Much confusion, Little understanding of English, and No Shame

Liz Cheney War Hawk 640x480.The media continues to slit their own throats with the American people. 

The latest tempest in a tea kettle is their willful misrepresentation of Trump’s statements regarding Liz Cheney. 

Because I’m actually paying attention. Because I really want to know if Trump is the monster he’s consistently made out to be. Because I’m kind of interested in how these horrific misrepresentations get started, then gain a life of their own. And because I have a fair understanding of the English Language and believe words have actual meanings.

I listen carefully to what Trump says. 

Painful as it is, I also listen very carefully to what Biden and Harris say as well. 

Joe Biden did in fact call 1/2 of the country “Garbage” he didn’t stutter, he didn’t have an apostrophe in supporters.

Trumps actual Cheney comment was something every single one of us who is honestly anti-war has said at some time or another. I’m a hot head, when someone messes with my country, I tend to shoot my mouth off. Which is why I’m on record in this blog saying that I believe the joint chiefs and military advisors to The President should be men and women who have actually seen combat.

I believe this is especially true if the sitting President has never been in the military.

My reasoning is simple. Military people who have seen combat are likely to want to seek diplomatic solutions before sending troops to war. They’re not afraid of war, but understand it is inherently wasteful and horrific.

I say that as someone who’s never served and I might be talking out my ass. 

So I might shoot my mouth off and say something stupid like “Kill ‘em all” of our enemies, upon reflection I come back to my generally anti-war stance.

I do believe when dumb fucks, even me, start shouting for war, they should be willing to pick up a rifle and march into battle right along with the actual troops. There should never be rear echelon motherfuckers or desk jockeys that never pissed themselves under fire.

I could be wrong about that and welcome comments from actual soldiers.

The Trump comment every news media outlet ran with came during an interview with Tucker Carlson. Prior to the “Actual” comment, Trump was detailing his anti-war stance. 

What Trump actually said is:

“[Dick Cheney’s] daughter’s a very dumb individual, very dumb. She’s a radical Warhawk. Let’s put her with a rifle standing there with nine barrels shooting at her, okay? Let’s see how she feels about it, you know, when the guns are trained on her face. You know, they’re all Warhawks when they’re sitting in Washington in a nice building saying, “Aw gee, well, let’s send ten thousand troops into the mouth of the enemy.” But she’s a stupid person.”

In other words, Trump called out Liz Cheney for being pro war, just like her father Dick Cheney who made a shit ton of money via the Military Industrial Complex and his Vice Presidency.

Nowhere in Trump’s comment did he say anything about a firing squad, or any of the bullshit the media was spewing on Thursday and Friday.

In other words the media lied… 


Not only did they lie, they all parroted the same damn story pretty much verbatim and not one of these outlets had the integrity to fact check. Perhaps it’s the fault of their DEI hires who can’t read, write, add, or subtract, but whose college loans were paid for, by Biden violating a Supreme Court Order.

It’s only this morning that even the most radical of these organizations are saying, “Nah, he didn’t say let’s execute Cheney.” But they’re doing it quietly and the damage is done.

The news cycle has ended for the week. This was nothing more than a blatant attempt to screw Trump one last time before the election. It should be called what it is and the punishment should be liberally applied. This is/was election interference. The talking heads, wags and pundits should all be held to account for it.

CBS, ABC, FOX, & NBC should be fined because they allowed this unchecked unverified lie to be broadcast over the public airwaves in violation of their broadcast licenses.

The thing is, there are people who heard a 15 second sound bite on the boob tube on CNN and thought “Typical! Trump is gonna be a dictator so he’s working on his list of political prisoners.”

Those are the folks that believe all the other now debunked lies about Trump. From “Very Fine People” to Trump will institute a Nation wide Abortion ban, or as Whoopie Goldberg spewed the other day Trump was gonna reassign white men to white women when he deported the people of color.

She’s completely insane and should be taken off the air for any number of reasons so I didn’t bother to write about her wacko rant this week. I assume my readers know insane & stupid when they see it.

These are people who believe that the Hunter Laptop is the work of a Russian disinformation campaign. (I knew the laptop was real and explained my reasoning in a post in 2022)

I’d looked at it as soon as the data on the drive was leaked in 2020. Then the data got scrubbed and I hadn’t backed up the filth. The 2020 analysis was a pithy expose about the lies from the intelligence community. But since I hadn’t finished the analysis and no longer had the data I deleted the original piece. I do have some standards & honestly was a bit afraid of the FBI kicking my door down.

