Congratulations New York!

Congratulations to my friends in New York.

Guys ya done good!

Now, unfortunately you’re going to have to fight hard to keep your right to marry. Your opponents are going to fight dirty!

Even now while you’re celebrating, there are people gathering money, lawyers, and public relations folks. They are preparing to wage a battle to defer your ability to seize your marriage rights.

They will fight to defer the date you can marry, then they will work to render the law unconstitutional and invalidate the process that put the law on the books.

In all likely hood they will pull out all the stops and do everything to characterize you, your partner, your children, and anything that you have created or done as something hideous.

In some of the most evangelical circles, there may even be “Men of God” who incite violence against you or anyone perceived to be gay.

My friends and brothers, Celebrate this weekend!
…On Monday be prepared for a renewed fight.

Don’t let what happened in California happen to you.

Religious groups time and again talk about “The Gay Agenda” and  how “The Children” will be hurt.

The ONLY GAY AGENDA is this. Gay people want the RIGHTS, and PRIVILEGES that they are ENTITLED TO, NOTHING MORE!

This notion that Gays want special rights comes directly from the fact that so many people have worked so hard to insure Gay peoples rights were abridged!

Gay people pay taxes, own homes, and are contributing members of society.

It makes absolutely NO FUCKING sense that simply identifying ones self as GAY strips you of the rights, that being a citizen of the United States conferred on you a moment before you said the word.

The gay agenda is TAKING BACK rights that were TAKEN away by a bunch of fucking insecure zealots who couldn’t abide someone that was different. Unless of course the “different” person could do something for them. Alan Turing springs to mind.


I know a lot of gay men who have children.

When these men came out and divorced their wives, Their children were more hurt by the divorce than they were by their Dad being gay. Dads are Dads regardless of who they sleep with.

To a man, their Children are priority number 1. I know men that broke up, because they were concerned that their boyfriends didn’t have the appropriate values to be around their children. This is parenting… it’s not a Gay or Straight issue.

I know it’s infinitely better for a child to have EVEN a single responsible loving parent than to live in an institution. Having two loving parents regardless of their genders can only be even better for a child.

Lets take “THE CHILDREN” off the table as a weapon / or bargaining chip. THE CHILDREN deserve better.

I seriously need to get off

Yeah It’s been a while.

Need to take some time, get naked, and fucking play with myself for at least a few hours.

Just thinking about it, is making my cock drip. It’s been way too long!

You know it’s the weirdest thing. I’m off work and working harder than ever. I’ve been so busy catching up on stuff that I’ve needed to get done that I haven’t taken time for myself.

I’m thinking today I’ll down shift. Slow down and enjoy my body.  I might be less of a prick and less wound up.

It’s funny how we get so caught up in our projects, working out, and generally busy that we forget the basics.

As a young man, I thought sex would always be the the front of my mind. Now in middle age I still think about sex and react when I see someone that’s physically attractive. But there are times when I’m so busy and focused and I’ll realize a whole day has got by me, I’m horny as hell but tired too.

I like to take a good long time and enjoy working up a nice load of cum. I’m working for it and I want to really enjoy squirting.

So if I’m doing myself, I don’t want to start out tired or feel like I’m on some kind of timetable. Then it’s all just stroke, & cum. Don’t get me wrong that’s a great combination sometimes and it can take the edge off but I usually want bit more, sometimes a LOT more.

Unfortunately, that means that somewhere somehow I’ll need to carve a chunk of time out of my day for me and that’s often easier said than done.

I’ve been thinking about a long brutal massage with a fucking great happy ending. (Yes, I had someone in mind who doesn’t mind me relaxing afterward) But I don’t want to spend the cash especially since

I’m looking at expensive car repairs.

I had a buddy that I’d Skype with. We’d be talking about general shit in our lives, we were both naked and stroking watching each other. In a strange way sharing the experience wasn’t like having sex with each other, it was something else. The words that come to mind are; Fun, calming, honest, bonding, satisfying. I have no idea why it felt that way but am more than willing to accept that it just was…

Well my schedule is clear for a few hours,  I think I’ll silence the phone, and have some fun….

