Uhhhgggg. I’ve caught a cold

The day after Christmas I was feeling out of sorts. Thursday night, the wind was howling through the area. It calmed down a bit during the day Friday. With the house shaking Thursday night, I slept only fitfully.

It’s possible that this isn’t a cold and that it’s just sinus irritation. Either way, I’m uncomfortable and run down.

The wind is still blowing this morning but it’s not like it’s been. One or two reports I’ve seen claimed there were 32 -35 MPH gusts.

I’m very tired. There are things that I should do but I suspect they’re going to remain undone. Maybe I’ll just watch a movie or two, after walking the dog. Sure I could just put him in the back yard, but he really looks forward to our walks and honestly so do I.

That’s why there’s the good things tag on this post. Yeah I may be feeling like crap but even feeling like I do, I still enjoy the morning walk.

Not to be a wet blanket…

Donald trump.I don’t mean to be a bummer here, but I’ve been noticing in recent weeks, particularly since the election, that everybody seems think Donald Trump is going to be able to fix everything all at once.

Having these kinds of expectations, I think that this is going to create substantial amount of disappointment. There’s no way he can walk into office day one no matter how well prepared he is, and take us back to the land of plenty.

I have no doubt that he’s going to walk into office and make sweeping changes but it’s going to take a while for those sweeping changes to trickle down to the average person.

Trump is not a messiah. He’s a man and some of his ideas will be good others, not so much.

Taxes are not going to drop instantly, food prices aren’t going to be suddenly affordable, interest rates won’t drop instantly either.

We will still be carrying a lot of the burden that the Biden administration has saddled us with and it’s going to take some time for those bad decisions to get unwound. Then there’s a whole question of whether or not some of these poor decisions can be unwound in the first place.

It’s entirely possible that the rhinos in Congress in cahoots with the damn Democrats in Congress will find a way to continue to screw us.

There’s also the beginnings of some kind of “green energy” scandal that the main stream media is not covering. I’ve seen now two blips about it. One was on Breitbart and the other was in another alternative reporting system, whose name escapes me. A point of interest is, this Biden administration scandal sounds a lot like Solyndra 2.0.

It’s a ticking time bomb. It will probably explode shortly after Trump takes Office. Trump will end up having it hung around his neck, the media, and particularly the Democrats, who are really upset that Trump won in the first place, are going to point to Trump and say it was his problem, his scandal, he created it.

Once that hits the media, it’s going to be just like the “Very Fine People”, or the “Trump cleared rioters from a Church for a photo op”, or “Tump grabs women by the pussy”, misrepresentations or outright hoaxes.

It’ll probably create just enough confusion that we have to have congressional investigations and a long drawn out hearings, and all of that just to find out that the scandal actually started because of a Biden administration mismanagement.

I’m not saying that the Biden administration was, you know, the right hand of Satan. I also don’t think that Joe Biden or Kamala Harris were fully cognizant of everything that’s been going on.

I really suspect that the hands behind the Biden administration are a bunch of ultra left new world order nut jobs, and they created a situation where we had government running amok bypassing what few controls or limitations on power were still functioning.

I also think that Trump will, at the very least delay or otherwise throw one hell of a monkey wrench into the new world order types grandiose plans for a “perfect world”. That alone may buy time for others, like DOGE and voters to effect enough change that we can turn back the clock on corruption.

If we’re lucky…

It’s going to be one of those nights!

I’m sleepy but can’t sleep. Jesse is spun up about something. He’s acting like he’s scared, but there’s nothing new or strange in the house. I don’t hear anything if I’m out on the deck with him. 

Sometimes he’ll do this if there are coyotes roaming the neighborhood. Tonight isn’t one of those nights.

I was writing a little on one of my stories. I’m just not into it. My mind is wandering all over the place. I remembered that I’m an adult male and I’m allowed to have a drink once in a while. I poured myself a bit of Jack Daniel’s then waited for Jesse to come back in.

He’s lying behind me now in the office. He’s not dozing as he usually does. He’s watching me.

I’ve tried searching the HAM radio bands for some other insomniac. It looks like tonight, I’m the only one who can’t sleep. That’s actually nice, I wish the other insomniac HAMS pleasant dreams and deep sleep.

I tried scanning “X” for anything of interest. That was a wasted effort. X is not as toxic as it once was, but after the election, it looks like a bunch of the Democrat snowflakes are fleeing to a new platform called Bluesky. The funny part of that is they’re running over to the supposed “Safe Space” and finding it not so safe. They’re reporting each other for violations of the “Happiness code” a.k.a. Terms of Service. They can’t blame us. Conservatives aren’t moving over to the new platform, the left is eating their own in this situation. The funny thing is that the leftists are signing back into X to complain about Bluesky. Bluesky itself reported publicly that they’ve seen a 300% increase in reports of violations.