Quote if you repeat a lie often enough people will believe it and you will even come to believe joseph goebbels 141 92 76.After 8-10 years of lies mixed with the occasional bit of truth about Trump we’ve come to the Joseph Gobbels point in our program.

Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated are confident they are acting on their own free will.” — Joseph Gobbels

I think at this point we can objectively prove that the media is the propaganda arm of the Democrat party and that it’s very possible the Democrat party will be rebranding itself and the Democratic Nationalist Communist Party any day now. That last bit is probably incorrect, however at this point I wouldn’t be surprised. 

The Democrat party “Feels” a lot more communist than I can recall in my lifetime. But it’s worse than that, there’s an almost religious dogmatic feel that I find extremely disturbing and uncomfortable. 

I’d fearlessly walk into a Republican Party convention or meeting and disagree with a point or points. 

I wouldn’t dare do the same at a Democrat event. They have literally become the party of Karens and Scolds who thoughtlessly shut down, or more properly shout down, dissent.

That’s a lot closer to communism or religion than actually being concerned with governance for my tastes.

The media does a great job of reenforcing the propaganda. They literally tell us what we’re seeing isn’t happening and stunningly, people believe what they’re told instead of what they see and experience.

This coming Tuesday will be interesting.

Will the propaganda machine be powerful enough to overcome a Trump win? Will enough people believe it? What if Kamala actually does win? How much effort will the Propaganda machine exert to prop her up, as unlikeable as she is? If Trump wins how many celebrities will follow through on their threats to leave the country?

I guess we’ll have to wait on the “Film at 11” Tuesday evening.

In no case though will we ever have an apology or contrition on the park of our News Agencies. I guarantee they’ll pull the “We were only following orders” defense.

Does she hear herself?

Margaret Brennan of CBS was being unbelievably duplicitous on Face The Nation. On the one hand she says she deserves some leniency about her comments immediately after Trump was shot.

She said at the time Trump didn’t say anything to cool the temperature of Trumps supporters in the wake of them witnessing an assassination attempt.

Uh you clueless bitch! Trump was the one who was shot, That he was telling the crowd he was fine, with fist pumps and “Fight, Fight, Fight” was pretty damn impressive.

My point is that he was literally in the middle of a high stress situation and thought enough to signal to the crowd that he was alive and minimally hurt. (Which by the way, did a lot to calm the crowd.)

Apparently while she was making dumb comments, she expected Trump to pontificate on the relative merits of remaining calm and not seeking revenge in some master soliloquy that would pass her editorial requirements.

Hey Brennan, fuck you!

My god I have developed a new level of hatred for these talking heads.

It is beyond unbelievable to me that less than 24 hours after the assasination attempt the talking heads are trying to blame Republicans, Trump, and MAGA for this violence against Trump.

What the actual fuck?

These people disgust me!

The morning after… Now the media is concerned about the rhetoric!

Trump responds to shooting 640x480.Uh Huh, I’ll bet they are.

CNN Special Correspondent Jamie Gangel said she thought it was “odd because of all of the heated rhetoric” that Trump would say fight, fight, fight, after being shot. 

Honey, I can tell you this, in the heat of the moment, had it been me, my comments would have been a lot saltier.

Something on the order of “Hunt the enemies of our Republic down and kill them all! Exterminate them like the filthy cockroaches they are. No trials, No mercy!

That would have given the Sunday Morning chat hosts something to whine about.

As it is CNN tried to portray an assassination attempt as Trump fell down and was escorted off stage by security.

Politico tried to spin an assassination attempt as simply “Shots Fired”.

Shots fired! What the fuck? I’m sure thats a comfort to the 2 or 3 individuals in addition to Trump who were shot.

Several other news organizations in a disgusting display of bias and stupidity, downplayed the assassination attempt using various euphemisms.

GettyImages 1231325629 scaled 391425283.CNN Your source for stupid bitches!

Gangel, the people with brains took “Fight, fight, fight,” to mean “Continue fighting against a corrupt system, don’t let this intimidate you.” 

Others in the Media are suddenly very concerned about the hostile rhetoric of the campaign, completely ignoring the rhetoric they themselves, have hurled from their anchor seats for 9 or 10 years about Donald Trump.

