with their sores or bodily fluids,) then the virus finds new hosts and spreads.

It’s a simple fucking equation.

It was not so long ago when we were all being told to wear a mask everywhere and go get vaccinated to prevent the spread of COVID.

Remember? It was our patriotic duty to forego our petty desires, it was patriotic to subject ourselves to discomfort for the protection of others.

Monkeypox is no different. In fact the straight-line solution is simpler.

STOP fucking around!

The LGBTQI+ community in New York, San Francisco, and every other large city needs to step the fuck up. Quit your bitching and moaning about the availability of vaccines and take responsibility for yourselves.

Take a couple of months off! It won’t kill you to not go out to the bar, the disco, the local orgy, or whatever.

What better way to flip the bird at the government than to essentially say with your actions.

Fuck you! You bunch of useless old political hacks. You wouldn’t take action so we did!

How better to demonstrate that the LGBTQI+ community is in fact responsible?

An added benefit is that it buys time. Time for the big Pharma to get enough of the vaccine into the system so that everyone can get a proper effective vaccine against not only Monkeypox, but Smallpox as well.

I’d remind you Smallpox is still a thing is small pockets of the world. While it was effectively eliminated from the Western countries, it still exists elsewhere.

That should factor into your thinking when you look at the southern border and realize that the folks making that journey aren’t only from Mexico or South America.

Don’t worry, I’m not going to go into the whole mess regarding the border, but having a border and enforcing the law isn’t only about people. It’s also about diseases for which our population may have zero immunity.

Minor things like Ebola, Smallpox, Cholera, Malaria, Typhoid, you know, nasty shit.

One Hundred years ago on Ellis Island the primitive medicine of the time recognized that some people would have to be turned back and denied entry into the country to prevent plagues gaining a foothold.

The indigenous peoples of North America learned that harsh lesson. Smallpox & Measles decimated their population. Diseases, carried on blankets given to them by the immigrants coming from Europe.

Just food for thought…

Not to beat Roe v. Wade into the ground, but…

As the media, Hollywood, and politicians continue to bang on about just how awful overturning Roe v. Wade will be and their shrill demand My Body My Choice echos through the land. I got to thinking…

If they really mean “My Body My Choice” then shouldn’t they also condone prostitution?

Would all these Neo-Feminists be so keen to preserve Roe, if the ruling also said Prostitution is legal in all 50 states?

Is it fair that a woman can be arrested for renting her body? After all, a prostitute is still exercising autonomous control over her body isn’t she?

It’s hypocritical on its face that many of the same women demanding abortion be Federal, not in the hands of the states, typically take a very dim view of prostitution.

I’m not even going to point out the hypocrisy of those same women becoming screaming “Karens” demanding everyone get a COVID vaccine.

Then there was one shrew on a show saying that all boys should be subject to mandatory vasectomies when they reach reproductive age.

Her reasoning was “It can be reversed”. But that’s not entirely true in all cases. Norplant and IUDs can be reversed too, again not in all cases. However, she wasn’t calling for mandatory Norplant or IUD implantation.

Nope, for this particular shrew, it was only men that bore the responsibility for unwanted pregnancy. She completely ignored the fact that while some rapes result in pregnancy, the vast majority of abortions are performed on women who consented to sex.

Both men and women bear the responsibility for an unwanted pregnancy. Birth control is readily available to both genders.

Or are we to infer that women are too emotionally weak, inflamed by their passions, or irresponsible to tell their sex partner, “No, not without a condom,” when they know they’re not using birth control themselves? Where is the concept of My Body My Choice here?

I can’t remember if the shrew was Sunny Hostin or Joy Reid nor can I find the exact quote at the moment.

(I’m looking for it. I’ve been shocked at how many threads there are demanding forced sterilization of men. One could infer that women think forced sterilization is perfectly fine as long as it’s a man, and only women have the right to “My Body, My Choice“)

I wonder how they’d feel if Roe was modified and codified into the US Constitution as All Americans have the same right, “My Body My Choice,” allowing prostitution and the right to refuse any medical treatment, regardless of the situation.