Plan some stroke time for your selves guys. I’m right there with ya.

Psycho Babble


I caught an article in The Huffington Post this morning about Anthony Weiner and thought “OH for God Sake”

In this article a several Psychologists (all female) were spouting psycho hoodoo explanations about why Weiner cheated.

Dr. Robi Ludwig I think came closest to touching on the truth. when she said; “Cheating for the man is about excitement, building up their ego, enjoying the chase and just plain mixing things up!”

I have a some questions.

1) Why is it ALWAYS dowdy women Psychologists being interviewed? (although In this case all three are pretty hot looking )

2) Why is it always assumed it’s the Mans fault? Why couldn’t it be that his wife just isn’t interested in sex?

3) Why does no-one EVER consider the possibility that the couple in question has an arrangement?

4) Is ANY of this OUR business?

I think it’s worth noting that many women are very sexually attracted to “bad boys”. I have been hit on frequently at happy hour events if I’m wearing a ring. And even more so if I’m a little scruffy around the edges.

I think at minimum that there are two issues going on here. First, the women are bored in their love life and they want to shake things up too. It’s likely that their husbands are just not bothering to take the time to make them happy (sex as a duty instead of a lot of fun). Second the old cliche is true, if a guy is wearing a ring, he’s safe, he’s not going to show up with flowers and candy and throw her nice neat life into a tail spin.

My point is, women cheat too and while they’re caught far less often they’re right there getting naked with a stranger JUST like men. And Thank God for bored wives!

Why do men cheat?

The thrill of the Hunt

We DO love the thrill of the hunt, I’ll grant you that. Of course our society today and many women in particular seem to think that approximately 1.8 Million years of genetic predisposition to hunting can be cancelled out by a mere 10,000 years of so called civilization. WRONG!

Variety vs boredom

Getting nasty with someone different JUST feels damn good. A different person means different technique, different sensations and smells and that just ADDS to the excitement.

Without spilling the beans and losing my MAN card… Guys will put their dicks in just about anything. It’s not because we’re perverts (N.O.W.’s screeching notwithstanding) It’s because we’re curious about new sensations. “Hummm what does that watermelon feel like on the underside of my dick? what would it feel like to have (Insert Celebrity name here) lick the juice from my balls?”

I don’t think its any different for men or women. We all get bored in our sex life. Sometimes one partner isn’t interested in mixing it up or trying something new. If that goes on too long, the adventurous partner has three basic choices.

1) Live with that particular kink unfulfilled

2) Discard the current spouse and find someone that WANTS to play more adventurously

3) Keep the spouse and find a little fun on the side.

I doubt seriously that option 2 or 3 are executed on the spur of the moment. Most often option 1 is the choice because it’s the simplest, easiest, and safest. But year after year of boring sex and the viability of options 2 or 3 increase exponentially.

When your spouse ONLY wants to fuck in the missionary position and refuses to even consider something new it’s pretty damn easy to find someone that’s up for a little adventure. As a man, I can tell you it becomes almost an imperative.

As an aside, there is also such a thing as TOO MUCH. If lovemaking becomes a tour de force of “marital aids” where each device is more technical than the last. Or when a good old Saturday afternoon fuck becomes a 1 hour preparation for 30 minutes of sex, well then the equation is unbalanced and it’s probably easier to go to the garage and jerk off.

Some of the devices sound like you’re working in a wood shop. I don’t know about you, but for me, spontaneity is completely ruined when I’m looking for fucking batteries in the kitchen drawer to fire up a toy that sounds like a wood chipper.


Adults can enter into arrangements. It’s possible that due to poor health, or growing apart ( but staying together for the kids) that a couple would simply agree to sexually go their separate ways. These arrangements are more common than you might think.

I’ve personally known two couples dealing with cancer. In couple A the woman had cancer and was undergoing a variety of very harsh treatments and surgeries. Couple B it was the man undergoing the treatment.

Both of the cancer patients Gave their spouse permission to find someone to see to their sexual needs. In fact both of the cancer patients even suggested a person that might have been willing to fill the bill, from a circle of their closest friends.