E324d4b6 0527 436a a9a7 aae21093f5ff DESK.00_00_17_13.Still009.There’s a report that Biden’s X/Twitter account called Trump a wannabe Dictator minutes before the assassination attempt.

Then in stunning duplicity Biden says, “I’m glad Donald Trump is okay and political violence is wrong.”

We all know Biden isn’t running his Twitter account, but damn! It’s not at all a good look for the Biden Administration or Campaign.

GettyImages 1402029752 1 640x480 1.In fact it looks kinda like they’re reversing course because the assassination failed, what would they have been saying if Trump was assassinated? 

Today, our nation dodged a bullet but the man who wanted to be a dictator didn’t

It’s interesting to note that no cities are burning, no storefronts have been looted, no riots have broken out over the attempted assassination of Trump.

Can we with certainty say the same would be true if the assassination attempt had been directed at Biden?

That you or I are uncertain about the answer, suggests an uncomfortable truth.

We “know” ANTIFA, BLM, Queer-Transexuals for Sharia and whatever other organizations, are in fact enforcement arms of the Democrat party. We simply dare not say it out loud because to do so causes an unpleasant reaction.

Anyone saying that, is immediately called bad names, de-platformed, de-monetized, de-banked (if possible), Doxxed, taken to court, and called a conspiracy theorist nut job.

Whoopi Goldberg 640x480 1.While I don’t particularly care for Alex Jones, he’s kinda the poster boy for what happens when you say something powerful people don’t like.

Right, Wrong, or otherwise, Jones has as much right to speak his mind as anyone else.

To me he’s akin to the dude in the public square preaching “the end is near” He believes Sandy Hook was a false flag event, to fuel more gun control.Alex Jones

How is that belief any different from the dude who believes Aliens abduct him twice a month and put things up his butt?

Or that 9/11 was an operation perpetrated by the United States to create a war for profit, and that the buildings were blown up with thermite.

If you look at the photos of the Pentagon on 9/11 where is the plane? More appropriately where is the debris from the plane? Surely the entire plane didn’t dematerialize on impact. When other planes crash there’s always a trail of bits and pieces left all over the place. 

Angry joe biden sotu mar1 22 fist getty 640x335 1.The difference is that Jones, reached tons of people, Jones hurt people’s feelings, Jones may have on more than one occasion correctly called out other shit the government did, that the government didn’t want to be well known.

Alex Jones is no different in my opinion than Howard Stern used to be. They’re both Shock Jocks who made money being controversial.

Leticia James.One, is a leftist, the other is rightwing. 

It’s easy to see which political position is favored.

Democrats agree.There is a long and unpunished list of left leaning actors, media whores, politicians, and talk show hosts who have literally called for or implied that Donald Trump be assassinated.

Some of these people called for Trump to be assassinated while he was a sitting President.

Kathy griffin trump_TylerShields.There was a time when any threat against any sitting president would get you arrested, handcuffed to a chair naked, sprayed with ice water occasionally, all while  answering questions from the FBI and Secret Service, then you’d get to spend time in front of a judge.

That time is past, or was.

Now those same actors, politicians, media whores, and talk show hosts are expressing their outrage about rhetoric and they’re trying to make it sound like Trump, MAGA, and their fevered dreams of some boogy man white supremacist army, are the ones responsible for all the hateful rhetoric.

They’re not. This morning, it’s obvious! 

Because if any of what the left claims Trump and MAGA are all about were true. Blue cities across the nation would be in flames, and ANTIFA / BLM / MS13 and illegal immigrant bodies would be piling up like cord wood.

Kamala Harris 1 640x480 1.CNN, FOX, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, and CBS would all be broadcasting images of empty sets and anchor chairs with shots echoing in the background.

Washington D.C. would suddenly have an example of what a true insurrection looks like, and Biden would be eating ice cream in the White House bunker.

These Politicians and Talking Heads better be thanking whatever deity they pray to that the conservative folks on the Right, pissed off as we might be, are not like them.

We don’t believe the ends justify the means. We still have some semblance of moral code and our moral compasses point mostly North. We believe in the rule of law.

Even when the law has been perverted and twisted in the pursuit of destroying one man, we believe that a higher court will see justice done.

We also believe that those who twisted and perverted the law will be punished by higher courts.

We believe in the voting process. We may believe that there were serious voting irregularities in the last elections but we believe that changes to voting law are the proper mechanism to fix irregularities, not rioting and burning cities down.