How would they behave if, in the spirit of equity, the law applied equally to Women and Men.

Then there’s another hypocrisy surrounding the issue. I’ll grant you it’s an outlier but think about this. If an unmarried couple find that they’ve created a life. The woman in the couple under current law, can have the baby aborted without the male partner’s consent.

However, if the woman carries the baby to term, the father of record, is legally obligated to provide child support and pay all the fees the court may decide to saddle him with. Regardless of his desire that the woman abort his child. He might also be denied the right to visitation. This, even if the couple has broken up and the woman has found another wealthier partner and married him.

I’m not meaning to open the can of worms about child support per se, but I do ask the question; why in this scenario does the man have absolutely no choice?

Well, he does have a choice… There’s the phenomenon of solo sexuality.

This is where normal healthy young men chose to tend to their own needs exclusively so that they don’t risk being trapped into fatherhood or anything else by a vagina owner.

This logical response by men who wish to avoid complications, or entrapment, is technically under attack with anti-pornography laws. Laws which oddly are billed as protecting women from exploitation. Is it exploitation when the woman is exercising “My Body My Choice” and she chooses to perform in a pornographic film?

The anti child pornography laws, I’m totally on board with.

Young men who have made this particular choice are often viewed as abnormal by society.

Which is it ladies? You say you’re afraid of rape, unwanted pregnancy, toxic males, and all the other bullshit. But at the same time you seek to deny other women the right to sell their services either directly, or on film, and seek to deny men a non-toxic sexual outlet.

The last I read about the solo-sexual phenomena, it seemed that it was mostly confined to large urban environments and the young men in question were educated and had decent jobs. They’re simply making a choice that does not involve risking the rest of their future for a few minutes of pleasure.

After dealing with the Neo-Feminists at work over the last 10 years or so, I understand their point.

I’m very glad that I’m partnered and that I’m more gay than bi. Don’t get me wrong, a mentally mature woman that knows herself and takes responsibility is sexy as hell. Unfortunately, they’re becoming exceedingly rare.

Generally, the women I’ve encountered in the workplace have convinced me that:

1) I will not seek a hetro relationship if my current one ends. (For that matter, I’ll probably not seek a homo relationship. Gay men are often just as nuts as Neo-Feminists.)

2) If I find that I’m jonesing for the company of a woman, I’ll fly to Vegas and rent some professional time.

3) A lot of the women I’ve encountered in urban settings, are not people I want to combine my DNA with. There are tons of drop dead gorgeous women, but intellectually they’re not up to snuff. I’d be better off importing an uneducated farm girl from some 3rd world cesspool to make babies with. At least they’d be strong, healthy, have practical comprehension of the real world, and common sense. We all have an inherent duty to make better offspring, not doom the planet to idiot children who can’t command fire.

4) Avoid at all costs any woman with a goofy dye job, weird shitty tattoos, and so many piercings they can’t get through a metal detector. Think of them like brightly colored animals or insects. Typically if a creature has some kind of wild coloration they’re toxic. Think Arrow Frogs, Lionfish, Blue Ring Octopus, Gila monsters, or Coral Snakes.

5) Spanking the monkey is a much more efficient and pleasurable use of my time. To this day, nobody does me, like I do.

The problem with solo sexuality is that it’s likely to lead us to life imitating art.

If only the dumb, or irresponsible, are reproducing then we’re going to end up like the movie Idiocracy.

If you’ve not seen the movie, give it a whirl. Call it a dark comedy. Sadly, I think the fictitious president and cabinet from the movie displays more intelligence than our current administration. That’s another story…

A Neo-Feminist reading this post will probably have her head explode and fire off some diatribe about me being misogynistic.

Before she gets completely spun up, I’d ask her to consider this… I am exactly what you have made me. You have no right to complain. Take responsibility and change. It’s not just your body your choice, it’s also your mind your choice.

I’ve been amused that a lot of the main stream press photos of young protestors demanding Roe v. Wade are people, (Male or Female,) that I personally wouldn’t ever sleep with. No matter how much alcohol was involved.

Many of the females are so visually unappealing to me, I doubt they’re likely to see the inside of an abortion clinic.