This in my humble opinion is about love not perversion or cheating.

I’ve been living in an open arrangement for the past two decades. Were I confined I’d have gone insane. I’m sure that I’d also have been cheating. As it is both of us are allowed to enjoy ourselves so long as we practice safe sex and don’t wave it in each others faces. Arrangements work if both parties have a clear sense of boundaries.


I think that monogamy is an un-natural and unrealistic construction. It’s about control and probably was about keeping women in check. After all the men were out and about and what happened on the hunt, or on the raid, or crusade STAYED there. Dudes aren’t likely to come home and tell each others wives, “Richard raped his way through the holy land m’lady he was an animal”

I don’t think monogamy is natural for humans in general and certainly not for me in particular.

In the Whoa! category

I also have begun to wonder about our societies treatment of men and male sexuality. It’s pretty accepted that men are more about sex than women. So on the one hand we acknowledge this and at the same time denigrate male sexuality as some kind of “condition” comments like “he’s testosterone poisoned” show up in comedy routines pretty often.

Most men’s best friend is their dick. Men shouldn’t be made to feel bad about wanting to use their dick. We shouldn’t be embarrassed about jerking off as boys or adults, we’re acting according to our nature. We’re visual and we like porn. so what? It’s not wrong and the actors / models get paid for their work. WHY do we call that exploitation and all too often castigate men in general for enjoying what it’s in our nature to enjoy.

Repression of natural urges is not a good idea, for men that repression often shows up in other less desirable ways. Why don’t we all agree to accept Male sexuality as a normal thing and stop acting like it’s bad?

I’m not condoning cheating per se

Part of being a man is living up to your commitments. If you committed to your spouse that you wouldn’t cheat then you really must live up to that commitment.

At the same time you and your spouse committed to meet each others needs. If either of you break that commitment then frankly all bets are off.

I just don’t think it’s any of the publics business. I sure as hell wouldn’t want my dirty laundry carted out in the national press. Which brings me to another point.

The media needs to stay out of celebrity and politicians bedrooms.

Who is fucking who is NONE of the publics business. We’re becoming a nation of voyeurs. We need to get our fat asses off the couch, go fuck our spouses, and GET OUT and LIVE OUR lives.

We all need to stop living vicariously through celebrity news, and reality TV. Go do something in your own life!

Getting out and moving is especially important for Men.

DUDES I hate to tell you this, but all the good living here in the United States is fucking us up. Go out and check the testosterone levels over the past 30 years or so. There’s a substantial trend down. Which means prostate cancer is up, sterility is up, and less than hard erections in young men are becoming the norm.

You can combat this trend by eating less junk/processed food and by WORKING. I’m not talking your 9 to 5…

I’m talking getting out an mending fences, or playing football with your kids, or working out. Do anything that engages your mind and your muscles and you’ll be healthier in general and your cock and balls will thank you.

Daddy ME?


Perception is funny.

I don’t think of myself as anything other than just a guy.

Imagine my surprise when I was referred to as “That Hot Daddy” over there…

WTF? I’m no Daddy, I’m just a guy… Then I realized that perhaps Daddy is much like Bear. It’s an attitude as much as what you’re wearing or whether you have a dungeon.

I however never expected to be sexualized as a “Daddy” in a bar. Not that I mind, per se. I’m just a bit surprised.

I asked a friend about it. “Am I a Daddy?”

He reply was “Oh yeah…”

When I pressed for him to elaborate, he said, “You’re confident, you walk in places like you OWN them and you know your place in the world. You are obviously all about control. Couple that with your penchant for good leather boots and your complete LACK of costume in a bar where full Leather IS the uniform, and you come across as very strong and in charge. It’s appealing to a lot of folks. Since I know you are familiar with certain Kinky aspects of sex I think of you as a total Daddy.”

I’m stunned. My friend grins, “You didn’t know?” then busts up laughing.

Nope I didn’t know. More to the point, I was Clueless.

But I started thinking about my “Style” for want of a better term.

I do own a couple leather jackets, for warmth in the winter. I do not own any leather pants, shirts, vests, or caps.

I suppose I’m more about practicality than costume.