I should also point out that independent state audits of election results in Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania have recently concluded there were miscounts and large numbers of illegitimate ballots. The significance of these conclusions is yet to be determined.

So lets just recap:

Trump may have had a point when he disputed the election results. Many of his allegations were not actually heard by a court. They were dismissed out of hand. Look it up. The Media has painted a picture that Trumps concerns were heard. If that’s true, then why have investigations turned up significant irregularities? Shouldn’t the courts have already ruled on the matter?

MayorkasTrump has been censored by big tech. For that matter, so have Average Americans.

When average Americans went off and built their own conservative platforms, those platforms were destroyed by big tech because god forbid, a conservative viewpoint that made sense and resonated with a lot of people might gain traction.

It took Trump building Truth Social and Elon Musk buying Twitter to loosen the tech strangle hold, and that loosening was just enough to allow the American people the ability to breathe.

Maxine waters 2 640x480 3 11 20 getty 640x480 1.Trump has been Impeached twice

Trump has been dragged through the court system.
In one trial the bankers he was supposed to have harmed with fraud said they’d do business with him again because it was profitable to them.

Another trial he’s convicted on 34 charges for paying off a porn star that he didn’t have sex with,  who still owes Trump money for her breach of contract, and on which the statute of limitations had run out?

Another trial, he’s found “Guilty” of saying “I never met that woman in my life.” After said woman accused him of raping her in a department store. This woman has a history of accusing famous men and not so famous men of raping her. All the others she’s accused have been found not guilty.

Trump has been gagged by legal order and even after various trials he’s still been deprived of his 1st amendment right to free speech.

Trump is accused of being Hitler

Trump is accused of wanting to become a dictator

Trump is accused of wanting to over throw the United States

Biden continues to repeat the “Very Fine People” hoax created by the media which even the media has been forced to debunk and retract.

Screen Shot 2022 07 11 at 3.45.53 PM.The Biden campaign, the day before Trump was shot, tweeted something about Trump being equal to Hitler.

The Economy started going into the shitter the day Biden took office and started his war on domestic energy production.

Immigration started going into the shitter the day Biden took office and started undoing all of the Trump Era controls.

Biden screwed employment, employers and employees with his vaccine mandates.

Biden screwed the careers of a ton of military personnel, and our country’s operational readiness with vaccine mandates. Check out the sudden drop in pilot flight readiness.

Biden and his administration continue to paint conservatives, MAGA, and anyone who disagrees with their policies as “enemies of the state”. Where have we heard that before? In other words 1/2 of the country that Biden is supposedly leading should, according to the Biden administration, be in re-education camps.

Uf6WY6eup qwseuyWA5jLVjgBh6E j6fV0lqA2YObJA 2093847797.Biden loves to threaten that he’s going to use military forces on 1/2 of the United States population should they rise up against his ridiculous administration. He loves to point out AR-15s are ineffective against F-16s. I realize this is a statement of fact, probably the only true thing Biden has said in decades, but honestly, I can’t help but take it as a threat. Oh, and he’d have to violate The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 that prevents use of federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies. I suspect that is why Biden refers to MAGA, and White Supremacists as a “Clear and Present Danger”. That’s probably the only way his administration could get around The Posse Comitatus Act.

Horsepatrol svxqp7.Biden destroyed morale in the border patrol and reduced their effectiveness, then increased the number of migrant deaths at the border when he falsely accused Texas border agents of “Strapping” migrants from horseback. Biden was wrong, he’s never apologized, and Texas border patrol can’t use horses anymore. But wait, there’s more. The immigrants in question were Haitian and the Biden administration was returning Haitians to Haiti so the Haitians thought for a moment the Biden administration would be lenient and merciful but “NO” Haitians get deported.

Biden cost 13 soldiers their lives in his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. Then couldn’t stop looking at his watch when they were brought home in flag draped coffins.

Outbreak coronavirus world Square.Let’s not forget that during COVID, actors, politicians, media whores, and talk show hosts were calling for anyone who was vaccine hesitant to be placed in re-education camps, “For the greater good”. Biden was calling those people “Dangers and Piriahs” on TV weekly.

That was a laugh, while saying that mothers should be able to have an abortion due to bodily autonomy, these same people were saying that vaccines should be forced upon people or that those who refused should be exiled from society. “To hell with their bodily autonomy. It’s about the greater good.

At this point this bears repeating. COVID-19 at its worst was 97% survivable with zero intervention. The younger you were, the higher that percentage of survivability.