As a man who respects himself, I can’t imagine being so desperate that I would risk putting my penis in any of them. I suppose there are men who don’t have my standards for potential reproductive partners. That’s totally on them, and god help us!

Saturday 5/14/2022

So now these people are protesting in front of Supreme Court Justices homes. Oh for fucks sake! First of all that’s illegal since there is part of the legal code that says attempting to intimidate a Judge, Witness, Juror, or officer of the court is punishable by 1 year in jail.

Peacefully Protesting in front of the Supreme Court building is. one thing. Disrupting the lives of an entire neighborhood and the life of the Justice by protesting at his or her home is another thing entirely.

These people in some of the videos are calling for mandatory vasectomies for BOYS! while at the same time carrying “My Body My Choice” signs…

Can you say hypocrisy?

Oh, wait, “My body My Choice” only applies if you’re a woman. But what is a woman these days? We seem to be unable to define that!

You men marching in solidarity for Roe v Wade… The minute you hear mandatory vasectomy for boys, it’s your fucking duty to switch sides or shut that shit down.

That vasectomy bullshit isn’t about abortion rights. It’s only about beating all men into submission and if you’re supporting that, you deserve to be castrated.

On it’s face that statement says women want to be in control not only of their reproduction rights but they want to control yours as well. If you’re that stupid, you probably shouldn’t reproduce anyway.

These harridans scream about bodily autonomy and in the next fucking breath say let’s subject all boys to un-necessary surgery. It sure feels like they’re trying to treat males like dogs.

“Oh look Marilyn-Moonrock, little Johnny is coming of age, pretty soon he’ll be marking the furniture… Better get him fixed as soon at possible!”

What’s next? Wait until a boy is 12 or so, take him in to surgery snip him, and circumcise him at the same time? That would cut down on the pubescent masturbation wouldn’t it? What will they call for after that? Mandatory, yet unnecessary surgery on boys genitals WITHOUT Anesthesia, a sort of pre-punishment for any ills the male might commit?

Then these… There is no other term for them, Vile Bitches could completely control all aspects of what coming of age as a male is.

From constantly telling boys they’re testosterone poisoned and violent, drugging them into submission in schools, complaining about their poor grades because they’re drugged into submission, then denigrating them for being stronger or wanting to test themselves, to making them ashamed of their natural development.

Good plan you vicious cunts! You know, a little female genital mutilation might also go a long way toward negating the need for abortions. Just sayin…

Figure 30 years of mandatory vasectomies, and we’d have women bitching and complaining that they can’t find a man committed enough to go through the surgical procedure to reverse the sterilization process. After all a man isn’t likely to want to relive the childhood trauma a bunch of nasty women imposed on him. I could just see that, a man telling a woman who wants children, “No, My Body My Choice.”

If this is what the majority of the liberals are like… I want absolutely nothing to do with any of them!

Joy Behar suggested recently that women go on a sex strike.

Guys… here’s a thought. Stop dating, or if you date, make sure the women pays the fucking tab.

If you end up in the bedroom, Make sure you wear a condom and demand that the woman has a diaphragm and spermicide in place. You can’t trust her if she says she’s on the pill.

Oh and to top things off… When you’re done, don’t worry about her orgasm. Pull your pants up and leave, dispose of the condom after you’re out the door.

Trust me a few months of that, and all the nice women, the good women, the kind women, the women you’d want to make a family with… They’ll hunt down and rip these liberal bitches limb from limb.

The liberals are very quick to call a man a misogynist…

I suggest to them, if you wonder why men seem more misogynistic…


I’d sooner get my jollies with rancid road kill than be intimate with most liberals

I know I sound pretty pissed off, and I am. The blatant hypocrisy these Neo-nazi, Neo feminists are displaying really fires up serious anger.

How about teaching fucking responsibility? Hey, there’s a concept. Oh right, no-one is ever. responsible for their own actions.

Yeah, I call bullshit!

I’m thinking it might be time for me to shift some of my retirement account into lifelike sex dolls… I think I see a ready to boom, business opportunity.