Don’t get me wrong, I’d enjoy owning some of these things, I simply refuse to pay top dollar for products that I think are of questionable quality. And lets face it a lot of this stuff is mass produced in India or China.

I would probably be more likely to make these purchases if I could find someone to custom fit me. I know that there are people around who do that sort of thing… but it’s not a high priority for me.

Buying this stuff isn’t high on my list of important things because I’ve always felt that stuff I own should be natural to who I am.

I will sometimes run across an item that “Feels right” when I do, I buy it. The “Rightness” is very important to me. That’s why I had one of my favorite leather Jackets cleaned and restored after the fire. The Jacket still has a little smoky smell, Thanks to a Doc Baileys treatment before the fire and good professional cleaners after, my jacket has real “Character” now. I never want to feel like I’m putting on a costume. I always want be comfortable and authentic in what I’m wearing and how I present who I am.

Being outfitted head to toe in leather attire isn’t going to change who I am.  Dressing the part isn’t going to make me any better in bed. Sure it may add to the fantasy. In point of fact unless I’m engaged in a scene where leather is a primary actor we’re going to be skin to skin anyway.

At that point the leather you’re concerned about will be the leather implements I’m going to use to take you to your personal edge. After all, isn’t that what you’re interested in anyway?

So I guess I’m a Daddy, I wish I’d noticed this transition. But apparently, part of my Daddyness is the fact that I’m unaware of it.

People need to  bring me up to speed more often…

Thoughts on not fitting in

I’m not a fashionista, Can’t recite show tunes, Cross-dressers make me uncomfortable (I’m polite but do my best to leave quickly. Hummm, It’s the same discomfort that I have around clowns. My therapist would’ve had a field say with that one!)

I don’t dance, I’m not looking for personal slights in every fucking publication, news broadcast, or sporting event. I couldn’t care less about the implications of faggot as a hateful word, I’m not impressed with pride parades,

In short I don’t now and frankly never have felt represented by the gay community in general.

In point of fact when purchasing certain items of a sexual nature I’ll spend my money with 1 or 2 “gay” businesses. The rest of my bucks go to more “mainstream” businesses. (That is an oxymoronic statement when I think about the items I’m purchasing.)

So while I do enjoy sleeping with another man, I do not identify with the “Glad hand, GAY”. My sleeping habits notwithstanding I’m first and foremost just a man.

Sexual partners, or sexual practices such as (BDSM) shouldn’t define us, no matter how much fun they are. Our humanity and how we interact with society defines us, all the rest is secondary.

I think that belief is why I don’t fit with the more familiar Gay community. Oh it’s not about self hate, or any of that psycho babble BS.

There are a lot of men like me. We’re there in some of the bars quietly sipping our drink and wondering if there is a place where more men like us are hanging out.

There aren’t. The closest I’ve found is one of the more renowned leather bars in the city. At least there I don’t have to worry about cross-dressers. The only issue I’ve had, has been with select members of  the “New Leather community” and those youngsters are easy to make go away.

I’ve also run across guys like me in local neighborhood bars. More often in bars that were gay than not, but we’re to be found in almost ANY local pub.

We’re usually gone by the time happy hour is over. We work day jobs. We may have someone waiting at home for us. So we stop in for a drink or two. As the really young crowd start rolling in, and the music gets turned up, we start taking off.

For the most part we just don’t connect with the “now” crowd.

On the other hand if it’s a matter of getting my dick sucked… or opening a sweet young thing for the first time.

Well at least I know which celebrity is involved in which scandal this week. So I’m able to be what they need me to be at for a few hours or until their mouths are full.

I said I didn’t connect… never said I was stupid. Obviously I’d prefer a man like me. You know, a dude with some experience and who’s been around the block a couple of times. I’ll take an experienced lover over an exuberant one anytime.

I’m not unhappy about not fitting in, in fact I think that being an individual is a lot more important and interesting than becoming a good little sheep. I do wish it was easier to find other men like me,  when I do find another guy like me It’s like a miracle.

A miracle that I appreciate with sweat, cum, and as much time as we can spend getting sweaty and unloading our balls.

Some people go to church…