Twenty years on pandemic gives 9 11 conspiracists fresh impetus_1630908610.By the way, the actors, politicians, media whores, talk show hosts, and doctors who were so happy to walk all over our freedom and right to bodily autonomy. Who were so happy to demand actions in violation of the Nuremberg code, now would like for everyone to forgive and forget their complicity in what honestly might have been a crime against humanity.

These actors, politicians, media whores, talk show hosts, liberals, leftists, and in general Communistic Democrats are going to be clamoring for an end to the rhetoric because they want to avoid accountability for their words, portraying rioting as mostly peaceful, praising leftist causes, spewing hate, and funding organizations dedicated to the destruction of our society.

13 fallen U.S. service members return home from Afghanistan Screenshot courtesy of ABC News on YouTube.All of this, every bit of the events of the past 8 or so years, would been enough, in a lesser country, to have triggered a violent coup d’état.

Indeed, We are not like them.

The question they should be asking is this; “How long before the conservatives become just like us? How many more insults, how much more blame, how long until they finally collectively say ENOUGH!

On that day, when conservatives have had enough, the world will see something completely “New”.

After yesterday, Robert F Kennedy Jr. better get the Secret Service Protection the Biden administration has been consistently denying him.

But because the Biden Administration has refused to provide protection to another presidential candidate, they’re going to look like shit no matter what.

Someone should tell them, they always look like shit so just give Kennedy the protection he’s asked for.

Oh yeah, that congressional idiot who put forth a bill to strip Donald Trump of his Secret Service protection better withdraw that bill.

Actually, I’d like to see him investigated for any complicity in the assassination attempt. There’s probably nothing there, but I would really like to see one of those congressional fuckers squirm.

Okay I should say this too.

It’s not about Trump. I’m pissed off that my country… Our country, has gotten to this point. Trump just happens to be the lightening rod that is helping to expose how truly filthy and despicable our government has become.

Everything that has happened in the past 8-10 years, is so repugnant to me, so anti-American, were I a time traveler I would ask when Nikita Khrushchev won the war and why aren’t we all speaking Russian?

A Swing and a Miss!

It’s a real good thing that I had a bourbon or two before the SOTU address. Otherwise I’d have thrown a rock through the television. (Shooting a Television as some of my southern ancestors tended to do, is a waste of ammunition. Rocks are easier to come by and you can wind up a nice baseball pitch with them. Or you can just use a baseball.)

My goodness, what a shit show!

If this was Biden’s most important speech of his career (to date) he royally fucked up. Not that I or anyone is surprised by that. I believe it was his former boss that said “Biden can fuck up anything you give him.” Or something to that effect.

His speech did not unify, nor did it comfort a weary country. If anything, I feel it further alienated people who have come to believe that the D.C. politicians are elites who have no concern or care for their constituents.

The President essentially yelled at America for an hour, and he lied about a lot of things that are easily fact checked. 

Biden was an angry senile old man. 

He is not presidential material. As an American, I am sick and tired of being humiliated by this old fool. 

Biden needs to get the fuck out of the White House.

God, Please force them to speak the truth.

I’m tired of the gaslighting. I’m tired of the spin. I’m tired of the lies and half truths. I’m tired of the “Revelations” and “New Information” that is actually old stuff that we all knew, or suspected that was denied, or swept under the carpet.

I pray to God that for one week no one could lie.

It might get us into World War III but damn it would be so refreshing to hear nothing but truth.

For three years we’ve been told the Border is Secure. We all knew it wasn’t. Now suddenly Biden and Mayorkas say the border isn’t secure and it’s the Republicans or Trumps fault.

WHAT THE FUCK? So for the past three years while you assholes had control and Donald Fucking Trump didn’t have control of anything in the government, the border was secure? Well assholes, Trump still has no control over anything in the government so what’s changed? 

Nothing! You’re just admitting what the whole fucking country has known all along. You’re only admitting it now because it’s an election year and you see the handwriting on the wall.

A lot of the American public would probably be just fine with putting you all on trial for treason. If found guilty, the summary executions on the capital steps would probably make a fortune on pay per view.

But now, it’s too late. The damage is done the FBI is telling us that something akin to 9/11 isn’t just possible it’s probable. It’s only a matter of when some terrorist group or groups decide to start setting off bombs, or flying planes into building, or shooting up large gatherings, or blowing up school busses. 