They can keep the lefties! I’m done with those dunderheads.

Ever since the election, there’s been a constant whining about truly stupid shit. Trump is gonna do this or that. Trump is gonna hunt people down, blah blah blah. If these people would at least try to learn something about the Government, the rules, and the laws. They’d be far less neurotic. They’re claiming Trump is going to use the military to hunt people down and put them in camps.

Wow! That one is by far, the stupidest. Here’s why.

There’s an act called The Posse Comitatus Act, it was signed into law in 1878 by President Rutherford Hayes. In other words it’s not new. In short it says you can’t use military personnel on US soil except under very specific circumstances. Think Disaster. Then only after the state national guard had run out of personnel and resources. 

It’s a really big deal to get around Posse Comitatus. Unless you modify the law, which Biden did about a month ago. So it’s Biden, not Trump who’s setting up to have military personnel open fire on civilians. That’s literally what the new “Guidance” says. Lethal force shall be authorized.

I don’t even want to think about how illegal and immoral that order, should it be given, would be. The UCMJ would get one hell of a workout.

Point is, Trump didn’t authorize this, Biden did.

Then there’s the matter of camps. For maybe a decade or more we’ve been hearing about the camps. First it was send the Gays to the camps, let them fuck each other to death with the AIDs. Then during COVID the lefties were saying that the Unvaccinated should be put in these supposed camps so they can COVID each other to death. Now the tranny activists are claiming that Trump is going to send all the Transpeople to the camps. Here we go again. 

The Trans people are truly morons. All Trump has to do is cut off the hormone supplies. We can watch in real time as you idiots revert to what your genetics dictate.  No need to put anyone in camps at all. Besides, those camps will be used to house the illegals while we figure out what plane to put ‘em on sending their asses home. We should probably tell the illegals that with Boeings recent issues, we can’t guarantee anymore than four in five flights won’t crash. With those odds, maybe they should start walking home.

Honestly, I’ve had a bellyful of the Trans bullshit. Every other day the Trans demand to be celebrated. Trans month (cause it ain’t pride anymore), Trans week, Trans this, Trans that. FUCK! Stop!

We’re sick to death of hearing that you cut something off your body. People losing a lung to cancer don’t talk about it this much. They too cut something off their bodies…

Never once have I heard of a doctor that said, “That cock and balls are a work of art and I will not deface God’s handiwork with my crude blade.”

That would be newsworthy, I’d actually read that article.

That you cut off your breasts or your cock & balls is of zero interest to me. I don’t care that you shoot up testosterone or estrogen in the bathroom like a heroin addict. Leave me the fuck out of it!

I’ve noticed that X is a lot more interesting because there’s a lot less Trans. Unfortunately, now we’re dealing with Maori oppression and someone in New Zealand doing a Maori war chant or challenge.

That’s mildly interesting, now we have crazed white women cosplaying this too. Obviously it’s for nothing more than attention. It seems crazed liberal white women can’t stand not being the center of attention.

Ladies, go find a hunky, hairy, muscular, masculine, big dicked man, ask to sleep with him and go at it until you tap out. Have a baby, find God, do something, anything, to be productive.

Dressing up like handmaids tale, screaming into the camera from your expensive car or from your nice suburban home, shaving your head, closing your legs, or whatever the fuck else you’re doing, is wasting your time and only making you unhappy.

Get busy and focus on your career, put all that energy into making real substantial change. If you’re lucky enough to find a man that loves you, have children so that you & he can change the future by leaving a legacy of your values behind in your children.

Cause ladies… ain’t nobody interested in your screaming diatribe. At this point when we see you on our screens and swipe quickly by, it’s always the same high pitched banshee wailing. You’ve all literally become interchangeable. “Oh look, another, of a thousand screaming cunts,” Next!

Ahhh, Jesse has gone to bed. I can hear him snoring in the bedroom. It’s time for me to try to get to sleep myself.

Pleasant nightmares.

Later in the Morning…

I came back and made some edits to fix spelling errors and clean up a point or two. Rereading, this morning it could be construed that I was advocating for violence against the crazy liberal white women. That wasn’t the intent. As I mentioned I’d scanned X and apparently had seen one too many videos of bald angry white women screaming into the void. 

I really shouldn’t be quick to press publish when I write and have been drinking.

That being said…

Ladies, Kamala LOST. One of the reasons she lost is because like you, she’s thoroughly unlikable and fundamentally flawed as a human being. She’s in her 60s and is unlikely to change very much. Most of you on the other hand are young and you have an opportunity to change and grow.

I beg you, please seize that opportunity.