Now, the only way to deal with the problem is to deport every single illegal immigrant without mercy. Oh and their anchor babies too. That necessity will degrade the quality of life for all Americans. We’ll have to have our papers, and present them on demand to every law enforcement officer we encounter. Talk about destruction of the American way of life!

No matter what happens in the upcoming election. Whoever or whatever was running the Biden Administration will have succeeded in destroying this country.

But remember… There wasn’t any border crisis for the past three years. Biden, Mayorkas, Jean-Pierre, and the talking heads on the news told us so. This crisis? Well Trump did it!

Joe Biden according to a Federal Prosecutor shouldn’t be tired for mishandling classified documents because he’s a kind old elderly man with memory issues.

Karine Jean-Pierre says the same week that Joe Biden is fit and does more in an hour than most people do in a day. So which is it?

I’ll choose to believe my lying eyes. Joe Biden is unfit for office. It’s obvious, it’s been obvious from the start and I’ll never understand how he got elected in the first place. I’m no fan of Donald Trump. But DAMN! I’ll take Donald Trump over an empty sock puppet, any day of the week.

The media telling us that everything is fine. The economy is doing well, prices are falling, and if you’re not seeing this golden age you’re obviously a MAGA White Supremacist.

Or that shoveling another trillion dollars into the burn pit called Ukraine and funding Hamas in the name of humanitarian aid while providing Israel weapon systems is right and just. Why do journalists never question that Egypt will not accept Palestinian refugees nor will any other middle eastern country. And how is it in any way Humane for us to be prolonging a war that Hamas started, by supporting both sides?

Typically if an arms dealer does that kind of thing, they’re killed or end up in international court for committing war crimes.

Blaring from outlets and protestors 24/7 is the accepted illogical “fact”; Men can become women, Woman can become men and subsequently “Birthing Persons” but they’re still men. Binary gender is wrong, gender fluid is right. If you go on a date, decide to hop in the sack and find that the entity you’ve brought home does not have expected equipment, you’re supposed to suck it up and make do. Even though you’re not going to be emotionally or sexually satisfied. It’s impolite to say you don’t like Bait and Switch.

It’s not just the politicians, or the media, or even the insanity of society at large.  It’s the SPAM inundating my email, and my mail box.

“Your account is locked… We’ve been trying to reach you.”
“Here is the information you requested from <Insert Name Here>”
“Your package delivery has been suspended…”

It’s the bullshit text messages

Hi Bob, hey I enjoyed our date last night
I’m not Bob, and we didn’t have a date last night
Oh I’m sorry to bother you. You seem kind, would you like to date me?
What about Bob? I’m a Bros before hoes kind of guy. You’re sure acting like a ho.
You’re very mean you should be reported to the police, I’ll say you raped me. Send me 5000.00 in bitcoin and I won’t report you…

And let’s not forget the phone calls.

Hello there you qualify for an electrical service discount.”
Oh really? Since the solar panels on my roof pay for my electrical service are you saying that if I sign up you’re going to pay me more every month based on the KWH I sell back the the electrical grid?”
Well someone in your household contacted us.”
Doubtful unless you’re using a Ouija Board

For someone like me, this kind of crap is literally painful. It’s like having a constant buzzing in your ear that you can’t get away from. It takes cycles out of my brain and sucks up time because I can’t believe what I’m hearing and l have to get to the bottom of it.

The Cognitive Dissonance all this causes is damaging. There have been some studies that suggest continued exposure to Cognitive Dissonance can in fact cause psychological damage.

You can’t turn it off. There is no escape. The constant crashing of lies, insanity, and stupidity is everywhere. From inside your home to screens blaring on top of the gas pump.

It’s no wonder people in this county are medicating themselves into numbness. With drugs(legal and illegal), alcohol, food, or staying in their parents basements looking for the next masturbatory VR thrill. Honestly, I’m not sure I blame them.

What I want is for truth to be normal again. I’m not sure it ever was. 

Failing that, I want to sue the Federal government for creating an unhealthy living environment for me and millions of other people due to their chronic lies.

Obviously I’d like a shit ton of money. But I’d settle for every member of our government having to wear shock pants that were lie detectors.

Shock Pants were created by Scott Adams in the Dilbert comic strip and also appeared in the Dilbert TV series. I’m not sure which appearance came first.

I’d love to watch Joe Biden or Mayorkas or Karine Jean-Pierre or Donald Trump, fry their private parts with Shock Pants or simply tell the truth.

Their choice.